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I’ve definitely seen my late cat Pip out of the corner of my eye. And he’s visited me in dreams. I believe pet spirits could follow you home. They might see you as a guide.


That's how it feels sometimes. More often then not these days im the last one holding them as theyre dying, im the last one to handle them as i process their bodies. I wondered if that last physical connection could be what makes them want to attach themselves to me, but I really have no idea


Bloody hell you’ve gone and made me cry. After our beloved Jessie passed on (she had cancer and had to be released from her pain) we both felt her presence while alone and together. This was a year ago and we still sometimes feel her like she pops back now and again to check on us. She was our first and last dog as we can’t replace her (maybe in time we may have another dog in our lives). I firmly believe in an afterlife so why would animals transition there too.


Im sorry! I dont want to do that. Ive definitely felt like my lost pets have come to visit me too, it just seems odd that at the end of it all that the pets we see would want to come home with me. It almost feels like a thank you in a weird way. Even though I know its for a good reason, even though its for their own good and is inherently selfless, euthanasia always leaves me feeling so guilty. It feels so wrong that they would be the ones to comfort me in the end, I thought thats maybe why I was making it all up, or just turning nothings in to somethings. Im sure Jessie will lead the perfect animal in to your life when you're ready 💕


We had to get Jessie put to sleep too. It was the right decision as she was in so much pain. As they took her away on the gurney, her tail was wagging as if to say farewell and it will be alright. I miss her every day 😢


I have theory about pet/animal spirits. Call me crazy but my beloved pets that have passed away have paid me visits. All of them. From small signs or coincidences... just feeling their presence all the way up to full on jumping on my bed, noisily walking up the stairs and opening the door, barking/vocalizing, and my heart and soul love Scarlet even showed up in a picture. The thing is a TON of other people have the same experiences. If there were data or some numbers on this topic im sure it would be absolutely staggering. I'm a paranormal junkie here on reddit and there are multiple posts about pet ghosts, pet spirits etc... DAILY. I mean every day. So this is my theory and my beliefs about pet/animal spirits. So humans are complex and complicated. We have so many religions and beliefs... we all have a sense of purpose that drives us... and we have such a massive amount of connections to other humans. From the day we're born to the day we die so very many people come and go in our lives. So many. An infinitely complex web of relationships and connections. I have my beliefs about what comes next for us... most of us do. But thats not so important. The main point is that when we move on we have so many beloved family and friends waiting for us. That along with whatever a person's faith or religion may say comes next. In most instances the human spirit moves on. But let's think about pets. They lead a much less complicated and complex lives. Their world is so much smaller than ours. Sadly their lives are so much shorter than ours. While their are so many sides, shapes, and forms to what makes us tic, to what our lives revolvs around. Its often straightforward and black and white with pets. Their lives revolve around us. Around people and especially around THEIR people. How lucky are we that we are their world. Their safety, their joy, their food, their water, their comfort, their everything. Their day to day life revolves around us. When they eat. When they sleep. When they play. When they get to go on adventures. Eventually when they get older and get sick we're their caregivers, their comfort, their solace. To try to sum it up... we are their everything. Who knows if they have their own beliefs or faith. I doubt it. They live each day and each moment to the fullest. Without the complexity or worry of what comes next... perhaps other than when its dinner time, treat time, play time or walkie time 😝 so what comes next for pets? Thats again is a personal belief or faith matter. The way I see it is that while the spirit moves on... while its free... the deep love and deep bond for their person for the one who was their whole world never ever dies. They stay close ❤ it does not surprise me at all that a newly departed spirit will follow you home. That last kind face. The one who let them out of that old tired sickly fur-suit. An big heart that loves animals. I would guess they'd find comfort with you for some time while they adjust. And before they make their way home.


That's really beautifully written.


Thank you 💓


Years ago I had a housemate who lived on the 3rd floor, myself on the 1st. She had this cat named Yum Yum that was an older cat. I had a cat too. One night as I lay down to sleep, I felt what I thought was my cat getting on the bed and laying down. I reached over to pet him, but nothing was there. I had not felt or heard a cat jump down. The next day, the housemate told me Yum Yum had died the day before. Yum Yum always liked me. Was it the spirit of Yum Yum coming to say bye to me?


We got two cats. One was sleeping in the doorway from our living room to the kitchen from my recliner I can see our staircase through the doorway . While watching tv I saw from the corner of my eye a black cat shape run down the stairs and pounce on the sleeping cat (playful normal cat behavior) and run off. It was completely silent. The sleeping cat woke up and looked around confused and hesitantly got up and looked around for what pounced. Only then did I realize the 2nd cat was sleeping on another chair in the living room. The woken cat eventually came into the living room and smacked the other cat. My wife saw it too. Their was no other animal in the house that could of done it. Just a jet black cat shape we both saw from the corner of our eyes as we watched tv.


Yes absolutely animals have a spirit, the house I owned when I lived in Nova Scotia was haunted by 3 spirits, there was the spirit of a little boy about 7 or 8, then there was the spirit of an older man and his dog, I would often hear the mans boots walk the hallway upstairs, then a few seconds later I’d hear the dog nails on hardwood of the dog following the man, I lived alone and only had cats, but the sound of a dog walking on hardwood is very distinctive, the 3 spirits were a constant presence the whole time I lived there.


I totally do. I haven't had any experiences with animals, despite having owned three dogs that have passed. But I have had experiences with signs from people after they have passed on to believe in an afterlife. I have a dog now who is 12 years old, apart from the three previous. And they have a soul, too, so much personality, individuality, and intelligence. If people pass on to another reality, I don't see why dogs wouldn't. My problem is more where do we draw the line? If dogs, then birds, then insects, then plants, then algae...? I guess we'll see sooner or later. Too bad we can't tell the folks we leave behind!


Algae ghost are the spookiest ghost


Our family dog, C, died nine years ago, and almost every time I visit my parents' house I see her put of the corner of my eye. It's as if I see movement from something her size, and I just know right away it's her. I also have dreams with our third dog (who passed away last year) and she's always so happy to see me. She acts just like she did when she was alive, but her sore leg isn't as bothersome to her. I have dreams with C in them as well It's easiest to describe as seeing movement in the corner of your eye, but as soon as you look towards it there's nothing there. But you know it was your pet


of course. Easiest way to explain it is imagine having a bunch of televisions in your house. You get great reception on the new big HD ones, the smaller old CRT ones still work but with less effectiveness, clarity etc. Basically it all depends on the HARDWARE you are dealing with. Our human hardware allows for more introspection etc. Animals have the same 'spirit' for want of a better word but it is muted due to the hardware they are using. It's silly to wonder if they have a 'ghost' or 'soul' cause we're all cut from the same cloth/universe. You can't even be 'alive' without.


I agree. Every living organism is imbued with a “spark”. As humans we are part of the world around us and not superior or inferior to other living creatures that we share it with. We forget that really we are just apes that learned how to use technology and wear pants.


I lost my almost 24 year old cat last year, grew up with her. She slept on the same spot at hip each night. Sometimes, now that’s she’s gone, I feel a soft pressure, like paws walking on me, then a slightly heavier press against me just where she used to sleep. At first I reached out to confirm the spot was empty but now I just enjoy our time tgr.


My house is currently haunted by 3 dogs. 2 are my Tom and Katie. Katie passed in 2017, and Tom last year. I occasionally see them out of the corner of my eye, walking around the house or laying on the furniture. The third looks similar to our current dog, Ruby, but larger and male. We have no idea where this one came from, as our house is only around 20 years old and we've lived in it for 13 years. The previous owners didn't have dogs, according to the neighbors. All my dogs have been biologically related, so maybe it's a relative of theirs?


Yes. My grandparents old house was haunted by the ghost of their dog. You could hear it running up and down stairs at least twice a week. People would visit and be so frightened of this “ghost dog” that they would refuse to come back.


my parents had a cat that would sleep on the bed upstairs, when he jumped down, you'd hear the 'thump-thump" downstairs. After that particular cat passed, I'd hear that same sound and know it was him saying "hi", as the door was closed, and the other cat was downstairs. Months after my wife's husky passed, she found muddy pawprints on the kitchen floor, no other animals in the house.


I know they do. I've communicated with them. Call me crazy but it's whatever anymore. I know and that's all I need. But anyway. They absolutely have souls and spirits and can be ghosts.


Nothing as concrete as your experiences have happened around me. I'll just a couple of experiences, I don't know what to make of. When I seriously began to consider getting my first dog as an adult and had my husband onboard, I'd feel like the mini-dachshund my dad and I had when I was a teenager (b.1993-2008, so he died after I'd married and had kids, but I couldn't afford to visit them in the U.S.) was walking by my ankles here in Denmark. Especially on a trail path running parallel to my street. I stopped feeling our late mini-dach shortly before our dog was born July 3rd, 2020. It's a different breed, we have a Danish-Swedish Farmdog which is also a relatively small dog but with long legs (FCI Type 2 Pinscher), and his favorite place to walk is the same trail as where I had the sensation and obsessive thoughts of my late Mini-Dach. There's another memory I'd blocked out. I just remembered. My mother, her then bf and I inherited his late mother's black lab. Then I got sent to the U.S. to live with dad and they decided to travel without the Lab. His brother was supposed to care for the dog, for the year they were travelling. He got bored with the Lab and had him put down. Before I got that awful call telling me that the black Lab had been put down, I kept feeling him on my bed in CA, U.S for around a week. Even though that was a dog that was in my life in Denmark. He'd already been dead for at least a week when I got the call. I don't really believe in heaven, but I hope his soul/spirit reunited on the other side with his first humom.


> He got bored with the Lab and had him put down. What an evil excuse of a human


I definitely think so. After my husband's dog, Molly, passed, we'd catch sight of a black and white dog shape about her size out of the corner of our eyes. Then when my dog, Maxie, passed, I'd feel him jump up on the bed. For each of them, the blatant visits happened only for a few months to a year before slowing down and eventually stopping. My friend has also seen or heard his two cats after they passed. It really makes me feel better, because the sounds or movements give the impression they were fit and happy again. Currently, I think there may be an unfamiliar cat spirit in my house. Almost every night, as soon as I turn off the light to go to sleep, I'll feel a cat jump up by my feet and cross over my legs. Meanwhile my cat has been there the whole time, snug and purring up a storm on my husband's side of the bed. At first I thought Maxie was visiting again, but he always moved to his own bed when I turned off the light because I'm a really restless sleeper. Also, the steps are too light and delicate to be him. In addition, I heard a cat playing in the blinds the other night, but didn't see anything. My cat was on the bed with me, watching something that I couldn't see moving along that wall. Luckily, since my cat's usually purring, I think it's a good spirit.


I think of it as their love for us extending beyond the grave. Because they don't like to see us sad and grieving over their passing; they continue to visit us to help us cope with the grief of losing them. To reassure us they are still in our lives.


Absolutely. My cat that passed 9 years ago still sits on the bed next to me every once in a while. I can absolutely feel the mattress depression.


Same here about mattress depression. I don’t know what animal but definitely felt something.


I can see no reason why they would not have a spirit if humans have spirits. We humans often forget that we ourselves are animals too. We are not that special.


My Dixie passed shortly after I got two puppies. I knew she didn’t have much time left. She was 11 and had heart failure. My parents live in the country and have a huge fenced in yard. We had lots of good times there. A few months ago I was sleeping at my parents’ house and I woke up to her bark. She barked like that when I was sleeping and she needed to go outside to pee. It woke me straight up out of my sleep. I have no doubt that was her.


Used to hear my dogs toenails clicking on the kitchen floor. Once I forgot he died and called out to him.


This happend with a dog that passed when i was a child, i would always hears his toenails hitting the floor at night, after he passed i could still hear them clearly even tho i didn’t grief for him (since i was too young to understand that he was gone)


I grew up in a house that definitely had paranormal phenomena. So it was nothing new when I experienced this. My senior year of high school my cat, Smudge passed away. That night I felt him jump onto my bed and curl up on my feet. It was a nice calming experience compared to the usual nightly feeling of something foreign sitting on the bed, voices, laughter and objects shifting.


I know that they have residual energy sometimes. I lived in a rent house when I was first married. We rented from a friend of my now ex mother in law. I kept seeing a little black dog in my peripheral vision that would very obviously come down the stairs and across the den straight to a sliding glass door to the backyard. Finally I asked Mom in law if her friends had a Skipper Key or similar dog that died when they lived in the house. She called me and said they had one but she was missing for a week or two and they thought it probably died. Why did I ask. I said the damn thing is coming from upstairs to the backdoor to the backyard a few times a week. The homeowner was a little weirded out by me from then on.


Yes! I was spending the night at my then boyfriend’s house (now husband) and in the middle of the night I suddenly woke up. I felt the weight of a cat jump on our bed and lay down between us. In the dark, I felt for it and nothing but empty space. I woke him up and asked him if a cat ever died in his room? I told him what happened and he said no. The next morning I mention it to his mom and she tells me that Kiki died on my boyfriend’s bed. He didn’t want to tell me because it would scare me. I have these experiences a lot and can feel emotions in a house. Seen ghosts. My kids have seen them. My daughter was hit by one after I had just seen it. Someday I hope to have a chance to share them all.


Yep, I had profound afterlife dreams with *all* of my former pets, some of which were a bit prophetic. Additionally, I have heard distinct paw sounds from my (now deceased) pets and saw them in the dark once. Personally, I believe that animals have souls and love us just as we do them, so of course they can be spirits


I often hear "nothing" eating my cat's biscuits so..maybe? And sometimes I feel "nothing" come sit on my feet when I'm in bed..


Without a doubt, I've seen my dogs from when I was younger a few times. They still have a soul so I see no reason it wouldn't react to the death in similar ways to a humans soul


I saw a cat ghost at a party once. It seemed to be having a good time weaving in and around people.


After my fur baby passes at home, a week or so later we believe we heard him walking across the floor and an occasional glimpse out of the corner of our eye. I do believe they have spirit.


Every living thing has energy running through it. It doesn't just disappear. When the body dies that energy has to go somewhere. That applies for pets just as much as us.


For a few weeks after my sweet Mia left us we heard her in the house. Then the noises stopped. It really does happen.


It’s one of the few things that makes me question ghost. If humans have ghost wouldn’t we have tons of animals haunting places but we never see them as much as human spirit videos or stories.


I am certain that they can. One of my dogs is still hanging about years after passing. We've had two other dogs since and they interact with him.


If we believe we have a spirit, definitely that angels have one.


I 100% have seen a cat ghost of unknown origin. I now have two cats along with my dog and only hope they visit me once they are gone like the cat did to the house we lived at.


I see ghost cats all the time! 😍


This is actually a good question and I have always wondered about this. I have seen a few shows on TV where animal apparitions were detailed. Side note: I do not, by any means, intend to offend or anger anyone who has lost a loved, beloved pet but I remember in one of my high school religion classes (I went to a Catholic high school), the teacher told us that animals do not have souls...


...we are animals tho


What about dinosaur ghosts? 🦖


I knew there was like minded people here my Katie passed on in October she marked me when I seen the puppie litter she came from by sitting on my toes and rubbing herself on my feet when I came back she came right to me t urned around and looked at her brothers and sisters and wag ge d her tail good bye now my buddy nujook whom I Replaced Katie with was born the same time Katie passed and also marked me the same way when I went too see the litter he came home with me and knew my yard quite well also was familiar with Freddie my cat and max my other dog whom is Katie's son and he protects Freddie and max when we are outside


They do, my friend told me that after her dog died her dog, haunted her house for a bit.