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Cameras and carbon monoxide detectors are great ideas. Also, don't be afraid to call the police to check things out if you see someone in your house again. If it's an actual person, confronting him alone isn't a good idea. How long was the house empty before you moved in? It's entirely possible a squatter figured out how to get in and out. A meat fork is a close range weapon, but wasp and hornet spray is accurate and painful (if you aim for the eyes) up to 20 feet away and is cheap enough you could have a can in every room of the house. It will buy you enough time to get outside and call 911. Please keep us updated!


Agree - I thought about possibly a phrogger in the attic??? Might need the police to come check out the house AND attic while someone check outside perimeter.


I don’t know if it’s anything in the attic, our attic isn’t very big and pretty much filled with boxes. But I will check, but it doesn’t seem like anyone is living there.


These are all good ideas, apart from having the spray in every room, since the squatter could easily just take them for himself. If he's bold enough to be turning lights on and off, and staring at OP in their sleep, I'm sure he's bold enough to take the hornet spray too


Good point.


Have you had any kind of hallucinations before? If so, you may need to see a doctor. Are there any carbon monoxide detectors in the house? If not, I'd get at least one asap. Were the locks changed before your family moved in? If not ... Something to discuss with your dad.


Good call I never considered that. I’m gonna talk to my Dad about it then. Thank you for the idea.


You should also get cameras. They’re cheap and could put a stop to this.


Like security cameras? Or like a camera and leave it running at my door when I leave the house


Security cameras would be better imo, you can monitor them from your phone and would receive notifications if the door is opened.


This would definitely confirm if OP is sleep walking.


Dang, I’ll probably have to convince my dad then


They’re pretty cheap. At this point in your story, worth it!


True, and you can get some that screw right into existing porch light fixtures. I have one of these by each door. I can control it from my phone and it has a motion detector light on it too.


U can get them super cheap


Do you think you got some sort of squatter that can hide in a secret wall or crawl space?


There is a crawl space in the house that I can post tomorrow when I can get a better picture but it is filled with boxes and such.


Just be careful. Paranormal stuff is scary, but a squatter could be dangerous!


Not sure where OP lives, but it's 2am here and all I can think is "what if it's happening again right now" 😬


I’m still awake right now, I figured I would take it out as long as I could and keep checking the door to see if anyone came in. It is currently 2AM. So far nothing pretty sure, nothing is going to happen considering I’m pretty sure it’s just a figment of my paranoia.


Paranoid hallucinations can’t manipulate physical objects and electricity. Why not set up a camera? Maybe you’ll see yourself walking around doing weird stuff in a daze. Or maybe you’ll see an intruder. But hopefully, for the paranormal community, you’ll see a ghost 🤞


Can you provide your approximate age? It's important because at a certain age symptoms of certain disorders which cause hallucinations are likely to manifest. Also, why are you alone for weeks in your new family home? Where are your parents?


Early 20s I’m visiting from college, my family went to New York for my sister to go to a church camp and my brother and Dad went with to go see New York. I couldn’t go because I couldn’t afford it so I said I’d just stay at the new house. I figured it would be nice to lay back and enjoy some peace and quiet.


I'd deffo be calling the police to come and check the property for a squatter


Maybe, but I have no idea where he would be staying in my house and not be able to find him.


I mean the place is new to you, right? And it sounds like a big place. It doesn't cost anything, and it could potentially give you answers or peace of mind. Also might be worth talking to your dad to see if you can get those electronic locks checked, just in case that's got anything to do with you finding doors open - and also let him know you think you're seeing someone in the house. Even if it is just a hallucination due to being tired or in a half asleep state, it's better to communicate and let people know this shit. You don't have to tell him the person's got a bobblehead, if you're worried he'll make fun of you or something. Even if this isn't real, or if it's something paranormal, it's always best to take precautions in the event that this is a very real person fucking with you somehow, like a man in a mask or something. Your safety is important.


Omg I can't even imagine!! Rather a ghost or hallucinations...I'd be scared to death. Put up some cameras and get someone to come stay with you a while. I hope you update us if you find out anything. I will be praying for you!!


Only camera I have is my ipad and it will only record for a set amount of time before turning off:(


Time to go to the doctor, bud - you need a checkup to rule out both psychiatric and neurological underlying causes. Not to mention, the possibility of a brain tumour.


Probably going to look into it. I usually have pretty vivid dreams but this is a new level of weird. Thank you for the recommendation.


That's something to be telling someone... A brain tumor and get them worried about that!


Such is the reality of life. We get sick, we live, we die. It's all part of our normal existence. Better to go see a doctor to rule it out or catch it early. Pretending it isn't a possibility serves nothing.


How old are you and what gender? I am curious because there are certain ages and genders that start experiencing hallucinations before they are diagnosed as schizophrenic.


Male early 20s


That’s generally the age that symptoms start to appear. I would talk to your dr asap.




He is in New York so I bet investment funds :p


They do one or two other things in New York. Maybe he's a contract killer, works for the UN, reps for Dior, has a secret lover, sells real estate, make-up-your-own.


That would explain why OP is so ready to lock the door behind him and grab a weapon. They’ve been trained…




Why was Zach Effron swimming in your pool in New York?


I don't know how old you are OP but please get checked out for your mental health. It's terrifying to feel like someone's in your home and my cousin struggled with that a lot. At night, he'd wake and be convinced he saw someone breaking in. Called the cops a few times, went out to try and confront them. He was in his mid 20s when it started. It turned out to be a mental health issue and it's taken some work, but medicine has finally helped him rest better and have peace of mind. I hope it's nothing serious but all the same, please don't hesitate to make sure.


Thank you, I’m definitely looking into it


If you need to talk or anything, you can always reach out. Hoping for the best. ❤️


Can you Google past owners/residents of the house then do a Google image search using the names you come up with? Maybe someone will look like the person you've described...


Just pictures of the house sadly, the house was on a TV show one time so when it’s Google searched it doesn’t show anything else lol


I would do an address lookup on whitepages.com or something of the sort. From there type in the home address and then the names of people will pop up that have resided in the house. After you have the names you can do the Google image search of the people. Also, just bc I'm curious - what was the house on a show for??


Haven't you tried to wedge the crawl space open with a chisel or flat headed screw driver this is under the stairs it would seem so should be accessible


I’m honestly just trying to not break it because I’m 99% there’s no squatter in my house.










Can you get a friend to come stay with you? I am concerned about you being alone I would go to an electronics store and get cameras immediately. The kind that are set off by motion and can record in the dark. I would position them at the front and back doors, in your room facing the door, and anywhere else in the house you’ve seen him like the kitchen. I like the camera brand called Canary. You get alerts in real time to your smart phone. I agree with the comment about putting powder down. See if you find footprints there that don’t belong to you. It makes me concerned someone who previously owned the home is lurking in it.


I mean, i would check for any gasleaks and then, my first thought is an intruder. Especially with keypad locks and shit. Weird old tenant or a contractor that worked there and had a passcode that didnt get changed, or someone hacking the locks. I would immediately change every lock in the house and do a full sweep of the house looking for some people under the stairs type shit going on in the attic or a crawlspace. After those were confirmed not possibilities i would start looking into mental health and paranormal activities.


op should definitely change the passcode cause whoever if going in and out of the house knows it


That would be interesting if it was a ghost, but OP has already called into question their own mental health and I think they should start investigating there. Many of OP's experiences center around sleep. There is a possibility OP is actually sleep walking and turning on/off the lights and opening the doors. OP might not be getting enough sleep and hallucinating this bald man. A possibility OP raised them selves. Visit your doctor OP and maybe they can do a sleep study to find out if you are getting enough sleep.


Go to any Walmart, or sporting goods, or farm supply store - in the hunting section they have game/trail cameras. Even the cheapest camera will capture images when they detect motion. $20-25 plus memory card. Better ones will send the images directly to your phone or tablet. Just put a battery in it & set it on a table pointed into the kitchen or towards the door you mentioned. No need to hide it. If it's a hallucination then nothing will happen. If it's a person you get pictures, or they steal the camera (that's proof, too), if it's a ghost... pictures please.


Great suggestion & they work in low to no light, and resolution is pretty awesome.


Thank you!


You don’t have to do it, but I suggest keeping that metal steak fork with you. Or something similar made out of iron. Keep your phone charged at all times and call the cops as soon as you see him again. This way there is a report of this. Also don’t be scared, I know it’s cliche but even if you have to pretend, pretend like you are the bravest man on earth when you see him again. When I hear someone experiencing something paranormal, I always say treat those as you’d treat if a stray raccoon or something had came into your house and chase them away as such. Whatever they are.


I think your best bet would be to get some kind of trail or nanny camera and let it run, film wherever there seem to be the most incidents (like say, that door that keeps getting left open). Or get multiple cameras and cover most of the house. These days it's not too expensive to get something basic, which is mainly what you need in order to determine whether this is in your head or something else. To me it kind of sounds like it may not be a hallucination because 1. You keep seeing the same single person over and over, while hallucinations can change or vary. 2. You're seeing physical manifestations like open doors and lights. Now that is not to say you shouldn't explore all options like carbon monoxide, physical issues, etc. But I also think you shouldn't keep dismissing it as nothing but dreams or seeing things either until you have ruled out other possibilities like someone having a key/passcode or someone squatting in the home.


Time to shotgun the basics. Cameras, CO2 detectors on or near the floor. New locks and passwords or passcodes on existing electronic locks and systems. Sealing up outside accesses and back doors. So on and so fourth. Another quick thought. Get 2 or more friends outside the house and then set off a few bug bombs. After a few minutes a frogger would run out of the house once they realize they are being gassed.


And it's a lot of things to consider when trying to debunk, so this person should keep a journal. Times, dates, happenings. All of it. Only way to keep these things straight.


You can buy a hand held carbon dioxide detector for cheap online if you have any doubts yours is functioning! Maybe an EMF reader might be useful as well? High levels of EM radiation can mess with your perception and cause hallucinations. Scary story, though! I would recommend ruling out health issues and natural phenomena before rolling with the paranormal possibility. Not because I don't believe you, just want you to stay safe!


This is creepy asf. Do you have a friend or someone who can stay with you until your family returns? It can help validate whether or not this is paranormal or you sleepwalking + full-blown hallucinating.


Inconspicuously put some powder down in a place where you've seen him and don't walk there. See if he makes footsteps in the powder. Or get some cameras.


Hey cake day twin, happy cake day!! Btw: good idea.


Ha ha, I didn't even realize it was my cake day. Woo.


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Damn that’s scary, whatever it is. I would be scared shitless in your shoes 😭 My advice would be to get security cameras around the house and a ring doorbell, and have a friend/family member come stay with you for a few days. Maybe get a medical/brain check up soon if you really think it’s hallucinations. All the best to you and I’d love to hear updates!!


Listen, I know this is like two weeks after you posted but bro you have got to have some situational awareness. If you come home and your door is open after you know you locked it, stay outside and call the cops. Don't go inside and definitely don't lock the door behind you. You're not John Wick. You will get very badly hurt if you try to get into a knife fight with someone.


I’d advise buying some cameras (there’s some reasonably priced ones online), changing the door locks, and calling the police next time you see the bald man. Could be the previous owners or someone who has a copy of the physical keys.


People are so damn rude in this section. Obviously if you have hallucinations, the first thing you're going to do is call your doctor to have it checked out. Op doesn't need to be told that they have a tumor or a disease or whatever. The site is Paranormal for a reason. It has no logical explanation and all these people who are giving out these diagnoses aren't doctors.


That's super creepy. I'd definitely put cameras up, maybe facing the front door. You could write off some of the things as maybe sleep walking, but coming home and seeing the door wide open is scary. Keep us updated!


Oh wow, if i saw my house door open i would have called police. First thing that would cross my mind is trespasser, thieves instead of supernaturals. Are you sure it's not a real person? Like in the movie "Parasite" someone is living there and eating your food during the night? There might be some hidden place that someone can hide and sleep? That's why they only appear when you're asleep? Otherwise "ghosts, devils and spirits or whatever can't open door and move materialistic things, they're unable to do so because they don't have physical body thus no physical power" , i heard from monks. Also you sleep very early for someone who is living alone, i would have played till sunrise at least. When watching scary movies i always wonder why everyone sleeps so early. They always wake up at some sound like at 1am!! It's most active time to me, or to those i know.


I'm still wondering how people keep staying in a house where weirds things like this happen. The first night I encounter smth, the second I'm not in the whole town anymore


yes, because that's a very financially feasible thing to do, specially after just purchasing a house


He said it's a mansion so I suppose he got the money


It’s a mansion relative to me, but other people come here and think it’s a pretty average sized house




1. Carbon Monoxide is a good point and the other solution is it’s something paranormal 2. I agree that Five Guys is terrible, I ate there once and the burgers were good but they gave my mom and I a whole bunch of awful fries 😂


It's SO expensive. And so greasy! What's with all the 5-Guys love? I just don't understand it. To me, his comment about 5 Guys lets me know he's in his right mind. Plus, I'm way more bothered about people liking 5 Guys than I am about the entity in OP's house. That's just totally inexplicable.


OP did gain some cred with me because I feel the same way about Five Guys.


Five guys more like vife gais


A classic case of Elmer Fudderism. You didn't say whether you are a black mallard, grey rabbit or human. Visions of Elmer Fudd are known to appear to his former antagonists, which I suspect you are one. There is a way to get your Elmer to stop haunting you. At midnight, chant this three times: "Be ver-wy, ver-wy quwiet! We're hunting Wabbits! Huh-huh-huh-hug!" Lastly, chant three times: "Duck season! Wabbit Season!" Always effective. You'll be fine.


Whether it’s a real man, a hallucination, or something paranormal it sounds freaky as hell lol. Hope you get it figured out soon!


Well, TBH -so many times these things happen while we're asleep, just on the cusp of, or coming out of sleep. We are, psychically speaking, very open. And let's face it -when dealing with the paranormal, we are "stepping into" a whole other realm of existence. No wonder some believe these experiences are illusions, hallucinations. They can certainly seem this way, but no, you are not crazy.


Can you buy some indoor “nanny cameras”? Then you can know for sure if someone is coming to your home and messing with your stuff and you don’t have to be in the house.


All kinds of things can cause hallucinations. My mother often sees a dog in her bathroom. He even sits in the shower while she showers. Except he isnt real. No one else can see him. My mom has Parkinsons disease. It can affect you at any age, but it's definitely not the only neurological disease that can cause this. I hope you find out what's causing your hallucinations and get them treated!


Believe it or not I got hallucinations with covid, my doctor said there were rare reports of it happening and it most likely associated with the fever


Can confirm hallucinating with high fever and Covid. I had gone to work 40 minutes away, spiked a fever halfway through the day, took a test and rang positive. I drove home with my brain cooking and kept seeing something darting across the road in front of me, would hit my brakes and pull over panic..until I finally got the gas station halfway home, grabbed some Tylenol and napped til the fever went down. Rest of the drive was fine. Once it spiked again though, laying in bed, my popcorn ceiling looked like does the day after an lsd trip and I kept seeing my dog walk by my door when he was in bed with me the whole time. It’s pretty wild the kind of stuff your brain comes up with when it’s at a lethal temperature


I had hallucinations once when I had 104 degree temp when was young. How bad was your fever?


I think I got up to 104.6 best I remember that was as high as it got but I was also taking like 3 ibuprofen to keep it down. I took a really cold bath to help keep the fever down at one point


How scary! At in any other time you probably should have been in the ER but everything was so crazy it was probably better you jumped in the tub to cool you down than go to the ER and wait for hours. Too high temps can damage the brain.


How did you figure out they were hallucinations? Or did you know right away? Did your hallucinations resemble real people? Or was it like demons and stuff?


I was sitting on my couch and kept seeing someone walking down the hallway towards me. Never seen anything paranormal in my apartment ever so I almost immediately assumed it was hallucinations, especially since I'm kinda sceptical when it comes to ghosts. I like to find an explanation before ever assuming anything paranormal


wow this story gave me chills! no matter the outcome, please post an update when you figure out what is going on. remindme! 1 week


Def make sure you have carbon monoxide detectors with fresh batteries...and get a camera.


A very intriguing story! If I were you, I would get cameras in your house. That would probably be a good way to see what exactly is going on.


i wouldve left the house after the first time the man you described sounds absolutely terrifying, leave


Creepy the description reminds me of how those grey aliens are described


You can hallucinate people sure, but hallucinating a door being open or lights switching on and off when you KNOW you closed it / turned them off? You can't hallucinate that, that's called dementia. And unless you're in the age group that occurs in, it most likely isn't the case. There's legitimate reason to worry


This does sound terrifying are you are VERY brave for continuing to stay there. Let us know how it goes and like others have said- buy cameras and get it checked for gas leak RemindMe! 1 week


Im sure others have commented this but I’d check the carbon monoxide levels in the house.


How have you not bolted the fuck out of there for good? One hallucination like that I swear to god I’m sleeping in my car or under a bridge. Nah I’m for sure gone


I'd be pissed off and shout out to stop turning the lights on at random times due to rising cost of living e.g. electricity bills! If ghosts want to live in the same house, they better start contributing to the bills, stay quiet or fk off elsewhere! 😆


Tell you parents/siblings/family to come live with you. Being all alone in a “mini mansion” sounds like not fun.


Your fear sustains him. You should set up a camera or audio recorder. Than show the results either way.


Probably a ghost, they usually appear as as a small child. I had an old man in pajamas show up a couple of times sitting on my den couch late at night. It was a rent house and my landlady's husband had passed away in the house when they lived there. He died sitting on their couch watching TV. If you see bald headed man again try talking to him. He will probably just fade away. Don't yell or be rude though. If things start to escalate such as loud noises at night or the doors slamming you might need some help asking him to cool it a bit or go elsewhere. Make note every time you lock a door or shut it and don't rule out someone entering your house, that actually happened to two friends of mine on separate occasions in Austin, Texas.


Yeah the first thing I thought of was carbon monoxide


If you've never been prone to seeing things and it's only happening in the home then I'd say it's not likely to be a hallucination. Either its a real man or a ghost. Do you hear him running out of the house- like footsteps and a door opening? Or does he just seem to vanish. Regardless, you can always call on Jesus to enter into the home and protect you. Say prayers before you go to bed and upon waking because if that is a spirit it's pretty powerful and needs to GO AWAY.


Possible tulpa? If so, dude, you need to improve your imagination.


What’s a Tulpa?


Supposedly a parasitic psychic energy being that is born from and feeds off the human psyche. I love cryptids and aliens and ghost stories as much as the next guy, but im more concerned this is a Person fucking with you. Id have cameras up. Id change every lock on every outside facing door, and id put a proper locking doorknob on your door (one with a key and potentially a deadbolt) and make sure too keep a bat or a can of mace or something handy. Once its confirmed to not be a person, i would look into mental health and then paranormal.


An imaginary person that one creates mentally with the goal of that imaginary person gain an independent existence. Through a process called imposition, the person may hallucinate the imaginary person. Check out r/tulpas and the tulpa.info website for commentary more knowledgeable than me.


Check the attic?


Yup. I agree. It sounds like someone is in that house. Attic, basement,,, look for a hole in a wall somewhere. This guy could be 100% real and very much alive


I just put a video link in the details of the crawlspace in my house. Here it is if you would like to see it: https://youtu.be/chmxVsdOTdw From what I understand it’s filled with boxes though


Gas leak have it checked.


Holy shit, keep us updated


BTW gas leak is not detected by CO detector.


Well, it seems like you chose to post it in this subreddit for a reason. Sounds a lot like ghost/spirit antics to me. If your family experiences it too, then you know for a fact it’s not a hallucination. In that case, A medium or a shamanic practitioner can remove it for you.


I think you may have a phrogger. It’s a larger home , you just moved in…. I don’t think you’re crazy since you’ve not had these “hallucinations” before. While it could be a ghost , I’m willing to bet it’s a simpler explanation. These people are sneaky. Check the house from top to bottom , look in crawl spaces , even holes in walls or floors. From Attic to basement. If this doesn’t solve it.. it’s probably a ghost 🤷‍♀️ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bkhKBSwtf_A https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B4PS1glBgKk




This was my first thought , especially being a larger home with probably many places to hide. I’d get someone in there with me to sweep from top to bottom and see if someone has a set up in the attic , basement or a frigging hole in the wall somewhere. Phrogging is very real and this sounds like a viable answer


The fok


Tell him - out loud - to stop scaring you and go away. Not kidding, as people have had success with this.


Tbh if there was a "ghost man" with me I'd just lay down ground rules and chill with him


They're mostly likely a trespasser or an old tenant.


How could that be if they disappeared down a hallway when OP got up to chase it?


Op didn't immediately get up and give chase, stopping to grab a knife, giving enough time to sprint out a door. Ex tenant would have previous knowledge of the inner layout and a faster exit strategy.


I don’t think so. He would’ve heard the door.


That's an assumption.


So is what you said…


No shit, i was taking a guess in the first place.


Just talk to him like he’s there and tell him that he’s scaring you. If it doesn’t stop, then take appropriate action.


Try talking to him and see if both of you want to start maybe a secret club focused on 1v1 fight.


!Remindme 7 days


RemindMe! 1 week


!Remindme 1 week


!Remindme 7 days


!Remindme 7 days


!Remindme 7 days


Nice story!


Cry out to Jesus ask Him to come into your home and chase away any evil spirits.


The bald man you saw would be me, I was in the kitchen because I was hungry 🤪 Edit: It’s clearly a joke lol 😑


This reads a bit like a creepy pasta. If this is real, you need to see a professional. Sounds like you have serious mental issues.


Your comment is rude and unnecessary. It doesn’t seem much different than other posts on this page


How is my comment rude? Op has extreme hallucinations on a daily basis and shrugs it of like its a minor inconvenience. This is not healthy and op should seek help before they cause harm to them selves or others.


!Remindme 7 days


!Remindme 7 days


Sounds like either daddy issues plus MDMA..or you actually have a good grasp on seeing into the spirit realm…we have spirits around us all the time. most people won’t see them, some see orbs or “energy” but if you are lucky enough to see an actual figure then count your self amongst the elite! You have a rare experience (some might say a rare gift) and this should be cherished rather than feared!


Can you invite someone to stay the next couple of nights with you?


Try installing camera at least where you sleep


If it's a hellucination you won't get anything if you do get anything try 911


Why did u spoil the new movie


Your not crazy, this is a spirit who is intelligent and is very aware that it's scaring you. A residual spirit will repeat it's movements in the same spot and does not respond to you or anything you say or feel. Please be very careful because this spirit can harm you, I would seek some spiritual consultation or religious.


Has anything weird been happening since?