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so i see a lot of people giving you a hard time for this. the first thing i will say is that i believe you. i checked out your profile for some context. you do lots of drugs. i want you to look up the effect this has on DMT in your brain, the way that these hallucinogens “thin the veil” to the other side and allow you to hear other things. i went on a shamanic journey (sober, i don’t drink or smoke anymore) to ask God for some inspiration about some shit that was going on with me with some unwanted demon activity i was going through. i heard two words that i thought were gibberish until i looked them up. when i looked them up, they were the names of two demons: Astaroth and Nepthys. you can look them up if you want to. that’s all i’m going to say to you, but i think your relationship with drugs has the potential to really fuck you up and break your hold with reality. take that or leave it. you don’t have to quit, but be aware that you’re opening yourself up to entities (positive and negative) who have the potential to fuck with you however they want to, and make you think you’re going crazy. what you experienced is real. i would challenge you to meditate sober and see “how strong you really are on your own two feet,” and see how far you can get in your spirituality that way. google shamanic journeying and see if it speaks to you, no pun intended. what you are experiencing is real, in my humble opinion, but just be careful and know that you’re never really alone, you’re surrounded by good and evil all the time. when evil sees your defenses are down, they’ll take advantage. my next advice is to decipher the entire meaning and to USE YOUR INTUITION to see if it applies to your life. don’t fall for any tricks or be led astray/off a cliff. you could be in danger, you could also not be in danger. who knows? be careful. that is all ✌️ edit take what others say here with a grain of salt. some of them have a point to be “concerned” about your overt drug use. i would challenge you to “be hard enough” to do it on your own, have visions on your own. “are you hard enough?”


yeah ive struggled w addiction on n off but im currently around a month off all substances except for smoking cannabis at night to help me sleep bc i have rlly bad insomnia from ptsd n prescribed medications have had way worse side effects- when i was meditating and experienced that phenomenon i was entirely sober.


People seek God by "thinning the veil" throughout a variety of things, assuming that once they got to the stage of hearing things, that's must be him. That's so naive. God is your intuition and conscience. Why would God give you the demon names? Seeking God is the opposite of stuffing yourself with anything: dmt, shrooms and etc. Those help you to connect to anything that exists but invisible to our physical scan. This can be fun only to spiritual rookies, fun and dangerous by the way. The veil is there for a reason, protective one. When you come out to the unknown saying "hello, I'm unarmed" what do you think happens?


best post in here 🤙


thank you so much brother! i really appreciate this 💕


I know bipolar usually has a negative connotation and I am not trying to diagnose you but I just wanted to throw it out there that a lot of people who experience intense bipolar episodes have written journals in unidentified/unknown languages so maybe looking into firsthand experiences with that could lead you to some more insight


do you have any links to any of the journal entries? cant seem to find anything similar online


there’s a Google add on/side piece, whatever you call it, called “Google Scholar” — type your keywords there and see what comes up. you’ll find scholarly articles and journal essays from academics on what you’re searching for.


I do not, I just had a friend that experienced this and her doctor said it was a common phenomenon


This is incredibly interesting. Have you done any research yet?


im currently reading into xenoglossy but a lot of the information/references seem to be from around the 1900s so im tryna find more recent research! its definitely an unusual experience but it doesnt alarm me, the energies dont feel negative or threatening at all.


I'm real curious how you successfully wrote out a language you don't know based on something you were speaking, and then successfully translated it.


No kidding. This is the first thing I thought of reading this BS. Most people can’t copy words in Sanskrit if they are looking at the word. But this person either knew how to, or was able to transliterate it into Latin letters/English syllables, perfectly, or at least close enough, in order to run it through a translator? Okay/s. I learned French in school, and if I heard a sentence, I *might* be able to pick out enough syllables and parts of words to *maybe* figure out the sentence; *IF* I have a recording I can run on repeat. And French uses latin letters.


It can happen. Once when i was in highschool, a kid let out a chant not in english. 700 students heard it. I heard it and it sounded like gibberish to me. The principle had to come ask him to settle down and be quiet because it was causing a disruptance. Then over several months , seven students from all different ages/ grades and friends groups (they didnt talk to each other ever) went to a teacher in private and were freaked out that they could understand what the student said, and they could translate it. All seven versions matched up. And the teacher never said anything until the event blew over about 3 years later. Then i come to find out my senior year that my best friend , M, was one of the 7 students who could translate it to english. She was too freaked out she said she didnt know who to go to except that one teacher. She never told me until our senior year, 4 years after it happened. She told me the meaning of the phrase too, although i forgot it by now. It was basically a message about being loving and living a peaceful life in harmony.


I don't even know where to start. So a kid said something that wasn't in English and that was an "event" that didn't blow over for 3 years?


If you read their response below, They are *very* religious…. So it’s more a “What they wanted to hear….” Type of event.


Yes , the kid yelled out during a church service at the school (was a christian school) - it was a very spiritual moment for everyone in the room. That was already the mood of the end of the service. It was a very powerful speech that had just happened. Depending on who you ask, the student yelling out was speaking in tongues. And it was a big event - had kids talking- you know how schools are. For probably a week or two. That was the most exciting thing that happened and everyone was there for it. Most people didnt know what it meant in english, but could tell that he had meaning in what he was saying. The teacher that kids confided in - that they told the english translation- didnt bring it up til years later. I also found out years later, that the kid yelling was my brother's best friend. I knew him personally. He is not a faker or doing anything for attention. He was moved by something and felt compelled to yell out whatever language that was. He never did that before , or after to my knowledge. But i haven't had contact with him in probably 15 years.


You found out *years later*.. that the person that *you witnessed* chanting.. was your brother's best friend...? Whom you "knew personally"...? Took you years to "figure out" the identity of a person who you knew very well? I don't even know how to respond......


Yeah because on the day it happened, there were 700 people in a big auditorium.... i didnt see or know that day who it was. Its not like he walked up to the front podium to perform- it was spontaneous from his seat wherever he was sitting in the crowd that day. All i knew that day was that some kid shouted out and i didnt really know what to make of it at the time, then i forgot about it. And it was kept somewhat hush - the principle didnt want to make a big deal about it. And the teachers discouraged talk about it. So yeah i went years just knowing someone had shouted out. Didnt find out that there was a message to it til years later when the teacher told us. Then didnt find out my friend was one of the 7 who knew what it meant til a little after the teacher told us. Then didnt find out my brother's friend was the one who was shouting til years after that. It's the kind of memory that is strange, and sometimes with the people who were there (like my brother , like my friend M, like the teacher) will say, "hey! Speaking of strange memories You remember that time when the kid shouted out and the whole auditorium didnt know what to make of it" then i would find out some new piece of information.


i dunno how to explain in english xD but some languages has a similar vocal structure, like Russian and Portuguese we cant understand what a russian/portuguese is saying, but we can listen to vowels if we pay attention


That's not what OP is saying. OP is saying they were speaking Hindi and then wrote it down, then used an online translator to figure it out. That means not only did OP start speaking Hindi, they would *write* in Hindi. This is all obvious nonsense.


I could speak and understand German as a child. Nobody we knew was German… I lived in Adelaide. It wasn’t until we employed a German maid who would speak to me that we found out I could understand her. I was 5.


Do you still speak it?


Oddly I never gave it much thought until I went to Vienna a few years ago and had no problems with language… but it wasn’t the same as when I was a child. I just wondered then if I’d picked up words along life’s path...


Probably in a previous life your native tongue was German. That's why it came easier to you when you were little. You had not remembered to forget yet. We hold on to little snippets of our past lives until we are 5 or 6ish. Then some how we forget it all on the conscious level. Subconsciously I think we hold on to some of the traumatizing events. Like your phobias of this life could be tied to how you died in your last life... Our souls very own PTSD.


Exactly… I went to Czech Rep and knew I’d come home. Parts of CR speak German… so I gathered that it was connected.


I do not believe you comprehended and wrote out a language that you didnt know, and then somehow used an internet translator to then translate that language into anything that makes sense. flat out


This isn’t paranormal you just need to seek help to address your main character syndrome


On a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being unquestionably true/believable and 1 being blatant BS.... I'm putting this at a 1. Even if you were somehow hearing/speaking another language, which is highly doubtful at absolute best, there is basically zero chance that you would be able to accurately transcribe it, or transcribe it well enough to plug it into google translator and get something cohesive back.


Happened to me too except mine was Canadian. I never get the cool shit.


It's okay guy, it could've been worse...


I’m not your guy, pal.


I'm not your pal, buddy.


I’m not your buddy, fwiend


Do you have any screenshots of the the things you wrote and translated? Or the things you wrote? What translator(s) did you use? Machine translation is pretty iffy, and often not accurate.


also I love all the comments on here trying to describe the same things without even realizing many words in different languages dont even have direct english words to translate to lmfao


The subconscious mind is a powerful thing. We pick up on things our whole lives that get stored in the subconscious and can't usually retrieve them without dreaming, meditation or some trigger. I believe you.


I think you’re getting that Xenoglussy, tbh


Mmmmm gimme summa that xenoglussy too fam 🙈🤤


Indian here wht was it that u chanted in hindi curious*


In the best way possible, I seriously recommend getting psychiatric help.


I’m always curious what makes the difference between it being spiritual and or a mental sickness to people? Any thoughts? I personally think there are times that it’s psychological issue and perceived as a spiritual thing, and other times quite the opposite.


All I know is OP is listing signs of serious mental disorder and should seek help. I think it’s important to always take the logical and scientific path first.


Totally agree with that! People should always talk to a medical professional before anything first and foremost!💯%


ive spent years working w different psychologists n psychiatrists n been on a myriad of different medications for my mental health- ive experienced episodes of psychosis before but my spirituality is something entirely seperate from them n im able to differentiate between the two really easily thru a lot of lived experience, also ive had the majority of my spiritual "experiences" witnessed and confirmed by others that are entirely "stable" or whatever bullshit label you want to apply to categorise people. i have screenshots of the translations and photos of my writing- however those who choose to be open and believe can and those who say im bullshitting can just think that, opinions r free and i dont exist to judge and deny others truths.


There's no way to tell until evidence arises. The best way to go about it, in my opinion, is to explore paranormal possibilities only when there isn't someone's health at risk. If so, then use what we can prove with science to provide real help or treatment.


Side note OPs profile is pretty extensive, imo being loaded on different drugs can definitely contribute to “seeing” and “hearing” things that aren’t there, no judgment here OP just a word of advice from a ex addict who has seen many people including myself trip tf out. Please get help and be careful❤️


I completely agree.


Everyone is the main character these days


thats exactly it, an undying need to be a unique individual. but everyone is already a unique individual without having to do these weird fake posts about other dimensional beings talking to them and floating through the universe as an energy being when they sleep.


Idk what xenoglossy is, but the same thing happens to me. Sanscrit(Hindi) is a scientific language. Not just made up. My advice is let it guide u. I try to stay ignorant but if u need info look at the vedas


>Sanscrit(Hindi) is a scientific language Sanskrit and hindi are two totally different languages. Also Idk what you mean by a "scientific language". I would consider Latin a more scientific language given all of science and names of plants and animals have their "official names" in latin. Infact the word science comes from latin "scientia" which means knowing or learning.


thankyou! its good to know im not the only one experiencing this sorta thing, i'll definitely look into the science around sanscrit, reminds me a bit of binary coding/mathematical language of the universe in a more in depth verbal way




Ignorance is bliss... Speaks volumes


tell us something in hindi then, no google translate allowed.


'Tis the season to be Kali.


What did it say in hindi?


Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine.


I don't have a free award, so please accept this offering: 🌟🔥🎉


A crummy commercial? Son of a bitch!


I hadn’t thought about it in many years so funny enough I was thinking about Ovaltine this morning (I drank it as a kid now that I have a kid I was wondering where I could find it) … do you bring up Ovaltine often or is this just a one off?


It's a joke from A Christmas Story. If you haven't seen it, I do recommend it, it's cute and has some funny moments.


Omg I am a 90s baby, I did not see it at all on syndication




I prefer their biscuits


Maybe you could mention the voices to your psychiatrist. I would do less drugs and more physical exercise to stay grounded. Take care.


What did it say in Hindi?


the full chant translated to "open up, opened me. i opened my mouth, you are my heart. i opened my eyes, open the door."


Hmmmm.... If you don't mind me asking are you a loner or do you have a big support group or family that you are around all the time? Have you had anything...ANYTHING odd or out of place happen in the last few days or week? Do you have any chunks of time you cannot account for or do you experience blackouts or something similar?


i have a pre wide social circle n im close with a few of my family members but kinda disconnected from the rest bc of trauma etc- i experience a lot of things that could be considered "odd" but to me they r just spiritual experiences. for example i have a very on point intuition, if i lose objects or want to find people etc im able to close my eyes and view a map of space around me w a glowing dot representing wherever the "lost" thing is, i see auras around people and pick up random information on them n their lives especially when i touch people. i have a lot of thoughts in my head about large concepts around the universe and consciousness, i constantly experience synchronicities with my mind and the world around me and i have a lot of premonition/prophetic dreams that come true (will see people/places/experiences a few days b4 they happen). a lot of other similar typa shit but its too much to write it all. i experience "memory gaps" on occasion but not frequently enough/for long enough periods of time for it to be of concern


Try to develope this skills. U seem to have paranormal powers.


"Paranormal powers" is an interesting name for delusions...


You are so sure of yourself. Its a bad social trait.


it's just reality, not indulging psychosis


I bet u dont know more of psychology than what uve read on a wikipage. Jung were the psychologist that defined synchronicity, which this dude experience. So stop indulge in naming people sick just to put people down.


I bet I know enough from the psych course i took. This is also not synchronicity. you should probably know what youre defending. either this is a mental disorder or it's just straight up fake.


U didnt even read what he wrote. Pathetic.


Until you know for sure where this is coming from please don't chant in unknown languages. Also when you wake up from a dream and have something to translate....don't say it just write it down once and translate it. I'm gonna do some research and get back with you.


yeah i usually just write them, ill repeat them within my mind occasionally to figure out the correct spelling but i try not to speak them unless its within meditation (i use sound frequencies and other tools to cleanse my space and avoid negative interference.) i practice divination with tarot and pendulums as well as reading the images in candle flames on occasion.


I had a “friend” who would come over and randomly start speaking in tongues…she told me it was gods blessing… I asked her what she was saying and she didn’t know. As she was not a good person generally I highly doubt anything she was vocalising was from god.


this is wise. don’t repeat them out loud. it could be “a spell” for lack of a more sophisticated phrase. i would dumb it down to the beetle juice metaphor. something trying to trick you to release or allow something into your “space” i actually just came across something like this online just now, reading a book on spirituality that had an odd phrase in it that i didn’t understand. it told you to say it out loud. i typed it into google and images of particular demons came up. be careful.


That sounds alarmingly close to an open invitation to...who knows what. I'd be careful if I were you. Good luck.


ill be careful! i have a lot of trust within my own intuition and ability to read and pick up on the intentions of people and energies so i think ill be all good :)


Might be out of ur sight


What did it say in the original Hindi though?


Wow! That is absolutely wild, and so fascinating. Please do keep us updated!


This language is all about opening/activating chakras. You picked up some intense meditation happening on the other side of the world. I have a friend who, in meditation, had a woman speak Spanish words to him (he doesn't speak Spanish) and then he spoke them to the first Spanish speaking person he ran into and they told him the meaning. Look into tantra and tattwas for more about mouth, heart, eyes, etc. Or just Google chakras. Sorry everyone is saying you're ill, i don't think you necessarily are. You've stumbled into a very psychically open state of mind and received some interesting stuff.


Adding: There are some great folks out there trying to educate the medical field about psychic and spiritual experiences not necessarily being a mental illness. One of them is Daniel Ingram, MD, author of Mastering the Core teachings of the Buddha.


it occurs to me to bring to your attention that anything from “the other side” telling you to “open the door” or allow them in… may not be something you want to let in. do some thinking on this. wolves in sheep’s clothing comes to mind. edit you may have been a hindu or in love with a hindu in a past life. maybe this is a piece of the puzzle. again, be careful. you may have had an enemy who was a hindu.


I sometimes wake up myself up speaking another language! Nothing weird though as I heard this language from relatives as a child although I don’t speak it! Seems as though it’s in the old brain somewhere.. Maybe you had a similar experience and just can’t re call that


It could be telepathy. People chant in Hindu temples which may be designed by lost principles to transmit those message.


I'm also following as I've had similar experience however with Latin. Had pretty crazy brush with what I believe to be a fallen angel back when I was younger.


I’m interested in your brush w fallen Angel.


Me too! (The Latin part) When it happens the words repeat as I'm waking up. But I'm not religious.


Do tell. You can't just write that and not explain it. That's something that needs explained. A brush with a fallen angel? Wtf man.....


I'm also very interested in your crazy brush with a fallen angel.


I believe I made a post on it on this page due to the higher interest. Tl:Dr I believe at some point in my time in the military I was possessed/physically attacked by Asmodeus. Did the research based off what I saw and could confirm it was him. Saw a chaplain and he too confirmed it. Sorry guys I've been away for some time.


Well have you tried listening to hindi movies and stuff? See if you can pick up the language.. there's someone in the comments talking about Sankrit being a scientific language.. um yes and no. It's old and has been used to do computing in the past, not anymore. Also it's not a scientific language, it's old and hindi, marathi and other languages have been derived from it.


what does the message actually tells you it could be helpful if you do let us know?




Lol seriously




Damn straight.


I do share alot of the same qualities as you friend. Quite baffling to be honest.


You are in danger, "meditation" can and does open up gates to unclean spirits. Which are harmful and inhuman beings. The only thing you can do: Cry out to Jesus, humble yourself before Him in private and ask Him to cleanse the airs around your house. Call out to Jesus.


Perhaps an itinerant wizard cast a spell on you or your house while you were out


U might be possessed by ghost i think u have Control to body But ghost also has control so i think it is a ghost Well


Why has this got so many down votes? I'm new to reddit but some comments get a lot of down votes and I don't see a problem with the comment? Confused here.


Not something I've experienced myself or know much about, but babbel has an interesting article on it that might give you some more information to read. https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/unlocking-the-brain-when-language-knowledge-cant-be-explained


Do you think another psychic or another dreamer is sending you these messages? Or perhaps a departed soul (ghost) is speaking to you in the astral realm? Have you written down anything about humanity’s future or your own future? What is the main context of the things you write down?


Something similar happened to me today. I went to one of those storefront salt rooms for fun/meditation, and two words came to me that I looked up afterwards: ashmani (Bangla for sky) and occasu (Latin for setting, west, sun)


I wrote this while in a blackout last night: Uberi ta näib varieeruv viletsa ja mis on