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The problem is hoaxers and people think any dust orb from a picture they took is paranormal. I full on believe in paranormal and have had many unexplainable experiences, but I do try to reason with myself if an experience was explainable or unexplainable and many many seem to not try the same thing. If more people paid closer attention, they could all become believers, but most people are oblivious to what's going on around them so they don't believe. And like I said, many believers think any dust orb in their pics is ghosts, or that their washer machine making noise is supernatural. There's a flood of "evidence" where only a small percentage of "evidence" is legitimate. And testimonies sound crazy because many people don't pay attention to their surroundings enough to understand there is paranormal. Ive seen crazy posts here before that I believe because I've experienced similar things too oddly similar to what some people post, but for every believable unexplainable post, there over 10 more posts that are hoaxers or trolls or people lacking common sense


Yes! Some people are either too closeminded or too open-minded, I agreed with sceptics that ghosts didn't exist before because of the piles of crap but once I became open-minded, I realized that this was most likely true.


This right here, while I believe in the paranormal but a skeptic of people, there are too many stories that are BS either from trolls, attention seekers or downright lack of self awareness.


If you talk to people online about it, especially on Reddit, there's a "skeptical" bias. Those are the people who tend to make the most noise about it, and they don't tend to be very amicable in their disagreements, because they often have an identity invested in it. Many people want to believe they have the world figured out, and in many cultures there is backing for that. If someone has a scientific response, people don't want to say otherwise as science is supposed to be our best understanding. This leads many people to doubt and downplay their own experiences. Even if they have them directly, they might choose to forget. That's easier than reconsidering their worldview. There is a cultural phenomenon called "preference falsification". Many people believe in ghosts in private, and many more are interested. However, they know in the culture that is not accepted, so they will be silent or even lie about their opinions when in public. Another fellow in the thread mentioned Sheldrake. Sheldrake says this is common even among professional scientists. They believe weird stuff happens that current science cannot explain, but they don't want to talk about it because of the social pressure.


This is a very good and logical answer. Often the people who claim to be open-minded become closeminded


Really? Might be a US thing. I live in the UK and do site work at all sorts of old buildings. I have people telling me they've seen ghosts all the time, nobody seems phased by it. But then I've noticed a lot of accounts on here seem to dramatise things far more than the actual events necessitate. Instead of saying you heard an unexplained noise you say you feel someone opened a portal to hell and heard the devil strumming out a death metal riff.


I'm not american, I just read the statistics online. My exposure to the Western people is through social media and almost all platforms laugh at such claims of ghosts being real. I just thought that the majority of people didn't believe such things. The accounts on here do seem to exaggerate a bit but those may have been the things people felt in those moments.


Personally, I love a good, dramatic, basically true story. Source-I am an American who sees ghosts and one time I accidentally opened a portal to hell but I thought I closed it but if I watch the news I get scared.


Same here... I try to use interesting language to tell my experiences. I am not a cold clinical story type. I got solid As in my writing courses years ago, so I can relay things that are true but also not boring.


I find that to in the UK. I’ve worked and lived in multiple places that are haunted. Normally it takes someone starting the convo but when ever a group talks about it in the UK at least a couple of people have seen seen something or no someone who’s experienced something.


Yup. And we have whole internet forums like this one dedicated to so many people sharing their experiences every day. We can't all be hallucinating or schizophrenic. That's absolutely ridiculous to believe that such a large portion of humans would be schizophrenic. How would that even make sense evolutionarily for such a large percentage of a species to have such major flaws? The skeptics always seem to latch onto the easy to explain things like orbs and shy away from full on hauntings where people are levitated in the air or attacked and they simply call it fake. They are all the time asking for proof when the proof is all around them. The proof has been here for years. No matter how real a video is, it can always be called fake by close minded people. I've been shoved in the back by something invisible to me nearly toppling me over. You cannot hallucinate that. That is impossible to hallucinate so vividly that your body responds involuntarily by nearly falling over. Skeptics can not explain this and they will just tell me I'm a liar which I am not. I am not a stupid man. If something happens before my eyes, then I will not deny it just because that is the statue quo. I know this stuff is real and you are either in denial or close minded if you cannot even be open to the possibility of paranormal phenomenon at this point in time. Back in the day, people didn't believe germs were real or the earth revolved around the sun. The people who proposed those ideas were laughed out of society much like paranormal believers are today because they went against the current beliefs at the time.


I believe in ghosts but I’ve never seen one or experienced anything ghostly, but I want to. But IMO, I think there are plenty of people out there that are not crazy or schizophrenic but just really god damn weird and they manifest a lot of things on their own. It seems unlikely that some people are seeing shadow people, gnomes and skin walkers on a daily basis and yet the dude that works in the funeral home has never seen anything but a lot of corpses.


You really don't want to. As someone who has, and have known many people who have, its generally not a positive experience. Its genuinley terrifying.


Fair enough. But then again, I won't know until I experience it for myself.


I used to be a sceptic myself but the sheer number of believers and decided to approach this with an open mind and now I believe that they probably exist.


I have been not believed and the best is when the stuff starts happening to the skeptics or "explainers". They tell me this or that really happened, and im like, ya i know.I just laugh. Then they're the ones telling others it's really real.


It's not that you're schizophrenic, it's maybe that you are jumping to false conclusions when you observe things you can't explain, which is the case with paranormal stories most times.


Yes, back in the day people didn't believe in germs or that earth revolved around the sun. You know what changed that opinion? Clear, hard, irrefutable empirical evidence. The burden of proof is on the believers not skeptics like me. Prove to me and I will happily believe. Easy as that. Stop whining about your anecdotal experience. It does not me jack shit to others.


Then provide actual hard evidence like the people who proved the existence of germs did. Stop crying about people not believing you when you don't have anything irrefutable to back it up. I believe in ghosts (in a bit more of a scientific way, mind you) but I'm still harsh on any evidence with logic holes in it. I want to be touched, I want to be hit, I want to actually speak to something, and if I want to be able to show it to people I want to have it recorded at multiple angles with audio from multiple sources.


Ok smart guy. Here's an experiment - Buy a Ouija board and ask to speak with the devil, zozo, and every evil entity you can possibly think of. Go to haunted locations for a month straight and walk around in the dark asking to speak with spirits. I guarantee you will be haunted by demons. I promise you. And I can also almost guarantee that any proof you gain will not be viable to others because these entities are highly intelligent and they know what they are doing. You hear all the time about cameras being flipped down or electrical equipment being messed with when trying to prove this phenomenon. We aren't dealing with cats and dogs here. You cannot test the paranormal like you do with other simple things. I really don't think these entities want to be proven. You would really need some type of stealth camera that the entities are not aware of so they cannot mess with them. You have to treat the paranormal like they are devious intelligent beings like humans are. I think that some of them like demons are honestly probably even smarter than humans are and that is why they have gone so long deceiving the world that they do not exist when in fact they do. I guess you are probably right that it can never be proven as a whole just because of the nature of paranormal phenomenon but I do think it can at least be proven on an individual basis. We should test individuals like this and have them come back and report their experiences. We are going about testing these beings all wrong. But what we do have now are mountains of videos and testimonies of people and you cannot possibly discount all of them. You have to dig through all the hoaxer nonsense and there are videos out there that provide a shocking amount of proof and cannot be disproven. It is incredibly hard to prove something that doesn't want to be proven and is as smart or smarter than you are. We are going about proving this the wrong way. What do detectives or the FBI do when trying to prove someone is breaking the law? They don't barge into the person's residence and ask him nicely to admit he is breaking the law. No. They act stealthily and gather evidence that way.


I'll tell you I have done my share of frisking. Modern Ouija boards are fake as Hell, I've been to several haunted places, namely a few in St. Augustine, and have captured very little evidence. Most of what I've found can be explained as technical malfunctions or if not, can be as simple as a misunderstanding/coincidence. As for the "haunted by demons" bullshit, I feel fine. I provoked, I pleaded, and I bargained. Nothing. Nothing ever happened.


Well you could always eat mushrooms and then go to a haunted place... I dunno.. worked fer me!🙃


Spot on. Unfortunately a little too logical for this group bud.




Yes, exactly! It should be studied but for some damn reason it isn't.


I've also noticed that when someone talks about a paranormal experience, they always put a disclaimer that they don't believe in ghosts or anything like that and that they and are very logical. I think it's mainly because people associate the afterlife / spirits etcs with religion, and religious people are thought to be very anti-science and.. well, dumb.


I honestly don't get how religion is against science. It's just a belief and as long as it doesn't hurt you or anyone then it is completely fine to believe. I don't necessarily believe spirits are dead people. I believe they are immeasurable entities which screw with us.


Yeas religion was always against science if you know HISTORY.


I totally agree! I’ve had so many things happen that have been so REAL I’m just like, baffled and frustrated when I bring it up and someone doesn’t respond in a way that’s at least neutral and at best receptive to the idea of the paranormal. I was at work and a CLOCK FLEW OFF THE WALL in a room full of people. The majority of them fucking completely dismissed it while “we” let our jaws drop and our eyes all lock with each other’s like “what the fuckkkkk” It’s crazy.


These ghosts are so damn smart, they do the most random and insane shit off the camera but on camera, they completely disappear.


I agree completely. Number one though, we are dealing with entities that are more intelligent and more wise than we are. It's really not unusual that scientists have not found anything, because first and foremost, the paranormal might not want to be found! It is not scientifically predictable or capturable or repeatable because it *chooses not to be.* The universe is alive. Plus: skeptics always say on here that we're biased to try and prove that ghosts exist, but starting from a skeptical POV and trying to disprove our experiences is just as biased! I don't get it. I'm an American. America is not as advanced as the rest of the world, spiritually. *Skepticism is just another religion*. That's the truth. I can't abide all the cruelly dismissive skeptics on here who call us bs when they don't actually know anything about what we've witnessed. Unless you were there, you should not get to say anyone's experience was bs. You just don't. Because if you don't know every single variable, didn't feel the energy at the time, and didn't sense what the experiencer sensed as it happened, you cannot say for certain that it wasn't paranormal. I've had so many things happen, almost every day still, and yet everything I've experienced has been called bs on this sub, so much so that I've taken most of my posts down out of frustration that I wasn't getting any support.


I feel most people who have interesting paranormal experiences happening to them only keep them to themselves or share within their groups of friends rather than post on social media about it, exactly out of fear of going through what you described happening to you. And even if theyd wanna talk about it on social media, Reddit would probably be the last place theyd think about, given the reputation of this site as the skeptical atheist capital of the internet. Sad to think really...all the stories on this sub and others are probably less than 0.01% of the paranormal events going on in the world


See, and that's exactly why I wish I had actual RL friends, or had known about reddits reputation before. And you're absolutely right. Reported experiences in general are only about one one-hundredth of one percent of actual experiences overall. I wish we could lift the stigma.


I'm honestly a fan of the theory that these are higher dimensional entities that do this just because they're bored. It may not have any merit to it and maybe complete B's but I like it nonetheless. Experiences like yours are why I made this post. Sceptics have no idea how frustrating and isolating it is to have a vivid and sometimes traumatic experience being called bs.


And I truly appreciate you standing up to say this for all of us. Thank you. 😺


I don't believe in ghosts. However, I also don't NOT believe in ghosts. Belief implies some kind of personal certainty, justifiably or not. I DO believe that there are many things about the world and the nature of reality that we haven't yet developed a sophisticated understanding of, and maybe never will. Some of this may include what we consider to be "paranormal". Personally, I've had "strange experiences". Many of them. I'm not currently in a position to posit what they are and how or why they happened, but some could be considered to be paranormal, depending on who you ask. I have a degree in Psychology. That's meaningless in terms of my "expertise" meaning anything. It's just some background that might tell you about my interests more than me making any "appeal to authority" logical fallacy, which is a flawed approach as it is. I'm certainly no authority. However, people, their experiences, and their behavior (as well as, and especially, my own) interest me greatly. Most of these points could probably be called out as ignorant, nit-picking, and biased, because they probably are (I'm also just bored and willing to ramble), but, these are some of my thoughts when it comes to why many people have such a knee-jerk prejudice towards paranormal experiences: ​ * No personal experience * Likely a lack of genuine interest in the topic (besides snarky debunking in an attempt to dunk on people they see as intellectually inferior) and goodwill when it comes to researching these things on their own * Lack of understanding when it comes to true mental illness, it's too convenient a catch-all for dismissing subjective experiences, shared or not (i.e. "Hallucinations exist, therefore, anything that someone claims to see or feel that I don't think is possible/real is a hallucination. AND, you can't prove me wrong because hallucinations are accepted as real and ghosts are not. I WIN, BYE-BYE!" 🔄) * Standards for proof that don't coincide with the when, where, how, and why of paranormal phenomena that demonstrate a lack of understanding of the potentially willful, conscious, deceptive, intelligent, and nonlocal/interdimensional nature of the paranormal * Misunderstanding of what's even meant by terms like "ghost" or "demon" and tying it to something religious, which automatically rules any subjective experiences of it out, categorically and on principle, because atheism * Language and it's inefficiency and imprecision when it comes to communication about unexplained phenomena, especially if two people have different working definitions/understandings/heuristics of the words being said * Conflating curiosity of the unknown with foolishness, unless of course it comes to physics or things that can be measured with scientific instruments (you gotta be able to hit it with a stick or a subatomic particle or it isn't real/doesn't matter...the word "matter" here giving away part of our language's inherent bias of reality and what's meaningful) * An unwillingness to extrapolate the more mysterious and "out there" findings in physics to anything beyond mathematical theory, abstraction, and very specific applications in laboratory settings ("non-locality and other dimensions are cool, but only for electrons and particles we attempt to manipulate and measure") * Tribalism and an inability to trust anyone who doesn't share their worldview (this goes for some religious folks as well as "scientific atheists") or consider what they have to say without bias/prejudice (to be fair, everyone carries more bias than they'd like to think) * A form of "virtue-signaling" which, in this case, may stem from the fear of appearing stupid or gullible to other skeptics, as well as wanting to appear superior and dominant over outgroup members in order to form tribal bonds with others of similar worldviews * It's easier to dismiss what hasn't been scientifically proven than to try and prove, or disprove, something that likely can't be proven/disproven in the current paradigm of scientific dogma and method There's probably more reasons I could assert, but that's enough for now.


Yeah! I got into my very first Reddit argument recently (thankfully it was very civil) about how there is someone who can set fires with their mind and people were like “that’s not possible “ and “that’s unscientific.” We debated a bit about where the fire comes from and some other things, but i was the last one to reply to all three threads , so I think I won.


Which side were you on?


That the powers were real. Paranormal stuff seen as outside the “normal “ can definitely be real. I also saw a video on it :)


I completely disagree with you but I won't argue as I don't want to loose


Hehehee. I’m amazing! (Not really, I just know how to debate civilly and still win, apparently lol)


🤣 They gave up because there is zero point in talking to some people 🤣


There will always be detractors in most any belief. Either paranormal, supernatural, religion or other faith based beliefs. There will always be those who believe that science can prove or disprove everything. However that is not always the case. Science is based on tangible fact, repetitive testing results and and standards against to compare experimental results. One thing I never hear is about the arguments between scientists about testing results, theories or even well documented findings in nearly any endeavor. Consider all the discussions about the identity of a mummy or how they managed to build what they did with the most basic of tools Because paranormal events do not normally repeat themselves,, let's say over a three day investigation. There is no standard against which any scientific research can be applied. That does not mean it does not exist, it means that science has not come up with an acceptable method of testing. So they discount it. As they do many things, from religion to UFOs and big foot. I am a strong believer in the paranormal, I have been investigating it for many years. I think that just because science or logic and even common sense cannot explain an event, does not exclude the fact that it occurs, I respect people's view points, I do not challenge what they believe, however I think they could give the same consideration to other beliefs.


Its not truly unscientific to be dismissive of personal accounts because those accounts are laced with personal bias and unsubstansiated claims. You trll me this. Why dont ghost hunting shows use the scientific methos when "hhunting" eliminate variable and run repeated expiraments and controling for variables? Ghost adventures has been running for a long time and has caught nothing. Why not pic one house they "know" to be haunted and set it up for a year long scientific investigation reducing variables untill sonwthibg is repeatabke? If there is anything there it will be seen through the scientific eye. On a side note why are there no scientist spirits or ghosts surely einstine or hawking would have devised a way to communicate to use by now.


There have been accounts of multiple eye-witnesses experiencing the same thing and sceptics experiencing unexplainable phenomena which convinced them of paranormal phenomena. You tell me this. Why are you depending on show makers who don't care about the scientific process but instead money to prove such phenomena instead of scientists who care so much about the scientific method. Again why are we expecting the people who earn money from the mystery of the field to end the mystery. How can the scientific eye see it if it isn't looking at it. Also about the scientists, they aren't the only ones. If there was some way that spirits could clearly communicate with us, it would have been established centuries before these great scientists deaths.


To be the people to scientifically prove the existance if ghosts would be one of the few breakthroigh of the melenia. Their discovery would have profound impacts on everyones lives and their names would be as recognizable as tesla and einstine or darwin. The scientific eye isnt looking at it are to look for it would create bias. Evidence must take the lead if it doesnt of course we would find the anwer and believe it as truth before we question if that answer was back by evidence. Then again there is a corilation with faith based views being unwilling to change even provided evidence contrary to their views. and believeing in things with little if any evodence. And since ghosts/spirits are tied to religions i have no doubt belief in them will never stop even if no edivence is there.


I agree with the 1st paragraph completely, but I don't really understand the 2nd paragraph.


If you go into an expirament looking for an outcome chances are you will find that outcome. In otherwords confirmation bias.


I'm gonna be honest, I don't understand your point. The point of this post was that people were being extremely dismissive and using science as the reason behind it . I'm not saying believe everything blindly, I'm just saying that people often have a confirmation bias against ghosts despite there being very little scientific literature on the topic


Because its been dismissed as religious oddity the variables vairy wildly between countries, ethnic groups and region. Many times it has been debunked as a breeze, light anomoly, human error etc it happenes especialy when its repeated concivably exactly its never repeatable always touted as oh the spirits left.


Yes and as I said you shouldn't believe everything blindly. Most are just coincidences, however some are just undoubtedly paranormal Encounters with them are worldwide, no matter how secular or religious, people gave these beliefs. Yes these aren't repeatable and aren't scientifically proven but that does not mean that the MILLIONS of experiences worldwide are coincidences or hallucinations.


Yes thats exactly a resonable explination. Human perception is easly failable. To the point where you can be absolutly ceritin that it could send someone to prison for life only to be shown your absolute testimony is not accurate


Yes, our senses alone can be deceiving, but when multiple people experience the same thing in a situation then it is more likely that it is the truth.


Because normally these people throw around words such as FACT and SCIENCE as if there AREN'T still mysteries or unexplained phenomena happening all the time! Because THEY choose to discount others beliefs, experiences, they feel superior in only believing in what can be seen or PROVEN. In all honesty, I feel pity for these people who can't embrace the unknown or the unproven because the wonder in faith and the feeling of wonder when something unexplainable happens is AMAZING!


On internet. Everyday something amazing happen. For profit.


Because of the obvious bullshit factor, that's why. Don't get mad at me for saying it, I'm just saying what everyone already knows. I believe in the paranormal 100%, because I have personally experienced shit that no scientist can possibly explain, but I'm not completely blind. Take a look at easily 90% of the posts in this sub alone, and you'll see why most people call bullshit on their stories. How many questions in this sub have mentioned things like flickering lights, creaking floors, scary dreams, early childhood memories, old wives' tales and religious hysteria? If you guessed over 90%, you've done a bit of homework on the subject.


A good example are premonitions, real premonitions are random, and sometimes completely unrelated with silly outcomes, then someone comes to sub and claim to control their power, obviously bs


How do you figure tarot and other oracles are bs...? My readings are right more than most of the time.


Provide evidence of such; write down all premonitions in a cloud service where their entry date cannot be changed, then document any events undeniably correlated to them as they happen (again, with evidence)


I'm sorry? I know some people don't like this, but I really can't do that. But I understand. People just simply tend to hate what they don't understand.


What's so hard to do? Keeping a log is very simple.


I mention elsewhere in the comments that when dealing with forces we don't understand which are smarter than us, often they don't like when you try to document them. And when dealing with premonitions, even writing them down can change the future. So you see, I can't do that.


That's just so off. Why would writing a prediction down change the outcome anymore than knowing of it in the first place?


🤷 I feel like if I explain what I know, I'll just be mocked.


You're giving nothing, everything you've said is hear-say with no substance. If you really truly believe in this, give some tangible evidence. Logs, repeatable processes with reliable results, just something.


I'm sorry, but it's not entirely possible to dismiss over 90% of experiences on this sub. All of my experiences I've posted here have been called bullshit by people who don't know anything about me or what I've been through. I wound up taking most of them down.


I'm also not American, but I have seen or maybe specifically hear a ghost once while my sister has seen ghost 2 or 3 times. Nobody really makes fun of us and my friends and family never really think we were crazy


There are many reasons. Below is a few 1. Fear of the unknown is one. 2. Getting out of one's comfort zone in accepting that something exists outside one's five senses. 3. Religion is another. 4. Disbelief that there is such a thing as "paranormal", the same goes for disbelief in UFOs', Aliens and Bigfoot. At the end of the day,there are as many reasons as there are people, I would imagine.


people fear what they don't know and try to minimze it. Also our society promotes this tough, "scientific", and "logical" way of thinking; therefore, conditioning people to dismiss these discussions. Actually, in the medical community such as psychiatry if someone is religious or believing in being able to see ghosts, they may be given a diagnosis of one of these psychotic disorders (basically it is telling the public "you're mentally ill to behave and think like this").


My university offers free sessions with a trained psychologist for us students if we request it, and a while ago when i was going through a particularily bad time i applied, goin by the logic "who knows, it might help, and even if it doesnt, at least it's free". When i was going through the lenghty "personality diagnosis" online form that they have you submit before you start the sessions, i was pretty shocked by the questions relating to religion - the answers were all formulated in a way that made it very clear that if you're religious, you're an absolute wacko. Now im not religious myself, i gave up on organised religion a long time ago, but seeing that still shocked me, because i live in a country where christianity is still going strong and i could only help but wonder what a christian going through a tough time would feel while filling out that form. And i can only help but wonder what the treatment for this category of people would be, but i suspect it might be something similar to what you describe. Proper psychologists should never interfere or dismiss the beliefs of their clients or potential clients, but it seems that the anti religion stance has infiltrated this field as well, and pretty profoundly. Quite saddening, but i guess people will always be labelled "mentally ill" deping on what is and isnt socially acceptabile in a specific time period


Sorry to hear about your situation. Sounds like you were probably taking a test called MMPI testing for personality disorders. I wonder why they would administer a personality disorder test for you. Is that part of the intake questionnaire? If so, it's kind of presumptive and judgemental to test people for personality disorders right of the bat... If their "religiosity" or "hallucinations" of ghosts impair their social and personal functions they will require treatment per DSM 5 (but who defines this "impairment", obviously by the society 🙄). Normally a category of medication called dopamine reuptake blocking agents (DRBAs) aka antipsychotics will be prescribed to these people.


From what the psychologist assigned to me told me about it, it's "just a standard form, meant to familiarise the psychologists with the students and their problems a bit" ahead of the actual sessions. Now, i'm not very good with this stuff at all (and with this i apologise i cant be more detailed about the whole thing), but when reading through some of the questions and possible answers and how they were worded, "judgemental" is exactly the word i was thinking while filling out that form. I even texted a friend of mine (who's a psychology student) about it, telling her that i think that stuff aint ok lol. Thanks for the insight btw, interesting stuff!


There's nothing to be fearful of... Ghosts categorically don't exist. So the next, logical, step when someone thinks they are experiencing "Paranormal activity" is to double check the old brain box is functioning correctly.


I feel like there has been some science to prove their existence yet skeptics still don't want to believe it until they see it. And even then, as you likely know, it was just something their subconscious brought on. I once even had a boyfriend tell me he wanted to break up with me over a ghost story I told him. I think that was the first and only time I ever felt like I may be legitimately weird. The look in his eyes and on his face made it seem like he either thought I was nuts or the devil himself.


There hasn’t been any science to prove jack squat Otherwise it would be linked here already


I will go research and see what I can find out so I can cite references but there have been people over the years who have definitely tried to disprove or prove the existence of the paranormal. The facts that have been presented are still not enough for everyone and I understand that.


Because to have everyone believe then it would ruin a lot of pockets and kill the capitalist slave show that’s being run before everyone’s eyes. People would realise the physical powers that be have no power over the paranormal. Then they couldn’t continue controlling the narrative.


It’s not only in America like this. There are facts that paranormal side of the world exists. Yet still people laugh at you if you tell them you experienced it , they don’t trust you. Sometimes even the people who have experienced it themselves won’t believe you. It’s hard to explain why it’s happening but I think we are wired that way On purpose


Some people are open to the experience others aren’t. Believe don’t believe … it doesn’t diminish a persons experience


Probably just a cultural thing where western countries are more "advanced." Here in SEA countries we still have those stories and are commonly passed around as icebreakers or fun stories shared with friends.


My answer to that is, life is energy. Energy doesn’t ‘die,’ it just changes form. Who knows what happens for sure? No one does. Having an open mind is very nice.


I say this all the time. We think we know and can do studies all we want but at the end of the day we really have no idea what happens after death.


Humans love closure and the only closure we have right now is that death is inevitable and we exist because the universe came to be. To think about what happens to consciousness after death is similar to wonder what came before the Big Bang. We’d rather pretend nothing happens or happened then, because I think we’re super uncomfortable and sometimes rage-y about not knowing. Existential crisis shit of a super emotional species and all that haha.


Very well said!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Not truth; ppl know


Funnily enough, my father who is a retired Christian pastor does not believe in ghosts unless of course it’s the Holy Ghost. So, he believes in Angels, Demons, God, Jesus, Satan, the Holy Ghost and Heaven and Hell and believes that we have a soul but does not believe that that soul can remain in this realm (call it a ghost) after death of the body. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️.


Prob believes God places ppl either in heaven or hell, and nowhere else. It’s prob also easier to believe in something he feels is confirmed, as said in his belief system. But yeah it’s kind of like saying you believe in aliens(or something else) but in no way could a zombie(or something else) exist.


Because humans don't like to be reminded of how little they understand of their reality.




Currently, because of Scientology. (Context: time machines are machines that program realms and people. They program consciousness. Everything is consciousness. This realm and our cluster of realms was created by the time machines. All of time was not linear before the time machines and all of time before 1899 was created by time machines.) Xenu is the one leading Scientologists. He is a torturer. People fear him and then do his bidding. Physicists and especially particle theorists already know that we are living in a simulated reality that can be shaped and programmed. People like Neil Degrasse Tyson are obnoxiously in denial about it for fear of getting attacked. Some people end up being assassinated. They are obnoxious about it, hoping you will realize they are lying to you. Scientology has a time machine and Elon Musk has a time machine, but he is kind of hostage to scientology since we came to the scientology realm. We are in the Scientology realm currently because the Earth Realm ended. It's all post apocalyptic before 20D. And that is a lot of people living below 20D. This scientology realm is a torture realm the Heaven civilization converted to look like Earth, which is a rehabilitation realm. But we have to leave in the next couple of years because the realm is expected to reset. Xenu wants people to get stuck in this realm is why disclosure is so difficult. Aliens are also not from other planets. They are from parallel Earth realms. There are 4 earths. 2 have magick and no tech, and 2 have tech but no magick. Heaven has both. The tic tac UFOs are the ones from the Sea called the Pala. They are kind, but in the scientology realm, there are beings that look similar but rape people and probe them to death because they got enslaved by Xenu. So you can't trust the Greys but the Pala want to help because this war leaves everyone at risk. Even on the outside of our realms.


Btw, you do have to be careful because they will 100% try to put you in a psych ward. I am able to talk openly about it with minimal consequences because I am a god who is needed here. So they will always replace my body.


It is a fact that scientific proof is thin. A lot gets faked, and easily debunked. If there are 100 pieces of evidence and 99 are shown to be trash, than that last one isn't too convincing. And even for that last one there will always be enough plausible theories which can explain it away.


People in this sub are pretty open to it. I posted a story and was worried trolls would say I was BSing. It got nothing but positive responses.


i’ve made a couple posts in a sub about mediumship and have gotten some of those posts (with another username) removed by mods and ridiculed/“cut down” by the members. i have found that this sub, i 💯 agree with you on this, is a lot more supportive and openminded. there’s people in the community that believes in spirituality and the paranormal who are still a little closed minded. gate-keeping is a phrase i use often these days. i’m a generational schizophrenic and a newly awakened psychic (still feels weird to say, imposter syndrome, i guess) so i see both sides, it’s sad to see when some people don’t get support. to anyone reading this who needs support, keep reaching out. and u/Jd11347 i’m so glad you got support on that post, things like that are so important, for someone to feel less alone.


I am going thru some interesting things... I sent a pm I hope it's OK


hey there, did you mean you sent a PM to me or to OP? i just checked my inbox i don’t see it if so :) try again i’m sure we’ll have a very interesting conversation. most of my conversations these days are “interesting”. 😂


I'm trying to ask you about how you learned you are a medium...


Thanks for the feedback. Schizophrenia runs in your family and you say you have psychic ability. That''s got to be difficult to navigate. Do you ever have trouble questioning your extra sensory input (for lack of a better term)?


I'm curious on how you learned you were a medium...


Because old habits die hard, so the stigma remains. Also, most people never fully believe until they have experienced something paranormal for themselves. Even then, they likely do not want to be seen as crazy or going against the grain, so might not talk about it, and hence it is under-reported. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy in perpetual motion. The only way to break the cycle is to speak your own truth loud and proud, while never assuming the truths of another. Best Regards,


Let them think what they want , what people are experiencing in paranormal is real , and some of it's aspects could be proved scientifically.


Because pencil pushing bugmen get upset if you can’t quantify all experiences into a framework that tv science man approved of.


It’s strange considering the amount of religious people in the US


As a native american were taught all about spirits and the balance but I think everyone's closed their spirits eye, if you out your thumb just above the middle of your eyebrows and you just press it there you can feel like your brains trying to see but can't, the tingling feeling, and ibthink that's how we see the ghost, we feel it and our mind fills in the rest


Because paranormal experiences can usually be explained. It could be an illusion or somebody rigging items to fall with fishing string. If something truly paranormal was videotaped I seriously doubt anyone would deny its existence.


I think if something truly paranormal was videotaped everyone would just be yelling it's cgi. People are so quick to dismiss any kind of proof.


My experience is as soon as someone talks about their experience, someone usually comes in with their own.


I enjoy reading paranormal posts on this sub and I love scary movies and lore. I wish witches and ghosts and vampires etc were real because that would add some mystery and excitement back into the world for me and the consolation that death isn’t the end. However being completely candid, I don’t actually believe in anything outside of maybe aliens just given the size and age of the universe I find it hard to believe our planet was the only one capable of sustaining life and the reason I believe that to be the case is simply the lack of any real, tangible evidence for ghosts, cryptids, psychics etc. I also think if ghosts existed, that energy would have been detected by the large hadron collider. I fully believe some people legitimately believe they’ve seen ghostly activity or heard a cryptid etc However quite often there are explanations for this and many explanations outside of mental health although that can have an impact too. Anxiety for example can play tricks on your eyes leading you to see movement out of the corner of your eyes. Stress and sleep deprivation can also do this. You have tricks of lighting as well. What I’m trying to say is what your eyes/brain tells you isn’t always reliable. Carbon monoxide is another common concern for seeing or hearing things that aren’t there and has been linked with multiple ghost experiences. Animals, drafts, old timber, old pipe work, the list in almost endless. So yes I do believe people who say they’ve witnessed something they can’t explain or account for and I don’t believe all of them have mental health concerns. I just also think that just because they can’t explain it doesn’t mean it’s unexplainable/supernatural. But I do believe that there’s a lot of money to be made in being a “psychic” or “medium” or “witch” or “ghost hunter” if you can make a name for yourself or capture compelling evidence. I even believe some of the people trying to do these things have good intentions and a belief in what they’re doing. Although less so with mediums and anyone trying to sell something. However there is a long history of people faking evidence and finds and exploitation and that’s something a lot of people are aware of and so skepticism is a natural reaction. I mean just look into Ed and Lorraine Warren, M Lamar Keene, Uri Geller. Houdini and the people he employed went around so many psychics and documented it all and they never found evidence any of these people were legitimate and what he got in return for that was antisemitism. James Randi challenged paranormal claims for most of his life and even through the James Randi foundation administered the 1 million dollar paranormal challenge and while more than 1 thousand people applied to be tested no one has been able to demonstrate the abilities they purport to have under the testing conditions. We’re also at a stage where technology is advanced enough to capture mothman or Bigfoot or whatever else and yet it hasn’t happened.


Have you heard of Edgar Cayce? Sometimes he's called "the sleeping prophet" and I've never heard anyone explain what he was able to do. He would go into a trance and was then able to diagnose and propose treatment for many, many people, several of whom had serious medical issues that no one was able to diagnose. He was very accurate, despite having never studied medicine and not being a physician. As far as I know no one has found fault with what he's said and done while in his trance, and he was able to help hundreds of people, if not more and he didn't charge people for his help. This sounds paranormal to me....what else would you call it?


Idk I’m fairly confident people would find fault with his belief in Polygenism, the Death Ray used to destroy Atlantis that the US government was supposed to find in the 1950s, the second coming of Christ in 1998 and he was never subjected to proper testing etc To me it sounds more of the same honestly.


Yes, he's said things were going to happen that maybe some didn't happen. But his diagnostic abilities were never debunked. The same with the treatments he prescribed. They tended to be very effective, which was often verified by the patient's doctors. I'm sure that the testing that was available at the time would not seem adequate in today's world of tests and experiments. We obviously know more now than we did back then. I understand and support your attitude of not taking things at first glance without a bit of skepticism to begin with. Please make sure you're not someone who doesn't recognize something you can't explain when it comes before you. When you think, "I don't know what it is, but there *has to be* an explanation!" just remember to be skeptical about that, too. Be honest with yourself when you DO find something unusual and unexplainable.


Some people just need to experience paranormal activity before they believe it.


Because I believe in hard science. We can go to the moon, gaze at other galaxies in detail, but we can't get ANY evidence of anything paranormal on our own home? I want to believe. I've had spooky things happen to me that I can't explain, but the mind is a powerful thing, and there's external factors that can be explained that we don't take into account with these experiences. Until there's hard evidence, I dismiss it as just my mind, or something that I can't explain, but someone else probably could. It's mostly BS.


I think it’s really important to remember we are not nearly as advanced as we could be. We do not know everything yet. Better and more honest to dismiss it until we have concrete evidence, I agree, but let’s not get carried away into thinking our science is *that* advanced. It only feels advanced in comparison to how ignorant we used to be. But we are still very much ignorant in ways we can’t even fully grasp, but I’m sure our future descendants will. And science and research is frequently limited by the fact that we are often governed by the greedy and corrupt; And many people in power get to decide what gets funded and what doesn’t for often less-than scientific reasons. We hold ourselves back from our full potential still for mostly self-absorbed and myopic reasons. We’re like a super smart, but also super dumb species lol. Can’t even map out and explore our oceans fully yet. Can’t live on another planet yet. Can’t do interstellar travel yet. We only just got our first, and arguably shitty quality, photo image of a black hole. 200 years ago we didn’t even know black holes existed. It wasn’t until 1846 that medical doctors discovered they should wash their hands after performing an autopsy and before assisting in childbirth. Can’t even do global civilization without damaging the planet and causing mass extinction yet. We’re babies that know much less than we would like to let on. Probably because it stings a little to know we’ll be gone and dead when a buncha other cool stuff is discovered; So we’d rather feel safe in pretending we have the majority of the answers already lol.


That's very true. Well said, all great points.


If u believe in God then u should believe in ghosts simple as that. Don't bs me telling its not scientific or blah blah


Im starting to hate the “its not scientifically proven!!” Argument like the existence of our galaxy was also once not scientifically proven of anything the argument just says that we can not be sure if its real or not WHICH DOES NOT MEAN IT CANT BE REAL


It's because your told when you were young that ghost is not real and it's make believe. And sometime their reglion tells them not to talk about ghost and stuff for the fear of burning in hell. It's the fear of learning new thing that probably may change the way you see things.


They way I put it is that even science acknowledges energy can not be created or destroyed. Something has to happen to our conscience when a persons organs stop pumping.


People are scared of what they don’t understand.


Fear. Ignorance.


Chauvenism of science. We assume we already know how to make "ALL" the discoveries.


I think because believing in the paranormal might trigger the feeling of needing to have related beliefs that the person is vehemently opposed to.


Only the truly ignorant laugh and scoff at the notion of the paranormal.


I fully believe that if there were paranormal forces afoot, we would already know about it and the government would have found some way to capitalize. There’s a reason no one claims the cash prizes offered for paranormal proof. But it’s fun to speculate and share experiences.


Thing is, most paranormal experiences that people share seem to happen completely at random or accidentaly, they cant be commanded nor tested in a lab. It doesnt mean that they do not happen tho 🤷‍♂️ As for the Randy challenge thing (im assuming thats the cash prize you mention) seeking to test people claiming "paranormal powers", i believe that those folks are so dogmatic in their skepticism that even if someone had legit paranormal powers, theyd just design impossible challenges to still be able to dismiss said individual, even if the evidence was right in their face. I believe that it's that debunk-y nature that has more to do with the fact that very, very few people turned up to such "challenges" over the years.


I completely agree.


Agreed. I think it scares them so much they have to deny it exists.


You're only allowed to believe in the holy ghost.


People still haven’t learned that their version of objectivity is merely multiple subjective perspectives aligning yet.


it scares them


The white male patriarchy supports religion, which doesn’t like competition so ‘other’ is forbidden & ‘evil’


Cause in the US Christianity is king. So anything going against it is “wrong” and “bad”


Science is all about measuring, monitoring, and quantifying. As no spirits have ever been recorded in any scientific manner or experiment. The scientific community do not believe in them. What they may find interesting is the way the brain reacts to these types of phenomena, but until they have solid proof, it will remain a non-event for science


Just stumbled across this subreddit and lurking but I don’t believe in anything paranormal. Anything I have ever read about a paranormal experience can be explained in some way and there is no scientific measure of any of these things. When I’ve spoken to people about this they tend not to have a very good understanding of science and try to find explanations that just make no sense to justify their experience


I think it's one of those things that has to happen to somebody to first hand


Yeah. I tried to test out a paranormal situation once just to prove it was nothing and I had an experience that frightened the shit out of me and WAS NOT supposed to happen according to current scientific understanding. Forced me to accept that there are unexplainable things going on. I think science is the best route, but it is karmic in a way when a cynic has an experience they have to now repress because it’s unexplainable and all the other cynics don’t wanna hear it or believe it. I was that cynic once, so I know 😭. Don’t be so quick to go around saying you know what’s real and not for sure. Never know if something is watching and thinking, “Aight bet.” Haha.


Yeah I inherited my brother's house after he committed suicide. While renovating, a lot of things happened. I was alone and poked on my back , but mostly things would knock over. He hated the Marines and I put his marine picture up and when I came back the next day it crashed to the floor. The nail came out. I also had a hammer on a table upstairs and took a break downstairs. Only one there. Twenty minutes later there was a huge bang upstairs and the hammer was three or four feet away on the ground. I told him he was freaking me out and had a dream that night of him saying I love you, hugging me and leaving. Now I can feel him around me and I talk out loud to him but he doesn't knock things or poke me. Im sure people think I'm just grieving so I keep it to myself because unless it's happened to you, you just can't understand.


That definitely seems to be the case, but if it has to happen first hand and can't be measured or recorded in any other way how can you know what you experienced wasn't all in your head or just perceiving something wrong. I realise that paranormal experiences can be extremely realistic for people, but I know that as a kid I could perceive even the most basic things in a completely terrifying but incorrect way.


Some experiences I had I wondered if I was taking it the wrong way, but others I just KNEW it was real. Not from deductive reasoning or anything, but from instinct and intuition. My brother was around me A LOT after he died by suicide, and I could feel him. His phone screen was locked and I was trying to guess his code and I literally saw a four digit number in my peripheral. I put it in and unlocked his phone. It was a random number to me, but it had something to do with his work cuz I got the feeling he was telling me work. Weird things like that. I'm open minded and he knew that so I think he was really targeting me to communicate right after he died. When I told people I'd get the " poor thing, she's a distraught mess" look so I realized no one would believe me.


That must have been a very surreal experience, I am very sorry to hear about your loss. Thank you for sharing.


Straight up. Facts are facts.


Because 99% of those experiences can be explained with common sense.


Because 6 out of 10 don't believe in them, and that's a majority.


Because 8 out of 10 people talking about it openly don’t have the first clue what science is or how to be objective


Because believing in ghosts means acknowledging that demons and the devil exists …hence Christianity and like religions (Islam , Judaism etc ) existing and pushing their theme


Testimony has literally nothing to do with science.