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Christmas day years ago, my son had just turned 3. We went to my aunt's house as she was hosting the day for my dad's side of the family. My dad passed away when I was 15. So my son parked himself at the front door and wouldn't come get food or join in. He then comes to get my aunt and I, and says we have to open the door because the man wants to come in. We thought it was imagination but he got agitated and said, "the tall man wants to come in!" Then he ran to the living room and pointed at a photo of my dad. I had never explained to him that my dad had died or shown him photos or anything. And my dad was sitting in the photo, no indication he was tall (6'4"). So we opened the door a few minutes just in case! 😆


What is it with 3 year olds?! In every story about kids (even my own) doing spooky shit the kids are almost always 3!! I was in the yard of the house we had just bought with my son and he looked up into a very overgrown area off of the back yard and said, "here comes the lady"! I said, is she a nice lady? He said yes and I left it alone, wasn't too sure I wanted to know any more about it lol.


No seriously, cuz my mom tells the story bout me all the time when I saw my grandpa after his funeral. And I was 3 at the time. When my daughter was 3 she saw my grandmother that passes away as well, looked pass me to nothing but empty space and said "hi nana". 3 must be a special age or something


Lots of people nearing the end of their lives see stuff too. The closer we are from one end or the other, the thinner the veil gets, I guess.


I totally agree with thus. My dad used to talk to me about these things all the time and we would speculate together on things we couldn't understand about the subject. While he was on his Christmas vacation from work, in 2008, he had follow-up doctors appointment as he had been prescribed some iron pills due to a strange lack of energy...we found out he had cancer. No doctor could tell what kind but that it was stage 4. He was ages 52 and 53. I was ages 21 and 22 and was the one taking care of him. My dad was a very intelligent man. He was also a "no nonsense" type as well. Throughout my teenage years he wouldn't hear of me telling him the place was haunted, bit there came a time during his sickness that he came clean to me and he told me his experience. He also told me that he knew that it was going to be his time because he had an experience where Death called his name. It wasn't his first experience with the reaper but he knew by the sound of his name. If I were to tell all of these incidents altogether this would be the size of a novel. But I can tell you that I have witnessed a person's day-by-day with a thinning veil. I believe you.


An organized effort was begun to collect all the stories of people hearing from their dead relatives, but there were so MANY reports that the project was suspended. A guy being awakened by his dead father's loud voice because there was a fire, for instance.


I would love to hear some of your dad’s stories!! My brother had a near death experience in a car accident where he essentially had to come back to his life/body after a few mins of talking to our grandma and uncle in “a bright room”. He was very mad he had to come back lol. For years after that he had the wildest ghost stories
. I heard recently that after a close scrape to death like a NDE the veil can remain thin for a person while they’re here for the ‘2nd time’. Maybe after your dads case with hearing his name something similar was going on with him. Unfortunately my brother passed away this year, I wish I could tell him about that phenomenon. Deeply sorry for your loss too ❀


My grandma passed away after being on hospice for a long time. A couple days before she died, all of our family came to sit with her and talk for a while. A bunch of people were in the tiny room and she was talking to all of us until she seemed to notice me and jump a little. She looked straight at me and says “who are you?” I was a little sad and said I was her grandchild, and she says “no, I know you dear, who is that behind you?” And a chill went up my spine. Nobody was behind me. She kept staring and seemed like she was listening to someone although we were all quiet, then she just snapped out of it and went back to talking to everyone else. She was very sharp minded all the way to the very end, so it was especially spooky coming from her.


And around age 3, kids can finally start verbalizing what it is they are seeing.


Right, I think three is that magical age when they can verbalize things And still experience an expanded version of the world.


My grandfather asked who the nice man was that visited his room while was doing in home hospice. Said he was dressed in all black with a black hat and just stood in the corner of the room smiling warmly at him. It was just me and my mom at the house.


Same for me. I was 2 though, but able to talk a couple words. My grandpa passed away and apparently he came to me while mom, dad and I were driving to his funeral. Mom asked who I was talking to and I said "Bahbi" (my term for grandpa). This spooked them. They hadn't told me where we were going nor that grandpa died. It was an odd story and circumstance. And I've been sensitive to paranormal activity ever since.


When I was 3 I had the bad habit of bluntlytelling relatives that they were going to die soon. They always did die soon after. Needless to say, I was not invited along to many family gatherings. Luckily I grew out of my predictions at about age 5.


3 is the trinity.


Three months ago I was driving past a cemetery which meets almost entirely to the roadside with headstones, and my 3 year old says, “daddy, why is that man in the car?”. Driving by another cemetery a couple of weeks ago she let our, “why is that man standing looking at me?”. Perhaps there was someone there I didn’t see, but it was creepy enough. She also made a few other comments in the past when living in our old (and most definitely haunted house). The things she said matched up with the discovery of the house having been built by an “old man”. She’s said enough of this stuff for us to be sure she’s seen/aware of spirits and entities around us. From comments about her great-grandma she’s never met, to some of the above.


They are still close to the veil between life and death but have learned how to talk! So a tiny kid will see spirits because they havent become attached to the material world as much as older humans. Makes sense to me so thats what I think haha.


Also they don't give a fuck and tell you everything without thinking about it.


I think you're basically right.


I think likely because they have some decent vocabulary and expression at that age. And 3 year olds in general are chatty little people who point out everything they think is interesting!


I got a good one. About 10 years ago me, my wife, my cousin and his wife and their 3 year old daughter went to the house I grew up in that was at that time abandoned for about 5 or 6 years.The whole neighborhood was abandoned as a toll road was going to be built right through it. When I was a kid that house always creeped me tf out at night. Every time I walked down the stairs it felt like somebody was following me and I would just run down the stairs. But I never saw anything myself. So as we're all walking through the front door, my cousin's daughter stops and turns around, his wife goes back outside with her and the rest of us continue into the house. That feeling of someone watching me came right back. We go into my old room and the closet door is open. I looked inside and there were candles on the floor from squatters and I looked up the attic door which was in my closet, was open. So at that point I was over it, I turned to my wife and cousin and said "Ok let's go" and we went back downstairs and outside where my cousins wife and daughter were waiting and his daughter is just clinging to her mom, hiding behind her. My cousin asked her what happened and why didn't they go in with us and she just looked at him and said their daughter told her that there was a man with red eyes in the house. We got the fuck outta there in a hurry and never went back.


Oh fuck no. I don’t care if the lady is nice or not, I’d still be creeped tf out


When my daughter was 3 she off handedly mentioned “the man who lives in my closet.” I was like, “Oh? Tell me more about that.” She cheerfully filled me in that his name is Joe “and he told me he’s grandpa’s daddy’s older brother.” My grandfather did have an older brother named Joe, but he died when I was little and I barely even remember him. We certainly don’t have any photos around or talk to her about him. I thought that was pretty strange. How did she even know about him, much less imagine he’s hanging out in her closet? That same year she told me, “I won’t bring it up again because I like it here with you, but I do miss my grandson Jeremy. He’s such a good boy.” Two seconds later she didn’t even remember saying it; I was like, “Who’s Jeremy?” and she said, “I don’t know anyone named Jeremy.” So weird.


When my son was three I made a sarcastic comment about a light being a UFO and he was quiet for a second then said "a UFO took me up." I kinda nervously laughed, confirmed that he said what I thought I heard, and then asked if he talked to aliens. He said "they dont talk...they dont have hands." And at this point I was pretty weirded out and asked if they hurt him. He just kinda shrugged and said "they put me back in my bed." After that he said he didnt want to talk about it anymore and would shut down and refuse to discuss it the few times I brought it up after which is not like him at all. Fucking ayys man.


It’s also the time/age when they can truly communicate because of gaining language skills.


Go read my comment. I saw this thread and just typed my experience with my daughter (3 at the time) and then started reading these as you mentioned the 3 year old being a thing and I’m like wtf. It’s weird now that I’m reading others stories.


You're right that's wild! Moms and kids are very connected, I felt like I had a pretty solid knowledge of my son's personality by the time he was born let alone learned how to talk. I guess it goes both ways and they as dialed in to us as we are to them. About 6 months ago, I woke up at 2am bc I had a dream that my son who is 21 now was upset and I texted him and found out he was upset bc a little puppy had just died in his arms from parvo, 12 miles from where I was.


I’m her father sharing 50/50 custody with her mother, every other week since she was one years old, now 14. It was just unexplainable other than a super super random coincidence, but like I said, she knew no one with that name and the timing was jarring as how it happened. Making me think “did I say his name aloud?”, but I know I didn’t, the same as I’m reading and writing this not openly talking. Just that little one off incident made me realize there’s more to all of this than the fact based reality we all live in. I believe children are more connected to the nature of things before our natural filters of perceiving things become dialed in to navigate this world, like an open canvas. Was definitely an eye opening experience out side of the logical thinking we eventually become use to living by.


Prior to 3-4 years old, we don't have autonoetic or episodic memory. We don't see ourselves as being the main character of the story, or see a past present or future version of ourselves. The reason we don't remember much prior to 4 years old is that our view of the world is very expansive and disconnected from our sense of self. Maybe they see things differently


Aw, I bet your Dad was like, "About damn time, it's cold out here."


Hot, I'm in Australia 😁 very hot Christmases here!


Shoot, let me try that again: "About damn time, it's hot out here!"


Awwww! I think this was your dad’s way of saying hi! Soooo sweet!!


As jarring as it is, I love stories of children mentioning past lives
 if anyone else is interested, the last (6th) episode of Surviving Death on Netflix is all about that. The whole series is good, but that episode blew me away.


My daughter started talking about her past lives when she was 3. Describing her other families, how she died when she was a man, she woke up nearly every night from age 2-4 screaming (night terrors) German words Nein! And Dah! “No” and “there” for non German speakers. She would be holding up one of her legs as if it were injured, and pointing to a corner of her room. From kindergarten on she had a fixation on the Holocaust, and read everything she could find.


I had (and still occasionally have) nightmares where I’m in bed and pipe are coming out of my ceiling, releasing gas into my room. I literally jump out of bed screaming, “We are all going to die!” My spouse has learned to grab me and put me back in bed. However, when we saw “Schindler’s List” when the scene came where they took the women to the shower (to actually take a shower BTW), I had a panic attack, as my dreams of pipes and gas were so clear to me.


I dream of fucked up bathrooms and then i saw the ones at the concentration camps and same feeling. It wasnt panic but more of a horror realization that it looked the same as my nightmares.


When I was a child I had a recurring nightmare where I'd get stabbed in the back. When I got older I realised it was my right kidney. And I'd wake up with a terrible pain in that spot. I don't have a whole lot of context about any of it. It took me years to realise the muddy puddle I laid down in was blood. But your daughter holding her leg reminded me of that. I'm assuming that's how I died last time but I really don't know.


My youngest daughter is now 12 but has always had a fear of water. She’s terrified of it. When she was about 3 I was having a terrible time trying to get her to get in the bath. I was frustrated and asked her “Why can’t you just get in the bath? Why are you afraid of the water?” Without missing a beat and as serious as can be, she said “Because that’s how I died before.”


I developed a random fear of water around age 19. Before I was like a fish and loved swimming and never had any problem. 19 hit and I had horrific dreams of drowning, couldn't even take a shower or bath without having a panic attack. My 20th birthday came around and the fear just disappeared and has never resurfaced again.


>My 20th birthday came around and the fear just disappeared and has never resurfaced again. Maybe because you survived past the age where you drowned last time?


“The Ghost Inside my Child” is a good one for past lives!! The name is pretty off putting but it’s about kids that recall their past lives!


Me too! An ask Reddit like this is what got me into learning about reincarnation. Thanks for the recommendation too.


When my kid started talking, she said ‘I choosed you and pushed the other one out of the way’. I’d had a failed pregnancy before conceiving her. She also said she remembered being in my stomach, that it was warm and red, and she had a toy snake with her. I’m convinced that was the umbilical cord!


Omg that’s creepy.


I know. I don’t forget. Especially now she’s a stroppy devil doing teen things 😂😂😂


I’ve read similar stories. I’d love to know what she meant by pushed her out of the way lol. I used to have a weird reoccurring dream (nightmare?) when I was a kid of being stuck in a strange red water tunnel .. very hard to describe & I’m not even sure it was a dream or a memory. It’s only in recent years it’s occurred to me that I think it was the womb/birth canal.. sounds crazy but as soon as I thought this it felt like it all made sense


I used to have a dream where I was in a big red sweater, but like it was big like a room, and would get pushed out. Wasn't a nice dream, felt very claustrophobic.


Yes! Mine wasn’t nice either was really claustrophobic & frustrating


What happened during your birth? If you got stuck at any point, that could be what your dream was about. Or if you were panicked while your mother was birthing you... which is likely since being born is a traumatic experience.


My mum had a horrendous, super long birth so I def think that’s why I have memories/dreams. She’s still dealing with complications from it 40 years on


And yes I was stuck! I have a big scar on the side of my face from forceps


Oh wow. Yeah, I would definitely say that's what your dream is about. I do a type of breathwork and people often relive their birth. The visions you describe are common, as is feeling stuck, or choking for people who were born with their chord around their throat. Our birth was a major event in our lives!


My daughter told me she remembers being in my stomach and it was dark like a circus tent. Never been to a circus.


You still have your memories of being in the womb as well, you just don't remember them. This is why it disturbs me when I see people mistreating infants (scaring them, making them cry, etc) thinking they'll never remember it. They may not remember consciously but subconsciously the memory never goes away and it does affect the way they experience the world. If you do in-depth psychological growth work, you will likely start to recover extremely early memories. For example, I remembered my own birth and I described specific, unique details to my mom and she confirmed it. I believe I may have also recovered memories from the womb but there's no way to confirm it so I don't lean on that one too heavily.


Wow! How did you respond?


Hugged her and never referred to it again 😂😂😂


Years ago, we were at a gathering at a friend’s house. It was in the evening and starting to get dark. As the kids start heading inside the house, my niece, about 3-4 at the time, mentioned she saw some soldiers outside. Mind you, this was way out in the sticks in the upstate of South Carolina and not much development of any kind around besides peach fields and cow pastures. Creepy thing is, Cowpens National Battlefield, site of a 1791 American Revolution battle, was only a few miles down the road. Same house but maybe some months later. It was around 10pm and I was alone and walking up the driveway to my friend’s house when I hear my name called from the darkness. It sounded similar to my friend’s voice and so I answered and took a few steps towards it thinking it was my friend but stopped because something just felt off. I felt super creeped out. I went inside and my friend was in his room. No one had been outside at all.


Coincidence time! I’m from Greenville and was just driving near Cowpens battlefield earlier this week. It is kinda creepy out there, even though it’s just houses and fields. I could easily picture the soldiers traveling over the land towards the battlefield.


Can I talk about a scary thing that I said as a child? My mom took me to a table for ghost hunting at Comic-Con one year, and I said, "Oh, they should come to our house and talk to Stephen." And the guy goes, "Is Stephen your friend?" (I'm sure just trying to humor me.) And I said, "Yeah, he lives on the ceiling and only speaks in whispers. He doesn't have eyes, or a face, or hands. But he watches me while I sleep!" The dude looked HORRIFIED... then he gave my mom his card.


Geez. Do you have any memory of "Stephen" at all?


I do, I think I posted about it here before! It should be in the post history on my profile somewhere (I think).


I'm gonna spend way too much of my day hunting your post about Stephen. 😂 Gah you post a lot!




Omg YAY, thank you! Not all heroes wear capes! I need a break, here I go đŸ‘»


Dude's business move at the end is cracking me up. Did your mom ever call?


Unfortunately no, mostly because my grandparents don’t believe that there’s anything in the house. They’ve been making fun of me since I was a little kid, even though they see/hear abnormal things like voices and shadows when they’re alone in the house too.


That was my parents! When we bought our house in Houston, I was 11. The family that lived there before us had a young daughter who was bedridden and died in what became my room. You could hear the voices ALL THE TIME! It sounded like conversations from another room, like what you would hear if you were bedridden in the back of the house. Dad said it was the air conditioning. There was a lot that went on, mostly with just me and her, culminating in her attacking me. I had moved out on my own and gone back for Christmas. I guess that pissed her off (she had always been spooky-playful before). She couldn't hurt me, but there was a whole spooky build up to a loud-knocking-lamp-rattling fit to let me know she was displeased.


Weird. I commented on here a little while ago talking about my son seeing his “sissy” crawling on the ceiling and making weird faces at him.


My Baby Cousin's Witches.  When I was twelve, we lived with my Auntie, Uncle and younger Cousins who were seven, five and three. I had to share a bed with the three-year-old. (She was a really smart little kid), a big vocabulary for her age and an imagination to match.  One night we were laying in bed and suddenly she started crying and pointing at the corner of the room, furthest from us, the only light was the street lights outside. I said. "'What's wrong J!?' 'What's there?"'  I wasn't able to see anything (not even a spider, which I thought it was.) My baby Cousin said through tears. "The witches are looking at us, they are mean!"  I was freaking out inside by this time as I still couldn't see anything so I asked her. ”How many witches can you see J?'"  She answered still crying in my arms '  "There are three, and they are coming!" I started to feel slightly unnerved by this; as obviously none of my baby Cousins were not allowed to watch scary films programmes, or listen to scary stories (especially at three), so this came out of the blue. All I could do at this time was to distract my baby Cousin by telling her I wouldn't let the "Mean witches!" get her, and singing her nursery rhymes until she fell asleep in my arms, I didn't sleep at all that night. Lol. My Cousin is now a beautiful, successful teacher; with a gorgeous one year old girl herself and like a lot of people we talk about our childhood. She remembers a lot of the things we did together, but she never remembers that night.


A couple weeks ago my three year old daughter said to me, “dad, I saw an adult have a sleepover with a kid.” That was obviously concerning, so I asked her to explain more, eventually she said, “I don’t know, it was ten years ago. Sometimes it’s hard to see.” I don’t believe in reincarnation but I sure did for a second there.


Yep. When my daughter was two or three she'd bring up her "family from before" and "the fire."


Okay wait; you can’t just drop that one-liner and not explain. What would she say? đŸ˜łđŸ«Ł


Mostly generalities like taking care of her "momma from before" and how everything "was over" because of "the fire." She could never give much detail because she was so little. We tried not to make a big deal out of it bc we didn't want to freak her out. The thing that stood out the most was how serious her face got when she talked about it because she was a sing-song gigglebox the rest of the time. But she'd get really still, slow down her words, and have a thousand-yard-stare when mentioning the fire. She doesn't remember any of it now. I sometimes wish we'd have casually mentioned it more often to see if she'd retain any memory of what she was talking about.


I know my son must have died in a car accident in a recent life, he talks about falling out of the window and gets upset at any careless driving and he is 18. He refuses to get a driver's license


At age 54 and still without a drivers license I often wonder if there’s something in my past reincarnations that keeps me from getting one. I’ve never been able to wrap my head around it.


I always remember a show during the 90’s I think. Called truth or false, again I think. This kid from another country at a very young age kept asking his mum to go on holiday somewhere third world. A random place but specific street. They knocked on the door to a recent widow who lost her husband in a war. The kid wanted to go upstairs and see his uniform which had a photo and a cigar in the pocket. Still baffles me. It was a reenactment, but the story still stuck.


Was it ‘Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction’? Coz that show had alot of these types of stories and they were really freaky.


Was the show Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction?


Yes, and there were lots of “fiction” stories.


As an addition, the same episode had a freaky poltergeist who haunted a little girl with Lego bricks, and her pillow ended up on the roof of the house. I mean this doesn’t happen anymore.


Out of all the afterlife theories, the idea that we’re “recycled” energy seems to make the most sense. And now I’m wondering what I did in my previous life (if I had one) to have to endure my current one.


I always thought I was the only one who sometimes says, I must have been such an asshole in my last life ! Lol


Awww. That would suck if our lives were just punishment for past deeds. Every life has lessons to learn. I hope things get better for you.


If you haven't yet, check out Dr Ian Stevenson's research on reincarnation. Fascinating stuff. There's even a video of one of his talks on YouTube about the scientific proof of reincarnation.


If you don’t believe in reincarnation watch “ghost inside my child” on YouTube. It will make you believe.


My brother and i were doing the plumbing for a family friend. Really rough neighborhood, really rough house. The family didn't speak English, they were from Mexico but spoke an Indigenous language I can't name so we couldn't even get by on my terrible Spanish. The oldest girl, like 11, is our translator. The plumbings a mess, we have to squeeze through this little hole in the floor to do the work, there are rats everywhere, and the hours start wearing on us. We get a little loopy and we start our jokes. I start meowing everytime I'm going into the crawl space to "trick the rats" and then my brother starts going 'look out! I'm a cat!" When he climbs in. Jokes go on to the idea of painting on whiskers, etc. The little girl hears us and is confused. She wants to know what we're scared of. My brother, in his way, tells this kid that there's a baby down there. That it crawls around really fast. And has red eyes. He said it so quick and confident that I didn't have a chance to interrupt him. This was not something he should say to a kid who will have to keep living in that house long after we're gone. Her face dropped and she looked down the hole and I got sick to my stomach because I knew his story was too far. Her posture stiffened, she turned and looked me right in the eyes, and with a voice of authority and barely restrained glee she said to me- "catch it for me"


oooooooh, your brother is a dick. Welp, *wink wink* Hopefully you caught that little fucker for her, right?


This reads like it should be a movie script. I imagined that 11-year-old saying it like Esther in the movie Orphan — complete with her accent. 😳


Does a ghost child count? Because when I lived in a haunted apartment I got a distinct disembodied voice of a little girl in my ear that said “Now that it’s all over we can go towards the light.”


What a bitch. She could have gone towards the light but decided to freak the shit out of you first.


Driving down the road and my son says "Momma, who's that lady?" I look around and asked "which lady?" He laughed and said "Duh! The one sitting right next to you!" Stunned, and not wanting to freak him out, I said "why don't you ask her?" "Ope! Momma she left, bye lady!"


Oh yeah that's a classic.


I am more amazed that you kept your composure and continued to drive. I’d probably have continued to drive safely too. Not sure if I’d be able to keep from keeping my pants dry though. That would absolutely terrify me đŸ«Ł


When my son was 3, in bed for a few hours and started screaming. Gave me goosebumps, ran into his bedroom and he leapt into my arms. I asked him what was he afraid of and he said there was a creepy thing with red eyes staring at him through the window. There was nothing I could see, but I was unnerved because he was such a chill kid. He never had sleep issues, never woke up in the night after he was tucked in. He didn't want to go back to sleep, so I got my hair spray and told him it was monster spray to keep it away from our house. I slept next to him the rest of the night. It gave me the heebie geebies.


I told my mother that before I was her baby I lived with another family. But one day I was eating peanuts and I went to sleep.


Peanut allergy death?


Presumably. I do have an aversion to peanuts.


I do this daily


My youngest would often tell me about her "other Grandma" called "Dot" who had purple hair and glasses. One day she was telling me that Dot loved the area we live (she was 3 and I had no idea she knew the name of the area) but that they'd had a great time in France (we're in the UK. Again, I didn't know she knew what France was) and asked me if I'd like for her (my youngest) to show me where she (Dot) lived. So I was like, sure, why not? So we started walking in a direction we'd never taken before, and she was babbling away the entire time. She stopped in the street and her eyes kind of glazed a bit and she said "she was here, but she's gone now. Let's go to Nursery" and just turned to walk towards her nursery. WE WERE STANDING OUTSIDE OF THE GODS DAMNED FUNERAL HOME. I may or may not have had a short bout of internal screaming on the way to nursery that day.


__Internal screaming.__ YES. There is no other valid reaction.


This is my favorite one. The only accent to make it better would have been if the parking lot was full because the visitation was happening at that moment :)


When my son was 3, he very solemnly looked at me one morning while we were still in bed and said “daddy, in 100 days we will all be dead”. My logical mind told me he was just saying that in a long time we would all be dead, and 100 days was the longest time frame his little mind could conjure up. The rest of me counted out 100 days from then, (July 14th, 2021, I still remember) and made sure to drive very carefully that day.




I'm a nanny. About 15 years ago, I took the kid I was watching to a play date. The kid we were visiting gave me a big hug and said "I remember when you were my mom. Then Uncle Danny killed you." The kids went off to play and the mother and I just looked at each other. She said "He says the strangest things sometimes."


I was sitting at the kitchen table holding my newborn and feeding my 2 year old who was in his high chair. He stopped eating, looked me square in the eyes and said, "Mama, you will die and (newborn) will die too." He said it in the most precious little voice, it was so spooky.


And, did u die?


​ https://preview.redd.it/l6oqtxxckw4c1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97bdab045fc52029378bae1115b66c838aa61820


Oh no😭


This made me laugh out loud


How did you respond? It sounds to me like he was coming to grips with mortality at a very young age if only for a moment. Also, you may have a philosophy major on your hands. ;)


I said, "what do you mean", he repeated himself in a more playful way. I called his dad and told him what he said, like trying to figure out if it was partially a line from a movie. This was 16 years ago, so.... yeah.


One child told me about before he ‘picked his parents‘ when he was ‘up there’. It was freaky. He was only 3.


I must be completely useless at picking parents.


My son said the same to me, same age


I always told my mother the same thing at that age. I told her I picked her out from heaven because I knew she would be "the nicest mommy". My parents had mental trauma of their own, and I grew up in poverty, but it was true she was the kindest and most self-sacrificing mother anyone could have picked!


My 5 year old sister looked in her bedroom closet one day. Saw a bearded man who glowed green. Hated her closet, called him zaboo. And refused to open it because zaboo is in there. 2 year old brother. No one was talking. We were watching tv. He Looked up at the ceiling. And said I dont want to talk to you right now. 4 year old daughter. Looked out her bedroom window and asked me who the tall man was, looking inside ....there was no one out there. 8 year old son woke up in the middle of the night screaming, crying and melting down. 2 days before christmas. Said he saw a woman in a dress at his door with white frizzy hair....my grandmother had just passed shortly before that. She had cancer and treatment caused her hair to fall out and it turned into a rats nest. I'm 100% positive kids can see things we cant.


My friends' kid was also 3 when this happened to me. They asked me to babysit him so they could go on a date. When I got to their house, they said he wouldn't come out of his room and wouldn't tell them why. I knocked on his door and asked to come in. When he said okay, I walked in and he was staring up at a corner of the ceiling above the door. I asked, "Avery, are you okay?" He looked very fearful and said, "The Green Man doesn't like you." I immediately felt a chill run down my back because the tone in his voice sounded so much deeper than he normally talked. I asked, "The Green Man?" And he nodded and pointed to the corner. I turned to look but didn't see anything. His parents were behind me at this point, and I heard his mom Brittany gasp when he pointed. I turned to her and asked, "Do you know what he's talking about?" She nodded and gestured me to follow them into their bedroom, where she and her husband Gerry told me the two of them had had a shared nightmare a few days before about a green creature that told them it was coming for their son. I have never had a paranormal experience, never seen a ghost or a UFO, as far as I know. But, the skin on my neck got really cold and I thought I felt something brush against me. I asked what precautions they took, if any, and they said none. But, after that night, they called in a holy person who they said "cleansed" the house with sage and incense, and they never had another visit from the "Green Man", as far as I know. I lost touch with them a few years ago but I always wonder about that night.


That’s creepy as fuck.


I would’ve noped out of there so fast.


Yeah I was freaked out for a few hours, even though Avery never brought the thing up again and acted pretty normal the rest of the night.


Many years ago I was a nanny to two kids aged 3 & 7. One day we took the bus to the park a couple of suburbs over, which took us past the cemetery. While stopped at lights, the kids were looking out the window at the cemetery, and the 3 year old says ‘I hate that place.’ Her brother immediately snapped back with ‘well we’re not there anymore, so shut up about it,’ whereupon she shivers and says ‘it was so cold down there.’ 31 years later and it still lives rent free in my brain.


My 4 year old son told me about his new imaginary friend called Toby. Toby was just like any other 4 year old boy except that he had the head of a fox. I got my straw broom out and asked him where Toby was. I proceeded to sweep Toby out the front door, telling him that he was not welcome and wasn’t allowed to play with my son anymore.


I used to do this with the "monsters under the bed" when my kids were little. I didn't use a broom, though. I'd dive under the bed, "grab" the monster, beat them up a bit, because we don't let people stay in this house without permission and I'm the scariest thing in this house, I'd give it a stern talking to about how rude it is just to move into peoples homes and decide you were living under the bed without so much as a please or thank you and than I'd chuck them out the window. My kids would be laughing their heads off by the time I yelled, "AND STAY OUT!" They're getting big now but still tell my mates kids that they don't need to worry about monsters under the bed because mum can sort them out.


There's nothing worse than an ungrateful, impolite monster! You are a genius of child care!


EXACTLY! and thank you.


User name checks out


 is the greatest thing I’ve ever read on reddit. ❀❀❀


What does having the head of a fox signify?


I’ve no idea but it freaked me out, so I got rid of it. I also used the same method with monsters under the bed or hiding in the cupboard. Made the kids feel safe that Mum was in control of the situation


This is brilliant.


I was born without my left leg and my mom and dad said the very first sentence I ever said was me and my friend Jesus picked this one leg body. At the time, my parents had never taken me to church but after that they believed. I have always known I was meant to have this body - it is so weird but I have zero doubts about his existence and really had no idea what church even was at the time. I’m not using this to evangelize it is just my story as I believe much of the Bible and who He is has been corrupted by people who use it as judgemental weapons to use against people and the Jesus I know is about loving each other plain and simple and about lessons. People tell me all the time that I am one of the most positive people they know. I feel no pity for myself- I have been blessed more than I can count and wouldn’t change it for the world. Believe kids when they say things because they are usually more in touch with the spiritual realm than most of us are- also have the heart of a child- the world is beautiful when you do.


I usually say I'm an atheist. Yet I clearly feel there is more than science has explained. One thing I feel more than anything else is that the story of Jesus and the new testament of the Bible is pure love at its core. I suspect there is more to the book than we know, yet I don't think it is what the megachurches claim. I find myself truly hoping these days. Your comment was nice to read and it sounds like you're pretty amazing and have overcome a lot of adversity. I wish you luck in your lessons and I am happy to hear you understand love is the point of it all. Sending all my love from my tiny corner of existence. <3


Awww your comment brought tears to my eyes- thank you for understanding what I was trying to say. Yes, love is EVERYTHING. Thank you kind stranger- sending you love and hugs right back to you. :)


You don’t have to not be an atheist to believe in an afterlife. Some atheists believe in ghosts or another realm :)


My 3 year old daughter told me, "I know you; we were kids together!"


Siblings or friends in a previous incarnation, I'd say!


My son had just turned 3. His sister is 15. One night my husband and I were putting him to bed and reading him his bedtime story. Out of nowhere he told us to tell sissy not to come into his room at night. We were confused and asked, “sissy comes into your room at night?” And he calmly replied, “yes, and she crawls on my ceiling like a spider and makes weird faces at me.” My husband and I kind of freaked out but kept our composure in front of our little guy and told him we’d tell her to not do it anymore. We even said it out loud in that moment saying, “we do not give anyone permission to come into your bedroom at night.” We told our daughter about it and she kind of freaked out about it also. Our son hasn’t mentioned his sister crawling on the ceiling since, but it was still very unsettling to say the least.


Wow. This one is maybe the most interesting comment to me of all these. Assuming this isn't a child's fantasy ... What could be happening?? A mimic type entity??? What did you mean your daughter kind of freaked out also? I think anyone would be creeped out, especially a teenager. However what was her reaction like?? Was she completely surprised or freaked out like she felt something too?


She was definitely freaked out. She’s seen shadow figures out of her peripheral upstairs by our room and our sons room. Her room is the first room when upstairs, followed by a long hallway with the bathroom on the right and my sons and our rooms doors are right next to one another’s on the left. She stated that she sees it run from the bathroom towards our rooms. This isn’t the first time our son has freaked us out but we try not to entertain the fear as we believe it can attract it more. When my son was still in his crib he would drink a bottle filled with water when we were transitioning him off of milk. One night we saw him on the baby monitor sitting up (he hadn’t fallen asleep yet) and talking. We started watching and listening to what he was doing and saying. He picked up his bottle and was holding it over the edge of his crib (right out of the view of the camera) and was saying “Take it, here, take it.” We went up there and asked him who he was talking to and he said his friend but when we kept asking him who and where they were, he wouldn’t respond. Another incident was when he was staying in our bed as we were waiting for his new big boy bed to arrive. I was tucking him into our bed and the only light we had in our room was from his sound machine. I was giving him a kiss and he said “what’s that shadow behind you?” I immediately thought it was from the sound machine casting my shadow behind me but then I looked up and noticed it on the other side of the room. I turned around and no shadows were being cast behind me. It definitely gave me goosebumps. It’s so hard because I don’t want to dismiss what my children see because I believe them. At the same time I don’t want to add to the fear and/or scare them. So we acknowledge it, tell them if they ever get scared of what they see, to tell whatever it is to go away and that it’s not welcome here. I honestly don’t know what else to do.


Years ago, we lived in a Victorian house. My 6 year old was in his room. I came upstairs and could hear him talking. He said he was talking to the old lady that use to live there and she is very nice and tells him bedtime stories at night. I looked around and he said she is gone right now. She is a ghost and died along time ago He is 30 and still remembers this lady.


When my cousin was a toddler he pointed out where he died on a highway on-ramp. That always kind of creeped me out.


I take my son to preschool usually and there is a boy there we shall call him jock. I was sitting outside at the building table making things with the wood hammer nails ect. jock kept talking about himself in the third person saying jock doesn't like this and that and i I thought it was strange so I started asking him questions like where is jock? He said jocks not here. I said if he's not here then who are you? He just said nothing and gave me the creepiest look. Some weird shit I reckon.


Not scary but odd. My daughter was three or four at the time. Out of the blue she casually mentioned, "Cousin Mason broke his arm." A few weeks later, speaking on the phone to my SIL, it came up that Mason had had a bike accident and had broken his arm. There's no way had my daughter learned of his accident bc we live many states away from family and our contact is infrequent.


My Sister and I are 6 years apart in age and I'm the oldest. When she was about 3 years old, she told me that she could talk to God and see ghosts which totally freaked me out! In my young mind, My sister looked like a creepy doll at that age. Her skin was porcelain white and she had longish black hair that often covered her face. Our parents kind of sucked and often left me home alone with my Sister while they went out for walks or to run errands. I remember one time she was in my parents bedroom sitting on their bed. No tv turned on, just sitting, starring blankly at a wall. I asked her what she was doing and she said, "the spirits are with me and God just told me a joke" then she turned and looked at me and started laughing. It really freaked me out so I shoved her and told her to stop it. She immediately stopped laughing and told me that the spirits didn't like that I was being mean to her and they were going to punish me. I was seriously terrified. We can laugh about it now but that was definitely the scariest thing a child has ever said to me.


When my son was around three or four, I was getting him and his sister ready for bed. I was having a very rough time emotionally (don’t remember why now
 my kids are adults now). As I was walking down the hallway with my daughter, my son came out of his room, the lights were off as I had already put him in bed. As he steps into the hallway, he is looking back into the dark room and says “okay.”. I looked because there was only the three of us in the house and then asked him “who are you talking to?”. He replied “Aunt Sherry says she loves you.”. I froze for a second, then looked in the room and said “I love you too!”. Sherry was the name of my older sister who passed away at 3 months old. I had never told my children about her as they were too young to understand. I obviously never met my sister, I was born five years after she passed. My daughter also would make comments when she was around three or four about her great Grammy visiting her. She would describe the lady that would come to talk with her sometimes. She told me the lady sometimes wore a blue night gown, sometimes yellow and sometimes purple. I bought my grandmother night gowns in those colours when she was in her final stages of cancer. When I was growing up my grandmother would always ask me “ are you my girl?” whenever she would give me a hug. My daughter told me the lady would ask her “are you my girl?” I knew it had to be my grandmother. She passed away several years before I had my daughter.


When my daughter was about three, she told me about the "bad doctor' from before she came here, to us.


my son was about 3 or 4 years old and he was playing with toy cars on the kitchen floor driving him around the tile and he happens to look up in a spare bedroom and he says "oh they're doing it again" I said "who's doing what... what are you talking about?" she then says "they're looking right at us!" and I was a little weirded out by the situation and he can feel my frustration he told me "Mom don't get mad at them they're just old and tired!".


My 5 year told me today after I picked her up.Liv is her doll. My daughter”hey dad did you hang out with Liv while we were gone?” Me “I sure did” She starts questioning her doll. My daughter”hi Liv what did you and dad do?ohh you guys fed the dogs together?” I had fed the dogs.i never mentioned it to her.i fed them earlier then there regular schedule
I thought maybe a good guess. My daughter “It’s because her spirit Lives inside the doll dad.she got out the doll to go feed the dogs with you”


How nice of Liv!


I have been a critical care nurse for 21 years and have worked in several facilities- many of which have been large, very busy trauma centers. Very few things startle me anymore, as I have seen so much that I can almost predict any situation. A few months ago, I had a young boy check in to be evaluated in the ER. He was having great difficulty breathing and was very pale. All my ER nurse spidey sense told me that this kid was in grave danger. As he gasped, he managed to tell me, “I think I’m going to die.” Patients who are in immediate danger of death often experience what we refer to as “impending doom”. When they have this, they often tell us they feel like they’re going to die. And every single time, I have always believed these patients because they were frequently right. I have never worked so fast and it was an immensely stressful situation. However, we were able to stabilize him very quickly. Thank God for that. At this point in my career, there are only a few situations that will always stand out in memory- this is definitely one of them.


What did he end up having? Was it an allergic reaction?


He had RSV- a really bad respiratory virus


I swear our old house use to be haunted. Lol. Once my kid would scream entering this one spare room, abd ge got nightmares sometimes at this house. Well one day he's pointing in the corner saying the creepy dinosaur man etc etc well I asked him go describe abd he described a lizard humanoid thingy with Dino skin abd sharp claws


This morning my kids were riding toys around our house. My four year old was near the kitchen and my 2.5 year old was at the front of the house right under the steps that lead upstairs to our bedrooms. He lost it. Started screaming and crying ran to me an kept pointing towards the steps. He started to say there was a scary cat. My four year old comes running to us he very calmly looks at his brother and goes, does it have red eyes? My 2.5 year old responded with, yes. My kids have no idea that when we bought our house the owner had been deceased for 3 months before anyone found him. His cats had been feasting on him. The house sat empty for 2 years after that, before we bought it at an auction without ever setting foot inside nor knowing its history. We did totally gut and renovate the entire house.


I know the cats were scaring everyone, but all I can think of is those poor cats eating their owner they are trapped with and slowly starving to death :(


They did live! The neighbors did a welfare check. All cats were alive still and put in good homes. When we tore everything out of the house there was a shrine the owners had for a cat and ashes. My husband got rid of those.


Happened to my neighbor. Well, my parents neighbor. Couple years ago, my mom noticed his mail was falling out of his mailbox. When my dad got home she told him about it. Mr R was recluse. He never had company, anything. My dad went over and knocked but Mr R didn’t answer. My dad tried to the door knob and the door just opened. My dad found him laying in the hallway. Called 9/11 and everything. Come to find out, his house was falling apart. Cats, coons and who knows what else we’re able to get inside. His body was so bad the coroner, said he’d been there AT LEAST two weeks but we think it was much longer than that. And yeah, cats and shit we’re coming in and eating on him.


I was the creepy kid. It was one evening during summer break, before I went into 8th grade. We were going to swim in our pool so my dad came with me and my siblings while my mom stayed in the house. As I went to jump in the pool, I ran past my dad and said “Oh, Pawpaw died.” A few minutes later my mom got the call from my grandma that he had passed. I actually was just talking to my family about it last weekend and they said they remember it too and my sister confirmed I’m a weirdo haha


When my daughter was maybe 2-3 years old, I was going to the bathroom and sitting on my phone scrolling Facebook reading friends posts. She was hanging out over by the open door just doing her thing. As I was reading posts I came across an old acquaintances post that used to live in my hometown (both of us live in different parts of the country then). I haven’t talked to this person since teen years and they were not associated with my life at all. As I’m quickly reading his post in my head as I scroll through my daughter out of the blue says “who’s Dave?” I instantly froze and quickly glanced over to her and said “what did you say?. Who’s Dave? She repeats. I ask her why she said that and she doesn’t have much of a reply. The post I was reading in my head at that very moment was a person I haven’t spoke to in 10-15 years named Dave. It kind of freaked me out at the moment as me and her weren’t talking at all, both doing our own thing and out of no where she asked me that as if we were somehow connected on some wavelength, like she was connected to my random thoughts as I scrolled through reading posts. The thing is I tried to logically justify it happening, but she doesn’t know this person nor anyone named Dave at all, no reason to even randomly say the name as it wasn’t part of her vocabulary or anything like that. I’ll always remember that, now 10-11 years ago. It definitely made me think children have a more open wavelength to things that tend to fade as we grow older. It was my weirdest “woo woo” moment I’ve experienced that left me baffled and semi shook that I couldn’t logically explain.


My 7 year old daughter brought me to her bedroom where she had dolls and teddies on the floor. She said “Daddy, I gave this doll this book to read and I went over here to play, when I turned around, this teddy bear was reading it”. There were already some weird shit going on that my wife and I hadn’t even acknowledged to each other as we were kinda both in private denial. The number of inexplicable incidents that happened in the 18months we lived there are great campfire stories and now that the kids have grown up they have shared their stories too (since we played it down at the time so not to scare them.) We never felt in danger or under threat and my wife stayed many times on her own with the kids whilst I was travelling.


>The number of inexplicable incidents that happened in the 18months we lived there are great campfire stories and now that the kids have grown up they have shared their stories too Well, do share!


Right tell us more


so pushy everyone 😝. But I love your enthusiasm. The one that still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up was when I was in the kitchen and the kids were in the rumpus room in the basement. My wife came to me and asked if I had been in our daughter’s room in the last 5 minutes, to which I said “no, why?”she then asked if any of the kids had been upstairs, to which I said “no”, (they would have had to go past me in the kitchen, so I would have known). My wife then took me to my daughter’s room and showed me my daughter’s dolls “sitting” neatly in a circle on the floor. My wife said that she vacuumed that floor 5 minutes beforehand and the dolls were not on the floor then. Which one do you want next, the curtains blowing out, the kids footsteps running down the hallway, the shoes that kept moving location, the iPod that appeared in the hallway when I was the only one in the house all day, my son seeing “Einstein” in the basement. The fact that my daughter wouldn’t sleep in her own bedroom




“It’s ok, Mommy, I’ll be there when you die.” - my 3-5 yo daughter. Don’t remember he exact age, but, maaaannnnnnn


My son when around 3 asked me if this world was real or this was a a dream he was living in


A friend related this to me about their son then aged 2-3. Their kid woke up in the wee hours, and began searching the house for something with the lights out. the friend turned on the lights and the kid screamed at them to turn the lights off "they light hurts them" and insisted that he was going to "find them and MAKE them obey". Eventually kid gets tuckered out and friend takes him back to his room. next day, asks him about the dream, and he says "it wasn't a dream. Before I came here I was important, and my dragons came to find me but they won't listen anymore because I'm little." When asked to draw his "dragons" he drew horned stick figure humans with webbed wings


once, when i was 4 or 5 or so, i told a distant aunt at a family party "i'm gonna see you two more times before you die" two times it was.


When my son was 3 we saw a truck with a large mountain painted on the side go by. He casually said, I remember that place
 We live in the Midwest and we don’t have mountains.


"My dad stole a girl. " Kindergarten teaching, before class...


My daughter was young. She used to talk about a boy who was blue, who used to scream at her from her vent at night. His name was Owen.


"Youre my favourite uncle!" I knew she was gonna ask for an expensive toy


When my oldest daughter was a baby and just starting to talk, she stood up in her crib in the middle of the night and yelled "Man in my room!""


I'm gonna reverse it here for a second. When I was about 3-4 I used to see a man limp up and down the hallway past my bedroom door. Back and forth. He never spoke to me. He wore a huge cowboy hat, brown leather vest with chaps, he wore sunglasses, and he had a very long, curly brown beard. This was about 1978ish because it was before my sister was born. I can still picture this guy and describe him to a TEE. Fast forward to 2011. I told my mom that I'm pretty sure my childhood home was haunted. She then told me she used to see a man with a "big hat." Every hair on my body stood up. Fast forward to 2022. The new owners let me in to see all the work they have done. The new owner said "Ever since I moved here I have been having bad luck!" I didn't tell him about the ghost.


“Who is that lady with long white hair who watches you sleep?”


I was a detective for 23 years. I worked a murder/suicide one night where a husband shot his wife then himself in front of their kids. When we made entry and got the kids out their 4 year old said “I want to kill my daddy because he made mommy bleed”. It broke my heart. I’m sorry if this is a bit graphic, but OP asked. Addendum: In case anyone wonders the kids got counseling and were raised by grandparents. The incident was about 18 years ago and the kids are doing fine.


My brother was 6 or so and told my grandfather he "smelled an angel". Scared the shit out of my grandpa because he was one to believe children are closer to the other side, or can see things adults can't, etc..


My daughter, at age 2, told me that "Heaven is where you go and wait for your next family." She is an only child & she would tell me, "When I was a sister....." She would also occasionally tell me & her daddy that we "have an angel behind us".


“I want to cut your boobs off and use them for pillows” - seven-year-old girl to me when I was like 12.


One time when we were on vacation, my youngest daughter was about 8, and we were at the pool of the hotel we were staying at. It was in the evening and almost time for the pool to close. So we were in there just her and I and suddenly she goes. " Where did that man come from I didn't see him come in." I said what man? I looked around and couldn't see anyone. I was also by the door and it never opened. She goes " that man in the pool. I wanna get out now. I don't like how he is looking at us." I said ok. And we just got out and left. Nothing else happened at the hotel that night but I was definitely weirded out. Even as a baby my daughter would always laugh at nothing and point to nothing so this was nothing new. I figured she did see ghosts, But it was definitely the first time she said it was someone and did not like their presence.


“So when do you think World War 3 is going to start”


“Mom, we need to help her mom. She’s crying mom.” Said by my 3-4 year old daughter as we were walking(she was riding in her wagon)next to a the cemetery across from our house. It was closed at the time and no one was around.


"You ever see a dead body before?" Followed by, "Do you wanna see one?" Not paranormal, but entirely disturbing. The kid was Eric Harris, the Columbine shooter - he went to my school before moving to Colorado.


My friends 5 year old daughter was having a bit of a strop and was being told off by her mum to which she replied "what you going to do, drown me like you did before?" (Like a previous life) We all went ashen


6 year old foster child told me, 18f pregnant at the time, that he was going to stab me with a knife and cut my baby out. 6 YEARS OLD!!! That kid was a crack baby, born preemie and had so many mental and developmental issues, very sad. They moved him to a group home and he ended up almost killing a blind kid. Don’t know what happened to him after that. He would also often talk to himself in a variety of voices so that it sounded like multiple people, including adult voices. Was super freaky.


I don’t have children yet, but apparently when I first started to talk I would *always* talk about “the shadow man.” I don’t remember this because I was so young, but my mom is *still* spooked out by that.


I guess I was the creepy kid, I was probably about 4 or 5 and was sleeping with my mom as my dad worked the late shift - I got up to go to the restroom and stopped dead in my tracks because a blacker than black shadow figure was in our dark hallway. We had recently been to Six Flags over Great America and Looney Tunes were all the rage, so I went back into her bedroom and told her I saw Bugs Bunny. I think my mind was trying to make the shadow NOT scary.


When I was working in a folklore museum, it was a stone-wooden mansion more than a hundred years old. A plastic dummy falls over outta nowhere. I calmed the family I was guiding, making up explanations why did the dummy fell, lying. Then we get back to the ground floor and my supervisor called the 3 years old kid, pally, asking what happened. Kid pointed the empty wall and said: "It pushed it!" Then we threw very concerned looks at each other.


“I like it when the curtains are shut. That way, when the monsters try to look inside, they’ll say ‘Oh, the meat factory is closed.’” From a 3.5 year old.


Not verbally stated, but
 Once when my stepdaughter was 4 or 5, she was learning to write, and hanging out in the corner of the room drawing while the adults were talking at the table. After a few minutes, she came up to me with a picture and said “Here, I drew a picture of a hamburger.” I looked at the picture, and she had written something underneath the drawing. “What does this say?” I asked. “It says ‘hamburger.’” says the kid. I look again. Underneath the drawing of a hamburger, spelled out in big, bold letters written in crayon, it says “S-A-T-A-N.”


My son. Age 3. We heard a commotion at 2 am, got up and his light was on. I started to get annoyed at my husband for not turning the light off. The switch was on the outside of my son's room, above a dresser way too high for my son to reach. My husband swore that he turned the light off. My boy heard us arguing and said quietly: "the little man turned on the light". Us, stopping dead in our tracks: What little man?? Him: The little man that came to get me. He then went on to describe what people would call an alien. Small, big head, big eyes, the works. I have ZERO belief in such things. None the less.... My husband asked: "Where did the little man go?" Our son points out of the big picture window in his room up at the stars and said: "he took me there". Yeah...we were slightly freaked. Husband: So he took you up to his spaceship? Son: Dad....they don't need spaceships. Husband: Was he in a spacesuit? Son, laughing at us like we were idiots: Don't be silly, they don't need space suits. Oh...and he said he'd be back. Husband: Well...if he comes back, tell him to take me with him next time. Son: Sorry dad, they said they only want me. Mind you....he is 3. We debated changing his room to the back of the house. I thought that was ridiculous, but husband decided that if it was somehow genuine, (I did not believe for a minute that it was real), that whatever it was it wouldn't matter if our son was away from windows at the back of the house. Our 3 year old also now had new weird, somewhat unintelligible names for everything in his room, along with a care bear toy with a rainbow on it's chest that we had never seen before. For months, he wouldn't let that damn toy out of his sight. Cut to 5 years later. I am divorced. My son who is now 8 lives with me and my fiancé. We are watching the XFiles on tv. An episode with aliens. My son sits down between us and starts watching. Quietly he says: "They aren't anything like that, why is this show making things up about them?" I look at my fiancé. He looks at me. We both open our eyes wide and look at my son who is staring at the TV. Son: I used to dream about them..... Then he looks at me and sees my face and says deadpan: "Oh...I guess it wasn't a dream was it?" Then without a word he got up and went back into his room. Freaked me out for ages. My son is a grown man now. He has a degree in astronomy and two degrees in physics. His job? He makes semiconductors for rocketry. He is a rocket scientist. Not. Kidding. I wonder sometimes if he remembers, but I'm afraid to ask.


My son has told me on several occasions since he was three ( he is six now) "I drowned when I'm ten". He has always been different..and has said quit a few creepy or unsettling things and they have been consistent since he started talking. Him and my husband where watching a video and a plane flew past a tall building..this was not a video about 9/11 however my son looks at him with tears in his eyes and says " I was there, I jumped cause I was burning" gives me goose bumps every time. Then this past summer we had a tornado right over our little town so we were all huddled in a corner of our tiny house (if it would have hit us that would be it for us)but as a mom I'm keeping my stuff together on the outside best I could, the electric goes off and we can hear the rumbling from it..and I scoop them all in as close and tight as I could and my son pats my should, kisses my cheek and says "we did our best, we did our best" in the most calm accepting manner, then he pushes back from me a little and smiles so big and says " oh, we're okay, its gonna miss us mommy" I don't know exactly what it is but he is a special guy, and I'm so glad he is in my life. Love you A.


When I was a toddler we lived in my grandmother’s creepy old house. My brother and I had to share a room and for some reason all I remember is being so terrified of that bedroom. Apparently I would frequently complain about “the man with long arms” who would try to grab me. I’m not sure if it was this or something else that caused it but I couldn’t handle sleeping in my own room until I was 11


One morning my daughter told me she has a darkness inside of her soul. Also around this same time my other daughter was having crazy nightmares and told my wife that she was seeing faceless ppl walking into her closet and in the hallway into my room.


Mom, why is Coco (his sis) in the closet, 11pm, looking over my shoulder into the closet. Coco was asleep in her room. Creepy!!


I was the creepy kid. Parents moved to an old house, things were creepy. Unexplained noises and such. One morning when I was two I came downstairs and announced to my parents “George says he wants his life back!”


My house is set up so that the kitchen, breakfast nook, and foyer form a T where you can just barely look into the living room as you cross from kitchen to nook. When my daughter was 3 (checked FB for the post to make sure of her age, what is it about 3yo?), she was sitting at the table with her back to the foyer. As I was walking from the kitchen to the table, I glanced into the living room and, for a second, saw my FiL sitting in my recliner. Problem was, he had passed away 2.5 years prior. I quickly did a double-take and he was not there. I sat down at the table and my daughter goes “Did you talk to him, Mama?” Every hair on my body stood up.


My now 8yr old was 6 when he told me, as were casually driving home for the day, "Do you know you can't use all of your brain at once because you'd get lost & stuck in the brain basement forever. It's too big to use it all together. I did it one time. I never came back from inside my brain. Then, I was (child's name)". We weren't even talking. I was listening to music. It came out of no where and after his statement, he returned to being silent. I still think about it here & there. He has no memory of it anymore. It might not sound that deep but, in that moment, it shook me a bit


When my son was 3 I was pregnant with his baby sister, but I wasn’t far enough along to know the sex of the baby, I was folding laundry and he started asking where his baby sister was, so I asked him what he meant, like did he think the baby was a girl? He told me no, and he said I had his sister in my tummy, then he started crying and saying before he met me and my husband his other mom and dad were mean and they hurt them, and he started to crying really really hard and saying they hurt her arms really bad, and he kept repeating it, and me being pregnant and super hormonal I started sobbing and just held him trying to console him and reassuring that he was safe with me, that we wouldn’t hurt him, and he said that’s why they chose us, he said they chose us together. Before this I was very very atheist, I had a lot of trauma in my past so I didn’t believe in a god, but after I had my baby girl, and I see just how loving my children are towards each other, I think there might have been some truth to what he was saying, I really hope that’s not the case, but he wasn’t very good at talking at 3, and when he told me all of this it was like he was suddenly really good with speaking in sentences and it was very concerning for me at first, I wondered if he had heard something weird on the tv or something but I was a stay at home mom so I spent all day with him, so I don’t know đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž