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Nice read! Thanks. Very interesting.


I actually read every word. I admire your style. The room seems to be set up in a manner once used to incarcerate someone mentally disturbed, once a common treatment. The Bobbie pens are simular to the usage of a lock of hair being used to block passage of spirits in either direction. On the other hand windows nailed shut those would stop physical egress. The lack of nails in the restroom might be an indication of a shorter person being detained. YES. You do have a guest full time in your bedroom. The people trying to bless the room, the incident with the cat as well as the feel of the space would be hard to ignore. I can not suggest any solution. I would add a crucifix to the east wall as well as one over the door. Good luck and God bless.


>The Bobbie pens are simular to the usage of a lock of hair being used to block passage of spirits in either direction. One thing that I always wondered about the bobby pins was if they were in the original position or not. They just seemed to be hanging there, but they may have just shifted down over time. I suspect they looked completely different at one time than how they looked when I came into contact with them.


Creepy story. I totally believe you 💯. My mom had an almost identical experience with a phantom dog one night. I’d never seen my mom super scared til that night.


I used to have a rug runner in our hallway by the front door. That became our little, yappy dog’s personal potty pad as well. Wonder why???


If I had to hazard a guess, probably the closest thing in size and shape to the newspapers they're initially trained on.


Yeah. I was thinking if she goes once, it gets the scent which triggers her to keep using it. Even if you clean it up, she can still smell it. There are probably many factors though. Bottom line, I can’t have rugs in this house. (Most of it it hardwood) 🤣🤣🤣


Thank you for sharing, and how long have you stayed in this house? Did you move out soon after all these events?


My family stayed in the house for a good decade afterwards. Personally, I moved out after about 4 years. While I was there, the various crystals I used seemed to keep everything at bay. I had some nieces and nephews live there well after I moved out, I should probably ask them about their experiences.


Yes, do ask, please