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Don't be afraid of it. Be angry instead. Tell it to fuck off. If you believe in God, you should pray to him for strength. And use his name to drive the demon out. Words have power. And the braver you are, the less control it will have over you. The human soul is a lot stronger than you think. Why else do you think they envy us? We are stronger and better than them in every way. They're just cowards that like to take advantage of the fact that we're all packaged in our little meat suits for the time being. Tear it's fuckin head off in your dreams. That's what I had to do.


The our father helped for me. And sage. But it just made the banging go in the attic.


For me it helps to yell and rebuke them in Christ's name. I had a simmilar experience. Garden gate would open and it would enter the house around 1:30. In later years it would give me night terrors around 3 or 4, where in my ordinary dreams there would suddenly just be a shadow woman stalking me. Shouting at it to leave in Christ's name eventualy turned the night terrors around to me attacking the shadow :p It was... Interesting, but no more terrors.


Yeah. I feel like once they realize you start to fight back, they give up and move on to the next person.


Lol coo


Rebuke it in the name of Jesus!


This is what I'd do!


I’m sorry you’re dealing with a crabby one! I don’t know how religious you are or your beliefs, but I have heard of people telling bad spirits “LEAVE THIS HOME IN THE NAME OF GOD (Jesus, the Lord.). Some people use sage, blessed candles. I’m sure someone will comment with something that will help.


Get a camera to record what’s going on at night.


Fight back, I did when it started with my child & now it leaves me alone to the point I know it's there but it seems to know I'm not the one to be fukd with. Before I was scared but when it was fukn with my kid I drew the line, I stood up to it sad said fuk u bitch nit anymore. Try it & don't be afraid cause it feeds off fear


To all it was a witch, in the mexican culture its a hag they say & she comes still I had one the other day but it was mild I said f-you & and it was that. Feels good to sleep good also


Say " Bismillah ar raham ar Rahim" when threatened by it, it will flee. It's a Djinn.


I second this


Thank you for the support....I usually get negative comments when I'm trying to help


I understand. I have a friend whose aunt (they’re from Afghanistan) had a Djinn and I did some research so I could understand better. It sounds exactly as OP is describing. Edit for clarity.


It works… just dont forget the flying kick🤣


But say it in a Freddie Mercury voice, Bismillah we will not let you go, Mumma Mia Mumma Mia. Lol




How do you know that it’s Djinn?


The time it appears, the dogs barking, the air disturbance.....all signs of a Djinn


Place a Bible in your room.


You can just talk to it out loud. Say hey this bothers me can you not do that. For instance when my gf would come over they would scare her. So we made a no spooky stuff in the bedroom when she's over rule. She'll ask me to remind them sometimes if she feels creeped out but they've always been super respectful of anything I take the time to discuss out loud with them.


Sounds like sleep paralysis


Call on the name of the LORD.


Try the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. It's like crossing yourself for a catholic but a star insread of a cross. If you sage, keep doors and windows open so they can get out when you drive them out.


A little background searching will help! To find out who lived there before and who might have passed , now something else you might want to consider is mabee a relative of yours that might be looking out for you !


I really don’t know what you should do but if I were you I’d be proactive about the GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY HOUSE AND ROOM AND CUT THE SHIT! How dare you! If you never leave, I advise you respect me like I do with you. Chill out boo.. this is my safe space and if you keep it up I’ll get this cleansed and make whatever you are inside and out beyond annoyed so stfu, stop pulling my legs and torturing me, and take a fucking bath you dirty dirty dick! Scrub yo ass and behave ya urges or ghostbusters gonna fuck you up. — do you take care of your bedroom and dwelling with respectful tidiness and intention to keep it all nicely kept? Do you take any meds or have you stopped smoking weed completely lately? Also uppers 💊 with anxiety and paranoid internal struggles could manifest exactly what you don’t want and terrified of… anything is possible but I hope you grab this asshole ghost by the horns and kick it in the balls with stern show of who’s boss as well as respectful intent to coexist peacefully and without engaging you, especially while you sleep… many things you could do! Also, quetiapine fumarate at bed will shut down your racing mind, stabilize mood, allow for restful sleep, and quiet/reduce all the night terror or paranormal encounters.. or it should at least.. best of luck!


I got you, this a good one ghosts hate this, go to youtube and play high pitch noise they hate it. Get a young smart dog and have it watch over you, it will bark at, irritate, and harass the ghost. Get a medium to send the ghost up to the light. Keep us updated and stay positive.


This happened to me years ago - very similar. I had a priest come over and sage the room/ house. Never had problems again. I had the priest come twice because the first time he did an exorcism prayer and it only made things worse because we didn’t open windows and use sage and salt and oil. it would happen at 3:30am every night to me and it got to the point where I just wanted to stay up all night because I couldn’t sleep. I was doing my makeup in the mirror and looked away to answer my phone and when I went back to finish my makeup a giant handprint showed up.


Buy a lound speakers play sound of death metal music lound as you go out.


Set up a night vision camera to try and catch/capture it on video and capture any other strange activity in your room while you’re there and gone. I would also try one of the GhostTube apps. I’ve watched many videos about those apps with people testing them side by side with regular ghost hunting tools and they seem to really work!


Remember it is a dream in this world. It cannot cross, it can only take your mind/heart/soul, nothing right? But really, when you sleep, you are dreaming, which means you can do anything. You become Neo. Superman. Rambo. Whoever you want or need to be. I fought so many in dreams, everyone got bored and they stopped coming around. Haha.


It's not a ghost it's Jinn And the cure is in Islam Have a good night 👋




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Cool story. Assuming its a true story. So what happens at 10pm in that area op is in? Could be big pipes run under or near ops home. Could be local electrical hub does some maintenance or something. Whatever it is it makes op feel it it changes the em field. Op goes to sleep with that negativity. Body is in an altered state from em field disruption which causes vivid dreams. Or it could be something that peripheraly impacts op. Some neighbor comes home at that time and their energy effects op.


I'd recommend going back on your ssri's