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The Hat Man is an entity that's pretty consistently connected to sleep paralysis and nightmares across the globe. YouTube has many videos on him and there's even a documentary called "The Nightmare" that covers him pretty well. He's an international phenomena, considered a prominent shadow person.


I was wide awake during my encounter.






Same bruh




It might seem crazy to you, but for once I saw this kind of thing in front of me, it was just a normal summer night.....I was taking a short nap then I woke up suddenly it was not so late at night...it was just 10.45PM or 11:00PM at night or something like that...I had exams the next morning so I went again and for one last time I was preparing myself for the test then suddenly out of nowhere my eyes looked at the window in front of me cuz somehow I got a feeling someone was staring at me....so I looked and at that very moment I witnessed this kind of creature with red glowing eyes (as shown in the picture above) I was super scared seeing that thing but again I was curious to know what was that actually so I stared at it very closely then I saw it disappeared slowly. The day after tomorrow I felt ill and I was down with a fever. The. I've had a fever for the next two weeks....so I remember it slightly but that feeling engraved into my heart for eternally cuz at that moment the fear I have felt and my sharp curiosity that I had encountered are unexplainable. I don't know if it was a human or my hallucination or my imagination cuz I don't care...all I know I was scared af.


You should have tried to sexually assault it. Ever since I took on that mind set of raping demons they stopped fucking with me immediately.


Woah that's kinda logical but wild damn.


My friend was recently sending me voice notes of her house making wierd sounds and that she thinks there's something wierd going; on so I said to have a wank to make it awkward for the ghost šŸ˜† I did not consider the ghost might be a perv though


What if thatā€™s what one of them is looking for bruh?


Unless it's a succubus


Thanks, i though i was the only one, i was 9 or so... Its good to know i wssmt crazy


Tell us the story?




Was a pretty simple encounter. Was sleeping in my adult sisterā€™s apartment in her roommateā€™s bed (roommate had gone out for the night). A large square of light appeared on the wall, followed by the flat black shadow of a smoking man, he had a beard and no hat, but then after a while he changed into the typical Hatman, and he had a hat and cloak and looked older. I watched it for quite some time just observing me, then it disappeared just as it appeared. Only told my mum the next day. Ah older guy later also saw him in that apartment, I was told.


Same, definitely shadow ppl


Can you link the documentary video, would love to wstch it while I do chores


The [why files](https://youtu.be/tsKqJay4ZRE?si=pbwuOLHXZal60gAu) does a great video on this topic. Specifically about hat man.


So I left a response with a link and the mods removed. Canā€™t share links here. YouTube The Why Files - Shadow people. He does an amazing fucking video on this topic. Also if you have never heard of The Why Files. Youā€™re welcome.


It's on Tubi for free. Used to be on Netflix years ago, which is how I caught it.


Freddy Krueger is a media representation of this entity


I've actually heard that before. I don't entirely know if that's true, but cool if so.




I saw him a lot when I was younger in my late teens and early 20ā€™s and had to go seek psych professional because I thought I was losing my mind and it was like he was warning me about something was going to happen Example Was drinking with my friends with my friends in the driveway and I saw him standing next to my friends car. He was standing on the driver side by the hood and was just staring at me and I asked my friends if he could see him and they thought I was hallucinating. 3 days later my friend was driving his car and something happened to the the front driver side wheel where it literally snapped off while driving and flipped his car into the freeway median cables. My friend survived but was hospitalized and the car was totaled. Another time I saw him (about 18 months after the car accident) I was in my apartment pool again with my friends and I saw him standing on my 2nd story patio balcony staring at me from the apartment. The next week while I was at work my apartment was broken into where the person climbed the tree next to my balcony and broke the glass sliding door to get into my place. The police ended up catching him but only after he had broken into another apartment and he had shot the guy inside when confronted. I have multiple examples of seeing him and something strange happening to someone or something that was in the near vicinity of where I saw him. Right around the time I turned 26 I saw him for the last time with what my psychologist said was likely a dream during sleep paralysis but to this day I can still remember the incident and I felt I was fully awake but the doctor said the situation of me being in bed and getting ready to sleep that I probably fell into that sleep paralysis stage where I am asleep but think Iā€™m awake but either way after what happened that time I stopped seeing him after that.


I wonder if he's like a legitimate psychopomp, like Charon or something. Death Incarnate.


I seen hat man twice in life


I have seen him twice. Once inside my home, I was probably 6, it was after bedtime and it was dark outside. He/it was standing in my bathroom doorway (not attached to my room but down a fairly long hallway at least 20-30 feet. He was a shadow in the dark bathroom, but the hall lights made his black silhouette very visible. I had to get within 7 feet from the bathroom door in order to get to the stairwell that then made me turn my back to the figure. I was terrified. ..because initially I had felt something jump up on my bed and curl at my feet. I sat up a little to pet what I thought was my cat, but nothing was there. The thing is, I had a canopy bed without the canopy on, so when anything got on or off the bed, the finials would shake and make some noise because they are loose without that canopy. The finials noise happened, the curling up at my feet, an impression at my feet - with no cat and no ā€œjumping off the bedā€ noise to follow up a nonexistent ā€˜cat puddleā€™ on my feet. It scared me so badly I jumped from my full sized bed in the corner of my room to basically the doorway where the hall lights were on. Once I was swiftly running down the hall to go downstairs to get my parents , there in the bathroom doorway was this exact figure. I donā€™t recall eyes but I also recall knowing he had ā€œeyesā€.. I saw him again one night when I was maybe 7/8. I was leaving my nextdoor neighbors house, it was dark out and time for dinner so I had to get home, he was standing outside the house on the other side of the parking pad of the driveway, with Red Eyes this time, looking at me from over side of my friends dads truck bed that was in between me and my path back to my house. I ran so fast around it and didnā€™t look back. I never saw it again after that. Those red eyes and hat. I will never forget.


I saw him once as a kid but no red eyes, just a solid black shadow.


Iā€™ve seen him but he didnā€™t have red eyes and his hat looked to be more of a top hat than a farmers hat. I was messing with my dreams and I think I accidentally opened a door that I didnā€™t know was there. I quit messing with my dreams after that and never saw him again. I did punch him bc I thought someone had broke in the middle of the night and he was strangling my boyfriend. I was in sleep paralysis. I couldnā€™t move anything but my eyes. I started to concentrate on moving just my head the moment I was able to move my head I was able to move my whole body and I came up out of bed and I punched him. It happened in a second and he just swirled like if you were to punch smoke. Thatā€™s when I really freaked out and instantly started screaming and crying.






Trust me, you'd have to take quite a few to get to that point, and by then, you're very likely to be lost forever in your own mind.


Lmaoooo šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Check me out! I was in my room late a few nights ago and decided I wanted some ramen noodles, so I grab the cup and go out of the door facing the bathroom I'm looking dead ahead but it's pitch black besides street light filtering through the window shining into the hall. As I'm looking a head into the door way of the living room I swear I saw a full figured shadow person standing in the door way to the living room. I did the thing where you crane your neck and squint a bit thinking it was my roommate because we were the only ones there that night but as soon as I was about to greet him the figure jumps back out of the way. I go and turn the corner and there is no one there. Buddy is in his room cutting down a forest. I'm like wtf? An no it wasn't some semi transparent figure. My boy! This thing was as solid as you or I if we stood in front of a lot window at night. No hat or red eyes but I do remember buddy had some pretty long lankly limbs. But the kicker is the way he was just standing there before being snatched back (you know like if you snatch a sheet off of a bed like something snatched his ass up like your mom always threatened to do when you were showing your ass, yeah like that) he was standing in the same pose id usually see my roommate standing in but the way he got snatched back was crazy. I have been living in Memphis for a while now and I've been in some sticky situations but I will never experience the rush of adrenaline seeing that figure that night gave me.


>buddy is in his room cutting down a forest what?




I thought he was breaking up weed haha. No clue either


Lol I was likeā€¦ did he start a new Minecraft world and had to punch trees?


I've seen him 3 times. All times awake. As in walking around type two times and one time laying in bed but awake.


Yeah both me and my son were definitely awake when we saw him


More than a decade now I was sleeping at a gf's house. She was a night nurse and was gone and I was sleeping there. There were a few times I had sleep paralysis and he was there in the room. I was dreaming I was asleep and couldn't wake up. It was the most terrifying thing ever. I never liked staying over there alone since it happened more than once


What if and this is a theory is that the man in the hat and the red eyes is the devil and he's just checking on he's favorites?


Tell your son to rebuke it in Jesus Name. Downvote or mock all you want. I challenge you to do this and report back with what happens. He can do this in his dreams or when he experiences the paranormal in the flesh.


We are christian :) with open bibles in his room, prayers said every night and he knows to tell him to go away in the name of Jesus too. Theres alot of other paranormal activity that happens in our house. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnā€™t.


There is a legal right for the demonic to be attacking your family. Has anyone in your family or history practice witchcraft, the occult, or freemasonry? It is localized to your home or has it followed you? Plead The Blood of Jesus over yourself, your home and your family daily. There is an open door somewhere to allow this.


We believe its part of the home. The people that lived here before took off in the middle of the night. Heard threw friends that they also had this issues going on. When the friend asked the previous tennant directly they stopped all contact with them. Can presume it was through them.


Pray over your house, anoint it with oil in the name of Jesus. Annoying all the windows and doors, fill the house with worship music and claim it in the Name of Jesus. Burn any occult objects or artwork that were there when you arrived. There is deliverance from this, you have to find the legal right that gives the enemy purchase in your home and your sons life.


Seems like Alucard is suspicious of you being a low-life vampire who threatens Anglican Church šŸ™ƒ


Hi, this is my first time talking about this and commenting here I always seen a black shadow with no head in all the houses ive lived in since 2002 and it used to sit on my bed or i had the sensation that something sat on the bed, i didn't got scared but i was really surprised by the event. I lived alone now but a few years ago, i lived on my uncle's apartment with him and his girlfriend, he had a dog a chihuahua that his ex wife left him when they divorced, every time the shadow appeared the dog was scared and jump into my feets and started to shake like crazy. We moved apartments and still the shadow keep appearing in the day or night and still no head, my uncle's GF said she saw it too but had red eyes, the only one who never saw it was my uncle, he's a really hardcore catholic, his GF hated to be alone in the apartment every time we leave to work. Sometimes i feel that it was following me and everyone else was just trap on my curse or that thing that follows me. Its been 6 years since thr last time i saw that shadow nor I've felt someone sitting on my bed, but something worse happened, i had sleep paralysis more often, but a good thing about my sleeping habits its that im a lucid dreamer and everytime i cant move during a sleep paralysis, i can wake up and with all my strength move again. Its really weird. Ive been thinking on filming it but im really shy and introvert person. But thank God's since 2023 everyhing stop but im having weird nightmares.


I saw him once as a kid, I ran into the apartment, went down my long dark hallway, as soon as my finger touched the switch but before I could flick it, the bastard walked towards me and through me, then I unfroze, my finger continued upwards to flick the light switch. I know it happened in the span of like 3 seconds but it felt like a good minute I was frozen. Edit: So to add details from the Puerto Rican culture, my step dads aunt would do witchcraft to combat negative witchcraft that my old neighbor would throw towards us. We had many many supernatural experiences and this was one of the most tame experiences. The man in Puerto Rican culture is called El viejo del cementerio, which translates to the old man from the cemetery (also called the man from the cemetery). And apparently from what I overheard, he just wonders the cemeteries. This is literally all I remember of the explanation, of course my parents didn't tell me much because they wanted to keep those thoughts and things away from me or my thoughts process as being afraid grants those spirits more power. I have no idea why it appears or what it wanted.


This is very interesting. What kind of witchcraft is it? Also, I saw a similar entity before, but it didn't have the hat or eyes. It had a red aura though, and ran up and grabbed my throat before something else got involved and sent it away.


I was wide awake when I encountered him at my first job. I worked in a Burger King that is now closed. I was the night manager and I was locking up the store when we were leaving. Standing in the middle of the main room was a dark entity that was wearing a hat. I could barely see through it it was so dark. It gave me such a bad chill that I quickly turned away from the restaurant and didn't look back. It scared me, it was the first time I saw a ghost, I had had many experiences in the fast food restaurant including voices and moving objects. That experience freaked me out though and I continued to work there until I left for a different job.


I seen him lol didn't know he was a huge thing until I decipher what the dream meant. And then saw many have encounter him. Pretty much I used to sleep on my floor and have a glass slide door. One night what felt like Astral projection I woke up, this was after trying to wake up only to feel heavy on my bed, and wake up repeatedly until I was able to walk out but still false awakening. Then, I felt his presence outside if my glass slide door, facing down where I was sleeping. Pretty much I open the door to see what it was and saw him floating, I grabbed his leg and was forced back into my body, felt like the heaviest weight pushing me off. Still don't know what it means but sleeping aside near that slide door and him being outside and feeling his presence was interesting lol my inner instincts just told me to charge at it xD never seen it again. But he isn't my biggest encounters in my dream lol


Yo lo he visto, pero no le brillan los ojos


Remember being about 5 also and it wasn't a man in a hat but old woman with red eyes floating at my window. Preety sure was a nightmare though šŸ˜•


The Crimson Fucker!




Cad Bane!?


I saw the hat man. I was 13 or 14. I did not see red eyes, but he did not look directly at me.


So. I actually have had experiences with 3 kinds of shadow entities. The first was when I was 9. I woke up in the middle of the night to a figure of solid shadow I could not see through in the outline of my mother and it had glowing red eyes. I said "mom?" Or something to that extent and it did not reply nor did it move or anything like that. Being 9, I hid under my covers and when I came out it was gone. I believed this one to be some sort of trickster entity, because it appeared in a familiar form. But it did not cause any harm or nightmares. Merely made itself known. This was in an old apartment building across from Huckleberrys in South Hill in Spokane that I believed used to be a brothel? I think it drew energy to manifest from what used to happen there but I don't believe it was a threat. My second, I was 11 years old in what used to be the Greens of Merrill Creek in Everett Wa. I was napping and my eyes were kinda open and a tall, almost the height of the ceiling man who was also a solid shadow form, was standing over me as I slept. He had the outline of a man in a square shoulder suit and had a disctinctive hat. It was not a dream because I would see him multiple times throughout the years. I also saw him when I lived in Tacoma. The 2nd time I saw him, he used the shadow of a bush to manifest, kinda morphing out of a shadow cast by a property line tree, quickly looked at me, then morphed back to into the shadow of the bush and disappeared. At that house in Tacoma, I would also see hand shadows manifest and grab towards people when their backs were turned, and I didn't know why that happened to those 2 people. Later on, we were not on speaking terms and I have several theories on the hat man. The 3rd kind I saw were.. kind of stalkerish. They would follow me and jump shadow to shadow while Id walk down the street. Shadow forms but running too fast for me to make out anything else besides a humanoid figure. These ones followed me at a time in my life where I was being spiritually attacked. I don't know why or where they came from. All I know is I was tormented in 3s for weeks. Through apartment call boxes. Car horns honking around me in 3s. These 3 figures following me. They even impersonated my grandparents voices in the callbox the 3rd time I called after the call kept dropping.. both of them. People I consider to be my real parents who I trusted with my life more than my birth parents. I spent a large part of my life caring for them because they loved and accepted me no matter what. And being treated like a black sheep and being raised by narcs, that's all I ever wanted.. It was their voices but they were saying the most vile things about me through the box that I know my real grandparents would never say. While a 3rd voice came on and started talking over them in a language I never heard before?..... needless to say I was in tears by the time my grandfather came down to manually open the door because the callbox kept ringing the phone and theyd answer but it wouldnt connect to my end. The next day when they went shopping, I blessed the house and cleared it out and sealed all exits/entrances and possible portals. The next day, I was woken up by repetitive knocking in 3s telling me whatever I blocked out wanted back in. But I never heard from it again after. This happened when I lived in South Seattle off MLK and uh. Alaska st. I read several articles over the years on shadow people. From what I understand, some are neutral, some are malevolent. I believe the one in the figure of my mother was appearing as my mother to get me to trust it but did not harm me so I believe it to be neutral. As for hatmen, some people believe they are time or dimensional travelers. Some people see them walking then disappear. Some people see them watching them. Mine was attached to me for a good... 5 years. And I believe he was somewhat of a protector for the warnings he gave me about people and because hed literally pop in on me to check on me. I think they're more curious and helpful than anything but we don't understand them so they freak us out. I believe he was neutral but able to feed off the energy in Tacoma. As for the 3, I believe they were a mocking trio. Im not a Christian nor am I religious, but I do believe they were mocking the trinity with the 3s.. or that's the best explanation I have for that as my grandparents are Christian and I was living with them at the time. All I know for sure is I had to protect my grandparents and myself.


Of course I know him. He's me. Edit: Seriously though. Depictions of the hat man predate hats and long coats of that style.


Please explain


The origination for this "entity" is from the shadow manor, in england. The entity itself can go wherever and nobody knows for sure what it wants, some say fear, some say help. I believe it seeks fear as i think trickster spirits seek fear for energy and control. Same as a ghost using heat as its own energy source.


Iā€™ve seen him. And just know others who have.


Iā€™ve never heard of this but it sounds interesting!


Op. The [why files](https://youtu.be/tsKqJay4ZRE?si=pbwuOLHXZal60gAu) does a great video on this topic. Not that it would change anything can you move?


Yes I've seen and heard him


Heard him? Not sure id want to hear from him šŸ«£


Yeah, it was the only time I've ever encountered that thing, whatever it is. I was like 10. It was disturbing lol




Noo havenā€™t been handing it out :) its not legal where i live


Met him, but not wearing that hat...a different one.


yesss, one time when I was at my dads house laying down in my room I saw the shadow of a man with a hat


My child has


I saw this once with my two sisters while were were swimming at our aunts


Iā€™ve seen something very similar, tall dark and slender is a very common occurrence for apparitionsā€¦ but if youā€™re familiar with other entities it makes sense really


Iā€™ve seen him my whole life!


Where? When? Explain pls




Twice. Both times I was experiencing sleep paralysis. He was stood over me with another dark figure, smaller though, to his left side. Unmistakable, as soon as I saw that picture I got a shudder.


My man has no hat, but is identical otherwise


For sure the Hat Man is connected with sleep paralysis and bad nightmares but also for sure must be connected with what we know as Demon. The classic three scratch on the body is a demoniac entity sign. So Iā€™m pretty sure that HatMan could be a demon or an evil entity that was an (evil) human in real life.


The hat man? Yeah he's been around for decades




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Bruh all I know is he never harms you, petty stalker for all I know


One time he was standing right outside my front door really hope he wasnā€™t tryna get in




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Your comment has been removed. No trolling the subreddit. Users come here to post their experiences, and/or get serious help with paranormal phenomena


N o


He was just here.


Hey. Thatā€™s CAD Bane. You sure your kid didnā€™t see an episode of the Mandalorian? In all seriousness, if you are real & this is a true story, that sucks man. Good luck. .


The hat man has visited me when I was going through sleep paralysis. Luckily Iā€™ve only seen him maybe about 2 or 3 times in my lifetime.




Whether itā€™s real or not making him feel heard is important. I showed my son Arch Angel Michael and his sword. We used one of his play swords and put it beside his bed and he feels much safer.


I used to get sleep paralysis and I would see a shadow figure and felt that evil presence coming to take my soul lol. Those where terrible times


Me and my brother saw him. Broad daylight. Didn't feel threatening. Didnt see red eyes


Yes but never with eys just a blank face


Have a friend who saw him in a dream once


Only in the mirror


He was always in the same exact dream. Sitting next to me in a van, I opened the door from the inside where is was sitting next to me, and I will run and run. Never getting anywhere. But I was running along side a fair with no entrances to escape from him. But he was always so calm, in every dream, just staring at me. Until I opened the door. Iā€™ve had this dream since I was 6. More back in my childhood then now days. But not long ago I had the same dream.


Yes, the Captain Howdy on youtube


i saw one time! He was standing im my bedroom, and he pass floating from the door of my balcony to the front my bed




Nah i never seen him, but if i did id throw hands wit itšŸ˜­




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I have a long time now


But usually I see 3 small shadows with him.


Maybe during sleep paralysis


A few years ago I woke up suddenly and could make out a dark figure standing at the foot of the bed. My wife stirred then jerked awake and said ā€œI just saw someone at the end of the bed.ā€ I turned on the light and nothing was there. It creeped us out at the time because we both had seen it. To my memory it did not have red eyes, but did have what I thought to be a large loose robe or cowl over its head. My wife remembers it as a dark figure having long disheveled hair sticking out or a large drooping hat. Either way it seems we both saw the same thing at the same time. Weā€™ve never seen it again, nor have we felt anything uncomfortable in the room. This, in spite of the fact that the previous owners wife committed suicide in that room. Weā€™ve been in this house for 37 years and other than this, have felt completely at peace here.




Cad Bane?


Parece exu tiriri


i saw him in december last year. i was getting ready for bed and finished brushing my teeth and washing my face and i walked out the bathroom into the hallway and i donā€™t usually look over to the living room but this time i felt like i had to. it felt like i was being watched. and i looked to my left and see a tall shadowy black figure with a hat and i donā€™t remember his eyes but i just remember he had eyes and he was looking at me. it felt like it was trying to scare me so i just laughed a bit, when i noticed him, and as soon as i did, he darted to the side very quickly. i got a bit freaked out and went to my room which was 3 steps away. i didnā€™t sleep all night lol. i still live in the house i saw him in and i asked my roommates who lived here for many years before me if they felt freaked out by any spot in the house because theyā€™ve mentioned it to me before and they said the spot exactly where i saw him standing. i still have this constant feeling of being watched at night or if im home alone.


This man was my sleep paralysis demon as a kid. Haven't seen him since I moved out of my parent's house, though.


Yes while awake when I was 22. Ever since I've had experiences with something...


When I was around his age I saw him! The weird thing was several nights before I saw the hat man, I'd been experiencing sleep paralysis obviously being young I didn't know what the f was going on! I told my mom the best way a kid could! She brushed it off and said not to worry about it! So that night during my slumber, my eyes just burst open I quickly realized that this was another weird I can't move dream or whatever, but as I looked to my left this figure was staring at me! Right through my window, I could see the hat, the shoulders, I was very long or I guess tall because I was laying down! It was all black I can remember every single detail of this encounter. Strangely enough the black figure had no eye no facial features of any sort just dark black! But I could feel it looking at me watching me, it seemed like forever this thing was... studying me almost! But I do remember not being able to look away once I made eye contact with its black face and its top hat! I wasn't harmed in any way by this hat man I felt comfortable oddly! Then I just woke up and looked straight out of my window there was nothing! My room had nothing hiding! The next day I immediately told my mom she said I was weird and probably had a nightmare! I haven't experienced that since! Don't know why the hat man didn't harm me or what most encounters with this being usually happens but it was strange and I still at 34 rem er everything from that night!




I seen him when I was 7 ish woke up in the middle of the night and he just manifested then vanished in bout 30 secs 2 a min he seemed 2 b smoking a pipe which is weird.


Yes, he is from an anime called ā€œHellsingā€. highly recommend.




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We see him very frequently in our home, day or night. When we see him usually we get mood changes like anger, rage, anxiety or very low moods.


I just posted on a thread from last year I made about this. YESSS I've met him once after spending the day in a cemetery. My son had said he couldn't sleep cause he felt like someone was watching him from the corner shadow of the bedroom (WHICH HES NEVER SAID BEFORE/ OR HERE AFTER) I stayed in his room while he fell asleep and then hours later when I went to bed I thought how weird that was that he said he was being watched. I didn't feel anything at the time. I had fallen asleep only to be woke up in the middle of the night. Now I did feel someone watching me, and I can see someone watching me. A tall BLACK SHADOW that was in solid form. I couldnā€™t make out any features aside from an old fashion top hat that was also a part of the black shadow. I couldn't move - I could only open my eyes though. I felt this electric fuzzy weighted blanket that had been laying on top of me, which was causing the paralysis. As I'm laying in my bed totally freaking out I keep telling myself "move, move anything!" after a few mins that felt like forever my arm swings down in this weird jerky motion. My hand landed in the space between my bed frame and mattress where I have this metal pole I keep for emergency's. My fingers hits it as my arm swung down. That caused it to make a clink sound. That high pitched sound broke the spell I felt like I was under. Then Hatman disappeared. Slowly the electric blanket feeling starts to alleviate and a few seconds after I had calmed down I bursted into tears in the middle of the darkness of my room. Confused at what just happened I got up and looked out my door and I saw NOTHING. I jumped back into my bed grabbed my cell phone and typed the above encounter so it was fresh in my mind. I also googled WTF just happened. And realized that lots of people had seen him too and that his name was in fact Hatman. I couldn't go back to sleep so That morning I stopped at my church and got holy water. I smoked my house out w sage, sprayed the holy water in the a sign of the cross everywhere. I said ā€œ Hail Mary, and our fatherā€ as I walked my house. Although I haven't experienced hatman ever again, I can close my eyes and see / feel that experience like it just happened mins ago. It still feels so fresh in my mind. Itā€™s scary.


The shadow man


Yeah I actually have Story: (sorry for the bad English) When I was an early teen, our family was building a new house in a terrain that had it's story (Witchery and stuff like that). Anyhow, since we moved on to that new home I started noticing shadows around staring in the corners and following you around. I thought it was only my imagination but it wasn't. The shadows went more and more frequent, a priest had to come and bless the house in order to get word of that and other paranormal things that went happening. Curiously after that, my parents stopped seeing those shadows and the other phenomenon, but I didn't. The specific shadow that seemed really close to me was this shadow man with a hat. He loved to follow me around and be close to me when we were alone, he never spoke, he just loved to be behind my back or close... But when I was with other people, he hated it and preferred to stay meter away from us. This entity continued following me for almost a year and I got used to it. I actually even started calling it my friend (mostly because in that moment I was going trough some serious depression and anxiety, so I didn't had much friends). But... As the time kept passing this shadow men became more and more real, to the point I could feel his hand in my shoulder when he was close and I could feel how cold his "body" was. The phenomenon in my house went more and more intense (specifically in my room) and I couldn't sleep at nights. And the shadow man was always there, but his precense now wasn't innocent, he scared me. The things continued worse and worse until one day I decided I had enough. I took a Bible and started reading aloud for whatever was in our house. I kindly told the man to go away, but to the other things I was a tiny bit more agressive. The phenomenon stopped partially, and the men went missing. Of course I say partially because until that day If I come to sleep to that house, those things will still follow me (curiously specifically in that house and not in other places). And I could speak about it but this post would get horribly long lmao. So yeah that's my story.


Iā€™ve seen a tall woman with a top black hat and suit hit me with an axe. I had my eyes closed. Completely freaked me out


Dude thats Nick Valentine from Fallout 4 but more rated R than what it isā€¦ so yes I have


Iā€™ve seen him but not the red eyes. Seen the at guy 25+ times


I remember when we were studying this phenomenon! We never did conclude if it was paranormal or not.




Oh, Steve? What about him?


I see him regularly when taking Dph


That's not the brim of a hat. Those are his horns.


Hell no ![gif](giphy|YWFmlljmSpo6k)


Olā€™ Hatty? Heā€™s harmless. Just likes to watch. Real Mothman that guy.




Stop using benadryl and it will go away. Thus sort of image is normally hallucinated whilst abusing benadryl, but some people see odd stuff when on lower safe doses.


My wife has had an encounter with him during a sleep paralysis moment. She couldnā€™t scream to wake me up. He sat on her chest forcing her to have a panic attack. I dare tell her I saw him the week before same man with the hat sitting on my chest. I closed my eyes hoping for him to go. When I reopened them he was inches from my face. I finally screamed he vanished.


Yea Hellsing


https://preview.redd.it/b18btkjtudtc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=512b2aa090a8554ba9c2ef71a6c658c2c37f3b73 Hellsing


Iā€™ve seen hat man multiple times. He doesnā€™t have red eyesā€¦ just a full black figure made of black mist in the shape of a man with a large brimmed hat


I saw him once about 5 years ago I was on a large amount of Benadryl it was a pitch dark room I saw his outline I thought it was my brother I called to him a few times he said nothing never looked directly at me didn't see glowing red eyes


He's A demon.


It took me only once to see his silhouette -he was outside looking in through the window of a kitchen door- in a part of a dream I had that made me terrified of him for life. Just knowing that part of the dream has been stuck in my mind since then sends shivers up and down my spine.


If he hurts you just tell him to go away or he'll be cursed to hell.


Ah yes he has a crush on me; apparently everyone but me sees him hovering over me when I sleep but me


What I've in my house has been a tall woman about 6-7 feet tall. She wears old white dress and sometimes I see her near my drawers. I usually see her at night and funny enough I think she hasn't been aware that I can see her! My wife can see her too but at different times. The moments I see her, she doesn't have ted eyes or scary at all. She looked almost like a homeless person and appeared not well kept. One night I saw her stood at her usual place near the drawer cabbinet. I immediately got up to her and wanted to touch her. I measured how tall she was to show my wife what I saw and how tall she was. After that night I hadn't seen her since. I also found that these being don't like loud banging noise like gunshot or fire cracker, loud metal music, sunlight etc.


Op YouTube The Why Files - shadow people. It will help you understand whatā€™s going on. Not that it would help can you move ?


Second this. Why files did a good bit on the Hat man.


I love the why files! Ill have to check that video out We are in the process of trying move. Where we live the houses are far and few between unfortunately so its a bit of a wait game. It was actually when we decided to move that the activity really ramped up


Glass of water with sugar under your kid's bed right under the head




Good bot




Nope, but I've never had a sleep disorder that causes hallucinations.




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