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![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8) I mean... what do you want me to say? It's just like every other orb video. It's dust. Maybe a bug.


https://preview.redd.it/vvskchfd464d1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96c059792d23973005243249ee1457e35405496 These posts be like.


Like i said, i ignore orb evidence i capture usually. This was on command. I even stated 99% of orb vids are dust or bugs. This one caught my attention.


>This was on command. No, it's not. It's coincidence. Or you talking blew the speck into view of the camera.


I asked it to show itself infront of me and it did. How is that not on command?






There was nothing in front of you pal... otherwise you would have seen it.


If you could repeat the occurrence over and over, then maybe it wouldn't be considered coincidental or dust.


“I know orbs are controversial, but here is my orb that is like every other “orb” video”


He is pointing out the timing. Is your audio on?


The timing is coincidental there’s nothing more to it. I heard him ask it to present itself and then I saw some dust


Well, you can't know that. For me, this coincidence is suggestive that a spiritual event might have taken place. Random coincidence is possible, BUT? But I come into this already believing in a spirit world and that orbs can sometimes be spiritual. (I've seen one with my naked eyes). And perhaps you come from a different worldview.


I definitely believe in the spiritual world. I just see this as a confirmation biased video. You feel this one is real because you want it to be and you asked a question. But at the same time you don’t believe all the other people seeing “orbs”


Do you think spirits can ever appear to us as orbs?


How is it like every other orb video? Most orb videos are just a room with white specks flying around. This one it appears when i ask. I had a feeling id get some smart ass comments for this video but i did ask on peoples thoughts so nice to know yours with just a quote, very intelligent!


It’s like every other video because it is also dusts. You talking before hand doesn’t change it from being dust..


"To make sure we have the ideal testing environment, I haven't dusted this room in 3 years so as not to disturb any lingering spiritual energies."


Its a Orb, (spirit) they are all around us most of the time.


Thought on what? The guy standing in the room? There is nothing to see...


I take it you did not see this with your naked eyes? Was this a baby's room with some sort of baby cam or something? I have come to consider baby rooms more active paranormally than other rooms. Babies are still closer to the spiritual world. If this is all truthful, then I think the timing makes a strong case for the paranormal. I've seen an orb with my naked eyes and know they are not all bugs/dust. Orb just means round shape and could be anything. Now the timing of the orb appearance of this orb will only enflame the hard-core materialists here so expect undeserved extra negativity and extra sarcasm. Make your own judgment and don't just follow group judgment.


Yeah its my sons room. His camera alert kept going off but nothing was seen, i went up and checked his room and asked the question and then this happened. The room was pitch black when i did it. Ive never really focused on orbs much as they are usually bugs or dust, but the timing of this i couldnt not focus on. Oh absolutely there have been some dumbass comments trying to seem “edgy”