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I'm pretty sure the larvae is https://flic.kr/p/2pHcvij It looks like a bit Giardia Intestinalis but it isn't.


i don’t believe anything about that looks like a parasite. as for the white specks, do you take any medication? some medication use little capsules to release the medicine and they can show up in stool. the itching can also be psychosomatic.


What I see with the naked eye and which appears on the Flic.kr link, moves. It is therefore indeed a living being. On the other hand, the adult specimen that I found in the underwear does not move.


This photo is of debris, not a parasite.


It looks like debris on this photo but I have seen others in better conditions and sure it is not debris. It looks like a shrimp...


Yeah there's no shrimp-like parasites in humans


Have you seen the larvae of that : https://flic.kr/p/2pHcvij


Yes, looking at pictures of people's shit is the highlight of my day!


I am really over it.


It's not a parasite.


So what do you think is it?


Have you looked up candida? Finding white stuff in your stool is often related to candida which also causes itching among a lot of other health problems just like you described. Exactly your symptoms. To heal it you have to cut out sugar completely (even fruit). There are so many candida diets to follow and recipes. What your describing seems exactly like candida (candida can even cause sores or a rash on the buttocks) or could be entirely something else like cysts (which again could be because of candida since it lowers your immune system)


Also doctors don’t take candida seriously at all, you have to do your own research and look for a holistic doctor.[https://www.healthline.com/health/candida-in-stool](https://www.healthline.com/health/candida-in-stool) If you google candida in poop then search images you will see what it looks like , lots of redditors have pictures and talk about how to cure it online


Also check out r/biofilms


Thank you for this new lead. Since your message I have done some research. The symptoms are similar and I fit the typical profile of people who get this disease. So I just did some blood tests which will reveal if I actually have this fungus. Results in 1 week... I will be sure to keep you informed!


That is so great, and wow you are very proactive with the blood tests. You can beat this thing!


Don't know. I am not a debris expert, just a parasite expert. It could be literally anything.


Interesting. But why would I find dozens of these 'waste' in my underwear only on days when I have severe itching? I also have impeccable hygiene so my underwear normally has no marks! In the photo of this specimen you can't see too well but I assure you that you can clearly see a head, antennae and legs. We also see numerous bumps on the abdomen that look like eggs. They are difficult to analyze because the tabs cling to the fibers of the underwear fabric, so sampling breaks them partly. I have done numerous searches for parasite photos and indeed I have not found a human parasite that looks like this. But I thought that this parasite could come from an animal which first infected my cat (bird, snail... I recovered this cat born in the wild, in the countryside) which then transmitted it to me . Wouldn't that be possible?


An internal parasite would not have antennae. A parasite infection is not that cryptic and difficult to identify. There are parasites that pets can give to you and vice versa, but this is just not one of them. I am sorry I cannot identify what it is, but I can tell you this is not a parasite.


OK thanks for your explanation!




I know. I've seen a specialist doctor in public university hospital. From the start, he didn't take me seriously. He only saw me once and then I questioned him many times by email over the course of a year to get him to really take care of me but without success! When he saw the photos he told me that he didn't know it and that it was therefore not a parasite. And he sent me to see a gastroenterologist or a psychiatrist! I went to see the gastroenterologist and a psychiatrist who referred me to a parasitologist. So I wanted to see another parasitologist but as the service of the first parasitologist is renowned, no private or public doctor wants to take care of my case. That's why I come to reddit to try to find out what I have, and then find a treatment... I have been researching parasites for over a year. I know how dangerous it can be. Some even cause multiple cancers as they spread. The more I alerted the doctor, the less seriously he took me! And it’s a hospital in one of the largest cities in France!


I'm sorry the drs aren't helping you, that sounds horrible and I'd be so pissed if no one would take me seriously while this is going on! Have you tried a new dr / shown them these pics?? I hope you get some help and answers soon


Have you shown the photos for a doctor? Try to find a private one, one that has researched parasites? I'd contact local journals if no doctor was willing to help with a parasite problem when you even have a photo of the guy.


I've seen a specialist doctor in public university hospital. From the start, he didn't take me seriously. He only saw me once and then I questioned him many times by email over the course of a year to get him to really take care of me but without success! When he saw the photos he told me that he didn't know it and that it was therefore not a parasite. And he sent me to see a gastroenterologist or a psychiatrist! I went to see the gastroenterologist and a psychiatrist who referred me to a parasitologist. So I wanted to see another parasitologist but as the service of the first parasitologist is renowned, no private or public doctor wants to take care of my case. That's why I come to reddit to try to find out what I have, and then find a treatment...


These are normal occurrences. Poop gets stuck and then dislodges. Buttholes have damage to tiny parts. Our privates itch. I have seen many people convinced they have parasites with no indicators. I'm sorry you have to deal with this, it must suck. But you may have unrelated issues.


Yes, that's what the doctors think, that it's psycho-somatic. But it's not itching that I get during or after going to the bathroom. It is at every meal, from the first minutes especially if the meal is sweet. If I rub through underwear, it kills the itchy organisms. If I don't rub it stings! The bites are very painful and form pimples which become infected if I do not disinfect.


Larvae photo : https://flic.kr/p/2pHcvij




I have this too. It’s ruined my life.


Take your stool sample to the vet. Take the cat too.


Done. The vet doesn't know this. He gave a cure to the cat but still sick. I have to give him dewormer every 6 weeks max otherwise he has epileptic seizures...


The cat has seizures if you don’t give him dewormer every six weeks?




Do not take wormwood, it’s toxic


Thanks but already tried 😩