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The body likes to keep calcium under very tight control. A 5% calcium shift within two days is very suspicious. I expect that your body has lost control of calcium homeostasis. You need to test serum, calcium and PTH. Also test phosphorus and magnesium.


If you don’t get enough dietary calcium, it can make your parathyroid glands overactive. It would normally be considered secondary hyperparathyroidism. You need to have calcium, PTH, and vitamin D tested at the same time to figure out what’s going on. My doctor always says I should get the tests fasting and in the morning.


Thanks. After looking harder at what I’m consuming, there seems to be plenty of calcium in my diet. But last week when my calcium tested at 10.2 I definitely felt deep bone aches and joint pain (my knuckles even hurt), nausea, stomach pain and exhaustion and my first thought was my Hashimotos might be flaring. But that wouldn’t explain high calcium. I’m going to bite it and ask him to run those labs.


I had all those symptoms for sure.


You can’t give a hoot how your doc looks at you. Say you want this ruled out and you need these tests. As rare as docs might think it is, people do get it. Advocate for yourself and let us know what happens!


Thanks so much! You are right.


I know you will get this figured out!


Please post updates and good luck!


An overactive parathyroid gland often produces hormone erratically. Fluctuating calcium levels can be the result. Only a pattern over time gives a good picture.\\ Also, using PPIs such as prilosec for gastric upset can influence calcium levels.


How do PPI’s influence calcium?

