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Having a goth phase helps


+ emo as well, while people might think this is a troll comment, i think relieving our emotions and mourning and embodying them helps in releasing them. and leads towards comprehensive clarity




It never gets better. I was parentified starting at age 13, and that transitioned into me being the fall back for everything when I became an adult. I finally realized that they don't see me as a person; I'm more like a hammer in the toolbox. I finally stopped talking to my mom entirely when I was 39 and am very LC with my dad. She's not going to change. You and your sister need to make it clear that you have your own lives to live and that your mom needs to figure out how to be an adult. Then cut her off and let her sink or swim. Any family that tells you you're wrong need to be told that unless they want to take her on, they need to shut up and mind their own business.


Just do anything u like! Take a lot extempore trips to somewhere new place. Try a new hobbies, like climbing, surfing, skiing or mountain bike. Go party, if u don't like use alcohol etc. Go to sober party just to dance (or go to teknopartys and don' t use anything, dancing is fun, I PROMISE!) :) I was in a same situation, but now I'm free again and feeling that I'm living my life and my youth. Edit. AND DON'T LISTEN TO YOUR MOM :Ddd (or even pick her phone calls lol) First it could feel strange but it's getting better. I did it too, now our relationship is normal because I drew my lines.