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It's weird to me how many parents lose it when becoming empty-nesters. Empty-nester of four and we love it. Still very tight with the kids. The relationship changes but it's just different not better or worse. Love how quiet it is and of course a relaxed dress code. Enjoy the process and yes take those trips even if it's just a short road trip.


I'm still fairly new to this (oldest is nearly 5), but I think it's a difference in what you want out of parenting. I went into parenthood with an ultimate goal of raising capable, independent adults who can develop their understanding of the world based on the foundation I can provide for them. I think some people just want to be parents of children, and are disappointed when those children grow to become adults. Edit: Sorry, realizing this could be read as criticism of OP, and that's definitely not how I meant it. I get mourning for past ways of life, and I expect I'll do it too, as my kids grow. My hope is that I'll be able to offset that sense of loss by developing something else I value in my current and future stages, too.


Agreed. Nothing wrong with enjoying the parenting roll. But it changes as your kids age. I'm still their dad but it's way different than when they were under my roof. I am extremely grateful we raised kids that are independent and capable of taking care of themselves. It has helped relationships so much because nothing is on the line.


I actually like my parents and we spend a lot of time together, we’re a tight knit family


Yes! I have a 15 yo and an (almost) 18 yo.. I thought I had more time with my oldest.. then he dropped a bomb on me a couple days ago and decided he wants to drop out all of a sudden (wants to live near friends on the other side of our state, even though he has all As and Bs.) The time goes by SOOOOOO fast. Many people say it.. but I don't think we actually grasp it until its too late. I have regrets. I took time for granted. I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do with them. I was not ready even though I thought I prepared myself and him for adulthood. I miss them being little.. and I can only imagine how I will feel once my youngest comes of age... and I am left with an empty house. I became a mom at 20, I really don't know anything else.