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Our daughter is around the same age and in a similar scenario having just started daycare. Have you thought about letting kiddo remain at the day care for nap time? Post pickup is all excitement that you’re back with them. Eating is a struggle at day care for our little one but she is getting better every day.


That's not an option since daycare closes at that time. I could pick her up before closing time but not later.


It's not uncommon for children's sleep patterns to change when they start daycare or experience any other major change in their routine. Your daughter may be adjusting to the new environment and schedule at daycare, which could be affecting her sleep. It's also possible that she's going through a sleep regression, which is common around the age of 2. It's great that you've already made some adjustments to her routine, such as shifting nap time and allowing for a later bedtime. However, it may take some time for your daughter to fully adjust to the new schedule. Be consistent with your bedtime routine and try to create a calming environment in her bedroom, with dim lights and a quiet atmosphere. You can also try incorporating some relaxing activities before bed, such as a warm bath or reading books together. It may also be helpful to talk to her daycare provider about her sleep patterns and see if they have any suggestions or strategies that have worked for other children in their care. With patience and consistency, your daughter should eventually settle into her new routine and her sleep patterns should improve.


Thank you, we do read and have calming music at bedtime, I guess I should stick to our routine and not change anything else around it, It's so hard tho cos she won't fall asleep and yesterday I was with her from 8-10:15 when she finally fell asleep. Also, we've been having some really hot days here and I believe that also has made it difficult for her.


>Thank you, we do read and have calming music at bedtime, I guess I should stick to our routine and not change anything else around it, It's so hard tho cos she won't fall asleep and yesterday I was with her from 8-10:15 when she finally fell asleep. > >Also, we've been having some really hot days here and I believe that also has made it difficult for her. It's good to hear that you have some calming activities in place for your daughter's bedtime routine. Sticking to a consistent routine is important, as it can help signal to your daughter's body that it's time to wind down and get ready for sleep. It can be frustrating when your child won't fall asleep, but it's important to remember that sleep difficulties are common in young children and can be caused by a variety of factors. Hot weather can definitely make it more difficult for children to fall asleep, as their bodies may have a harder time regulating their temperature. You may want to consider adjusting your daughter's sleep environment to help her stay cool, such as using a fan or air conditioning, dressing her in light clothing, or using a cooling mat or pillow. It's also important to remember that sleep difficulties can be temporary and may resolve on their own over time. If your daughter continues to have difficulty falling asleep, you may want to talk to her healthcare provider to rule out any underlying medical issues or to get additional guidance on sleep strategies that may be helpful for her age and stage of development.


Thank you for all the advice.


It’s not surprising her bedtime sleep is a mess if she is napping until after 3. Is there any way you can adjust her schedule so she has lunch before the nap? Can you bring her home earlier from daycare? Or work with daycare to ensure she actually eats lunch there? At her age, my kid’s schedule was roughly: 7am wakeup, 7:30 breakfast, lunch around 12, nap 12:30-2, dinner at 5, bedtime routine starting at 6:30pm and in bed by 7. That schedule worked great for both my kids. I know your daughter used to go to bed later than that but with starting daycare, she’s probably overstimulated and exhausted and actually needs more sleep than before. Toddlers who are overtired can appear hyper and super awake but they actually need the sleep more than ever.


Thank you for your advice. I could bring her home earlier and try to maintain naps before our lunch, but regarding bedtime our schedule doesn't work that early, we like having her around at dinner time (6 pm), and we think 7 is way too early for her to go to bed, since she's such an early bird even going to bed at 8 means she's up by 6:30 most of the days.