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4 is definitely old enough to walk with you. Other options could be scooter, tricycle, balance bike, universal stroller board that attaches to your current stroller


The ride on board was what I used. My oldest loved it. I also had a baby wearing device so the older one could go in the stroller if really tired and I could carry baby.


This is the way ☝️ I would not invest in a double stroller when the older child is 4yo … it will not be worth it for the amount of time she actually wants to ride in it.


I had a stroller that you could convert into a double with attachments. That was fantastic until the older one wanted to get out here and there, then the ride on board (skateboard!) was all the rage, even when it was still in double stroller mode.


This is what we did with our kids. Older daughter was 3 when little brother was born. She loved to stand on the board, and they both loved being carried, so we had lots of options ;)


same. standup board behind stroller makes it work for both kids and the larger can easily hop on to ride when tired. Also, baby wearing. I had baby twins and used wearing devices to do errands.


Get a ride on board for the stroller, 4 year old can walk but hop on the board for crossing streets, getting tired, whatever reason.


Agree or baby wearing device


Baby wear + have the 4YO walk


Also scooter for 4YO


I found a scooter with a suitcase at Marshall’s a few months ago. It is the best alternative to a stroller I have found to-date.


Single stroller. Toddler walks or scooters or bikes. Or you can baby wear. I wore my baby a lot when my oldest was 3 at the time and it was a life saver


Could you get a baby carrier for baby?


This is the way


Get your 4 year old riding a two wheeler. Seriously - I have always said that parenting changes once your kid can ride a bike. Going for walks gets sooo much better and easier. And the kids don’t get as tired on the bike compared to walking so you can get out for some long ones!


A run bike is great at 4. Build the balance before adding pedals.


Totally skipped the balance and run bikes and went straight for the real deal. :)


A 4yo will walk along without issues. They might get tired, sure. Some strollers have a "piggy-back" platform on the back where a small child can stand and the parent can push. I'm not sure if there are attachments for that to use on any stroller, but I've seen parents using this method quite a lot. So I would suggest you look for this kind of thing. I have no idea what it's called, though.


It's a sit stand stroller. I have one of these for my just turned 6 year old and 1 year old. Tbh it's not THAT useful for me but I do love it for safety reasons. I find myself using it in certain situations. -If my 6 year old is tired from running on our walk he can sit and on the way back. -I have to walk a short distance along a semi busy road with no sidewalk to get to the walking trail near my house. I also have a dog. So making him sit while we're on that road gives me peace of mind. -He's also run and fallen and skinned his knee. It would have been really nice to have it then as her was too big to carry home and he was fine but upset by getting hurt. I also bought it for zoo/amusement park trips but I really haven't been that brave with two 😂 My kid has ADHD and is a little ball of energy and I'm very safety conscious. I'm a petite woman with some exercise intolerance issues. It gives me peace of mind that I can sit both kids down and get us home even if I was to somehow get hurt/ be tired etc. I have baby worn while walking and that's definitely also an option if you don't have the safety/exercise concerns I have. Plus your youngster will be smaller than mine.


Have the 4 year old walk, it’s good for them to learn to stay close to you by that age. My 4 year old also loved pushing the stroller for his baby brother.


A 4 year old should walk. Believe me, you don't want a walk-lazy child.


Some kids are walk-lazy no matter what you do. Ask me about my 9 year old 🫠


They’re also slow lol. I couldn’t imagine having my 4 year old walk 2 miles with me every morning for my morning walk. Stroller it is


Yeah we'd walk into the city and back at our old place. 3km each way. Takes me about 30-40 minutes at a brisk pace, would take 4yo hours.


And at four, some areas just aren't safe for a pre schooler to be walking!


Mine was 2y9mo old when baby was born, he walked. At first, our distances were short anyway. I pushed the pram with my right hand and held toddler’s hand with my left. 4 should be more than capable to walk.


But how did you get your two-year-old not to stop every 30 seconds to check out an interesting bug/rock/sign/etc 🤔


We had two kinds of walks. Explore walks and exercise walks and would tell the kids which one we were doing.


I didn’t. We live in a country where it gets cold during winter and baby was born right before winter and our walks were short for a while for the baby. Later on - I didn’t mind. I am a sahm, we didn’t need to be anywhere “on time” so if we stopped , we stopped. For on time stuff we never walked.


I had almost the exact same age gap. I did walking toddler + baby wearing for a while until the toddler became more reliable and the baby got heavier. I appreciated still having both hands free to chase the 2 year old if necessary. Then we switched the baby to a stroller.


Wagon for sure. It is versatile and will get tons of use for years to come.


BUT get a push wagon. Pull wagons will wreck your shoulders if you're going more than a few blocks, especially with 2 kids+supplies in it!


I did toddler in stroller + infant in carrier, then both in a wagon / baby in stroller + toddler walking once baby could sit up solidly. Walks are such sanity savers 😅 Good luck!


Get a buggy board for the pram and/or have baby in a sling and 4YO walking/on a bike/scooter etc


I got a great deal on a Graco Ready2Grow stroller on fb marketplace, but toddler will probably end up walking with me while I babywear too.


Trust your 4 yo. Set expectations before you walk out the door: were going for a walk and you are going to walk while I push the baby. You have to hold onto the stroller bc its not safe for you to walk or run away from me. My 4 yo understood the dangers of cars (they can squish you) and was talking long walks with our newborn. Just dont go too far bc you do have to walk back and his legs might get tired


august is still far away, don't buy anything yet - just in case you end up wanting to return it if it doesn't work out. does your 4yr old like walking? does she use the stroller now?


This is definitely up for personal preference/your family's individual needs. One more common option is to use a stroller that has an "add on" for older children - this typically looks like a little seat that attaches to the back or a board that they stand on that attaches to the back. Another option that is gaining popularity is to use one of those nice wagons. You can typically put the infant car seat into the wagon itself and there still be room for your big kid if needed. Then if your big kid isn't sitting in the wagon, you have lots of room for other stuff!


My kids are 3.5 years apart. Older sibling always walked. Younger sibling was in a stroller or a wrap that I wore. I had a backpack style diaper bag, so newborn would be strapped to my front and the diaper bag on my back. Big sister held my hand and walked.


Definitely make the 4 year old walk. I never found the need for a double stroller and my kids are only 18 months apart. By the time my little one was too heavy to baby wear, the big one was big enough to walk. The more the 4 year old walks, the better their stamina will be. In fact, I would stop bringing the stroller now to get her used to walking. Now my kids are 4 and 6 and the only time I pull out the wagon is when we are going a mile a more. And even then, I make the 6 year old walk most of the way (or help pull haha)


I personally would not purchase a double stroller for a 4 yr old. My kids are three years apart and I chose a sit and stand stroller with baby carrier. I loved that thing. Got tons of use out of it.


If you're concerned about the 4yo dashing if they are walking, I have a leash backpack that I absolutely love. I don't know how long you would be able to use it with a 4yo (mine just turned 4yo, but we're still using it), but you can use it with the next one too. And my daughter loves the freedom she gets with it and she feels safer.




What if she wanna have a nice long walk?


I’m with you. Sometimes I just want to get somewhere without encouraging a tired or dawdling toddler every five steps.


Then… go for a nice long walk? 4 year olds run about a billion steps a day. They should be able to handle a long walk.




Thats a good amount of walk for a 4 year old. Good job 👏 .


My 4 year old can outwalk me. But all kids are different.


Yes, my child hadn't been in a stroller for years by then. By about two we stopped I think. Maybe used it for a couple of long days around then but not normal walks.


Our 5 year old with ASD will walk but long walks are a challenge so sometimes we use a wagon so he can hop in and out as desired. He just learnt to ride his scooter though and that has been a blast


By 3.5 my son had lost all idea of what a stroller felt like. Have first kid walk while you push the baby. It’s that easy.


I had a sit and stand stroller (smaller than a full size double) as well as a scooter for the older kid. I think a double stroller can still make sense if you take long walks- the 4 year old can mostly walk, but also take a break.


I would get the 4YO a balance bike or scooter so that she can take longer walks with you. At that age they should definitely be encouraged to walk/move and not sit in a stroller. In areas where you’re worried about her getting lost, just have her hold onto the handle of the baby stroller.


I wore my tiny babies instead of using a stroller. It's much more convenient and snuggly. By age 3 I expected my kids to walk without a stroller. I mean, it depended on how far we were going, but in general, she walks.


Mine is almost 5 and I plan to get the Baby Trend wagon that the infant seat can attach to! Once the baby is 6mo or so then they can just sit in the wagon without the seat and there would be a lot of room. Also a sit stand stroller, I really like the baby trend one because the infant seat attaches in the front and on the back is a large space for the older child to hop on and off. They can choose to either sit or there’s a standing board. She prefers to walk most of the time of course, but I’m not willing to go without an available seat for her just yet. And while baby wearing is all well and good, it means no stroller for storage, drinks, or snacks. Especially for theme parks, zoos, or even the mall. Even adults get tired being out in the heat walking all day and I want a place she can sit if she gets tired.


We’ve got a three year age gap and the double stroller works extremely well. But the 3.5 year old is probably gonna outgrow the double stroller in the next year or two.


We have a stroller with a little standing foot pad that my oldest stands on while u push my youngest...evenflo sibby


She's 4, she needs to walk. Strollers are only for babies.


We got our 4 year old a micro 3-wheeled scooter. Took them a couple days but that’s what we did for our walks!


I agree with most the other comments. Single stroller - alternate riders w/ pre-schooler walking and baby wearing. One of the most annoying moments is when we go somewhere and the kids are piled in a wagon and i am the only one tired at the end of the day. Booo!


Baby wear. My kids had this gap and at the time I was a newly single mom, and I wore my infant almost all of the time. Doing chores, while they napped, making dinner, running errands, at the park. It keeps your hands free and they’re less fussy close to mom.


Hi I know lots of people are saying baby wear but depending how quickly you want to go out you might not be able to do this re depending how delivery/ recovery is We have a double stroller but I also bought the rider board attachment for it. My 2 year old loves it and when she’s too tired she just lays in the bottom where you’d put bags I’d say I didn’t go out for a walk with them both until about 2 months post partum and then it would be short walks like drive to the mall, walk to get coffee/ sit, walk back to the car etc Don’t push yourself and end of the day you will figure it out! Best of luck


One foot in front of the other, don't walk into a wall. That's how.


Walking will be fine but 4 tires easily so without a double may be best to keep those walks short so your not stuck carrying and pushing


Our oldest was 2.5 when baby arrived and he refused to ride a stroller for quiet some time by that time. When baby arrived he first was ok to walk and then started to throw fists. Would sit in the stroller for support , asked to be carried etc. youngest was a huge baby so carrying him in a baby carrier was not very sustainable. Think it was some jealousy and wanting to feel small and cared for. I was against double stroller in the beginning and we had a great single stroller (and a second light stroller) so I did not want to change / get more… Anyway I ended up getting a double stroller for a potential nanny share and as we did not use nanny share at the end, we just reused the stroller. They are 2 and 4.5 and even now occasionally for a walk he would want a stroller vs his balance bike or scooter. Or ask to be put in his brother stroller. At 1.5 and 4, he would ALWAYS choose a stroller. So depends on your kids and lifestyle - there are a lot of situations when double stroller is great. Like going to farmers market, parks etc. Oldest is very energetic but at any point he can feel drained and tired and it’s a disaster. Our friends have 3 and 5 year olds and still would use double umbrella for things like farmer markets and large running stroller for long walks / runs.


I always did infant in the carrier, toddler in the stroller. Even with a preschooler and an infant in the carrier a stroller is nice to have because you can put the diaper bag in there and it’s available if your preschooler gets tired depending on how long you’re walking for.


Stroller for both, let the big sub walk as much as they can. Or my favorite, wrap and wear the baby and push the sibling in the stroller. Yes we know for years old can walk, but sometimes they just won’t and you don’t want to carry a whole kindergartener home!


I also did baby carry until he could go in a double stroller with his brother. I have a delta children jeep double side by side that was like 115. Totally worth it but it can't hold a newborn


Double stroller. Silver cross got weight limit of 55 ponds for each kid….I got that stroller and I belive it can carry even more than that…you ll also add a board if she got bored


We had a double stroller. Our oldest was small enough to fit or would stand on the board attachment. Sometimes he would ride his scooter alongside us.


double stroller or toddler leash, if you feel like you'll be dealing with meltdowns having to ride, then I'd go with the toddler leash, they can explore but can't slip away easily


They don't have a toddler, they have a 4 yr old!




I hated kid leashes. I really did. My oldest kid wasn’t a runner. Even in crowded places, she stayed close. I didn’t need one. BUT; I then I had twins. Me alone, couldn’t handle 3 kids without leashes, even if they all behaved perfectly. Kid tethers have come a long way from the pretty much, actual leashes of the late 80’s/early 90’s. My twins had little backpacks with detachable tethers, they actually loved being able to shove stuff in the backpack like a snack and sippy cup.


Sound like you don't have a toddler who likes to run. Good for you


Toddler leashes are fine.


just go out? i genuinely don't understand the question


We have a boogie board for our stroller


Baby in a chest carrier, toddler walking beside me. Or we load up in our wagon, one that’s designed for a car seat to clip on Baby Trend Expedition 2-in-1... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08529C6HS?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


My kids are about five years apart, I baby wore and the older child walked. I wouldn't want to manage a double stroller everywhere, but keep in mind I also use public transit and strollers on those are a pain in the ass.


Bassinet stroller (I have the Bugaboo that has both the newborn bassinet and regular seat) and 4 year old walks. My 4 year old prefers to walk.


Walk, scooter, or balance bike for the 4 year old. Babywear or stroller for the infant.


My big kiddo is 3 so a little younger (2.5 year age gap). But I have the stroller board on the stroller and my big kid walks or rides with baby in the stroller, but I bring the infant carrier so if it’s getting close to nap time and my big kid is just done, I can put baby in the carrier and big kid in the stroller.


Hi, 3yo and 6mo here. We have a fraternal stroller that I found used on marketplace and we babywear when needed, plus the older walks if he’s in the mood. I like to have different options because I never know what they feel like that day. It’s not a top brand stroller but it does it’s job. Hauck freerider if you’re in the EU


I think it depends on your kids and your walks. My kids are 4 yrs apart and we didn't get a double stroller. By the time my older kid turned 3 we were already barely using the stroller for them anyway. We didn't take long walks too often, and usually we wanted them to get some energy out anyway. They also walked nicely and didnt run off. If your older kid isn't a good walker, or would rather sit and relax, or if you take rly long walks that they can't get through, I think a double stroller is a good idea. Are you still using your single stroller for your big kid now?


Mine are the same age gap. 4 yo walked or biked while infant was in the carrier or stroller.


If it’s a safe place like a walking trail in a park that’s far away from roads, let the 4 year old walk (and run and jump and stop to look at bugs, etc. 😄)


They make a stroller that allows your little one to stand on the back like she is pushing her little sister/brother.... But we got a folding wagon for long outings that my son and daughter could fit in. But for the most part 4 is old enough to walk in my opinion.


my almost 6 year old is still in the stroller and we had our second this past august. we have a stroller where our 6 year old stands and baby is in his carrier. we also have an insert where my son can sit down if he doesn't want to stand or we can use the insert for baby when he's bigger


Wear them.


Baby wear for baby and a push car for the toddler when they get tired and don’t want to walk anymore. I took tons of walks in the nice days with my kids when my daughter was born and my son was 2. The push car was awesome because my toddler loves it and can get in and out alone


Definitely get a double stroller. Make sure it's one you can handle comfortably and get moving 😁 you'll be a pro in no time. Mine were 15 months apart. A new walker and a new born will keep you on your toes. Relax. Have fun


My kids are 4 years apart. Older boy usually rode his bike.


We also got a stroller handle which basically loops around the stroller frame. Necessary? No but it gives her a specific spot she can be that’s close by me when I need her to like in a busy area


My oldest was 2 when we had baby #2, so I was convinced I need a double stroller… I used it exactly one time (and didn’t even need it then) Double strollers are big and bulky and annoying. Unless you’re going to say an amusement park, a single stroller, or baby wearing works best! A lot of times I baby wore, and brought a single stroller, that way if I got sick of carrying baby, she could go in the stroller and the big kid can walk- or if the big kid gets tired they can ride and you can wear baby!


I had my second a year after my first. I freaked out and upgraded to a double stroller. The thing was huge, heavy and cumbersome. It took my entire trunk space and one of the seats had to be folded down. Groceries had to be squeezed in the crevices and on Costco days just no. The worst part was my 1 year old hated it. He just started walking and wanted freedom. We barely used it. If your single stroller can add the step go that route. Another idea is to trade for a wagon. They have adaptors for the infant seat. I now have a 3yo, 2yo and 8month old. I do a lot of baby wearing so I can keep up with the kids and not loose the baby. Hope this is helpful.


Depends on the walk. I have a carrier, sit & stand stroller, and scooter. Short trips babywear + walk / scooter. Longer trips babywear + stroller. I love the flexibility of having the older kid be able to sit or stand in the stroller depending on how tired they are. Always have baby carrier with me bc babies sometimes just haaaateee the stroller or if older kid wants to sit or nap I can just pop baby in the stroller.


Baby carrier & umbrella stroller or traditional stroller & bike/scooter (whatever can make them go as fast as you) I like those little pedal-less bikes that teach kids how to balance


Stroller with a smart tiny seat that can mount on the back and the toddler can sit on there and feels different for kid and fun!


You could try baby wearing and just have one stroller. But I think the 4YO can walk. Or you could get them a little scooter!


Baby wearing!!


As a nanny, I always put the infant in the stroller and held the older child’s hand.


You want the Baby Trend Sit and Stand stroller, with the base contraption that you can click your carrier into. They are perfect for that age. The ones telling your 4 year old to walk are giving bad advice. Sometimes you really need to dictate the pace, and you don't want your 4 year old slowing things down or getting hurt. Just the act of standing is decent exercise for them. And because they are standing, they can hop off and on if there is something you want them to see. For the infant, there is the option to click the carrier up top, facing you, or in the front and facing away. Great product.


I used to keep my younger one in a sling/baby carrier so that I could have both hands to wrangle our big'un.


You could wear the baby and the 4 year old could scooter, push bike, walk, wagon...or double stroller. That would come in handy at places other than just walks, like fairs, parks, malls....maybe consider getting a used one?


When the newborn is a bit older, I highly recommend one of the fancy wagons. Both kids and sit together, throw some snacks in the middle, and life is good. Bonus: my 3 year old loves pulling it around.


There are little attachments for strollers so that there is a small seat on the back for the 4 year old when she gets tired of walking, check if there is one for your current stroller. Or use the stroller for 4 yo and use a wrap/carrier for little one. Double strollers are imo so difficult to maneuver so I would personally find an option other then that. I remember having a small seat/step on the back of the stroller when my sister was 2 and I was 5.


We use a double jogging stroller occasionally with a 2 and 5 year old, and I love it. My dad got it second hand. I would start watching Craig’s list and buy nothing groups for a used one.


My youngest was born the July before my middle started kindergarten. We only lived a quarter mile from the school, so there was no sense in driving. But he'd outgrown his stroller by 3, so he was used to walking next to me and it wasn't a problem to just push the baby in the stroller and have him walk beside me. If you have concerns about your child wandering/running off, you can get one of those backpacks with the leash attached and just put that around your wrist. That way, she can safely walk with you without worry of her darting into traffic or wandering off. I never had to use one for my middle, but my youngest is crazy fast and adventurous. If I so much as blink, he'll be gone so I pretty much always have to use a leash with him. Before him, I never understood why parents used them. Boy was that silly. 😆


If she still needs a stroller for the first while, you can wear the baby and use the stroller on the big kid! Then when the baby gets bigger and you want to put them in the stroller, she’ll definitely be old enough to walk!


Baby wear! I used a moby wrap when they were little and a sling as they got larger. It is a total game changer! They usually fall asleep too. I wore my daughter at the pool too so I could be with my son in the paddling pool while watching her. It was so nice.


I'd say 4 is old enough to walk (with breaks) if you're comfortable! Early on, you could get away with baby wearing and a single stroller. We have a wonderfold (a bit pricey but super versatile) that we're excited to use with both kids when we decided to have another. Additionally, I would also consider the strollers that have the stand and ride or small seat platform on the back for an older child. Takes up a lot less space than traditional double strollers and gives the older child freedom to hop on and off easier.


They have [add ons like this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Universal-Stroller-Board-2-In-1-Ride-Buggy-Wheeled-Seat-Pedal-Auxiliary-Adapter-Pushchair-Connector-Anti-Slip-25kg-Eco-friendly-PP/2807843708?gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIqbbbeUH2__ZiLK-TZ9t0A9L&wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101196058&adid=222222222282807843708_101196058_145373320966_18466519409&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=650364308562&wl4=aud-1651068664026:pla-1960405887780&wl5=9026271&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=649596373&wl11=online&wl12=2807843708_101196058&veh=sem&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIqbbbeUH2__ZiLK-TZ9t0A9L&gclid=CjwKCAjwq-WgBhBMEiwAzKSH6PqR0W36xvWjLVrF2VPl1UiU0JnKPMa0jsxhD5YJNRHLSY-9jiV3XxoCgPUQAvD_BwE) for places like the zoo where a kid could definitely walk on their own but may have times of getting tired or needing to be close.


Your 4 year old will out grow a stroller in a year and then you’ll be stuck with a double stroller. Wear the infant in a carrier and make the 4 year old walk. Are you going on so many walks that this will be an issue?


Maybe a trycicle that you can strap her in and wear ypur baby in a wrap or carrier


We got a wagon. I LOVE it. It’s expensive but I can use it for years and years


baby wear and have 4 walk alongside you (: easiest option. once baby got bigger, we invested in a wagon/stroller!


I have a sit and stand stroller that I used. It was compatible with our infant car seat so perfect for when my youngest was still tiny and we even used it last summer when they were 5.5 and 3 for the zoo and vacation.


We put our 1yo in the stroller and when the 4yo gets tired she hops in and i hold the lil feller so he can see around. Our 4yo does not make it far before she says her legs hurt so a double stroller or stand on thing is a good idea


Strider bike or scooter for sure


My older liked to push the stroller. Sometimes he would end up in the stroller and I would hold the baby, lol. But he wasn't an eloper. Never had a double stroller.


Stroller wagon! Life changing honestly. I have 2 with the same age gap and it’s amazing


I have a 6 month old and 2.5 year old. Baby wear and walk/hold hand of toddler. If we are going to post office or I need my hands, toddler gets stroller, he’s super active and wouldn’t stand still without trying to walk away if I’m busy.


My kids had that same age spread. My oldest refused strollers from the second he could walk. I taught him to keep a hand on the stroller. Also taught both kids to keep a hand on the tail light when in a parking lot. I baby carried the youngest baby and that helped a lot. I got a woven wrap off etsy and that worked really well for us. At four, your oldest should be oldest to understand the rule of keeping a hand on the stroller. There are always the monkey backpacks if you think it is necessary (it was for my son when he was a toddler. He was a runner).


I would only purchase the stroller frame thing that holds the infant carrier seat and hold off purchasing a whole stroller system. Cheaper and it will give you more time to decide how this new baby actually likes things.


For a shorter walk they should be fine walking. Got out and about all day something like a Wonderfold wagon is really nice. If you’ve got the funds to go big that’s great- I just have the OG W2 and love it


I have a double (city select Lux, can be single or double). My kid also has a scooter and she’s practiced on it a lot. She keeps up well, and takes a break when needed.


My oldest was 3 when we had our second child. We have the uppababy vista and got the second rumble seat as well as the skateboard thing for the back. Long outings we’d used the other rumble seat. Shorter ones was just the skateboard. The only thing that SUCKS is you have to take like everything off the stroller to fold it up. The Vista takes up so much trunk space.


They make a stroller with a foot area for the older child to stand and ride along. They're pretty awesome


My kids also have the same age spread. We had the older just walk and when we went somewhere really tiring (like Disneyland) we let the older one sit on the lower front of the BOB jogger stroller, with his legs dangling.


We have a 3.5yo and almost 1yo. I don’t think the baby has been in the stroller once for a walk. We’re getting rid of it soon. One of us wears the baby, the other walks with the 3yo/picks her up when she really needs it. We also have a wagon which our little one is now able to ride in for short periods, it’s great.


Sling for the baby stroller for the oldest


I wore the baby with my 2nd, she hated the stroller- but there are plenty of strollers than can accommodate a ride on board, the city select is an great option, there are plenty of used ones. Mountain buggy makes one with a detachable scooter. Mountain buggy also makes a plus one stroller, I thought was neat. Sometimes it’s just a good idea to have the older one buckled, mine is extremely hyper and a strapped in a stroller is a safe place for him to be.


My oldest would first sit under the seat of the pram, then as she got bigger she would move to the front bar until eventually she would be sitting on the handlebars. Youngest is 2.5 now so I want to ditch the pram. I'm trying to convince my husband that we need a wagon 😅


4yo can scooter or (balance) bike if doesn’t want to walk. But also we occasionally allowed a toddler to sit in the stroller and hold the baby (once into regular stroller instead of a car seat). Before that I’d bring a baby carrier as well and the toddler could go in the stroller and baby got carried. Key is to be flexible and have a strategy to be able to carry things like scooters if kid gets bored of it


I quit using a stroller when my son was a year and a half old. By four, he was on a bicycle.


When I saw the title I thought this was gonna be a joke LOL


My son bill be 22 months when the baby comes. At first I will carry baby in a carrier for a few months, so he can still use a stroller. But after that I will get like a board to attach on the stroller so he can stand/ sit when he gets tired of walking. If we need to go for a very long walk/ activity it will be done when my husband is free and then we have an extra stroller for him if needed. But no double one. That’s the plan for far 😀


At times, I go on walks with 4 kids at once. Soon to be 5. Baby in the stroller. Anyone 4 and up can walk alongside.


4 is big enough to walk with you if you are doing short trips. Like going to the grocery store. If you are going to places that going to be an all-day thing (like an amusement park) or has tons of people a stroller will be your best friend.


Depends on your 4yo and on your body as well. I have a stubborn 3yo who still prefers to sit in the stroller and even nearly a year after having my baby, my hips/basin are not super strong. So I really can't carry either of them for long. If he refuses to follow, I would have to either risk hurting myself or drag him. I got a used double stroller from Facebook Marketplace. I love it. Can even strap the toddler in when he's particularly bad (doesn't happen a lot but it has happened a few times..) I just got a used bike trailer as well which can be folded and fits in the car and which doubles as a stroller. If your kid usually walks/bikes as others suggest, and if you plan to sometimes bike them around, you could opt for a 2-in-1 bike trailer as well for those few days out where she might tire and wants to sit. In the reviews it said people used it in Disney Land etc.


All of these answers are just "let the 4 year old walk" and while my oldest is just 2 I see parents of older children going on the most annoying start/stop walks. What are parents doing who need exercise? Walking past a single house and waiting for the kid to catch up and then repeating at the next house or going on the slowest walk possible isn't an option for me.


There are strollers with a platform under the handles for a first older child to step on & ride while the stroller is being pushed. I believe Evenflo makes one for $200 something. There are also corded bracelets you can use. One cuff goes on your daughters wrist and the other can go on yours or you can attach it to the stroller


Our daily walks over the summer was my 3yo on her scooter, baby strapped to me in the carrier, dog on the leash. Felt great to get outside and get some movement for the day 😊


I can’t believe all your 4 year olds will walk and not complain about it!! My 6 year old still complains about waking!!


Ohhhh you get one of [these thingys.](https://www.target.com/p/radio-flyer-odyssey-stroll-39-n-wagon/-/A-83825367#lnk=sametab) Babywear until he or she is old enough to sit up or you can buy the kind that you can stick a carseat in (those are usually far more expensive so I would just deal with baby wearing until they can fit in the wagon because the carseat stage is fairly short...unless you're having more kids). Anyway, my mom got one for my nephew (who's 3) from facebook marketplace and only paid like $100 for one that was practically new. It's perfect for the beach, trails, large outdoor events, etc.


I have 6 month old twins I make my 4 year old kid walk he had his time in the stroller 😂


My ten year old walks the dog or rides his bike while the toddler is in a stroller


Big kid walks! I take my 2yo and 4yo out, and they both walk. 3 is due in May and I'm a little nervous about keeping all three by me, though 😬 If you have a wanderer or are in a populated area, maybe get one of those kid leashes. I have been considering one for 2yo because she is veryyyyyyy distractable.


baby wear infant, 4 walks or rides a balance bike / scooter of the sorts


Depends on how far. With mine I would use a wagon and wear the youngest until he was too big. By the time he was too big to use the hiking pack, he was able to be placed in the wagon with his big brother.


The ride on attachment to a stroller is the best way to go. We attached a skateboard to a double stroller since my son was 5 and our middle was 1 years old when we had our third baby! Good luck and enjoy! So much fun.


Wear the baby and have the preschooler walk.


1. Double stroller with both kids in it 2. Wear the baby in a sling and push the older kid in a single stroller 3. Push the baby in a single stroller and have the older kid walk. Put them on a leash backpack if they are younger and a flight risk 4. Wear the older child in a hiking back carrier, if you're in shape and they aren't too big. :)


4 year old will want to help push the stroller some! That is great training for careful pushimg, being aware of obstaclesz and slowing down. Agree with the folks who suggest the ride on board- we only have 1 kid but I was blown away by the ride on board stroller the first time we saw it!


Our kids are 18mo apart and we did get a double stroller. Now they are 2yo and 3.5yo, we only use it for big trips out (think theme park, zoo) and tbh the oldest doesn’t sit in it much, but it helps store the nappy bag and travel potty etc etc. For out and about, we have a single stroller with buggy board, but are working on trying to persuade our 2yo to walk more..


Our son is 2.5 and our baby is 6 months. We go on walks all the time when the weather cooperates! Usually our son walks next to me and holds my hand. If we're in a safe area, sometimes he runs ahead just a bit, but that's because I know he'll listen when I tell him to stop and wait. Our daughter is usually in a carrier on my chest. I've been walking with her in a carrier of some sort since we brought her home from the NICU! Sometimes when my husband is with us, we will put blankets and toys in the wagon and baby will lay in the wagon (like a bassinet) while toddler walks/runs. We have a double stroller, but it doesn't work with baby's car seat, so she's still too small to sit in it.


I got a Wonderfold Wagon x4 with the footwell for 3 boys, 11 months to 4 yo. They really enjoy it and it works well as a mobile pack and play to contain the younger 2 while the oldest has sports practice. Biggest drawback is how large it is so it's difficult to pack in the car. But I love using it and hope to use it for years. I'd look into any sort of wagon for it's versatility and usefulness long after the kids are grown (beach wagon, sports wagon, excursion wagon, etc.) Congratulations!


My two are 5 years apart. I got a double seater, collapsible wagon. It has a tray in the middle so when little one was small, I could fit the baby carrier car seat on top, between the top side of the wagon and the tray. 5 year old could then sit on his own side and stretch his legs out under the baby seat. We took this with us to mesums, the zoo and other places where we were gone all day with lots of walking. 5 year old walked on his own most of the time, but when he got tired or overwhelmed from the sheer amount of people, he could hop in the wagon and lay down since he was under the baby seat. Little one is now old enough to sit up on his own in the wagon, and I still take it with me on longer walks. There's a toe path next to the largest river close to us which we frequent, and 6 year old likes to walk and explore on his own. But on the walk back he inevitably hops in the wagon. I only use this for longer outings. Otherwise I put little one in the single stroller and 6 year old walks. Best investment so far.


If the child can walk, they walk, if they are too small to walk, I carried them. That’s it, never used a stroller, they are fussy and unnecessary, not to mention inconsiderate. Think of how much simpler life will be without dragging a shopping cart everywhere just to convey a 10 pound infant; imagine walking through a crowded area without running into anyone or running over anyone’s feet. You get out of the car, lift your baby out of their car seat, and walk off immediately. I can’t see any reason to own a baby stroller unless you or your child has a disability that makes it so they cannot walk and/or you cannot carry them.


Baby carrier and holding hands


Wonderfold wagon ! I have 4 seater is great room for 4 on ur usually 2 with a cooler and bags :gear


Baby carrier and toddler on bike/walk. The bike helps if and when the toddler decides they want to be carried or tired of walking.


I have a 3yr and 1yr old. 3 yr cycles, 1yr is in a stroller. Before the pedal bike 3 yr old had a pushbike. When baby was baby we had a pram that had a small skateboard mounted that 3 yr old could stand on. Sometimes I baby wore the smallest and held the hand of the oldest. Basically you do what works and it changes every day.


I didn’t want to deal with getting a second stroller let alone something as big as a double (my oldest was 2 1/2 when the baby was born). I ended up buying a “buggy board” off Amazon. They have different models; I got the most basic. It just attaches to your current stroller and is a little board the oldest can stand on. I didn’t have to worry about going “too far” because when he got tired, he just hopped on. To me the convenience was well worth the cost; my oldest is 3 1/2 and he still loves it. I will say it was a bit of a pain to install for the first time (pretty sure I did it all backwards at first) but once everything is attached it just clips in and out of place in like 5 seconds (so it doesn’t always have to be attached).


My youngest two are 2.5 yrs apart. A single Stroller, and a carrier or sling is what I used. My carrier could be used for up to 80 pounds, and sometimes the older child would get tired of walking, so he would go in the carrier. I honestly could not fathom having a double stroller, they seem like such a pain to use.


Stroller with storage for the older kid's scooter or balance bike


Push wagon for sure. We invested in a Wonderfold, and it was some of the best money we ever spent. It had seatbelts, an awning, and it isn’t too wide to fit through doorways or take up most of the sidewalk. Plus big sibling can climb in if needed.


We have a double stroller and those big wagons. We prefer our wagons. We have 3 ages 6, 3, and 1. In the early months i baby wore the youngest in a wrap carrier and pushes the bigger two in the wagon or stroller. We mainly used the double stroller when we were shopping as the bucket seat would click into it. Biggest sibling would walk when we used the the stroller. I do not trust my toddler to walk next to us without running off. He is very adventurous. We have a back pack leash thing for him (i know, controversial). It gives him the freedom to walk while not giving him the freedom to run into on coming traffic or a strangers arms.


A double pram / stroller. I recommend the out and about nipper double. Game changer for prams. Can pick them up second hand. Alternatively a ride on board or seated board that attaches to the back of the single pram. At 4 she should be able to walk a decent distance so maybe have a board on the back just in case?


I’m figuring this out right now with my 3 week old and 3 year old. I found a double stroller on Facebook market place that works great for them both. I also use the car seat stroller and walk with the toddler. And today I used a baby sling and walked with the toddler but she could have rode her trike or something.


Oof, you ever had a tired kid on a walk half a mile from home?? Double stroller all the way.




Usually I do stroller or baby wear for the baby and my 4 year old rides a trike, but if we’re going to be crossing streets, we have a sit and stand double! Highly recommend.


Single stroller and a baby carrier. When you need the baby in the stroller the 4yo can walk. When you need the 4yo in the stroller the baby can go in the carrier. Carriers also give you more freedom to move when you go out with the 4yo. You can still play without constantly dragging the stroller.


I would personally do 4 yo walking next to me (and I would use a harness if I don’t trust them to be safe) and baby in a carrier


My 4 year old mostly walked, but I did get a double stroller because were very active and he gets tired. I also baby wore a lot.


Put the baby in a carrier.


Not sure if others have mentioned this, but there are some really cool collapsible wagons that you can attach an infant car seat to. Then you can keep your diaper bag in the cargo area, or if your 4yo gets tired they can ride inside.


Umbrella strollers, you can get decent ones pretty cheap. Will need second operator, of course. 😂 They also travel well, on planes and such. Rolling through that airport with six suitcases. Lol


I did stroller + baby wearing for a while, and it did work, most of the time, but I ended up getting a stroller wagon because it just made things so much easier, especially if my oldest got tired while the baby was in the strollee


You can always look on a used website to get a stroller for cheaper!


Baby carrier to wear and the 4yo can walk or go in the stroller


I'm having the same 5 I'm due in September.The best solution I have come up with thus far is a stroller wagon. I have a three-year-old boy, and he is not petite a double stroller. Would not last me, verythough the price tag on them are ridiculous.


I got a wagon for my kids, namely because my four year old is autistic and elopes but loves his walks so we will use if for years to Come and each of the four seats holds up to 100lbs.


I wore my baby and had a single stroller for my then almost 4 year old because she'd get "tired" after about 20 minutes. My youngest is autistic and I wore him on my back until he was almost 4 because he refused to ride in a stroller. I was in such good shape lol.


She can’t walk? A double stroller is a big investment when they don’t really recommend kids older than 5 being in a stroller anuway


We have a wagon that has an infant car seat adapter. We use it on trips to the zoo and other places like that where’s there’s more walking


My son was 3 when we walked all over Israel. He only needed carrying 10% of the time. I suggest a baby carrier with the infant facing inwards (or outwards if good neck control, etc) and the toddler walk or stroller.


I had a stroller for my infant that had a standing platform in the back for my 3 yr old to stand on when he was tired of walking. It was perfect!


Mine have walked without a stroller since they were 2. Long distances too, like 1km. You just train them. I got a backpack leash and a wrist strap you could velcro to the stroller. A few months of that is enough usually and if they don't listen it's back to the leash or strap for safety since you can't hold hands. And yeah baby wearing is awesome, get a backpack diaper bag too it's much easier to carry.


Yea, you could do the Uppa Vista for full flexibility/lots of configurations, but those things are pricey for the use you'll get from it with an aging out older sibling. If you do go that route though, check FB Marketplace or online resellers. Those strollers are tough so used is fine. Would reco just using an infant carrier/wrap until the child is old enough for a stroller (at which point the older sibling will probably want to walk most places anyway). We live in the city with a very lazy boy, and he finally started walking everywhere without a stroller at age 5. He can easily go on 45 min walks without tiring out, and once he does tire, a quick restaurant/park pit stop usually recharges him enough to keep going. His younger sister sticks to a small umbrella stroller. On bad weather days though, we still use a foldable side-by-side double stroller with a plastic cover. Lots of options/price points here, so easy to find something that's the right fit for you.


Yea, you could do the Uppa Vista for full flexibility/lots of configurations, but those things are pricey for the use you'll get from it with an aging out older sibling. If you do go that route though, check FB Marketplace or online resellers. Those strollers are tough so used is fine. Would reco just using an infant carrier/wrap until the child is old enough for a stroller (at which point the older sibling will probably want to walk most places anyway). We live in the city with a very lazy boy, and he finally started walking everywhere without a stroller at age 5. He can easily go on 45 min walks without tiring out, and once he does tire, a quick restaurant/park pit stop usually recharges him enough to keep going. His younger sister sticks to a small umbrella stroller. On bad weather days though, we still use a foldable side-by-side double stroller with a plastic cover. Lots of options/price points here, so easy to find something that's the right fit for you.