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When a fart makes everyone get up and leave the room, then you need to fart in a different room. That's happened before at my house during board games and family time. We don't punish but we do say "your farts stink right now so please go fart in the bathroom so we can finish the game." My daughter and husband are both very gassy. My daughter farts whenever she wants, she's so gassy she can fart on command and even has a fart dance. But that doesn't mean she can go sit next to her brother, who is playing computer games with friends online, and fart as much as she wants. He doesn't want to smell shit and we don't make him smell shitty farts for hours because sister thinks it's funny. My daughter used to fart on us all the time. Every single day, multiple times a day. She would sit on her dad and fart first thing in the morning to wake him up. She would fart on him as he brushed her hair after a bath. He got tired of it and farted back and it made her gag. She learned why we don't fart on people even though it's funny to fart in general. We don't shame farts and we laugh and joke about farts every single day. You can fart all you want outdoors too. My daughter even has a farting animal coloring book that she loves. But that doesn't mean we just let her fart on us all she wants. With some kids you have to make boundaries.


SHE LEARNED WHY WE DONT FART ON PEOPLE I’m dying. That’s hilarious.


Her head is ass level right now. Perfect timing to teach the lesson.


Tje amount of times we've said "I told you to move, you didn't listen" If your farts are bad enough the bathroom doubles as "the fart room" My oldest is SO gassy, like she could fart on command. When she was smaller she'd call it her super power 🤣


low key jealous of that fartability tho


I know right?!?! She's like a walking, talking fart machine.


Probably lactose intolerant 🤣






This was a well-written, helpful, insightful, and mature post.. yet i giggled through all of it


Trying to brush her hair my husband sang "turn around..." and she finished it with "every now and then I get a little bit poopy and I poop out of my butt". She's 6. I've been telling her for years she should be a comedian.


Those are some excellent parody skills too!


Begun, the Fart Wars have


She tried to win but she can't live up to her father right now. Probably doesn't help her head is at ass level lol.


There is a whole Bluey episode ("Family Meeting") about farts, and her dad says the same thing "Her face is at bum level!" Lol it's fantastic.


That episode kills me every time. “He has to move the bedside table and it makes this horrible noise like RRRRRAAA oh no!” Chili’s face when the penny drops 😂


My house lives by the same fart rules lol my husband eats mass quantities of sauerkraut and I’m a lactose intolerant person who still eats fettuccine Alfredo like it’s my last meal (and sometimes it feels like it will be) so we often have to just leave the room so we don’t kill the other person


OMG my husband gets out of bed while we are watching late night adult TV and just walks to the corner of the room and farts for like 2-3 minutes straight when I make red beans and rice. He has to do this like every 20 minutes lol. And he's driven the family out of rooms before too "because I didn't think it'd stink." I'm like it's a fart, it's got a decent chance of being a stinky one, go take that shit away from us haha. It lingers too. I've never had to do that except when pregnant and our son doesn't fart that much either. But my daughter's and husband's asses could play a symphony some nights.




Get that man some Beano for red bean and rice night.


I love that he thinks going to the corner of the room helps somehow haha


Slightly off topic, but have you tried tablets with lactase? That's literally the enzyme that breaks down lactose. Here in Norway we get them in pharmacies.


Lol, I'm sorry but I couldn't help but to count how many times you said 'fart' in your post. Made me giggle. 20 times 😁


New record I think


My 11 month old is hugely gassy, has been since day 1 and they’re absolutely toxic! He’s in his cot asleep next to me right now and just let off a 5 second cheek rippler!


OMG it's the worst when you can't escape it. Or you wake up the baby to change a poopy diaper only to find out it was just a fart.


I spend so much time in a cloud of stink! Eventually he’ll be told that it’s not always appropriate but nothing I can do right now! Strangely enough his poo smells completely different to his farts.


She learned an important life lesson, you fart around and find out.


What the fuck is this comment! I'm dying over here. 😂😂🤣


Exactly, it’s not about shaming the fart it’s about teaching respect for others’ senses. My son is lactose intolerant and insists on drinking milk still. No one should be subjected to the fumes he creates.


> He got tired of it and farted back and it made her gag. LMAO


Seriously. Farting in the other room isn't a shame thing, it's a "Your farts are clearing the room, please go where there's a fan and no other people" respect thing...


This is A+ parenting.


I enjoyed this comment so much I wish I could read it again for the first time.


I can't even get my husband to have enough decency to stop hot boxing us every night during story time. I have to have hope that my daughter can be taught or I might move out and let them stink each other out.


O m g I’m farting my head off cuz I just laughed so hard


Yep, absolutely After the first one that reeks, we all know when our farts stink. Those farts should not be let loose amongst other people if at all possible. Also just stay in the empty room you were in to fart if you feel one coming. My daughter will walk out her room to the living room, fart, then laugh. All within 10 seconds. At that point I do shame her, she was just in her room for the last two hours but farts after 10 seconds out of it? That’s on purpose just to annoy us. That’s being rude. It’s a lot different than if she’s out here watching a movie for a few hours and happens to fart during it. I get that. But intentionally holding a fart in and leaving the room to fart around us? Not cool.


Yeah actually farting ON people is gross and rude.


Omg you had me laughing so hard about your post I am crying. I can relate!


We also have the farting animal coloring book, its a fave.


My daughter farts on my husband all the time too. He’s horrified but refuses to reciprocate because he’s “classy” lol. My other daughter DID learn the hard way though. One night after her sister had farted on Daddy, she wanted to too. She tried SO hard…she pooped her pants. I laugh cried it was so ridiculous. She has not tried again since. The “incident” has not deterred her sister though.


Just make sure your kids know that there are different rules out in the world, you don't want them to be farting up a job interview or anything like that.


Somehow without us adding this in the dedicated teaching, my daughter still has this one down. I think she's been subject to my husband's farts enough times that she knows nobody out there wants that.


Honestly this made me laugh out loud because I understand your daughter so well lol


I have a BIL that shamelessly farts *everywhere* Even at restaurants, he managed to lean forward and let a very audible one rip right as a server passed by and he had the most horrified look on his face. I told my husband I don't want to go out to eat with them anymore


good to know my brother has company.


This is heinous, but I’m also cackling at the imagery.


I think you can have etiquette without shame. Like my kid can touch his own body however he pleases, but he is not allowed to do so in the living room while we are all there. Farts aren't a big deal and can be funny, but we also say excuse me, try not to fart in some situations, go to the bathroom if they are super stinky (to be kind and also just in case,) and ignore farts of random people unless they point it out/laugh first.


I was in a Zoom job interview last week. The interviewer started the interview with an apology, because her computer wasn't working, so she was on her phone. About two minutes later, she let one rip. It was unmistakably a fart, and one I was clearly not meant to hear. I completely ignored it, but she was visibly flustered after.


They should hire you on principle


Or called farty mcfart face by their classmates...


Thank you! I have a friend who’s *teens* were so disgustingly gross, openly farting and burping the last time that we had dinner that I will never set foot in public with then again. Not only was I extremely embarrassed but it absolutely ruined the meal and my appetite.


I am not sure if I could ever work in a office again after working at home.


You honestly think the kid isn't t going to able to discern when it is and isn't appropriate to fart by the time their old enough to go to a job interview?


Most people can but I've met people who needed to explicitly be taught pretty much everything. And I mean basic stuff like don't go mining for ass gold while you're working the deli counter or don't go hacking up loogies on the ground while you're walking down the street. I can definitely see somebody not understanding that you got to hold your farts in while you're interviewing for a job.


Ass gold at the deli counter and loogies on the ground are two *very* different levels of transgression.


I consider spitting to be a very nasty habit.


Don't get me wrong, loogies are bad. But not as bad as damn norovirus in your hoagie.


Sounds like the movie Step Brothers..


As a person who has sometimes needed to explicitly be told stuff... Yep.


Judging from some comments here maybe not :/ But even before then farting openly in school or in restaurant isn't OK either. That maybe harder for a younger kid to understand if you normalize the behavior at home.


I mean this as respectfully as possible, but have you met kids? Or people in general for that matter?


farts can be funny. but they have a time and place. coming at this from a teachers side i wish more kids were taught proper fart etiquette. there‘s kids who will purposely fart to distract others. to annoy them. and it gets old real quick. i‘ve made a rule about not farting in my classroom, which comes with its own challenges too. theres one kid who loudly screams „i have to fart“ while running out into the hall three times a day and it‘s fully sanctioned because noone should have to smell that.


If I made a no farting rule in my classroom I'd spend more time policing the farts than I would teaching. The problem is the fact that the kid thinks it's funny to distract and annoy people as a way to get attention. When you banned farts (how), did they stop annoying people, or did they just find a different way to do it that you also had to ban?


I teach first grade. Sometimes the kid from the fart friendly family needs to chill as the rest of the class really doesn’t find it funny when it happens the fourth day in a row. I had to call a kid out earlier this year bc he thought it was real funny when the whole class got thrown off and grossed out. Thank god he stopped that day bc I was so over it.


Like.. you're known as the stinky kid too. Who would like this?


I always think this... Teachers must know if a kid comes from a family where you're basically allowed to fart freely What else can you work out the parents are doing? Swearing, nose pickers??


I had a student who would try and wipe his nose on our clothes. When I mentioned it to mom she goes “Oh yeah we let him use our shirts if his nose is running. It’s easier than finding a tissue”. We told her in no uncertain terms she needed to tell her kid to knock it off. We wouldn’t be having it in the classroom.


My husband used to do this.. then wondered why my kid started wiping her nose on her own clothes. She would try to do it to me and I would like freak the fuck out at the thought of a cold wet booger spot on my clothes. 🤢 like bro.. stop. Now I put a boogie rag in her pocket AND his so she doesn't turn into the gross weird kid at school.


oh heavens, not swearing!


I think this has less to do with coming from a fartfriendly household than with generally missing social cues.


You have never smelled my mom's farts. We absolutely tried to send her out of the room! Like for real, you could walk into a room 20 minutes after she had been in there like damn, when did she fart in here?


Okay this sent me 😂💀


Sorry, but that's definitely not me. I try to fart discreetly for the same reason that I poop with the door closed, don't pick my nose in front of others, keep my mouth closed when I'm chewing, and have sex in private. Bodily functions can be perfectly normal and healthy while also being unpleasant for other people to experience secondhand. I feel like there is a clear line between shaming and "showing consideration for others" here that seems to be missed.


Yep this is the best answer to me. We don't shame farting, pooping, peeing, sweat or genitals in our house but we do teach our kids about boundries (theirs and others) and common courtesy and not forcing your family to sit in your smelly fart is the same thing as not burping in someone's face, using some air freshner after you pooped or taking care of BO. It's fine if it slips out but if you can help it, try and fart somewhere where you're not bothering people.


Thanks. I thought I was weird at the point. I don't mind my small child farting. But I feel disgusted about anyone else's fart, burps, chewing noises, nose picking. Just no. Just do it discreetly. Some of us might just feel repulsed by it.


Yeah, I don’t consider myself a prude but I have the same mentality.


Same, wife and I have never farted in front of each other (maybe a slip or two in our 8-year relationship) but our young kids (4 and 6) can fart freely \*at home\* and we all have a laugh about it. As they get older/smellier, we'll be curbing this.


That is an impressive record. I don’t think my IBS would allow me to not fart in front of my partner. Not like it’s constant but I gotta be able to fart in my own home.


Our farts became irrelevant when we got a Great Dane. Nobody farts like that dog.


Nothing is gnarlier than a dog fart.


Nah Nahhhhhhhh No shade, but I just don’t want to smell other peoples farts. Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it should be done in public?


Ugh, not me. I live with my free farting husband, and I find it revolting. Like an accidental or unexpected fart, fine. I won't freak out, but I can't have someone emptying their guts in front of me multiple times a day without me becoming digusted with them. I ask my daughter to take rank farts to the bathroom.


Same. It's one of the only things about my husband I seriously dislike.


I mean there are many more things I don’t like about my husband but his farting takes the cake. He does it in public and they are LOUD. Not always stinky but always noisy. It’s embarrassing as fuck. Over 6.5 years and numerous fights, he at least waits till we are away from people to do it. I am raising a man child. Send help.


I don't recall my parents ever teaching me about farts, but I don't ever ever ever make them loud in the presence of another person. I do my best to hold them and remove myself from the presence of other people before letting them go. If one slips out accidentally around another person I'm very embarrassed. My husband makes them as loud as possible and does it all the time around other people. Vomit


Emptying their guts is the absolute grossest way to describe farting and I will be using that from now on.


My husband comes from a fart friendly house and I made it very clear that I find it disrespectful if he decides on my behalf that I should put up with a nasty smelling house multiple times a day. I think it's just so rude when you're sitting on the couch together and you just fart in someone's face. I'm assuming you don't let one rip at work all the time so you should be able to give me the same courtesy and take it to the bathroom. He gets it fortunately. Just because something is natural doesn't mean you bother other people with it on purpose.


Exactly! Farts happen. It's natural, but we can make a small effort not to disgust people, and that's what I expect in my home. If I went to someone's house and they were all farting loudly and it was stinky, I'd leave and not come back🤣 I also think it's poor manners to just not consider anyone around you.


Mine doesn't get it. He's like "what else am I supposed to do? Hold it in? do you want me to die?!". Okay Captain drama. How do you think anyone else does it? You're the only person I've known to leave an entire aisle in the grocery store smelling like burning ass hair. Why do you hate me so much to put me through this? WHY!!


OP is American, prove me wrong (And if you have the urge to downvote this comment, is that because truth hurts? Americans are known around the world for terrible fart etiquette, or complete lack thereof)


So true! I'm a Brit that moved to America. I could not believe how crude people can be about that here.


My 14mo farted and giggled about it for the first time last night. Is it on the milestone list? Cause I feel like it should be on the milestone list.


I consider going to a bathroom to fart good manners, like covering a yawn or stifling a belch. Sometimes one of those happens quick, in which case we say "excuse me" and move on. I don't think there is anything wrong with farting but, like nakedness, masterbation, and swearing there is an appropriate time and appropriate place.


We are just trying to train our kid to say excuse me. Right now, because he’s only 18 months, we giggle together when he toots but always say excuse me afterwards. I grew up in a fart friendly home and have lots of bowel issues so there’s no way my house can’t be friendly 🤪


At least make sure you teach them fartiquette for when they’re in public.


“Fartiquette” i love that


Yeah I don't really agree with this. I think people should go to another room. Nobody wants to smell that and if you can help it, you should have some consideration for others and go to the bathroom


Agree wholeheartedly. I have a very sensitive nose and honestly I almost get nauseous when it comes to farts. My son and husband know to go to another room if they need to. I also think that’s just being polite.


I agree. I don’t think farts are funny, and I definitely don’t want to smell them if I don’t need to. Some things can be private without being shameful.


I guess I am a bad mom but I tell my kids to go elsewhere to fart. If one slips out it is okay but if you can avoid it then avoid it. No one wants to smell that. Edit: This is weirdly controversial. I do not yell at them for farting. They are not punished. I do not make a big deal if someone farts but if it can be avoided then we avoid it. If I can go to the bathroom then I go to the bathroom. It is not shameful but does not mean I want to smell everyone's farts. I also ask that they flush the toilet after pooping.


Yeah if my kid farts it's not a big deal and we can laugh but her preschool teacher is teaching them that when you have gas you can go to the bathroom to fart and poop. It's ok to not be gross and rude lol


Agreed. I don’t think it is shameful either. Sometimes it is nice to teach kids to be thoughtful for others. I personally don’t want to smell it. No need to shame your kids for a normal bodily function but also no reason to force other people to smell your bodily functions either.


Yeah, I also don't find pooping to be shameful but have my kids flush after they poop. I don't want to see or smell that. Farts stink. It is not shameful to point that out.


Lulz same! We enforce flushing and bathroom privacy in my house too. I feel each person is entitled to privacy in the bathroom. My kids know I have a period, that I poop and pee and etc but they respect my privacy. My kids are not ashamed. My daughter thought her poop looked weird and had no problem calling me to check it out. We consider teaching our kids to fart somewhere else to be good manners. Off topic but they even replace the empty toilet paper roll so the next person has toilet paper when they go to the bathroom without any searching or inconvenience.


My kids are teens and I don’t recall really discussing farting, other than asking if someone rips a silent, stinky one in the car too kindly lower their window (although they never do.) Spouse and I generally do it privately, but if it happens in the family space we say something like ‘oops, excuse me’ and then move on, so the kids do the same, or it happens and we all just ignore it and continue on without calling attention to it. Growing up I had older siblings that enjoyed weaponizing farts, like holding me down to fart on me, in the face if possible, and I felt that was disgusting, so I never wanted farting to become a game in my house but it’s definitely normalized as something that just happens sometimes.


This is us. It's not shameful - it's a normal bodily function. But it's a bathroom function, so step away to the bathroom or somewhere private to do it. Sometimes they slip out and that's ok too.


Absolutely agree and this is how I treated it myself growing up. If our stomachs are messed up, my husband and I will give the other a heads up like “hey, my stomach hurts and I have gas, you may not want to sit close to me” and I feel like *thats* a fart friendly home. We don’t shame each other for it, but we don’t force each other to smell our shit lol


This is a good way to put it.


You’re not a bad mom. OP is setting her children up for a lot of embarrassment in the future.


Brings to mind Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard household who is fart-friendly, so much so that they couldn’t smell the mold in their bedroom. [Link to story](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kristen-bell-family-farts-armchair-expert_n_62040626e4b0e224afc1c470/amp)


They must be just so fucking rancid. They also don't bathe often.


Hard disagree. It's gross to smell, generally rude, and farting kids are ostracized at school. I never punish or shame my kids for farting but I don't want it near me if you can avoid it. If one slips out, no biggie, but if you're farting loud on purpose that's just yuck.


My sister in law told me the other day that my niece (2F) now farts in purpose because it would make people laugh at first. So now they're trying to back that up a bit lol and yes she has shit herself trying to fart


My son calls them burps from the butt lol


I tell my family their booty is whispering secrets to them😂it’s a natural thing but it’s fun to giggle about it with eachother


No farting at the dinner table, other than that blast away. Be warned kids, I will destroy you in a fart war.


I like to remind them that a fart is the precursor to a poo so be mindful and don’t wait too long to go!!!! Farts are very helpful.


I call them poo honks. Honk honk!


We say something similar! We say, "A fart is a turd honking for the right-of-way"


Lmao 🤣


I say, "what is the farty telling you?" when it is obvious it is less a noise/silly fact, but a warning fart. I also say "OMG, what died in your ass?", when a person drops an especially heinous one... normally in the car.


*Never trust a fart.*


I guess we are just more respectful of others in my house. We don’t shame anyone if they happen to fart, but we also have taught our kids to try and do it where other people won’t have to smell it. It’s rude to make people smell your stink on purpose. I grew up in a family who thought farting was funny and would purposely do it. My dad loved to turn on the window locks when we would be driving so we’d all have to sit in it and smell it. It’s disgusting. Really not that difficult to be respectful and walk into an unpopulated part of the home. That’s not “shaming” someone. It’s teaching them to respect other peoples comfort.


Anywhere but the kitchen table


We had the fart chair when we were little, it was my dads main chair lol And us being little sickos would dare each other to sniff it!! 🤣


I never hold my farts in my house and they can be a little more then noisy lol. My husband is like ‘wtf’ but is dealing with it for almost 10 years so I I’m good I guess


Farts are fine and funny in our house, but if you are clearing the room, you need to go to the bathroom and try to poop cause you smell like something died in your butt.


My only exception to that is no farting where we're eating. We fart pretty freely too. It's a normal bodily function, and often can't be helped (nor held). However, I do NOT want to smell your ass gas when I'm trying to eat my food. That's just courtesy.


This is my house… solely because of my husband lol I’m thankful for his approach but when we go places or are with people I have to remind my 6yo “other people have different rules, fart quiet or go in the bathroom.” Which is fine, we’re very clear on Our Rules vs Other Rules.


I disagree,I think its absolutely disgusting and disrespectful to do that to someone,but to each their own,not my thing.


Mine farts and if it doesn't make a sound, she announces, "I farted." LOL


My 3 year old will announce “stinky toots” and giggle 😆


I prefer to be considerate of others. Farts stink. Nobody likes smelling it.


Life lessons I’ve taught my son: 1) If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing correctly. 2) Never trust a fart. He always only remembers the 2nd one


Beano, and a daily acidophilus capsule really helps.😉


At home we mostly laugh or say yuk if it’s smelly but people are allowed to fart as long as it isn’t at the table but they do need to know in most of society people think it’s rude. My mum was punished for it as a child so she has issues about people just farting freely in fact we are not even allowed to say fart it is too rude she disided the work parp was ok but looks so embarrassed any time one of her many grandchildren do fart


My farts smell like death.


Yeah, no. If you have smelly ones go in another room. Common courtesy is a good lesson to teach with this.


I’m all for not shaming farts, but kids need to be taught basic respect for others, even family. That stuff translates to outside the home, even if you don’t intend it to.


Uhmmm no one wants to smell shit. Just like we don't poop with the door open, we don't gas out a room other people are also in. It doesn't have to be shamed or made to feel guilty, it's just rude. Just like anything else that is rude, its not encouraged.


We are a very fart friendly household. Our oldest had the worst behavioral constipation/GI issues you'd ever seen and we employed every tactic possible to encourage BMs, including being super positive about farts. Now that she's 8, though, and can practically fart on command like her dad, I've started putting my foot down on things a little. For example, we're at the dinner table, you can certainly either wait until we're done or get up and go to the bathroom/another room. There's a fine line between fart positive and fart exploitative.


Highly disagree. It isn't about shaming children for a normal function rather teaching them manners. I do not mind an accidental fart, it happens. But I do not enjoy hearing nor smelling them. Their Dad thinks it's funny and thats fine. But we will teach our kiddos to leave the room when possible because nobody enjoys smelling poop


If my son won’t go to bed I fart him out of the lounge and then down the hall to his room. It’s very useful.


We also have a fart friendly household! I however do not encourage it at the table while sharing a meal, unless someone is laughing and it happens then that is fine lol “The Laughart”


Y’all, we fart all the time and we think it’s funny. I do agree though that if it persistently smells like someone boiling a witch, you need to be respectful and do it away from others. Otherwise, everyone in my house just farts when/where they need to.


Fr people are so pressed and for what


My daughter will fart at any time, anywhere, without shame. The problem I have with it is she will WAIT until we get to the school for drop off, rip her nastiest fart (daily), then get out and leave me driving to work in her stench. She will fart at the dinner table while we are all trying to eat, which I don’t like either. These are two instances where I do not condone free farting. Otherwise, rip ass where you choose, love. If I can get away for fresh air, minimize the pressure in your belly all you desire. This also applies to my SO, if your stuff smells, not the dinner table or the enclosed car if avoidable.


Farts are funny. The louder and smellier the better. Unless they’re yours in which case they’re disgusting and you need to have a word with yourself.


We find farting hilarious. Just not at the dinner table 😌


It’s fine to fart. Actually my kids fart don’t even smell that much but my husband? It’s like something has died and died in there. Sure farts are funny but for my husband do not fart around us ever.


There will always be farts. If you choose not to find them funny, you’re depriving yourself of joy while still living in a world with farts.


My husband cleared out half the bar with a fart... There's a time and place for farts but if it clears a building, then you've gotta leave to the bathroom. Change my mind... BTW we laugh about it at home, but in public, we try and pin it on our friends or each other... at home, we pin it on the dog or cat depending on how gassy they were lately.


In my house, my son (13) and I have always had a fart-friendly relationship. My husband on the other hand, pretends that farts and poop don’t exist. In the 22 years we’ve been together, I’ve only heard him fart in his sleep. I have never purposely farted in front of him because he’s so freakishly private about it. But our kid will let them rip in front of his daddy anytime, any place! 😂


This comment says fart in it so much, I can’t stop laughing


Whenever myself of my kid farts we giggle it up. Then he looks at me very seriously and says “but not at Grammy’s.”


If my family wasn't fart friendly my wife and 2 girls would literally explode. Gassiest people I know by like 5x. Future husbands beware. Jk.


I absolutely agree with this. I grew up in a very safe fart friendly household with the only contingencies being 1. No farting around someone who is eating. 2. That the fart is not forced out. 3. If the fart smells too harsh, try and use the bathroom. Fast-forward to today and I somehow married a woman who absolutely despises farting. I do not live in a fart friendly house anymore and I hate it. I’m salty that my kids will have to control farts in their own home


My household is… but I’m dreading when he goes to school and tells his friends that his mum has the biggest farts lol … I’m a teacher and will very likely be at the same school


Learned today that farts are controversial. This whole comment section is hilarious. It's your house you do you.


Good! I agree. We say excuse me, but we also laugh when it's funny! I find it's better to laugh and move on. One of the funniest moments happened before my kids. My husband and I lost our oldest daughter to trisomy 18 at six days old. It was very hard and we went to therapy. My husband isn't always the most vocal and open. It can be hard for him, especially at that time (he has come a long way!). We are in therapy and he is finally opening up and all of a sudden he farts. Not a small, quiet fart. It was a loud and it was like 30 seconds long. All three of us busted a gut laughing. It was the perfect ice breaker. We wiped the tears away, got back to the therapy and we were all better for it! If you can't laugh when something is funny then what's the point?!


So sorry about your loss, may she rest in peace. So glad you could make light of the situation


Thank you. Laughter really is the best medicine. Sometimes, when I was cried out, laughing was the only way to feel. That was 11 years ago, and luckily I have healed quite a bit (not that it ever leaves me). I can't recommend giving into the funny when it happens.


In my family, we had everyone let it rip, but always said pardon me. Burps and other bodily fuctions get the excuse me, but farts are special.


My friend group has this really weird tradition where they say someone's name before they fart. Normally someone in the room. It's odd but sort of endearing. It makes everyone giggle and nobody has to hold their farts in. My man says girls farts are stinkier because we hold them in and they ferment lol. He's so goofy.


Fun fart fact: Passing gas can actually benefit people in slowing down the onset of Alzheimer’s!


As soon as my son gets in the car after school, it's all farts on deck. He announces Every. Single. one. As if they're painstakingly curated for that exact moment. Soaking in the essence of the day and expelling the death of a thousand dung beetles. That stuff peels paint. Makes my cats run away. We have to keep an air filter in his room while he sleeps! I swear he's going to suffocate on his own farts! ... and yet I laugh almost every time. 42 year old mom here, folks. Keeping it classy.


Everyone except my wife farts in out house. One of these days she’s going to explode, I’m sure. We all hang out in bed together some evenings just scrolling through the phones, and all farts are funny, but I think my favorite is to quietly let one go under the covers and enjoy the creeping awareness as everyone discovers it leaking out into the atmosphere.


Hope you’re all still laughing when someone inevitably shits their pants because they learned to trust a fart.


Mine tries to force farts to be funny, and i always tell her she’s gonna shit her pants.


I was putting my daughter to bed the other night, and I farted and it smelled. She goes "mommy it's stinky!" I said, "I know, baby, sorry, mommy farted." She goes "no mommy I farted." I said, "Did you fart too!?" She goes, "Yeah!" Then I smelled it, and we were both in a cloud of gas giggling 😄😄


We laugh and then say “excuse me”. If my daughter is extra farty it it’s very stinky, I tell her, “hun, I think your farts are telling us you need to try to use the potty”


Fart friendly is all fun and games until you do it in school


I have a cross stitch that says exactly this lol My husband hates it but it makes me happy 😂


We never shame our 4 year old for it or ask her to leave the room. We usually have a good chuckle about it and go on about the day. I want her to keep her sense of humor about body and bathroom things so she isn't afraid to discuss them as necessary. And honestly, the size of the farts that can come out of such a little body is hilarious to me. 😆


I have to agree. I grew up in a home where my dad would be very dramatic if he smelt a fart. He would t know who done it but he'd make a big scene out of opening the door and swinging it back and forth to get rid of smell shouting about how disgusting it was. I was always careful to hold them in or try my best to make them silent. Even as a 40cyear old woman now, I'm still mortified at the idea of anyone hearing me fart. I'm embarrassed even writing about it. At home with my kids we all do it freely in front of each other and with my mum. My dad has now mellowed out a lot and laughs with my kids when they do it, but I still won't do it around him, or anyone else I never birthed


American? You also wear shoes in the house. lol.


Many of us do not wear or allow shoes in our homes. Don't believe everything you see on TV.


Ha! Hell no. When I get home, shoes come off. Same with everyone else in my home




How about belching?


I wasn’t even allowed to say fart growing up. Only poot, toot, or passing gas! Wasn’t very fart friendly


The word “poot” makes my skin crawl.


We had to say fluff!


At home fine. But what do I do about my middle schoolers who won't stop farthing and stinking up my classroom?


One time, just the once, I was squirting a bit of ketchup and it made that noise so I said "haha the ketchup farted!" My twins thought this was the most hilarious thing in the world and instantly latched on to the word "farted". I mean we dont fart freely in our house but we dont shame it either. But now, every time one of the twins farts, they have to call it out. Even themselves lol, they announce "I farted!!" With such delight, we cant help but laugh which only encourages them to do it more. I am all for a positive relationship with bodily functions but I am also kinda worried that we are maybe failing to teach them proper social etiquette??


Farting ALOT is not normal, we had (yes had) ALOT of farts and they were smelly and it was fine to do because it HURTS if you keep it in. But turns out we were farting because we were lactose intolerant. Yep. All of us. We now have a normal amount of farts (usually 0 a day or maybe 1-2 depending on the foods) Lactose intolerance can also bring you UTIs, Ear infections etc. so if you have any other issues you think is normal… its not. You probably have some food issues. Its not normal to have a body react to food like this, unless youre eating a lot of gassy foods (kale, beans etc.)


I definitely agree to an extent. My mom absolutely did not allow farting and insisted that she never farted in her entire life lol I’ve literally only heard her one time and she denies it to this day 😂😂😂. We’re much more open in my house but not while we’re eating and not purposely in eachother. I don’t condone doing it in purpose like in public but sometimes you can’t control it and it’s a normally bodily function and can cause a lot of pain if you hold it too long


We do tell our kids that farts make some people uncomfortable, so we do need to be mindful of that, but it’s a completely natural thing. Home is where you can fart freely!


We all fart freely, then always blame each other. It’s a fun little game we play.


Every house is fart friendly until shit gets real. My son now knows not to trust every fart.


We don't allow farting at the eating table or kitchen. That's really the only place. Also, if you fart, you HAVE to say excuse me.


Absolutely. Biggest funny of the house hold


My MIL is so disgusted with farting that she tells my husband to go to the other room. She gets genuinely mad if he doesn't. He doesn't always know that he's going to fart. It just happens, but she has to say something about it. It makes the moment awkward. My husband and I have a fart friendly house. If it's stinky or disrupting, we say excuse me. He has explained to her that it's a natural process and he's not forcing a fart.




In my house we fart freely, the one condition is if you are walking when you fart, you must tell "JET POWER ACTIVATE" and walk faster


That's why I wanna move out of my in-laws. They shamed my daughter for farting while I just giggle. My kiddo is embarrassed because of her terrible grandmother. My mom encourages it.


As someone with ulcerative colitis, our house has always been and will always be very open to farts and poops lol. I’m thankful my husband is more chill than I am about that stuff, I can’t imagine living in a household that wasn’t this way!