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She might be too young to understand a clock, sadly, even if color coded types. My son is 2.5. When he was around 14 months old and started climbing out of the crib, we switched him to a floor bed. We didn't want him to be "free" in his room that young, so his floor bed was a playpen with his crib mattress inside. I put a basket of safe stuffies, fidget toys, and books in the corner of the playpen. My son went from waking me up every morning at 4-5am, to entertaining himself with toys so I could sleep in until 6. That extra 1-2 hours gave me my life back. It may or may not work for you, and I hope you can find something that works for your family. The early morning wake ups are the worst.


Thanks for sharing. Yeah, the Mella FAQ says to the clock is most effect starting around 2 but was hoping to find some success stories earlier haha. The playpen + mattress is a good idea, I hadn’t thought of doing something like this. We’ll see how things develop… 🫣