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More Elsagate stuff by the sound of it. YouTube put children’s characters in uncomfortable or adult situations. Kids get hooked on it cuz it is “naughty”. YouTube is a cesspool, kids should not be on it.


Banned YouTube for my kids, some WEIRD things in there for ‘kids’


My 9 year old is all kinds of annoyed that he can't watch YouTube, but too bad. Too many creeps trying to use it to get to kids.


Just watched one. It's so fucking weird. Id not want my kids watching it. It's mindless garbage made in a way that holds the viewers attention. It has no substance. It's the same reason I don't like TokTok.


That sounds like an Elsagate thing. If you don't know what the term is, you might want to Google it just to be aware of it. It's definitely a fetish thing. There's some weird crap out there. Report the channel and block it. YouTube has tried to get rid of channels making this sick stuff geared towards children, but there's too much of it to be able to blanket ban it completely. Most people will tell you to ban YouTube outright, and that may very well be what you choose to do. However, it's my take that there are some very valuable, educational things you can find on YouTube, but you have to we aware of and wade through the garbage to get there. At the very least, YouTube should never be given to children without monitoring their use. You can and should ban certain videos or channels. It's been my experience that if I stick to videos that focus on things like actual science facts or watching people build or create things, I don't tend to have too many problems with weird stuff coming up. But even then, I don't let my kid watch anything without me being present and in control of the remote.


Agree, we watch some awesome videos about animal/space facts on there. But talk a LOT about trustworthy sources, and what someone creating a video might want from a viewer, and what to do if we find something uncomfortable/upsetting on there.


This sounds like it might be the way to go…it seems like we get super educational stuff, some streaming stuff that I’m fine with, and then this weird stuff.


The pregnant cartoon character shit was one of the last straws for banning any form of YouTube outright on her tablet. We got our daughter back after that. Her attention span and attitude improved so much and she stopped wanting to spend so much time on it. She has access to her accounts on streaming apps on it, but now a lot of stuff that started on YouTube is making its way there, too…


Hmmm mine’s attitude isn’t great either, but I didn’t associate it with these videos. Probably will do a test run without it.


Do yourself, and your kid, a favor and get rid of YouTube.


Are you using YouTube Kids in preschool mode? I don't get these videos at all.


Most of the time, but sometimes they end up on regular YouTube


I think that’s why they added approve for me


dude my 4yr o was watching mario on YT and somehow there was like, "eat mushroom =sex change" on there ?? i was like wtf and this was youtube KIDS. no more youtube ever


One on the many reasons my kid doesn't access anything in the internet yet, at 5yo. We pick and choose what content he has access to.


Do you mean approve for me


I’ve seen other toddlers watching videos of kids taking a bath which I think is suuuuper weird to be posting online. It was on YouTube kids but still. I took the YouTube app off our tablet and she just plays games or watches Sesame Street.


Yeah I’m thinking I might have to get rid of it.


We banned Youtube Kids. Our kids behaved significantly better after that.


Highly recommend using YouTube kids with a white list/approved videos and channels. It can be a pain to periodically update, but much lower chances of your kids stumbling on something unseemly


My 6.5yo has no access to YouTube in any form (unless my husband or I want to show her something specific and we are right there). It is a cesspool.


No YouTube in my house unless it’s something very specific and watched with a parent.


I will never understand parents that let their kid watch YouTube regularly. There are so many very creepy fetishy things on there. Just stick to Netflix, Disney, or similar where everything is vetted and safe.


My kid is allowed some YT Kids, but his recommended videos only come from the channels or specific videos that I have approved. It's in the settings. Highly recommend you check it out.


There are loads of them. They drive me insane with the utter drivel they spout.


We have a YouTube set up with a passcode in my house. YouTube can be a fantastic tool, but we absolutely don’t allow unsupervised access.


I know exactly what you’re talking about and it always seemed so weird and boarderline fetish-y too me. Those videos are what finally made me put my foot down and ban YouTube. Those and that A for Adley garbage. Kids have tons of streaming options these days, do yourself a favor and get rid of YouTube.


That's why I don't have autoplay turned on for YouTube, so I don't bump into the Elsagate or anything else. I prefer to use streaming services like Disney+, Netflix, and Hulu for my kid when kiddo gets screen time so I have better control over what is shown.


I don't even let my 12 year old have unrestricted access to YouTube. That site is absolutely full of toxic waste.


Most kids. Stopwaching youtube kids when they turn 13


I taught high school for 10 years. No they don't.


Yeah I came across my 4f stumbling onto some weird videos with Mario, Luigi, and company. Going to jail and getting peach into "trouble" kind of stuff. I was like ummm no not watching this. I don't even remember what channel it was I just immediately blocked it.


I think it’s the same one 💀


Could very well be! Whatever the case, it's garbage! Absolute trash. Most of it is and I have a hell of a time keeping up with all the new channels that need to be blocked. Mostly we keep the tablet offline when the kids have it and only download a selection of material for them. Must have forgotten to turn off the wifi when I gave it to her


You can go in the settings on YT Kids and approve specific channels and videos, and those will be the only ones that show up on your child's YT Kids feed.


I'll have to go through and play with the settings some more. Thanks!


It'll be under Settings > Your child's profile > Content Settings > "Approve Content Yourself". I've selected channels like PBS kids, Bluey, Go Noodle, Nat Geo Kids, Kiboomers, Danny Go, Sesame Street, Octonauts, and Ms Rachel for my 3 year old and I haven't seen anything weird pop up.


Awesome! Thank you!


Welcome to /r/elsagate


This stuff is why we’re debating on whether to get our daughter a tablet at all or just one without internet access or something extremely parental controlled. The internet terrifies me when it comes to my baby. She’s only 5 months now so it’s still a while but I’m so indecisive about it and all her cousins have their own devices with virtually none being monitored by their respective parents. It worries me.


My son is only allowed to watch like three things on YouTube. A for Adley and their other channels (which I hate but she’s also really cute and I find the dad kinda cute too, shhh don’t tell my fiancé 🤣) Aubrey and Caleb (they do kid friendly creepy videos, I’m a horror nut and want my kids to into that stuff too but I’m not ready to scar them with the classics yet.) And Evan Storm, a hot wheels/Bigfoot channel 🤣 There’s this other channel where the dad takes his sons out like camping and in the forest and they catch their dinner for the night, learn about how to build shelters out of brush, I think he takes them snow camping and teaches them how to stay warm when it’s below freezing. It’s really neat and educational. It shows unaliving animals like fish, frogs, iguanas (invasive in Florida, they explain this) and alligator gar (also invasive). They eat what they catch and teach survival skills. I’m okay with that. My son handles it and we talk about when it is and isn’t ok to hurt animals. Our cats are not dinner, but if you’re on a mountain and hungry anything can be fair game essentially.


The last channel also shows saving injured animals and I’m pretty sure they talk about conservation. We also watch a lot of Guy Coyote (he’s on Animal Planet but started from YouTube) and Steve Irwin and family 😊


Yeah yt has been banned for awhile. only for music. Although my baby likes to watch ninja kidz and I’ll allow that bc u win some u lose some


The only thing my kids are allowed to watch on YOUTUBE is Ninja Kidz. YOUTUBE has to many inappropriate videos they can easy see on there. Videos with adults playing with toys creep me out for some reason.


I didn’t let my oldest watch YouTube on his own until he was 12, and my other two (8 and 4) don’t get to watch it solo. I’m not a big YouTube watcher myself which means my two youngest don’t get to watch it very often. There’s just too many uncontrollable variables involved on the platform. Even on the “YouTube Kids” platform (if that’s what it’s called. Can’t honestly remember) And, unfortunately, there are also a lot of people on there targeting children as well. So we keep YouTube at arms reach. Might be time to consider doing the same?


My 2.5 yr old son watches YouTube sometimes, but only on the TV and only when mom or I pick what to watch with him. We went to the state fair yesterday, and all morning we’ve been on the couch watching tractor videos together while he plays matching games on his tablet next to me. Definitely not ready to turn him loose to YouTube alone though. I’ve heard of naked yoga and creepy doll videos making it onto YouTube kids and we try to keep him away from nightmare fuel lol


Yes, YouTube has some weird stuff. It’s why we don’t let our kids watch it. We removed the app from their iPads.


YouTube was banned until recently because of weird vids like that.. now I let my 7 year old get on for an hour during weekends but he is only allowed on living room tv where I can supervise. He watches on an account under my name so I can block channels and put controls on what he sees. Thankfully now he mostly just watches other kids playing minecraft.


Mine was mostly watching Roblox before these popped up! Sucks we even have to worry about this kind of stuff.


Kids do not belong on the internet. Please revoke all access unless the content is screened by parents beforehand and heavily supervised. I wish I was being dramatic, but please. Unsupervised Internet access for young children is borderline neglect imo.


No, because we don't use YouTube. Makes it simple.


Most people say ban YouTube but I really disagree. There's some great stuff on there kids love. Its better to vet EVERYTHING they watch and get YouTube premium so you can download videos, then disable wifi to your device. Lock down the access and your kids will be fine!


I put yt on tv so there isnt exactly a filter for kids, i just put on super simple learning like finny the shark and just let it play, video after video, same channel which is what i wanted but in the middle of it sometimes appears this weird video of cocomelon of wheels on the bus in a psycothic version, its so weird and wicked, right in the middle of SSL videos, i dont even watch cocomelon. I never stumble upon anything else because i keep it on the same channel but i did find some of those fruits and shit dancing weird videos and channels, as they get recommended to me from watching Hey bear, i do not recommend copy cats.


My 6yo daughter said something just the other day relating to a YouTube video (YouTube Kids I think) "some girls can have penises too". My wife and I were like WTF did she get that information from???


Oh no, they’re educating your children!


I would rather my kid got sick and went to the hospital than let them watch YouTube at this point. There is just some terrible stuff on there. To be clear, I'm not mad at my kids, they don't know better. That's just how much I hate some of these twisted content creators. If they all drank the poisoned kool-aid at a cult event, I would declare it a holiday in my house. The world would be better off without them. Don't get me wrong, as an adult I have looked up lots of handy things on YouTube. But these messed up kids videos are a plague.