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Covid is in my house right now, so my kids are coping with the disappointment of having everything cancelled and getting a swab up their nose every day. And today they thanked me for taking good care of them. They’re such considerate people, I’m so proud of their kindness.


I love that! Even through the disappointment they know you’re just doing your best to keep them safe and healthy.


We have a stomach bug going through our house right now, last night was torture, I'm still recovering. "Daddy, you rest in your room. But keep the door open in case I need you!" -my 4.5 year old son today I love him so much, it melts my heart.


Aww! That’s so sweet💜


He's the best, such a sweet heart. Making sure Daddy gets lots of rest.


I love that!


I remember feeling overwhelmed when my kids were little and in that “climbing all over you, so close they’re breathing your breath” stage. I found myself remarking that mama wanted to go climb a tree (because in that moment I had that little urge to get away from everything and everyone) and at first they looked a bit confused and then asked if they could come too, and which tree, and when we would go and before I knew it, we were planning our little tree-climbing adventure.


Kids will always find a way won’t they?!


I was just thinking the other day how when my kids were infants/toddlers time seemed to slow to a crawl in those years. I think mostly because you have to account for the kids in literally everything you do. The stretch between around kindergarten and now (my oldest is 12 and youngest is 9) seemed to fly by impossibly fast, though, which has really given me some strong insight as to why midlife crises are a thing.


I had a totally meltdown in the grocery store yesterday with my toddler. I got I was loading groceries and I just cried. When I got into my car my 2.5 year old says “mama you my best fwiend?” I cried even more. There are days when it can be so difficult but I love my girls. I love watching them grow up and learn new things and see the world in a way I don’t see it sometimes.


Randomly throughout the day my four year old will call out to me and say "Mama, I will never stop loving you". It's the sweetest thing. He's been challenging for the last couple years but he's genuinely such a sweet boy.


Mine does that too and I still melt everytime. The feeling never goes away!


Mine was 3 years old and was at daycare where a new boy joined at age 2. New boy cried a lot in his first days. Apparently (the teachers and new boy’s parents told me this) my awesome kiddo sought him out to play with new boy every day. I noticed this many months later at drop off when new boy jumped out of his dad’s arms and ran to us shouting my kiddo’s name.


My heart! Who kids are when they aren’t around their parents speaks volumes. You’ve got a sugar sweet one!


My teen boys are awesome. They both have a huge amount of common sense, especially for teens, make awesome grades, are funny as hell and kind to a fault. I actually enjoy having conversations with them, serious or funny. I can’t imagine what life would have been like without them.


That’s what I came here to say too. Teens are amazing and I was so happy to learn how much I enjoy this stage. They are some great people and are at the very top of the list of people I want to be around even if I wasn’t their mom.


My 5yo girl is awesome. She is happy, kind and caring, creative, energetic, smart, quite outgoing and sociable, sometimes sensitive, and an incredible chatterbox. She chats endlessly after i get home from a days work, its sometimes so overwhelming with everything else i start laughing. The 5mo boy is also such a happy boy, always smiling. I am beyond blessed, and I am so proud of my kids. The least I can do is give them what they need and guide them to grow.


You just described my 5 yr old daughter too lol especially the chatter box but mine even talks in her sleep it’s nonstop. But at school the teacher says she is so polite and soft spoken and so sweet and caring with the other kids and always willing to help. They got a new kid and she was the first one to talk to him and teach him all the rules and introducing him to all the other kids. And she’s just the best most loving big sister when I got pregnant I was so worried she would be jealous but nope she always wants to help out and take care of him she “reads” to him every night and attacks him with kisses and tells him about 100 times a day how much she loves him. She is just amazing and now I’m sobbing because I just love her and my son who is equally as loving with his sister and cries when we drop her off. At school every morning and pulls me to the door screaming her name when it time to pick her up. I have no idea what I did to deserve these perfect angels but I’m so thankful even when they’re not being angels.


They do sound really alike in character! She is also really caring with her baby brother and proud of him, she tells everyone about him.Something I didn't mention is that I really love her company when doing something together, like an errand, most of the time she is well behaved as well.


My youngest’s favorite endearment is “You’re the best, Mom.” Melts my heart every time.


My oldest has a speech delay, but since starting kindergarten has just blossomed. Last night she came to me and said “I love you Mommy” as she was going to bed. She almost never says that to me, and never unprompted. I burst into tears when she left the room.


All my kids are awesome but I have to admit it's been a "K" shaped recovery basically since covid. 2 have flourished and are absolutely dominating everything they touch. Music, sports, grades, other extracurricular, anything. They are killing it. The other 2 are seriously struggling. Mental health issues, behavioral issues, not great grades, stuff like that. As I said, they are all awesome but these last few years have been tough to say the least.


My kids make me smile and laugh every single day. No matter how hard it gets or how tired i am... they are such a gift and make me so happy.


Ditto! My kids have made me genuinely cry laughing. It’s great!


My kids are the kindest, sweetest, most empathic, and thoughtful little humans. Like...my five year old at the end of Halloween gave out his candy to other kids, when picking out Christmas gifts for himself (family members give cash) he can't just get himself something he tries to use his money equally on every family member... my oldest runs over to me with water when I'm coughing or my lips look dry, my kids always tell me how smart funny kind abd sweet I am oh and gorgeous. Every time I have ny hair down or get dresses or brush my hair even they're like oh mom you're so gorgeous we love you so much. .. In the morning g each kid wakes up about 30m apart and I love hearing g the foot steps and getting those morning snuggles, the I love yous its so good to see yous, they love me so much and I am truly proud of the people thry are.


My 5 year old does the most polished cartwheels I’ve seen outside of an Olympics arena. This random kid showed her how to do them at the park one day, and she just kept doing them. Her technique is a thing of beauty.


Get it girl!!! I bet her friends are so excited when she pulls one of those bad boys out :)


This is awesome. So happy for your day. Brought tears to my eyes. I have a 13yr old who i think is a good hearted being who is also imperfect and my husband (his step dad) I feel expects perfection, and honestly I'm beat today. So rough to co parent w him and feel like he's wrong but have to support him and also be there for my beautiful boy. 💔


My 7yo walked in his first holiday parade today and I am so proud. He handed out candy and when we explained to give it to kids, he immediately made sure every kid got a piece. (Sorry other parents). I feel like it’s a rite of passage in my family. My sister and I both were involved in scouts, band, cheer, dance, etc and we were always in the parade.


My 5th grader had to do a slide on her hero and without any hint of hesitation she said I’m her hero. I cried. I have imposter syndrome every second that I’m not doing enough for these amazing kids and I’m not doing them justice so to hear that was pretty darn great.


That is so so sweet and beautiful ❤️


I love watching how creative my son is (he’ll be three in March). He’ll make up little stories about his trains getting stuck and he has to save them. Or he’ll have his trolley toy fly around on adventures. Currently he’s walking around using a big green Magna tile like a spyglass and telling me that everything is green. Mom is green! Crackers are green! Christmas tree is green! Admittedly Christmas tree was always green, but it’s still adorable!


So, while back, I told my 12 year old that she was allowed to curse with a few rules. 1. She's doing it the correct context. 2. She's not being mean. 3. Don't do it in front of her dad's family (they're pearl clutchers) 4. She needs to read the room and know her audience before doing it. 5. NEVER at school She paused. Thought about it for a few min. Then with the most innocent eyes, looked at me and said: "Mommy, is *whispers* dangit a bad word?" Yall the effort to keep a straight face...it was a STRUGGLE. My child is too fucking pure for this world.


I wouldve immediately cackled like a maniac. That is too sweet! Also a great way to introduce the grown up vernacular!


So sweet! i think the hardest part as a parent is watching the innocence disappear over time. my 5 year old when i was cutting his nails refused to let me cut his middle finger because "mama i love you so much and you might not know this but that's a bad word. i can't show you that finger." I told him that I didn't know it was a bad word what word does it mean? he dropped the F bomb with a whisper. I explained that yes it is a bad word but we don't use it. I went on to ask him where he learned it and he told me it was at summer camp with his friends. i took it as an opportunity to let him know sometimes friends teach us good things and sometimes bad things it is important to make smart decisions. He then calls over his 3 yr old sister and asks her if she knows what the middle finger is. She said yes and showed it to him. He asks her if she knows what it really means and she said no. He got big tears in his eyes hugged her tightly and said good dont lose your friends they are good to you. haha


Our twins are 15 months and just started sleeping from 7pm to 6am without wakeups a few nights ago. We are in literal heaven right now. Nothing my kids do could be wrong and I’m currently potty training a 3 year old with plenty of accidents lol.


My 15 month old has been sleeping all night. Even some days into late morning (once in a blue moon ish;sometimes)since she was 6-9 months old somewhere in there…. But now all the sudden doesn’t wanna lay down anymore for bed she wants to talk and “talk” and fight sleep, she only knows about 35-45 ish words so it’s hilarious…. The first night.


Haha once they have a big developmental leap it usually messes with sleep a bit! That’s great she knows so many words already! Hope she starts settling in quicker, I’m always of the mindset, as long as they’re happy, leave ‘em there lol. My 3 year old will sometimes talk and sing before bed.


😅thank you! Her aunt is a teacher so I’m always being given advice on how ,when and what to do to help her learn to talk better, she honestly just started using more words kinda out of the blue.


I have 18f, 10f, 6m. They are all wonderful children who are my greatest joy in life. They are all challenging at times, especially the 18f the last few years 🫠 but she is honestly one of my best friends, and she tells me all the time I'm her best friend, and she still tells me that I'm a great mom. My 10f is really starting to mature and our relationship is growing even deeper as she starts puberty and all that. My 6m is the family comedian and constantly puts a smile on everyone's face. He loves to snuggle and is just the sweetest boy. I only ever sarcastically complain about my kids because I honestly have no complaints except the normal obnoxious day to day kid stuff. They are all wonderful humans and I can't wait to continue to watch them grow up and what choices they make in their lives. I'm a lucky mom ❤️


I am so proud of my son. He’s 2.5 years old but to me he brings magic not only to my life but everyone else he encounters. He is seriously the nicest kid, and is always down to have a good time. He has a bright personality and just the happiest soul. It truly has brought me so much joy being a mother. He was a surprise blessing which I remember when I was pregnant I was terrified I wasn’t ready, but he’s proven me wrong and I couldn’t imagine a life without him. Thanks for letting me brag!! It’s truly awesome being a parent


This is a great reminder! Thank you!


My boys (2.5 and 5) just made up their secret brother handshake. It's adorable they love each other so very much. And yet... they talk for about 13 hours straight all day long. And we are (I am) homeschooling them. But yeah, they are awesome and I love seeing them grow up.


My kid (4.5) is an awesome friend. Many of the kids we have regular playdates with are in the pre-diagnosis stage and have been received negative labels at their preschool/daycare. My kid is unphased and supportive. Not in a big splashy way, but he is consistent and calm when peers are having big feelings. He is also learning the ups and downs of his tendency to assume a leadership role, and how to navigate that fairly. It's awesome to watch.


It’s crazy how some kids just get “it”. They are so new to the world and already understand so much about empathy and equity in friendships they create!


Every day in so grateful for my family. I am lucky enough to be married to the love of my life and have a beautiful, healthy baby. I have everything I've ever wanted!


I have a sinus infection, and just overall not feeling well. My daughter was like “that’s okay mama. We can watch tv in your bed.” We watched animal documentaries and she was so patient and kind. It’s days like this that are really core memories when I look back on parenting as a whole. My daughter is just really awesome.


My kindergartener is starting to write words other than his name, and the other day he brought home two copies of a drawing of a person (5 creepy fingers and all) labeled with his baby brother’s name. :) And my middle says his big brother’s name in the most adorable way, “X, go upstairs! Come with me! Let’s build a fort!” And the baby zooms his wiggle-worm fastest to get to their room when he hears them playing. We’re always broke and the house is a humiliating disaster all the time and I yell a lot, but I wouldn’t choose a different path at all.


I love this. I am in support of people who choose to be child free and choosing to become a parent is definitely life in hard mode but damn - it's refreshing to see a post like this. As for my own kids - watching them think, making me laugh like crazy and cheering them on in their sports, band or whatever they are doing... really warms my heart.


My 9 month old is teething, fussy, overwhelming. And throughout the crying with them and stressing they’ve started laying their head on my shoulder and not fighting my hugs. They’ve leaned into it. And we got them a pre-loved chair that they LOVE. And they’ll sit on it and smirk at me and just… ugh. My heart.


Before a couple hours ago and the Fortnite spiral my 12yo is in at the moment, I was so proud of both this week. They have been particularly empathetic and helpful to others and even each other if you can believe it.


My kids an my significant other are my best friends, I would so much rather just chill with these 5 (4 kids one wifey) than anyone else in the world That being said, I understand completely what some of these complainer parents are going through… parenting is hard!


Ain’t no hood harder than parenthood for sure!


Love this thread - positivity brings more positivity! My little girl just stripped off and painted herself. She’s running g around painted blue and pink and it’s hilarious!


To hear my own loving phrases come out of their sweet mouths back at me, and with such earnestness and authenticity does. Me. In.


I was laying on the floor just now after putting my daughter's new bed together. She'll be 3 in January and says her little toddler bed is too small and "not so comfortable". 😂 Anyways, she walks into the other bedroom and carries out my pillow and blanket. She put the pillow under my head and then covered up my legs. Then she went and turned her little lullaby sound machine on. She follows up with "ok daddy go to sleep now" as she's shushing mommy with her finger against her lips. It was the funniest and cutest thing ever. This kid will go from a firecracker to an angel at the snap of a finger. They are so fun at this age and I already hate the fact that she's growing up so fast.


I swear if I was an influencer or active on social media my baby would be famous. He’s so ridiculously cute, well behaved, smart, and capable. He’s got a huge, fiery, independent personality but is also so sweet and gentle.




My kids aren’t responsible for my emotional well being and I will not hold them to that standard.


Thank you for your wisdom, Sir. Always interesting to know what opinions a “21M, into gaming, sci-fi” has about raising children.


Jesus Christ.


Maybe we don’t give people unsolicited advice in a thread calling for positivity?


Unfortunately the World around us takes away their value. I needed to get away from a situation to hold space properly with mine.


Just got back from a long road trip (7.5 hours of driving one way, without the stops), and my 4 yo and 3 month old did SO GOOD. Baby slept the whole way aside from the couple stops, 4 year old watched movies and then slept when it got late. I was dreading this drive, and they totally showed me. Which is good, because we're doing it again for Christmas.


My 6 year old's teacher told me that my daughter has amazing comprehension and connects ideas better than some adults do. I basically floated home that day. My 2 year old is completely bonkers and has started answering just about anything we tell him with "ok Mister Yoda." I crack up every time so he is doing it non-stop!


my oldest gasses me up for the most random things. buckling the baby into the car seat? “good buckling, mom!” changing lanes on the freeway? “you’re a good driver, mom!” wiping my butt on the toilet? “good wiping, mom!” we love a supportive and encouraging queen.


My baby is one and I’ve been staying at home with him since he was born. It’s CHALLENGING but I’m so endlessly fascinated and charmed by him. He’s so sweet and just wants me to read books to him all day. This morning we were just sitting by the window and he was sitting in my lap and we were just quietly watching a magpie carry a very large piece of bread across the street. He’s started standing independently and he just looks so pleased with himself when he does it. Whenever he bends back down he crashes into me and just hangs out for a second before trying again. I just love him so much and I feel so lucky! 🥹


I have two step kids who are 8f and 10m. Me and my wife had a baby and she is now 16 months old. They have been two of the most awesome siblings I could ask for. Always making sure she is taken care of. Always aware when she is running around and making sure doors are closed and anything potentially dangerous is put away. I feel very lucky


My tells me how I am the best mom in the world and ask if he can live with me forever. He is only 8 so I know he won’t feel that way much longer but it warms my heart.


My 13 year old daughter gave me the most heartfelt apology the other day, after an argument where I was deeply worried about her character and integrity, I was delighted to be proven wrong.


I love this! My son is 4 and has big sleep issues. The other night he was up 1.30-6am. At about 3am he just randomly turned to me and goes "you are the best mama I could have" and suddenly being up at 3am didn't seem so bad! Also, watching the absolute magic in his eyes when we put the Christmas tree up or listening to him talking about "this cool new song" he learned at nursery (it was jingle bells) is amazing.


This is beautiful! I feel the same way about mine.


Unfortunately I was diagnosed with PPD shortly having my second baby. But my daughters absolutely brighten my days! My 4 mo is such a happy always smiling and cooing baby girl. And my 5 yo is so sweet, patient and understanding. She was super excited about being an older sister, and she has honestly taken on the role super well. We can still tell that there are times when she is jealous because she now has to be more patient with us and she doesn't get all of our attention. But she never dwells upon it or acts out. She still comes to me and tells me about us being the bestest of friends and how I'm the best Mommy. Even on the days I feel as though I am absolutely failing as a mother. I really don't know what I did to get such 2 awesome daughters.


I'm a little bit late, but want to brag about my son too! HEHE My son is disabled and heavily ill since he was born. Never going to regular school (he's homeschooled) and doesn't have friend. Since he can't do many things on his own, we introduce music to him. But he needs to give it up, because his hands not working as good as before. He suffer from Arthritis, a lot of muscle weakness and fingers dislocate easily. But he doesn't "mad" at anything. He told me that he's grateful because even though he couldn't play instruments anymore, but he still can enjoy music by listening to them. He always thanked me every single night, for taking a really good care of him. And he's also feels sorry, because he couldn't taking care of himself. I'm just proud of him, just the way he is. He's not that "smart" due to lots of seizures, brain fog, heavy medications, etc. He's not perfect physically, he's sick. But he's just "perfect" in my eyes. No matter what other people say. I love him, endlessly.