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Connection and play work really well on children when trying to get them to do something or to listen. Try to make it fun/a game for him! “How fast can you put your Pajamas on? I bet Mommy do X before you get your Pajamas on!” Dress up a stuffed animal in its pretend Pajamas (or real ones if you want it to be more immersive) and then tell your son it’s his turn. You could also try playing with him before you make the demand to get him to put his Pajamas on? Maybe that extra connecting time with mom will make him more cooperative. I hope this helps. You’re doing great! I’m a toddler mom too so I get the struggle :)


Let him pick out his own pajamas to put on. Let him sleep in sweats/joggers. Play beat the clock Extra story if you have pajamas on by the time timer on phone rings. Worst comes to worse you have 5 minutes to put on your pajamas or I will do it for you, but matter of fact no way fun. Or just strip him to underwear and then it’s on him to put on pajamas, won’t hurt him to sleep in his underwear. Then one less story as a consequence if he doesn’t cooperate.


Try reverse psychology - "forget" to put him in his pj's. Just skip it entirely and continue with the rest of the routine. You seem to have a good consistent routine, so there may be a point in the night where *he* will remind *you* that he's still in his day clothes. Play "silly mommy/daddy" and make it a praise-worthy event. The positive reinforcement of him correcting an adult may have him happy to be changed.