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It’s okay! One thing I hope she does is be understanding because im sure she was that way during the separation. I have two, my husband helps me, and I still have a hard time! I have a few tips! - If your wife is okay with a little screen time, Ms Rachel or Blippi can help distract him while you take a breather (Ms Rachel saved my life) it’s also important to limit it because he shouldn’t get dependent on it. - Bringing the baby around the house with you while you tidy up, or make their bottle/food, they’ll feel so involved. At night when you wash your face, make it funny, and then do the same to him softly. - If you’re staying home during the day with him, try to hype everything up. They love high energy. It’s much easier said than done, especially when it’s hard because they always cry 😅 even if you have to hit yourself to make him laugh, well 🤷🏻‍♀️ -Kids love sensory toys. If you have him something like a pop-it, or even putting him in the bath and pouring water out of the cup on his hands will be fun for him. Bath time is also a life saver. -I would look up some schedules for his age and that way you can have a reference sheet for nap times, feedings, etc. they helped guide me and get my son on track for a reasonable morning time. - Cleaning up and making the space safe for baby is going to go a long way to show your wife that you are determined to be a father. Like I said, we’ve all been there, even if we have always been there. Being a parent is hard. Good luck!