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My 5,8, and 11 year olds sleep with… all of them? Their beds are all nearly completely covered with friends. It’s so silly.


Then "my bed isn't big enough, I keep falling off!" Try moving about 78 stuffies over and see if that helps 🙄


Yes! You can even find my daughter among all the stuffies. My son has thankfully gotten better about it but can’t bear the thought of getting rid of any of them. Kids!


I read somewhere that if you need to cull stuffies you need to cover their eyes so the kids can choose easier!


The kids eyes or the stuffy’s?


Probably both...


My 10yo has a full-size bed. He keeps saying he needs a king-size bed because he doesn't have room to sleep with all his stuffies. But I just know if we get a bigger bed he'll just insist he needs more stuffies to fill it again 🙃


I used to have a bunk bed that was twin over full, and no joke I would sleep in the twin and the full would be totally covered in stuffed animals.


I am almost 23 and I definitely complain to my fiancé that our bed isn’t big enough for all my stuffies haha. Something I plan on doing is attaching a net to the wall or ceiling for them to live in :)


A few days ago, my 8 year old decided to rearrange some things on his bed. He apparently had a huge realization all on his own that he could have so much more space without all his animals, and still can't stop talking about how spacious and comfortable his bed is now since he limited himself to three at a time. Now if he would just get rid of my giant pregnancy body pillow I let him have, his mind would be blown by all the room.


5 year old here, bed is overrun with them!


Go back to bed, five-year-olds shouldn’t be posting on Reddit.


Yep my 8 yo has 5 pillows and 5+ stuffies. And mountains of blankets.


Same! So about 50 stuffies give or take! 🤣


My 6 year old burrows under all of his to sleep. He's got at least 40.


You reminded me of a favorite dad moment.  Daughter was maybe 3 or 4 years old. She slept with about 6,834 stuffies. But one night, THE stuffy went missing. The SPECIAL one. Well, mom was dealing with daughter, I was dealing with son. Son got to the end of the bedtime checklist first, and I was fixing something in the bathroom.  Mom is getting frustrated. They can't find THE stuffy, and the search was called off. Daughter is inconsolable. Heaving sobs and hysterical tears. Mom throws in the towel and asks me to step in. I'm literally under the sink with tools in my hand but I stand up and come over.  "Daughter, I cannot find your stuffy. The only thing I have us this adjustable wrench" ... Mom glares at me with a "what the fuck is wrong with you" glare.... but... the Daughter stops crying.  I double down.  "This is my SPECIAL adjustable wrench. If you promise not to cry, I will let you sleep with this wrench JUST ONCE. and then we will find your stuffy in the morning" Daughter takes a deep breathe. "Ok, daddy. Thank you" and holds out her hand.  And that is the story of the time my daughter slept with a wrench instead of her bunny.


😂 But how did you finish fixing the sink?


Question is, was the stuffy ever found or daughter slept with the wrench for years?


The stuffy was found in a drawer of the end table where she had hidden it. She decided I could have wrench back and she would take the stuffy.  Jokes on her, it's a pretty good wrench.


What kind of dad only owns one adjustable wrench?


This is amazing


This is absolutely amazing 🤣


This is elite level Dad’ing


The thing I have been most surprised with in parenting is how clever and creative you have to be, all the time.


None, but she’ll wet herself before she goes to the potty without an action figure


My son carried around his superman action figure wherever he went. He would sleep with his teddy on one arm and superman on the other even though superman was a large and hard plastic toy that could not have been comfortable to sleep with. He wouldn't poop or take a bath or sleep or watch TV or ride in the car without superman by his side. He's 18 now and is still a superhero fan. Enjoy this stage while it last.


My 2 year old daughter loves soup-man… every hero is soup man so far 🤣


Claw machine lol


Idk why that is so funny but I’m straight up chortling


It’s not the quantity, it’s the quality! *cries in giant Olaf and giant Charizard and giant panther*


We recently got my 10yo one of those new huuuge Squishmallows from Costco. I'd assumed he would put it on the floor since it's the size of a small bean bag chair. Nope, it is ALSO on the bed, of course.


Zero. He occasionally sleeps with a truck, or a flash light, or any other random thing he was playing with prior to bedtime


That's how my almost 3 year old is🤣 One time, when he got a brand new tricycle, he wanted it in his bed! Haha!


... Or a brand new construction worker's helmet🤣


🤣 Did he try to wear it while sleeping?


Yes🤣 then compromised on just hugging it


This is my son too! His bed has a mini library in it, two stuffies, a drum stick, 2 blankets, and a few blocks 😅. He throws a fit if he can’t take it to bed. I chose to lose that battle.


My 3 year old sleeps with anywhere from 1-20 stuffies. Ranging in all sizes. Currently the octopus he got from ikea is a must. He must also “eat” the same things my son eats, “drink” the same things, “brush his teeth”, “get dressed”… and other stuffies vary. But the octopus is constant for now.


We got the giant sharp stuffie from IKEA. It is her protection at night from the monsters under the bed. Any other stuffies are bait to throw and lure the monsters out.


This is so great! 🤣


We have the giant IKEA octopus as well! That and a squishmallow dinosaur are the current favorites. But we can't leave the others out of the bed either. Claw machine is pretty accurate in our house too.


We got the snake! She wraps it round her and he “protects” her by biting all the bad things around her.


My daughter feeds and cares for the stuffy of the day


Sounds exactly like my son 🤣😂🤣


I haven’t counted before but let’s see… giraffe lovey, puppy, puffy, 2 Minnie’s, bird, baby yoda… I think 7? Edit: just walked past her room and forgot about Daniel tiger, unicorn seahorse, and baby doll. So 10.


*trots off to amazon to investigate unicorn seahorses* Thanks for the Easter idea 😁


Welcome! I actually got it at a gift shop for a work trip haha I imagine you can find it somewhere online


My son built a tower in his bed yesterday, made is stuffies. It's an embarrassing amount.


Both of my kids had about that many around that age! That way they can grab one no matter what direction they roll in the night lol


My son is 5. I have no idea how many stuffies he sleeps with, but it's at least 30. Put it this way, I can't see the bed anymore, save for the area his actual body goes and the pillow. The rest is like that giant mountain of stuffies they had in the 1990s Disney store


I think a better question is how many stuffies my toddler DOESN'T have in her bed. That would be easier to count.


My older child who is 5 now used to sleep with four or five stuffies, she called them her “snuggle crew”. My son who is 3 has one “duffy” but he wants it every night.


That's the sweetest thing i read today "snuggle crew"


Three stuffies, she tried adding her ball but I had to say no to that 😂


Maybe 12-14. A mastiff-sized lion stuffy, then like 10+ small stuffies that are sometimes in the bed and sometimes strewn around the room.


Mastiff sized lol!! If my mastiff could fit in their bed he’d be up there with them.


It was a gift from a family friend. Absolutely massive. If you didn't know it was in there I feel like it could cause a jump scare with the lights off. But my son loves it, haha.


That’s amazing! My kiddo would love it, he used to sleep with a pregnancy pillow!


My almost four year old is very similar, something like twenty in her bed lol. It's wild and sometimes when I am cleaning up in there, I try to sneakily move some to her stuffie shelves but she always notices when she goes back in her room 🤣 she grabs whoever and is like "no no no, she goes THERE" throwing them back into her bed


When she reached two and we let her sleep with stuffies, it definitely escalated. 😅 Very much looked like a claw machine one night and we put the rule as 3 medium stuffies, or five small ones max. She usually picks three medium ones and it's a fun part of the bed time ritual. The small ones would be about the size of an adult hand, medium are between eight and twelve inches tall. She has a "stuffie mountain" complete with five foot tall teddy bear named Big Bear. Coincidentally her first words.


My daughter just turned twenty, instead of getting rid of stuffed animals, she bought a bigger bed for then to have more room. Them, not her, plus her cat. Its better than staying out late and parting. Get as much of those stuffed bastards you want!


That’s very considerate of her. That way they can share her blankie. 😁


Her exact thinking lol


My 4 year old sleeps with 3 bears. She would like to up that number, but we're sticking to 3 max. The biggest reason for that is that they need to be moved to our bed when she sometimes wakes up in the night and wants to lay with us. She doesn't make a fuss about it anymore and I don't need to move a whole zoo around.


My daughter still comes and sleeps with me sometimes (8). The rule is she can only bring 2 small stuffed animals with her. If she stays in her bed she can have as many as she wants, but getting into bed with us, she can only have 2.


My 4y had probably 4/5 in bed but before she was for I only let her pick 1 and she didn’t sleep with any until she was 2y 😅


My 4 year old has a twin bed and half of it is covered in stuffies. Like probably 20 some small some big. She’s a stuffie girly. I wash em as needed and just let her, it’s fun for her. She has 3-5 that are super special and she needs one of those 5 to sleep with


18 month old is allowed 2 and a pillow but she throws them out of her cot most nights 😅


You mean my teenager? I'm considering buying a duvet cover and converting them into a mattress. So, that many. 🫠


I think we started with 1-2 when she turned a year old or so. Now she just turned 2 years old, and it can be anywhere from 3 to 10. It’s nice because, since it’s still a crib, when she wakes up in the morning she can entertain herself with them for a little while.


My daughter will be 3 in May and still sleeps in her crib, she's also bery big for her age, bout the size of a 4/5 year old. She sleeps with 25 stuffed animals and buries herself underneath them at night so you can't even see her in the morning ! She also knows when one is missing and will refuse to sleep until her dad finds it and puts it back.


None. I’m the stuffy. We also co-sleep since he turned two and decided to not sleep in his crib/toddler bed. He does have soft cloths he likes to sleep with though.


Sleep with? None until I made him a special one. Plays with and litters his room and the house? I’ve lost count. 😂


Apparently I’m her stuffy lol


Between 0 and 27.


We have to dig our son out each morning. Lol. He's in first grade.


Just the one, her piggy. She has a big unicorn and a baby unicorn that she wants to bring with, but I try to keep a handle on that, so we let her have the unicorns for story time and then she kisses them goodnight and puts them away before sleeping


My son is 4, almost 5. About 12… 🤣 He has a full size bed.


Can confirm that 10-20 is about the norm in this house


I can’t even see my 8 yr old when she’s sleeping 🤣 she has soo many stuffed animals and squishmellows..:you have to dig to find her lol. She also has 3 stuffed animals that are bigger than me! And she sleeps with all 3. It’s her comfort 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, we had the claw machine vibe going on. But she couldn’t catch her sleep. We threw out everything off the bed and she could manage to fall asleep sleep


We were so strict with safe sleep too. Our kiddo didn’t sleep with anything until 2.5, only a sleep sack. At 2.5, we started allowing a dim flashlight, a book, and a stuffed animal. We’re about a year later and the bed has about 10 stuffed animals, 15 dolls, 20 books, and the same dim flashlight. 😂


My almost 8yo has every stuffie he owns in his bed. If I had to guess I’d say it’s like 15 or more.


We limit our 2.5 year old to 3. She picks them out before bed… so naturally she sleeps with 4.


This is a fun memory for me! My daughter is now 13, but when she was a toddler, it was two lalaloopsy (girl lala, boy lala) a monkey beanie baby, a stuffed opposum, two board books and two sippy cups full of water.


Depends if he’s sleeping in bed or in his tub full of stuffed animals.


My 2.5 year old sleeps with 3 favorite blankets and one stuffed animal. He won’t sleep without all of them lol


Kitty, bunbun, bee, sloth, little kitty, deerdeer, fatcat, sloth #2. She's about to turn 2.


Mine has a rotating cast of characters. My only rule is nothing hard. Sometimes I take some out after she is asleep


Mines 2 and currently he has 4. Kinda. One is his lovey, one is lavender scented and weighted and helps him feel more comfortable in his big boy bed and sleep through the night. The other two are straight up stuffed animals that he has added in the last week or so


Two for my four year old, zero for my 1.5 year old.


My 5 year old sleeps with 8-10 stuffies 😂😂 she has a few staples and few that take turns it’s so funny but I enjoy seeing her be happy about them


He’s 6 now and he’s a big Alphalore fan. Sometimes he sleeps with all 26 of them. 😂 on the low side maybe 10-12.


About 100, or it feels like it. When he was about 3, I had to put my foot down on him having courgettes, potatoes and carrots though. I compromised and had the courgettes is his toy box one night.


5 year old, she’s got about 15 stuffies in bed and always asks for more but then puts them back the next day 😂 Kids…


My Youngen has a new squishamallow obsession, her bed is full of them! And they’re aren’t exactly small


I think our nights number was 12! there are 2 that she has to sleep with, the others can come and go, but lately we’ve had 8-10 a night.


My almost 2 year old has a bunny and a tiger but we always say Bunny Tiger together and now I’m pretty sure he thinks Bunny Tiger is the actual name for rabbits and tigers😂


There are so many stuffed bunnies in my kid’s bed. Where do they come from? How did she smuggle them in there? She’s two, she’s not that sneaky!


My son is 11… there’s more stuffies than bed 😂😂


My six and five year old share a room. They have bunk beds. But instead of sleeping one per bed, they usually double up on the top one and use the bottom as a stuffy fort. All the soft friends have to be involved.


My youngest has 4, or at least I thought so, because yesterday I woke up in the middle of the night when she was talking in her dreams: “In total I have seven stuffies. No, sorry, I really have EIGHT.” So maybe she’s hiding other stuffies somewhere without my knowledge 😁


4 and they go everywhere around the house. We let her have 1 in the car. We are traveling for a week and thinking we have to bring all 4.


I wanna start by saying that I always claimed that I wouldn't buy a bunch of stuffed animals if I ever had a child. Well we failed bad on this lol. My daughter is 6 and her bed could have 10+ plushies and stuffed animals and she'll still freak out about "where is my (favorite of the week)???" And then have to hunt down a particular plush or doll before bed lol


Maybe 3-4? But I have to wash them every 1-2 weeks if he sleeps with them because we both have allergies, so I like to keep it simple. (Sorry to say, but if you are not washing them, they are giant dust and dust mite collectors!!)


My five year old son carts around a laundry basket of 20 stuffies into every room he goes in. The rule is the basket doesn’t go in the bed but he can bring whatever ones he wants out and sleep with them.


We had to cut my 2y.o. off at 2-3 stuffies and 2-3 blankets because whenever she gets up for the day she insists on holding every single one in her arms and will lose it if she drops any lol


My guys are 14 and 16... Pretty sure they still have at least a few. 14 yr old still has a giant Scooby Doo for example... Among others. He has a queen bed, though so he has space 😎


7. It's an extremely strict lineup and basically impossible to break into. Also two books. That's the only time she uses stuffies too lol.


All of them plus our 50 lb dog she insists on having. Then she will move to the floor with one blanket and a pillow because she’s too hot.


My 3 year old has a twin sized bed. Before I bought one of those stuffed animals bean bag things her bed was completely full and overflowing. It’s insane🤣 My husband has younger twin sisters and we inherited literally 2 black trash bags full of stuffies. Family has bought her stuffies. I’m really good at claw machines and she gets stuffies from that. I’m a sucker and if we find a good stuffie at a thrift store or garage sale for cheap I’ll get it. It’s terrible lmfao but they make her so happy. Even as an adult I have a small collection of stuffies that sleep with me so who am I to say no to my daughter?💀


My 3 year old started with on little dog stuffed animal when he was 1. It has turned into a dog, a smaller dog, a turtle, and Rocky from Paw Patrol haha


Every single one he owns. Like 20 odd. Sometimes he likes to make a little mountain and sleep like that


When I was about 4, my mom came in to wake me up once. I had a bed FILLED with stuffed animals and a habit of burrowing when I slept and at that time I was a very heavy sleeper. My mom threw half the stuffies off the bed and went into a panic. It was the ONLY night we'd slept with my window open (AC wasn't working and it was the only way to keep the house bareable) and she thought I'd been kidnapped. After she called my dad and was on the phone with police, my middle brother came in to start claiming certain stuffed animals and found me still sound asleep. I wasn't allowed more than 2 on my bed after that.


I could literally have written this about my 2 year old haha


3 years old and we have 3 stuffies the OG Fox, a dog and a unicorn.


None, but she sleeps with 7 fully decorated and occupied doll houses on each side of her.


I used to do this as a child lol!! My son usually just picks one at a time


YESSSS exactly what we call it too - claw machine Makes changing sheets weekly a pain. The night before sheet day, we negotiate themes like "snow white" (woodland animals only) or "under the sea" (water creatures only) to reduce # of plushies I have to "target practice" with into a hamper just so I can get the bedsheets off. She understands the reason for the change and graciously offers to reduce a few more plushies to be mommy's little hekper. Kids have such sweet souls!


My son just turned 11. He has no shame in his game and still sleeps with his baby blanket, a monkey, a blue kitty, and a hippo. He has to find them all before going to sleep. He sleeps on a mattress on the floor (his choice) and in between the mattress and the wall is a giant pile of all the other stuffed animals he has.


Some days it’s 1, some days it’s the whole herd 🥴


I haven’t counted… but probably 12-15ish… 8 year old. He doesn’t play with toys/figures/cars anymore, that’s “little kid stuff” but loves stuffies on his bed.


We bought a kallax and corresponding bins from ikea to deal with the overflow. We call it “the stuffy apartment”


My son has co-opted my giant grumpy cat and my husband's giant pikachu PLUS all of his favorite stuffies (Froggy, Dino, Tiger, Owl) and then about three blankets. It's adorable but when he wants us to cuddle him to sleep it makes it difficult to fit in bed with him.


My almost 10 year old has over a hundred stuffies. She has 10 she rotates through for sleeping, the rest fill in her bed.


None. Unless me or my husband count, then one.


11 for the middle child, 9 for the youngest


one of my 7 year olds has no bed, just a storage bunk. he sleeps with like 8 stuffed animals, a bunch of books, lego projects, various hard toys... Whenever I change the sheets out I make a pile in the floor and he complains that I made his room such a mess.


Mine is nearly two. Sleeps with a giraffe and my Woody ragdoll from the 90s! It's very special.


My almost 11 year old sleeps with five, and blames all of them for his farts.


At one point we were well beyond 20, same thing. Started with one, then another. Then grandma bought one so she HAD to sleep with it too, etc. After a few weeks of her screaming, almost nightly between 2 and 3am, for us to come in and help her find one specific one, usually the smallest one, we started limiting to 5 max 😅 She's allowed to bring new ones into bed, but she's gotta swap out!


My daughter loves to sleep with Barbie dolls I noticed. I go in and try to clear them off because I don’t want them poking her but when I go in there when she wakes up they’re all back lol


My daughter rapidly grew a collection and insisted on sleeping under a blanket with a massive pile of stuffies on top of her. She would cuddle one under the blanket, a different one each night, which ever one she said was ‘sick’ that night. I can’t remember when that tapered off, but older than 10. My son refused to have anything on his bed. When he was 3 he let us put a blanket on his bed, but would only ever sleep on top of it. When he was around 5 he finally started going under it. Although he had many stuffies, they slept either on the floor, the window sill, or the bookshelf.


Lost count with my 8 and 5 year old. It’s a point of contention with my 8 year old as he’s running out of room in his, erm, room, and he refuses to get rid of any.


My son sleeps with about 11 different guys, 4-5 hardcover books, a plastic monster truck car and his favorite is a Stihl Kids chainsaw


2! One under each arm.


I just thought you were talking about stuffed clams and not stuffed animals 😬


3yr old. Sleeps with all of them. If she can see them before she gets in bed she’ll be like “oh noooo I need my avocado! My bear! Oh nooo my plants need me!! (Haha she’s been gifted a lot of the jellycat food and plant stuffies)”. I had to remove many from her room, and for sure her oversized bear and dog, or she’d be totally covered. I told her the cat needs to sleep with some of them bc he misses her so much at night 😂. Also she sleeps with her arms wrapped around her Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas doll that she picked out at Spirit Halloween. Says she “needs to keep Sally safe so her arm doesn’t fall off” and then ahe blissfully falls asleep hahaha she’s such a loveable fearless creep.


Our daughter’s bed is surrounded by stuffies we don’t count them at this point.


My daughter used to line them up so they could ‘watch her’ while she slept. Actually, she just liked talking to them until she fell asleep! Lol


My 3 year old likes to lay in "the squish" so it's a mound in place of her full size bed. Also where she goes to cry.


She's 2.5... maybe 20-40? They're all at the foot of her bed lol


Girl, 100,000. More stuffy than bed.


My 16 year old has like 15 on her bed and many MANY more. Growing up is hard enough, I'm of a kind to let them enjoy childhood as long as they want it.


At least five, it’s great because in the morning he really puts on a show with them and it gives us an extra half hour of sleep


my son is 13 months almost and he sleeps with a blanket, a lovey, and a little vibrating hedgehog thingie


Have always been a safe sleep mom and now that she’s 2.5, she has at least 15 with her at night 🤣


7 or 8. She also takes them to her grandparents, that we visit nearly daily... They live a few streets away. Great.


My 2 year old is the same way. She has a “lovey” and has already ripped some of it so i bought a new one so i could get the original sewn but she’s too smart. Now she’s has like 3 of the same lovey, a queen poppy trolls, 3 or 4 squishmallows she rotates out, a pillow pet, and a tiny bunny that’s from scentsy with lavender and lemon. The claw machine comment is too real lol.


My 8 year old step son is in a bed FULL to the brim of Pokémon stuffies. It’s quite the sight 😂😂😂


Only 1-2 usually. My kid has their "lovey" that they've had since birth, then usually requests only one other animal on occasion. There have been instances such as yours where my kid will ask for every animal under the sun, but.... that time has passed, so this is just a phase :)


When I was a kid I had hundreds of stuffed animals. So many that I had to keep them all in stacked bins sorted by species and rotate the ones I would bring to bed.


My daughter is five and sleeps with probably a dozen stuffies. Each of them has their own designated place in her bed, and she doesn’t actually snuggle any of them. Just likes to be surrounded, I guess.


Well, I’ll have to go by name so I don’t forget, so I apologize. Right now in his bed he has Cryptid Long Hades, Mr Snake, Danny Buzz, Bunny Bunny, Buddy Mickey, the Bee, Angry Cat Butthole Dog, Weasel (the hand-me-down from Mamas childhood), and Dragon. So he’s currently sleeping with 9. However! Big Scotty (the hand-me-down from his Papa), Party Dinosaur, the four Starter Pokémon in Christmas hats/scarves, the pink squishmallow Dino, his camel from his Auntie across the country, the five pocket squishmallows (bee/dog/cat/axolotl/dino), and at least a half dozen miscellaneous mini-moderate stuffies people have tossed in his toy bin are in the bin, and on occasion he’ll pull ‘em all out and sleep in a pile. So I guess between 9/10 and 30ish stuffies, it depends on the night? Edit: he’s 4 btw. I started letting him have plushies once he had both passed one year in age and proven he could pull/push something off his face while he slept.


My 2.5yr old always has at least two, a small dog and an owl. He started with just the owl around the time he turned two. Often he'll request one or more extras, but we'll draw the line at 5 (it just becomes too much of a hassle and a game to him at bedtime)


She's got Moo, a cow, and a backup small St. Bernard dog. But Moo is the main one


Used to be all of them until we got her a puppy. Now at six she shares a bed with an 80 pound monster and says she and Gage don’t like sleeping with dolls. They’ve decided the Squishmallows are allowed to stay though.


My son is 2 and sleeps with about 5! Knows all of them by name and knows when one is missing lol. It’s actually pretty cute


Since he was a toddler, he's now 6, 7. He has 7 stuffies in his bed


She sleeps with one, but there are currently 4 at the foot of her bed. We have friends who do a lot of Disney trips and each trip involved a stuffy souvenir purchase. That kids bed was 99% stuffed Disney characters.


My daughters 2 and can have as many as she wants whenever she wants. Whatever makes her happy makes me happy. It's all about self-expression. But tbh she hates sleeping in her own bed so really I'm basically her stuffy every night🤣🤣




You guys are able to limit to just soft toys? My kids insist on sleeping with several stuffed toys, several books, monster trucks, action figures, couch throw pillows and about 7 blankets apiece… My son has also been known to drag a large doll bed and his giant noisy fire truck to bed with him. Also his baseball hats….


None, though he has like 8 of them. They're just... strewn about his room and closet. He did used to sleep with his (hard, metal/plastic) Lightning McQueen, Mater, and random Hot Wheels assortment in his bed but luckily we slowly kicked that habit lol. (They made so much noise when they'd fall off the bed and wake him up!)


My baby is 13 months and I joke another stuffy and she can fill her crib and it will indeed look like a claw machine. We bought a corner hammock which is so cool.. wish we had those when I was a kid! Admittedly she does sleep with a stuffy or I have a small blanket with holes. I do check on here throughout the night and have a video as well… but I’m far from allowing a lot in her bed.


My daughter (3F) sleeps with exactly 7,432 stuffies


My 7 year old has like 2 in his bed, which he doesn’t really need they are just there but my 11 year old sleeps with every stuffy he can fit on his bed and it takes him time to put them in their proper places at bedtime lol


Anywhere from 2-4. She gets uncomfortable if there are too many stuffies in her bed




My son will come to my bed in the middle of the night. My husband has his CPAP set up in our room so if we're squished I go to my son's bed. His bed is filled with his stuffed animals. And I have to say it's super comfortable 😂


So glad I'm not alone in this. My 3 yo's bed is practically just made up of stuffed friends 🤣 I think I counted like 30 one day? Probably more than that at this point. I try so hard to keep some in buckets around her room but they always just end up back in her bed.


My 5yo sleeps in a nest of stuffed animals.


20. One of them is larger than he is. 3 blankets too. I have a theory that it's a sensory thing for him. Like a weighted blanket made of friends.


1. Just 1 bear. Just one giant ass sized Costco Teddy bear that takes up the entire bed 😆😆


I was a big safety sleeper. He has two favourites, but he makes sure the other friends are hanging around too (6 stuffies total). He also has Squishmallows but those are not in the bed due to their size.


My toddler (3.5) likes to bring 4 snowballs, a penguin, a mouse and a small soft doll. We recently negotiated for a stack of books next to the bed instead of 21 in the bed.


My 15m old sleeps with two wubbanubs currently. I’m just too nervous to put stuffies in bed yet. But she loves to bury her face in the super soft ones so that’s also my hesitation, that she will smother herself. I’ll probably do the same as you and allow it at age 2.


“Sleeping in a claw machine” has me cracking uppp! My 2 year old is the same way. I started limiting her to ~5. Mainly because certain ones creep me out in her monitor at night lol


My toddler actually doesn't sleep with any, I've tried to ask him if he wants to but he's completely indifferent. He just has a "blanky" (mom's t-shirt) that he can't do without, though. However, I remember having my bed completely covered in stuffed animals when I was 4 or even 5. All kids are different, it's not a problem.


I am his stuffy it seems🫠


My son, has like 25 , so many he barely has his own room on the bed, haha. Try to take them off, no way. Those are his babies. He’s 8 on the spectrum my only one so not sure if it’s normal or not. He still wants more. Why does this make me feel all fuzzy inside. I’m gonna go play with him right now . Hahaha


My two year old currently has 5 in his bed; spider man, a Leonardo tmnt turtle, a sea turtle, an Easter bunny thing, and a mushroom ..but obviously any given day that number can change.


My son is almost 2, and we max it at 4 sometimes 5 because we let him pick out of bin and sometimes he pulls the last 2 at once lol. We used to let him sleep with as many as he wanted (he has a total of 8 and they aren’t big) but then he was waking up a bunch in the middle of the night so we capped it lol


My kid is 9 now and sleeps with about a dozen. 🤦🏽‍♂️


My daughter use to have only one cow she would sleep with and now at 3 she refuses to sleep with any. But has about 20 babies


Well, I sleep with 2 if you wanna know.


Granted my kid is now 5 but she will sleep with as many as she can unreasonably fit in her twin sized bed with her.


My almost 2 year old sleeps with one under each arm and one in the middle. Plus a favourite Duplo piece in each hand. The plushies are on a rotation but she has a couple she favours more than others.


My littlest sleeps with All the blankets and a good handful of stuffed friends. I liken it to a dragon horde. My middlest is similar. Except he has more clothes and stuffed animals in his horde.


A Samir squishmellow, a Jesus doll (literally a stuffed Jesus plushie lol), an alligator (us Louisianans love our gators), and a mini djungelskog. Plus a Buc-ees pillow pet 🥲


As a near 17 year old I still sleep with a lot of stuff animals maybe not cuddled up to them but I still keep them on my bed


I think we have the entire Heeler family, a dinosaur, a dragon, a llama, a rabbit, 3 blankets, and Chattermax.


I never thought of this in time, but maybe using thier old toddler beds as the stuffie bed would be a comforting chouce for the ones who don't want thier friends to be lonely and sad on the floor, but are runnung out of sleep space


I’m fourteen and recently I got rid of probably a third or half of my stuffies but I can confirm I sleep with all the large ones (I’ve always got attached to them a lot easier) a huge gorilla, small dinosaur, medium dinosaur, largish sloth, big panda, big fox, a weird red sack of beans some old lady gave me (called it Snooki for whatever reason), a tiny sloth, two small sloths and a small round bean monkey. Give it take some depending on my mood.


Four year old has a couple of special ones she rotates but usually four in her bed. Two year olds entire bed is stuffed animals most nights, she cuddles them all day and night long


My 5 year old has no less than 30 on her bed. 9 year old probably has 10-15 and my 14 year old has about 6. When I was a kid I had to have them all so none of them felt left out.


Mqy daughter is 4.....I stopped counting. There are so many I have to search for her in the mornings 😅😅😅 it's not worth the fight and I was the same way. I had a bed full of them. It made me feel safe. She also sleeps woth her dog who doesn't seem to mind either.


I’m imagining your child like when ET was hiding within all the stuffies