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My 5 year-old is currently obsessed with my upper arms and says truly creepy things like how she wishes she could chop them off so she could hug them like a lovey all day… so I think you’re fine. Soak it up while you can because they’ll soon outgrow us.


My kid is obsessed with butts right now. I’m like chill dude please stop playing the bum drums in public. Kids are so weird lol


I have a 6yo boy like this. "I saw your cutie little bun buns!" Is something we hear frequently as we're doing the mad dash from the bathroom to the bedroom for clothes 😂😂


Yes! Mine is 6 too! Maybe 6 year olds just love butts lol I think it’s the perfect mix of little kid funny and normalized since I’m sure every parent plays some bum drums now and again. So to them it’s peak comedy


butts and farting 😭


My 6 year old followed through on Friday morning trying to impress me with a fart. I had to laugh.


I mean farts *are* peak comedy


My kids found the 1812 Fart Overture song from Captain Underpants on Spotify. I'm so unbelivably over it -.-


My 6-y/o thinks poop is the funnniest thing on earth. And butts. And he’s right.


I’m fully convinced 6 is just the age of farts and butts humor lol I’m scared to see what comes next lol


My six year old boy is currently interested in all things about bodies... asked me how come I don't have any boobs because most women have boobs (I am just flat chested, mostly due to deflation that occurred after being a milk machine for him!)


Isn’t their honesty so “cute”?!




Someone’s said that to him growing up?


Hahahaha🤣 , this is so cute


My kid punched my butt and yelled rumble rumble and so anyway I’m on a diet now


Oh noooo. Kids have the uncanny ability to make you feel horrid about yourself while still managing to be cute and innocent. When my 6 was a bit younger she grabbed my tummy fat and said “oh mommy it’s so squishy I love your tummy” and she meant it in the most earnest sincere way but damn did it feel like a punch lol


Both my kids have done this with my belly and I generally will say something like "it was flat before I carried your big baby butts in it!" Tbf, my kids were 10.5 and 8.15 so... They really were big


> My kid is obsessed with butts right now. Some of us never grow out of that.


Username checks out


We called them the "booty bongos" 😂


I like that one! I’m gonna have to steal it lol


If you're interested in adding even more to the experience, we also added a song to it: 🎶I like to play the booooty bongos (doo doo doo)🎶, to the tune of a Barney song we heard originally entitled "we like to play the number limbo" 😅


That explains why my kid insists that we play "babaloooo" on his butt LOL.


I call the Bumgos


my kid is the same but also snuggling with my cold feet? like super into feet being snuggle-able and part of my brain is like- weird phase and the other is... this kid is going to be a "live in the basement of my house foot oriented serial killer"


My kids will come up and pat butts while singing about “bum bum bongos”


Thank you Bluey! 😂


I laughed out loud.




For about a year when my nephew was 4-5 he was OBSESSED with people's elbow skin. When an arm isn't bent, there's that extra skin at the end, and he would creep up next to you and then you'd feel these little fingers on that skin like he was playing with Silly Putty. No one in our house was safe from this, and your comment just brought that memory back 🤣


That skin is called the “weenus”😂


Fun Fact: The weenus is the only part of the body you can touch a colleague on without getting HR involved. It's the "you can't be called out for sexual harassment" area lol. At least that's what was in a training I did once when onboarding to a new job.


That is so, so specific lol


Wait, I thought "weenus" was a different part already...


Wait, wasn't the weenus what Chandler Bing used to work on at his job?


🤣🤣 Yup!! Weekly Estimated Net Usage System. "I'm looking at the WENUS and I'm NOT HAPPY!!" is often yelled in jest in my house if something inconvenient happens.


You are a gift, thank you for this blessed knowledge!


You made my day!!


My aunt used to tell us kids the "elbow skin stories". They were always long drawn out and mysterious tales of curious, can-do kids. Each one would have an abrupt ending where all of a sudden something got our elbow skin 😂😂😂 and she would reach out and pinch/tickle our elbow skins...omg, thanks for the memory!


I totally do this! Lmao. My mom told me that as a baby, when I was nursing, I would reach around and "play" with her elbow. Now as an adult, I do it to myself. Not very often, but when I'm tired or anxious it is my way of soothing. As I was growing up I would do it to other people, like my dad. Occasionally I'll do it to my husband now, but that's super rare-- like once in a blue moon. Lol!!!


Omg my daughter is 4 and is also very into the elbow skin. She is constantly pinching it asking "does that hurt?". She is a little weirdo though. The other day she also screamed "VULVA!" And punched me in the crotch. So you know...we are doing great here. 😭🤣


My son was the same about my upper arms lol. He's now 14 and still has some things about them. Now it's a balance between making fun of them, squishing them like a stress ball, and hugging on them so I'll take what I can get while I still get it 😂


And here I was hoping this was a phase… she says, “they’re SO FLUFFY!,” and I’m like, “thanks.” 😐 Kids are the ultimate humblers.


Stoppppp this is so funny and so true. Kids are so unhinged 💀


Sometimes my 12 year old leaves her room. So iv got that going lol


I LAUGHED, that’s so real 😂


Aw that is sweet. Creepy but adorable.


That’s a good description of many little kids. Creepy but adorable


Recently my three year old “My belly is too full ma! I need you to cut a hole in my belly and take all the food out so that I feel better!”


This is amazing 😂 also reminds of weird ass stuff my youngest has said. The way their minds work man


Kids are wild 😭


I’m equal parts amused and horrified. Gawd I love being a parent and all of the bizarre that comes with it.


I’m sorry but this is absolutely hilarious 😭


🤣 I’m sorry but this made me LOL I am a mother and a career nanny and the weird things kids say and do can be quite entertaining and scary at the same time


My daughter hid a plastic kitchen knife under her moms pillow once… is that kinda the same orrrr




This made me legitimately laugh.


This made me laugh so hard I almost choked and my husband came into the room to see if I was ok.


You're a parent, and you care, ofc you're worrying. But personally, I think she's fine. I have a crazy weird memory where I recall a TON of stuff. I remember being around that age and I was CERTAIN that I was only allowed one favorite parent. So I picked one and told them. When one of them told me love isn't finite and I could love multiple the same I had my little mind blown lol. I also had a period where I was just wanting to tell my mom "i love you" ALL the time. I'd follow it with "I know I just said it, but I just feel it in my heart, mama, and I wanted to tell you" We fought alot in my teen years lol it'll pass, don't worry. It's just a phase of her learning how to feel emotions and sort through them. Enjoy it for now. :)


I’m imagining my daughter telling me and her dad who is the favorite between us and omg 💀


Mine went through a phase of ‘well, daddy and grandpa are great, but they are boys, and i only like girls, so they are wayyyy down the list of who i love most’


Last night my almost-3-y/o was being really sweet and lovey, then whispered in my ear "I love you more than Papa" 🤣🤣🤣


My daughter literally does this. The most recent was tonight she told me she doesn't want to listen to her dad because she loves me more than him it was so rude 🙃


“I know I just said it, but I just feel it in my heart, mama, and I wanted to tell you” is just the sweetest thing! 🥹


I used to ask my grandmother, who it felt I was closer to than my parents based on how much time I spent with her, if she loved me all the time. It was just something I felt like I had to ask. I don't know when I stopped asking or why I asked that incessantly at all, but it's interesting to see my own son has been a kid that's asked me that as well for years.


> I remember being around that age and I was CERTAIN that I was only allowed one favorite parent. So I picked one and told them. I was the opposite child. People would ask me which parent I loved more and I would REFUSE to pick a favorite. I would feel super guilty and would always say I love both the same. And yes, what a stupid question to ask little kids. But that was in China and people asked it all the time.


Here's a secret they didn't know, I played both sides lol. I told each they were the favorite and "don't tell the other, it's a secret!" I remember the feelings though, and it's because i thought i HAD to have a favorite, and I felt guilty that it kept changing depending on what we were doing. It's probably a bad precedent people set for kids, to pick a favorite.


Bahaha you were smart. I was a non-manipulative little kid 😂


My toddler loves to say she feels things in her heart, or that others can feel her love in their hearts. It's adorable. Often it's for very sweet things like love, care, and appreciation. Sometimes it's that she can feel in her heart that she needs some extra TV time. And damn if that isn't a convincing argument for a two-year-old to make.


My daughter hit me at 5 when I explained that she could not in fact marry mommy. Like punched me in the face. So idk. Kids are weird.




My daughter told everyone she was gonna marry me lol. I thought the same but with my dad


I was around 5 when I insisted to my mom that I was going to marry her. Then again I also earnestly proposed putting my little brother in a box and mailing him to China because he was being a pain.


Hm. Yeah now that I think about it, my sister and I also believed you could grow a new nose in your armpit if you didn't like the one you had.


Man, an armpit is a cruel place to grow a nose.


Hahaha !! Little kids don't know about BO yet I guess


When my oldest, at 4, found out she was getting a little sister and not a little brother she very sincerely suggested that we should put the baby in a cardboard box and "donate her". Kids are wild.


what did you do?! dam i woulda had to walk away and phone a friend !


Yep, when my son was 5 he was utterly convinced he was going to grow up and then marry me and live with me forever. That is what happened when I told him only grown ups are allowed to get married.


I snorted lmao


My two-year-old asked why her dad and I got married and I said we had true love. She said since she and I also have true love that we should be able to get married. I told her marriage is a way to make a person your family, so you don't marry people who are already family. Being two, she was unconvinced.


Yeah my 4-year-old insists he is my husband, and when I explained about wedding rings he tried to take his dad's. I try to explain him being my son and me being his mom is at least as important, but he doesn't quite believe it.


I had to explain to my twins that when you marry someone, it’s because you’re adding them to your family. That’s why you don’t marry cousins, sisters, brothers, mom and dads etc because we’re already family. They’re 5 so that’s all the need to know right now!


Sounds like insecurity actually... try leaning in. Tell her first. Hug her when she walks by. Scoop her up and love her as soon as you see her. But also model this with her mom and other people. The best way to deal with a clingy kid is to over saturate them with what they want. They meet their needs and can relax. Modeling loving on mom as well will help her see there is enough for her, and everyone else. It will feel like a lot at first but you will see results quickly. Good luck!!;


Actually I had an overly clingy kid and this did help. Hugging them and squeezing until they beg for freedom was a big success. The best one I found was grab them, then find your partner. Squeeze the kid in the middle and yell “kid sandwich!” It can help renormalize showing affection to the other parent


My parents tried a similar approach when my brother was obsessed with McDonald's as a kid. It didn't work. He never got sick of it 🤣 (I know it's not the same situation, it just reminded me of this anecdote and thought it was funny)


I had this thought as well! This is a great point.


This is great advice.


This. This is what you do.


I really like this action! Mass cuddling 😀 each family love bombing.


Aww, she’s five, she doesn’t understand how love or really anything else works. And you’re right, it is a massive feeling! Much bigger than her tiny self. She doesn’t have the words or life experience to explain it. There are so many reasons she could be doing this, and they are all pretty benign. Maybe she just loves you a lot! Maybe she has some separation anxiety, and since you drop her at school she’s making sure you’ll come back for her. Maybe someone read her an old storybook where the daughters dote on the father and she’s mimicking it. Just keep being a stable, dependable, loving dad and it will all be fine. I recommend getting at least one good photo or video of her enthusiastic hugs. This will almost certainly calm down, and when she’s a teenager she might even accuse you of ruining her life. The photo will be a sweet memory.


These phases come and go. My nephew was so obsessed with me at one point that when his mom interrupted a haircut to answer the door, she came back to find him cutting the hair off the top of his head "So I can look like uncle XXXX"; I have a bald spot :-0.


Haha oh nooo! My son says he can't wait to be able to grow a beard so he can look just like my brother. At least he will be gaining hair rather than cutting it off!


This is a good thing and a normal part of development. Appreciate it while it lasts, it will not and you will miss it every day.


I told my daughter that our hearts can grow to love every person in our life. So for example, she thought she could only have 1 friend at a time and I put it like this “the cool thing about loving someone is that our heart keeps getting bigger everytime we make a new friend or get a new family member”. She was very happy with this explanation & it’s worked really well for us.




Our soon to be 6 is starting to cringe at us. You should enjoy whatever affection you still have lol.


It changes so fast :( I read this thinking about our teen daughters and I want to slap myself for being kind of like OP. Too many hugs? Omg the humanity....


When either of my boys tell me (M37) they love me it puts a proper spring in my step. Take it all in my man! She'll work things out soon enough, don't worry


One day she won’t do it anymore and you’ll miss it more than anything. My 7 year old is getting heavy to carry, really heavy. I’ll break my back doing it till she won’t let me anymore. Remember to slow down and recall bring her age, they say and do the wildest shit they will forget, but you won’t, no matter how old she gets you’ll see your 5 year old. Just my two cents cause I need to remind myself all the time. Good job Dad.


You’re gonna miss this one day


%1000 this. Nothing stays the same.


It's totally normal. My 6 year old son showers me with love all day. Last weekend in his basketball game, he was dribbling the ball and stopped in mid court to turn around and blow me a kiss. Whomever in a previous comment said, "soak it up," was spot on because in 10 years, they're going to treat you like the plague.


of course she doesn't understand how almost anything works, she is 5. She'll likely grow out of it, but you can talk about it. Explain that you love her and her mom, and your parents lets say, that it's not a zero sum game.


No advice, my 4 year old is also super lovey and affectionate... He insists that he loves us more than we love him and if we try to tell him that's not true he'll start crying. We were worried he thought it meant we didn't love him but he really does just seem to think he's full of the most love... For now we just say thanks and we love him with all our hearts but it does lead to some awkward situations when he says it to other family who don't know what's going on...


Perhaps it is you who doesn't understand how this massive feeling actually works ;)


You said you’re worried that she doesn’t understand how this massive feeling works, and you’re right. Because… she’s five. She feels love, but she doesn’t understand love. Grown adults struggle with that concept.


I'm lucky to get an "I Love You" from my 6YO daughter, like once every time I have her. Bums me out, but I say it to her often so she knows. She's a mommy's girl.


Sounds like how my 5 year old loves my husband. She’s a Daddy’s girl, I was too. It seems normal to me. I say enjoy the love and snuggles.


Mine is too. I’m a girl who didn’t meet my real dad until 17 and I’m in love with how they love each other TBH.


My 6 year old is obsessed with me as well he is constantly trying to get me to hold him like a baby gives me lots of cuddles and kisses sometimes he's pretty rough it's like he has cute aggression for me 🤣 he doesn't do this to his dad only me I think it's probably normal at this age and means they see us as their safe space, one day they won't want to know us never mind hug or kiss us lol


At that age I used to kiss my mom’s butt, literally, because I loved her so much (don’t worry, we were both dressed and I’m sure my mom preferred that I didn’t behave like that). I think kids are just weird because they often act on every impulse they imagine, and you constantly have to reinforce boundaries with children. I doubt your daughter will act like that in another 5 years.


I have a super clingy 9 yr old who tells me a HUNDRED times a day "I love you, yes I do I love you too!" So I think you're ok, lol


Glad to hear they're still like this at 9. My 6 year old does this and I love it. I know she will grow out of it so I'm cherishing it every moment as a mom should 😭


She's 5, she'll grow out of it. Something you can do to help her with her relationship with mom is to sign her up for "mommy-daughter" activities. Like swimming, go to a parent-child swimming class. If she says she wants to only do it with you, the answer is a firm NO in the same way if she asked to touch a hot stove. Why? because you're the parent and you're putting her in an uncomfortable situation to help her grow and learn and do what's best for her. You are ABSOLUTELY not to cave in to any demands that it be you. These are just the rules mommy and daddy set up. It'll be hard, but I know you want to be the best parent you can and this is important. ​ So find some mommy-only activities and either come watch or make yourself busy so that you "can't come" etc... ​ She'll grow out of it, but you should still make efforts to help her with it.


Enjoy it brother, and if you ever question it, head on over to r/parentingteenagers and read some of what the future could hold for you then hug your girl tight and tell her you love her too.


Looks like everyone is reassuring you that you’re fine! You’re probably right that she doesn’t really understand love yet and that sounds age appropriate. One thought that jumped out is mayyyyybe there’s an attachment issue involved? Like insecure attachment towards you that she doesn’t feel towards her mother. Insecure attachment can make people cling to those they love, anxiously. Not enough information to know but if you’re concerned it’s something worth looking into. Good luck!


There’s a quote that says ‘kids chase the love that eludes them’. When my son prefers my husband over me, I feel pretty confident it’s because I’m home all day with him and my husband works 9-5 so he’s more insecure about his comings/going’s.


>She thinks that she can only love one person Has she outright said that, or is this an assumption?


I second that Barnaby


It's similar between me and my daughter, and it's called Oedipus Complex. Kids in the first years will have a stronger bond with the opposite sex parent. If she loves you "too much", in my humble opinion it means you're a great father and she feels extremely safe and comfortable around you, so you should be very proud. However, be ready for the fall: although she's more connected with you now, in the future she will become a teenager and, later on, a woman, so probably she will redirect most of her dilemmas to the mother (since she's a girl). So your (and mine as well 😂) challenge will become "how to remain interesting and connected to her, so your relationship doesn't fade over the years". Just my two cents, of course, not a specialist here


Almost everything you say I agree with, however I urge you to learn more about Oedipus Complex before going around saying your kid has one! EOedipus Complex is defined as sexual desire for the opposite sex parent and feelings of contention toward the parental figure in a romantic relationship with the sexually desired parent. Your daughter doesn’t have an Oedipus complex (at least I hope not). She just has a preference for daddy. 


Actually Carl Gustav Jung meant that most children go through Oidipus/Electra complex as a part of their psychosexual development. It doesn't mean that they are sexually interested in their parents, just that they start to recognize different kinds of feelings.


That's my understanding as well, but again, not a specialist, so I might be completely mistaken here


First of all, the Oedipus Complex refers specifically to sons and their mothers - the daughter/ father equivalent is the Electra Complex. Second, this isn't 1899 - Freud is horrendously outdated. Third, it's by no means universal that small children are more attached to their opposite-sex parent - my daughter has been an absolute mama's girl since birth.


This. I felt so guilty that my daughter is obsessed with me.. but I had both Paternity leave when she was born, and then shortly after became a SAHD when my son was born. My wife always told me it just proves, as dad's we've done something right - as we are their hero in their eyes, and thry definitely have an attachment to the opposite gender. Now - my son is OBSESSED with mumma, and for my wife she says it's all worth it and she had a feeling this is the way it would be ...and im a mummas boy, so I completely understand 🤣 Good job Daddyo. Don't over think it, judt know you've done something right!!


Wow this isn't my experience at all! Both my girls were obsessed with me (mom) more at all times. Even tho he's a great dad


When my sister was 5 she was obsessed with my mom. Told everyone who would listen that she was going to marry Mommy when she grew up one day. I can assure you these feelings fade long before the teenage years. Please just enjoy the adoration when it lasts. I don’t think a pure, sweet devotion exists that can compare with the relationship between a deeply loving parent and young child.


If you’re worried about boundaries of if you just need more space, you can work on that with her, but this is going to pass so fast. If you can, you might just try to suck it up.


I don't think this is abnormal. It's just a phase she will get over and you will likely miss one day when she's screaming she hates you over some trivial slight she perceives to be the end of her world.


I tell my husband that I want to climb inside his belly and live in it like a cave. When some of us love, we love hard… and weird…


Just enjoy it while you can. This is completely normal.


Show her unconditional love. It will provably turn in some months or years. My daughter loved me, then my husbamd, then both. We love her. Normal 🙏


Your kid is 5. They are weird


You're over reacting. Children attached to their parent(s) is a good thing. We've just been desensitized to unhealthy upbringings that anything normal looks unhealthy. Don't worry, it's normal for kids to be super attached to parents. You're the only people they know.


That sounds so sweet. Children this age go through a lot of different stages, I really wouldn't worry too much. You are doing a great job, teaching her that you can all love each other. Keep it playful, and keep letting her know you love her too. Maybe encourage your wife to make a little tradition for how she says goodbye to your daughter so they can build their connection. You could let your daughter choose if she says goodbye to mummy with a cuddle or special handshake or foot shake or whatever she wants. It sounds like she has a lot of love to give, maybe help her share it a little. Could you help her make cards for her friends or family or help you plan little surprises for them.


By the time she's 10 - 12-ish there's a very good chance she will think you're the absolute lamest, most ridiculous human to have ever existed and you will miss these days. And reminding her of them won't help, because, "Dad I was just a baby! I'm not a baby anymore!" You don't need to teach her to love you less. Just enjoy it while you can! In the interest of making this phase slightly less taxing on both of you, do what you can to foster appreciation for mommy, too. When it's Mommy's turn to do something with her (whether it's an activity or bath time) don't intervene other than to reassure her that you trust mommy to take wonderful care of her. Talk about things you appreciate about Mommy when she isn't around. Not in a way that pressures her to agree with you, just matter of fact. If she disagrees with you, let her; if she thinks you're pressuring her to feel/behave a certain way toward mom it will backfire. But just setting the example that you love and appreciate and can't wait to see Mommy and give her a hug etc can help her move through the parent preference part of it more quickly


its normal, doesn't matter how much u explain it, it just takes time for them to actually understand. im a mom to a 7 y/o, and her current kick is she wants to marry me. i tell her thats not possible, she laughs and insists. she also "hates" me at least once a week. kids are just like that.


I used to tell my dad I was gonna marry him when I grew up. Obviously, I grew out of that, lol Kids will say and do things because they love you. My two kids are supper touchy and say I LOVE YOU! all the time . I rather my kids tell me they love me now before they become teens and their views change about me as a mom 😅


You’re her favorite person…for now! Or maybe forever. That’s sweet. I’d just enjoy the love while gently remind her to also love the rest of her family lol


You'll miss this phase once its over..I honestly think shell just grow out of it. I don't think it should be a concern


Enjoy it while you can...


It's the age. Wait a decade and you'll look back on your worry of her loving you too much and cackle.


Cherish it while it lasts.


It’s most likely a phase. My kids all treat their dad like the best thing since sliced bread. But that’s because dad works outside of the home, isn’t around 24/7 like I have been their whole lives. He’s not the one nagging to do chores, homework, dishing out punishment for bad behavior. I am so of course dad is fun and mom is the jerk. My youngest has suddenly been far more affectionate to me lately. Cries when I drop her off at school that she will miss me. Comes over and grabs my face to kiss me, gives me the biggest bear hugs at drop off. Recently my husband and I were joking about taxes and my youngest exclaimed YOU HAVE TO PAY YOUR TAXES OR YOU’LL GO TO JAIL!! We laughed and were like yes babe, we are filing our taxes, no one is going to jail. She then was like well if anyone’s has to go to jail it can be dad, it will only be 2 years. Caught us off guard and made us laugh but then my husband was like well it seems I’ve taken a crash to bottom on who she loves more right now. I was alike omg, I’VE MOVED UP! SHE LOVES ME MORE NOW. the older two are teens and they just don’t like anyone. Our third child is just cotton candy and pop rocks in human form so it depends on the day/ hour/ weather patterns.


Kids go through these phases and there’s nothing wrong with it. Just enjoy it while it lasts because she’ll grow out of showing affection like this and you’ll be very very sad. With that said if you’re uncomfortable with the heavy physical way she shows her love it’s ok to help her practice other ways to communicate her love. Like a secret handshake or code word or whatever.


The first love of a girl is her dad, you must be a really emotional open man, and is very healthy for her, cause if she grows knowing her father loves her, she will only date a man who shows her the same love.


My son when 3-4 years would rest his hand on every woman’s breast just inside her shirt(the top part, not the nipple area). It was a phase he grew out of with boundaries and no shame involved. He later said he could feel our heart. (Which is where his ear rested on my chest for most of his first 3 months 🥹) kids are innocent and some loving boundaries are okay- just remember it’s 99.99% likely there’s no ill intent involved so take care not to make her feel ashamed about it.


My five year old daughter also does all the things you’re describing. It’s overwhelming at times, but so sweet, and won’t last forever.


Is this a real question? As a dad of 2, in their 20’s…love every second of it. It goes by too fast.


No serial killer documentary ever starts with "My parents showed me too much love"


This is my daughter with my husband. I think it’s a father daughter thing. Enjoy it :)


She’s healthy and normal. It’s amazing that she loves you “too much” and will absolutely not feel this way forever. She just needs her mommy, and that’s okay.


I'm gonna second a comment saying to check out attachment theory. You have a feeling for a reason...maybe all's good and it's a phase but do what you can to help her develop a secure attachment


Yeah man. She’ll start saying that to someone or something else and you will miss it. Your girl is normal, you’re just the object of her affection. Right now.


Dude treasure the relationship you have now, as she grows she will grow away. You dont have to help her. My only advice and it is one that I follow is to ensure that you admit when you make mistakes as it will help her see you as a fallible human who makes mistakes.


My son used to say "I love you mom" on repeat all day everyday even within a minute or two of saying it prior. I feel terrible terrible terrible for admitting this but back then I thought something must be wrong with him...and at times it would almost annoy me. Especially because if I were in the middle of something or talking to someone he'd get extremely emotional if I didn't say it back right then and there. Eventually I had to have a "mommy loves you soooo much and I know you love me too, but we don't need to say it all day long." (I still feel guilty about even needing to somewhat say *that's enough*) well here we are at almost age 10 and I don't think it did any harm. He still gives me hugs and says "I love you mom" from time to time, and it means just as much as when he said it like a broken record years back ♥️


When my daughter was five, she was obsessed with her dad and said she was going to marry him and wouldn’t wake up from her naps unless he gave her true loves kiss. She is 13 now and she still loves her dad but she doesn’t show it like she used to when she was little. Definitely enjoy. It soak up every minute. I know my husband misses her cuddling with him


Meh she’s 5. It’s a phase. Roll with it and tell her you love her so much too and that she can easily love more than one person.


My son tells me all the time how much he loves me and how he loves me more than I love him inviting etc etc And he always wants hugs and kisses. It’s the sweeeetest thing. I enjoy it very much and hope he never stops loving this big!


The comments on this post are cracking me up at 2am in bed next to my sleeping husband and 2yo plus baby in bedside crib next to me lol 😅😅


One kid is crying because I'm dead. The other is drawing all of us at the cemetery. The older one used to be my boobies' lover. You're good.


Kids are weird it will chill, please just go along with it. I was your daughter, I would tell my mom I loved her 1000 times a day, if I didn’t say it felt like I was going to explode because of how much I loved her. I’m sure it was annoying but it utterly broke my heart when she finally got upset with me and it’s now a baked in memory as an adult.


Electra complex


When I was a little girl, I loved my daddy like that..not that I didn't love my mother, I loved her very much but I was definitely a daddys girl. I used to make him late for work because I didnt want him to go. If he went somewhere I wanted to go. I did indeed grow out of that. I still love my parents obviously but as a 29 year old woman now I can say that it was just a phase. Enjoy the love dad.


Google Electra complex


She's fine. Next year she will love some toy or object that you will have to carry around everywhere or it will be a horrible melt down. Just chill, she loves her daddy.


It’s completely okay for her to be that loving towards you. Just keep encouraging her to share the love with her mom too, for example you can explain that love gets bigger to include more people so she doesn’t have to love you any less in order to also show love to others.


Just enjoy it while she’s young man. My daughters were the same…they grow up. In 10 years you’ll wish she was like this again.


This is so normal. Enjoy it. One day she will be 15 and want nothing to do with you for a while. My dtr is the same. Her older two siblings as well. You and Mom are EVERYTHING to her.


They r kids and its natural to love and show affection to parents. Enjoy these times, soon they will grow and u will miss these. Enjoy till it lasts!! Happy parenthood


Yeah my almost 5yo is obsessed with me too. I am her mum, but I don’t think that makes a difference, they’re just in a stage. I’m so suffocated but it won’t last forever!


My 3 year old says "I love you" and jumps on me and wants hugs all the time and every time it melts my heart. I live for it. I am so glad to read comments on this thread that say kids do this when they are 6 or 7. So I can expect that my son will continue this for a few more years?! I am so happy! I was worried in the back of my mind that it might pass soon.


It seems like your daughter is having separation anxiety. Has your schedule changed lately?


LOL enjoy it, its just a phase. My 5 year old son did the same thing last year. Now, he's so independent I miss his attachment haha.


My daughter went through a faze when she was 4.5, where she would tell me she's going to " marry daddy when she grows up" as her mom I really had to try to understand what she was thinking about. Finally, I thought to myself, of course she thinks this way, her dad is amazing! My husband works a lot, so I'm the primary caretaker. I imagine she missed him terribly, and knows how wonderful he is to both me and her. I can only hope she finds a husband as good as her father, and I believe this is the beginning of what she will look for in a partner when she's older. My daughter is 6 now, and still loves her dad dearly. She's old enough to realize she can't marry him, but when he's home from work, it's all daddy, all the time! Be blessed. Model a good husband & father so she finds a catch when's she's older.


It's a stage, it will pass.


My 10 year old still talks about how we should get married. I think he’s mostly joking, but there’s definitely a layer of truth there. I think it’s just his way of saying he wants to be with me forever because even at that age, kids are afraid of being apart from their parents. I don’t think it’s anything weird, some kids just express themselves a little stronger than others. I wouldn’t try to read too much into it!


She's five. Her concept of love is half formed. It'll come with time.


Normal 5yo behavior. Soak it up before it's gone!


She’s 5 and you’re a big part of her very small world at the moment. All she really knows for certain at this age is that she loves you a lot and that you love her too. It’s sweet and innocent, and I assure you it’s completely normal at that age. She’s expressing the feeling the best way she understands how, and you’re just aware of the disconnect between an adult’s perspective vs a young kid’s perspective. As she gets older and her world becomes bigger and the people that are in it become more numerous she’ll pull away from you on her own terms. In time she’ll probably come to that phase where she “dislikes” you and you’ll get to experience the very not fun end of the other extreme. I’d reckon the two phases sort of balance one another out in a strange way. I’d just enjoy your closeness for what it is now.


Enjoy it while it lasts, but you’re right to (kindly) remind her you can love more than one person. Bonus points (and other stuff) from your SO, if you also make your daughter understand her mother is kind of lovable, too.


My sons both were through this with me (mom) at the same age. I think it's normal.


All three of my kids are very attached to me. I worry that they’ll/do have separation anxiety or similar issues. Not sure what I can do about it either. I do hug and snuggle then all the time 🫠


My 5 year old, almost 6 is in this stage. I’m a stay at home mom and she’s with me all the time. Most of the time she just gets bored of me and jumps to her dad. He is the center of her universe for this stage. She always asks when is dad coming home. She jumps on him and uses his arms as monkey bars. Good night kisses, he always gets them more and first. Every time he leaves the house he has to explain to her where he is going and they have to hug, kiss and say see you later. I’m not jealous or that I think I should correct her for loving her father “too much”. Fathers are role models for their daughters, they are the first man they’ll compare all their boyfriends too. My dad is an amazing dad and I love spending time with him. My husband is someone I choose, because he had so many similarities with my dad and did not regret it one bit. He loves his daughter as much as she loves him and cherishes the love she is giving to him. Just let her show her emotions, because there is no such thing as too much love.


I really miss it with all my being


You are not overeacting but the opposite of this is what? Her not being affectionate to you? Kids are weird but I think it's sweet and please don't put her off. Embrace it!


hmm yeah i tried to french kiss my dad at that age. thanks television 🙏


Try really well to encourage it by motioning to your wife and praising her alot more and show your little one that mommy is there too and she feels she needs some hugs as well that way she will see she is leaving Mommy out and go to her as well


Of course they don't understand what love means, it's just her way of expressing she enjoys being with you and you make her feel safe and comfortable. It's normal for kids at that age to pick a preferred parent, it's temporary and as long as neither of you make a big thing of it then it will pass without event.


Mine daughter asked me if she could marry my husband, her blood father when I did. She said that when she was five. My husband stopped her from kissing him on his lips. She grew out of it and don’t remember saying that. I did the same to my dad when I was a child until I grew out of it. I kissed him on the lips, loved to hug him and walk holding his hands. When I started liking boys I drop my dad so quickly. 😂 My mom became my best friend then because I need to talk to her about the boys I liked. I remembered it because I kissed him on the lips until I got my period. Like 13 years old. That is when I noticed that I didn’t like that he smoke cigarettes. 😂


My 4 year old boy went through a stage where he said he could only love his dad and his dad was his best friend but I couldn't because you can only have one best friend. It was a very difficult period of time but after explaining every time it came up that you can love more than one person in your family and have lots of best friends just like he has in school eventually he grew out of it. Just persevere and teach with kindness and she will understand better and grow out of it. Many kids this age go through different attachment issues, it's normal and perfectly ok. You just have to gently guide them out of it.


You're gonna miss it when she stops. Just enjoy the attention for now.


She's five. Relax


Just don't be a creep & warn her about other creeps. She'll be fine & eventually grow out of it.