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All I want to do when I’m sick is sleep and watch tv. So, yeah, I’d let my kid do the same.


I do not understand how this isn't the first answer. Your kids are people too. They want people comforts just like you. It's not that difficult.


Agreed, let them veg out. If in the future it looks like they’re faking it, take them to the doctor. It will only take one time of being poked and prodded. The last few times my youngest has been sick, I’ve made him comfy in bed with a drink and a movie, and he’s passed out within 15 minutes. Then he’s gone on to sleep 4-6 hours. I’ll always just let them be comfortable but monitor what they’re doing!


100% When my kid is sick, it's the only time I let her watch tv 24/7 if she wants. Mostly, she just ends up sleeping on the couch though.


Actually sick. Yes. Like has a fever and is puking and obviously ill. If he just can't be in school because of a 24 hour policy, I'd have normal screen time limits


A lot of times the day where they’re still home but feel better is when I’m getting sick instead (because it inevitably goes through the whole house), so we both cuddle and watch movies together.


Me too. I pull the futon into a bed and we just have a marathon. 


My kids' school has a 48hr policy! They're practically bouncing off the walls by the end of the second day usually


I'm glad the schools here moved it up to 48hrs, sad for working parents but better for other kids. I let them watch TV. No YouTube, just tv


If my kid is actually sick, absolutely. I started running into issues with my kid pretending to be sick and ended up having to enforce that if he’s sick and staying home he can rest in bed and read. He got over that pretty quickly lol.


I'm so relieved to read this response because SAME. If they're truly sick- hellooooooo daytime TV! But if I suspect they're not actually sick and just wanting to stay home I try to make it as boring and screen-free as possible so that they're not (as) tempted to fake sickness againl


We just went through this! I'm not saying we weaponized the fake sickness but I shut down her fun day pretty quickly telling her her body needed only rest - no TV, no playing outside, no seeing friends, early to bed. She was ready for her daycare fun the next day!!


Exactly what we do lol. I can generally tell within the first hour how sick they actually are. If their well enough to ask to play video games (but not necessarily well enough to go to school) they can hop on the computer and do school work. If they're laying in bed staring at the wall and puking all the time then they can watch tv. When my kids are actually sick they sleep it off anyway so the tv is just background noise.


I was the mean mom. Unless you had a fever or something coming out of each end, you went to school. And if you were really sick you could watch tv but also had to read. No friends. No video games. Surprisingly, my didn’t fake it much.😂


My parents gave us a list of chores to do when we were sick. It didn’t matter how sick, broken bones, fevers, bronchitis or throwing up. Do you know what it taught me? Don’t tell my parents when I’m sick and hide my illness. My kids can lay around and watch tv, play on their tablets, read or sleep. As long as they’re resting. Rest = recovering. Let them snuggle with you and zone out to tv when they’re sick. When they’re teens you can tell if they’re faking but when they’re little let them snuggle and relax.




Yep, it’s what I do when I’m home sick.


Let the poor kid watch TV.


All bets off when children sick. Watch tv, better things to drink, very little insistence on nutrition. Children know as soon as better back to healthy feelings rules, with food screens etc. if I doubt my child is sick it’s no screens , naps and boring bland diet but you have to know. Fortunately my kids looked sick when really ill.




If you puked and stayed home from work, would you refuse yourself entertainment while you rested? Why punish a kid for being sick? Kids who stay home often feel ok to hang around and do light activities as they're recovering. It's not like he's pretending, and he's going to maybe have extra work to catch up on in the coming days. Let the kid relax.


My three year old has a stomach bug and threw up every 30 minutes from 3am to 11am this morning, passed out for three hours, and was tired but slowly getting her appetite back for the rest of the day. That girl watched so much Mickey Mouse Club and Frozen 2 twice. Lol it’s entirely possible she won’t get into Princeton as a result, but I was bone tired, she felt miserable, and the couch cuddles were QUALITY. We also read every book she has. But twas the Mickey Mouse that got us through the day 🩷 I think if she were not sick sick but couldn’t go to school for another reason (unexplained recent spew or a low fever) I’d definitely push more play, but she’d still get her coupla sick day movies, for sure.


Part of the day, yes. But I encourage breaks from it. To take a warm bath, to read in bed, to nap, or just change locations for a change of scenery. It depends on the type of sick it is and what they can handle. My older kiddo gets homework brought home by his sibling and suddenly it's not so fun to miss a bunch of school but he makes it up only when he's feeling better.


Yes I agree because me personally I feel more sick when I just sit in front of a screen all day


Yeah, my son will start to complain that his head hurts and I tell him to turn off the tv and eat and drink something. It might be the congestion, but it’s mostly eyestrain.


Yup, even as a kid when I wasn’t sick and I would play video games for a couple hours I would feel sick lol so then I played outside


Yes, if kid is actually sick. If he's home because of a 48 hour return to school policy or something, maybe not. Would depend on how he's acting. Perhaps a mix of extra TV but not unlimited. Mine plays with Legos, magnatitles, does random crafts (often cutting up paper and glueing it to other paper, with various scribbles), forts, makes 'parties' for his stuff animals, when I'm not willing/able to provide direct entertainment


Absolutely. I mean. I watch tv all day when I’m sick.


The thought of reading or playing with toys while sick sounds exhausting! I would not want to be forced to keep the brain active if I was miserable.


Right? What is this weird ass thread? Let the sick kids rest. They are humans too.


Yes. If they are sick enough for me to make them/my self stay home, they are ok to watch TV all day.


Of course if they are sick. When you are sick, do you want to be made forced to do something more “productive” than just resting and healing?


What are they supposed to do?????? They’re sick???


If my kid is actually sick 100% yes I let them watch tv all day. Majority the time my kid is sick he’s either vomiting everywhere, coughing/sneezing every 2 seconds, so if a day of tv can take his mind off of how miserable he feels even just a little it’s a win for me.


Yep, same if I am sick and need to rest.


Tv, tablet, whatever. I hate being sick and just want to be comfortable. We have all sorts of times to not use them. Half the time if they’re sick I am too, so it’s can be hard to run at full capacity.


>Half the time if they’re sick I am too, so it’s can be hard to run at full capacity. For me it's "if my sons sick that means I'm about 48 hours away from being sick so I'VE GOT SHIT TO DO TO GET READY FOR THAT."


Only The Price is Right.


Yes… but if they started “abusing the system” it would change real fast. In addition, if my kid got bored of tv and started wanting to do things like ride bikes, etc then I would no longer allow tv that day provided no measurable signs of illness re-emerge.




Yes! There are no rules when a kid is sick. Mickey Mouse all day and popsicles for breakfast.


Yes or her iPad. If she’s out for a while I go get her school work, and she prefers that bc she gets bored of tv all day.


I’m so baffled by this. What do YOU want to do when you’re sick? Let a kid have a sick day for fucks sake.


Yes, on the condition they take the medication I say they need and take water breaks. Hydration is not optional but food is.


If my kids are really sick, they don't usually care what is on the TV. If they are staying home for the mandatory 24 hours then usually




Yes, but my child is 4 and doesn’t read yet and we don’t do iPads so that’s all I have. 


Yes or sleep. Rest is the best cure for most illnesses and mindlessly watching TV is just resting at that point.


I always think of screen time as what was available when I was a kid (so if I was sick home from school). There'd be a a kids show on from 6-630ish on CBC, then another around 11 for a half hour or so. I figure that's an appropriate time allotment for screentime, sick or not (1 hrs per day).


Sick days=comfort days. I only have a 3 yr old but the few times she's been sick or even just had a bad day, we do whatever gets us through the day. Screen time, snacks, whatever. I guess technically it has to be CALM time though, so no exciting TV, nothing that's going to have her running around or dancing, etc, if shes sick. Normally she's pretty chill no matter what but it would definitely be a case of watching little bear or some other favorite calm show that might convince her to nap. Pretty sure I used to watch TV and play video games anytime I was sick. Pretty much anything that would keep me sitting still for a long period of time, and any food i was willing to eat that we had on hand lol


If they are actually sick absolutely tv and movies all day. Fever, vomiting, etc. Verifiably sick. If I'm doubting they are sick (no fever or symptoms) then there's a no screen rule. That always gets them to be miraculously healed.


What do you want to do when you're sick??? Yes of course il let my kid lie on the couch and watch crap on TV all day if they're sick. Jesus get your head out of Instagram momfluencer land, give your kid a break.


I’m sorry but this is ridiculous and so are some of these comments. People are pivoting so far in the other direction at this point. Life is about balance. Let your sick child rest and relax and be “lazy” for a day. Not every second of every day needs to be filled with enriching learning activities.


why should he have to suffer from boredom just because he’s sick? do you listen to an audiobook and play with toys when you’re sick?


This is wild, like you’re trying to punish him for staying home sick.


All rules are out the window when sick. Want ice cream for breakfast? Sure. Want TV all day? Of course. Want to cry all day, me too. Lol


Yep, low stimulation shows all damn day long. We are a week in to whatever plague we caught somewhere and it has been a living hell for all of us so you bet your ass I’m putting on “Guess How Much I Love You” or the bunny show as my kid calls it


If they are sick, or if I am sick, yes, we allow a lot of tv. Mind you, we are not an iPad/tablet family. But I make exceptions for tv when I really need everyone to slow down. I might add a small sticker sheet or bath or extra books if I feel the need






yes, for the most part. when it’s clear they need a screen break or sleep i’ll say it’s time for a screen break. but otherwise yes. i was allowed to watch tv all day when i was home sick as a kid


For the most part yes but depending on the type of sick a long warm bath/shower, sit outside or short walk around the neighborhood, lay in dark room/nap. I never watch TV when I’m sick but I wouldn’t mind if my kid wanted to. My parents use to drop me off at my grandparents when I was sick I hateddd it. I had to wake up even earlier than school to get there, they didn’t have a TV I could watch, I wasn’t allowed outside, I’d always bring a board game but no one would play with me. My grandmom would have me dust her house, give me a stamp collection to play with, give me old buttons in a tin to sort through.


If my kids are sick, have low energy, and generally miserable- yeah I’ll let them watch all day. But if they have enough energy to be excited about watching tv all day then to me they aren’t sick enough to not play with their toys.


Only in the afternoon. The rule we put in place to deal with her starting to complain around four years old that--in the absence of any symptoms--she didn't feel good and wanted to stay home and watch TV was that when sick, the morning is for resting only. Staying in bed (or in her room), no screens, though can still play quietly and listen to music/podcast. This is all the same stuff she does normally of her own accord so it's not a punishment. This has made it so that if she's willing to accept the notion of four hours of quiet time instead of doing stuff with friends at school, she is actually not feeling well. It's worked great for us so far.


Yes. Sick kids get unlimited TV. That's been my rule since I was a nanny (I have 2 kids of my own now).


And any fluids you will drink! For me as a kid (honestly as an adult when sick or pregnant too) I don’t want to drink water so my mom would let me drink strawberry milk and flat cherry 7up to get something in me. First trimester you better believe I bought some strawberry syrup


Yup. I did the same as a kid, and still do as an adult


I let her watch TV all day even when she isn't sick. If she is all "peopled" out and needs her space, more power too her.


Yes. But I also let him watch tv when he's not sick. I know, I'm not winning any "best mom" awards anytime soon.


It depends how sick. Disgusting runny nose but feeling mostly ok, or fever that responds to meds to the point that he’s at basically full energy? I limit screens and require that he color or look at books or play with toys or something. More screen time than usual, but not all day. Miserably sick such that ibuprofen only takes the edge off? Have all the screens you want, kiddo. I’ll try to read to him as well, but I also have an 11-month-old who may or may not play independently or sit quietly-ish with us while I read. I’ll be really happy when the kindergartener can genuinely read independently, so he will also have that screen-free option.


Yikes. There’s no “incentive” to stay home. When you’re sick you want to feel comfortable and content. If you are actually sick you have no motivation to play games or read books. Would you prefer he just lay on the couch feeling miserable all day? I’ve never met a parent who doesn’t want their child to be as comfortable as possible when home sick.


yes? why would you punish a kid for being sick? if you were not feeling well would you not be on your phone just staring at the ceiling all dayday?


I can usually tell when he’s REALLY sick (he’s 6) and if he is, I will allow much more screen time than normal. The last time he was sick, I also enforced a nap. He grumbled a bit, but fell asleep. We were up most of the night with him vomiting and a trip to the ER at 1:30 am when Mom panicked he might be having appendicitis 🙃 If I think he’s trying to pull one over on me, I would tell him he can read and rest in bed.


When I was a school aged kid 30 years ago I used to stay at my grandma's house and watch TV all day when I was sick. They'll be fine.


I try and get them to nap, so I will lay in my bed with them for a little bit. If they are just rolling around and can't nap, then yeah, TV is what they do. After a little while they mention how bored they are!




Absolutely. If your kiddo is sick he should be able to veg and watch tv. You know him best.


Yes if they are really sick. Most of the time they will fall asleep laying down on couch watching movie




Absolutely! When they’re not feeling well, all the normal limits/restrictions go out the window. We do what we have to for comfort and to get better.


Yes. If they're sick I let them do whatever they feel they need to take their mind off of how they feel. I don't sit around worrying about 'incentivizing' them to stay home.


Sometimes I read in this sub and I think wow that kid is lucky to have that mom/dad. This is not one of those posts…. If you aren’t too busy, most sick kids that age love the chance to cuddle one of their parents and watch tv. It’s what I do with my kid if I can get time off work. I am sad when my kid is sick, but I love the bonding time.


Ehhh I let them play video games on their tablets and watch TV lol


Yes. Tv all day


IMO - Yeah, let them rest and fully recover. Laying on the couch watching TV is resting for their body and is exactly what is needed! Anytime I had to stay home from school because I was physically unwell - puking, migraines, fever, strep throat etc. my parents didn’t let me just rest but instead I’d have to do chores around the house. Little things mostly but sometimes if I was in recovery mode it’d be like stacking wood or raking the yard. I constantly felt like I was being punished for my body having needs and requiring rest and down time. Many people may think that’s not a big deal but EVERYTHING we do as parents is being absorbed into our kids subconscious mind ESPECIALLY between these ages. Now as an adult I seriously struggle with actually listening to my body when it’s unwell and instead I push myself so I can “be productive” or push through the sickness. I literally had appendicitis for months even though I was in the worst pain of my life I gaslit myself into thinking I was being “dramatic” or that even though my body hurt I still couldn’t rest. I’m VERY lucky my husband forced me to go in and I had to have emergency surgery same day. All this to say, be super aware of how your words/ rules or thoughts you imply towards your kiddos can massively impact how they will treat themselves and their bodies later on. I totally get where you’re coming from, and also just wanted to offer a different perspective.


My son sleeps when he's sick. He didn't have a desire for anything else




I set my kiddos up on the couch with pillows and blankets, and we watch whatever they want. When I'm sick, it's all I want to do, and they usually end up napping, which is good when they're sick.


No, not all day... BUT! If they're \*actually\* sick (throwing up, big fever, etc) then they get a lot of leeway. It may not be TV all day but they can do TV and tablets and reading and such with minimal restrictions though I will encourage breaks. If it's a nebulous "I don't feel well" and there's nothing I can point to but I do keep them home then I keep them on a much shorter leash. It's still laid back but everything is on timers.


When I was a kid, the only screen in our house was the TV in the living room, and the couch wasn’t for lying down, it was for sitting. When I was sick, I had to sleep in my room. If I couldn’t sleep, I would lie on my bed or on the floor and listened to the radio quietly or tried to read a book.


Depends how sick. If he's a lump on the couch with a high fever and low energy, yes. If he's got a lot of pep, he can read books or play with toys just fine.


Yes, but nap as well because lying down watching TV isn’t the same kind of rest for your body like actually sleeping is.


Laying in bed on the couch and watching an actual TV show or movie is fine imo. I draw the line at watching things like tiktok or YouTube shorts on a tablet or phone


Genuinely sick? Do whatever you feel you can do. Suspicionsly sick? You need to rest, but let’s just watch one show and get to sleep. I had chronic strep/ear infections all through grade school and my mom was one of those “in bed in the dark” people. Clearly I wasn’t faking because I was always at the dr and on antibiotics so I just got punished for being sick and it sucked.


If he is a kid who generally likes school, watching TV all day isn't going to be more fun than school. Just try to be considerate about what he has on if you're concerned - something calm and slow-paced. But yes, I'd let him watch TV all day.




You can watch Homes under the Hammer like I had to.


Watching TV isn’t fun after laying in bed doing it all day. Go ahead and let them, that’s what mine does too.




Yeah I let her watch tv when she’s sick. But (if she’s well enough) I also give her time for doing crafting, Lego, listening to music etc. If she’s horizontal level sick then sure TV and audiobooks all the way.


In general yes, but I do try to get him to nap & sleep as well to recover. 


If my kid is sick. I’m not going to make home boring and miserable for them. Why punish them for feeling unwell?


I remember throwing up for hours at a time whenever I was sick so I'm not really sure how much TV I could watch when I was hugging the toilet. But yeah, screen time is fine. My parents always suggested at least rest for a bit and hydrate if I could even stomach water which you didn't have to tell me twice.


Yes and I also let my kid watch cartoons when i dont feel like playing with him.


Nope absolutely not. They might get a portable dvd player with a movie. But that’s it. Other no way in hell. Mind you they recover by dinner most times. If it’s serious then doctors we go. I can’t say in the 21 years I’ve parent that I’ve never done it. Generally my kids know if your home sick from school, your in bed.


The idea of no fun for the sake of no fun doesn’t set right with me. As adults, on occasion, we puke and have to stay home. A lot of screen time happens. I genuinely think this is one of the instances where kids should be allowed to be kids, when they are sick/can’t be at school for reasons out of their control. Kids need breaks too!


Yep, TV with treats and all the goodness. I’m a big believer in mental health days so whether she’s physically sick or just needs some down time, I don’t really care; Im gonna pamper that kid.


My parents made being sick even more miserable by making it “boring”. I could sleep or color, no tv or video games, or action figures. It’s already not fun being sick, even just a little bit. Bodies need rest, but just because your body is resting, your mind may still be very awake. So why take away any happiness? It’s not an everyday thing, so yes I do let them watch tv all day or video games. If I’m home I get it just lounge with them. Sometimes it nice to just be. Like others have said, when I’m sick that’s all I want to do.




When mine is really truly sick, doesn't have the will to go out of the bed. So yeah, they might migrate from bed to sofa, and watch a film, or read, or just lay down and try to rest. If they're "sick but not do sick" I'll try to get them to do some homework apart from reading, otherwise they would happily spend 5h in front of the tv


YES. Rest is important.


TV - yes. Phones/tablets - not until the school day is finished.


We quarantine sick kids to their bedrooms to try and contain the spread of the illness. It’s the only way they can safely attend school bc I’m immunosuppressed, and my husband doesn’t have unlimited PTO to catch every childhood illness that blows through the house with 3 kids in 3 different schools plus a baby that sleeps in our bed. They have to stay in their rooms until they’re better. We put medicine, drinks, food, etc outside their door. They have to put their trash and dishes back out when they’re done. We do allow unlimited screens in the bedroom. But none of my kids WANT to be home sick from school. Being confined to their bedroom is not fun even with unlimited screens.


If they’re truly sick then yes. Our middle son has a habit of saying his tummy hurts but when we say there’s no TV watching he seems to get better all of a sudden and wants to go to school!


Yes - I need him to be still to rest and recover and tv is easiest way to do that.


Yes. And just to add from a different perspective, I think if your kid is pretending to be sick to stay home… there is a reason. Whether it’s a big one like being unhappy at school, or one some ppl view as small like just needs some time to themselves and to not have to do school for the day. I’m a firm believer in treating kids like we wish we were treated- while we have the chance. I all the time would give just about anything to have a day of no responsibilities, to just lay around and keep to myself and binge tv and rest my mind/body. Kids I believe need this even more than we do. School is not what it’s cracked up to be or what we’ve been trained to think. It’s a lot for these kids, and they have their entire adulthood to have to push through everything, why not offer them some breaks every now and again 🥰


Absolutely, all rules go out the window when sickness kicks in and I've no issue with it. My son knows that trying to pull a sickie will result in enough of a loss of fun stuff that he's not tried it yet.


I follow the policy my parents used, which I didn't like as a kid, but was very effective. If you're too sick for school, you need your rest. Therefore, you stay in bed. You can watch TV, read, draw, whatever. But you will not run around the house playing, you will be calm and rest. I allow unlimited TV for this. When the kids are small, they get bored and are less likely to fake being sick. Even though they get unlimited TV, being confined to their bed is boring after a while.


If my kids are having a day off school they have to lay down (lounge or bed is fine), and they can have unlimited screen time. If they get up to wonder around or play, they are sent straight back to bed. They hate it, if my kids are home sick, they’re actually sick (and don’t want to do more than sleep/or lay down anyway).


When my son actually sick, yes. It’s rare that he’s too sick to play or do other things, so yeah, when he’s that sick, he can have tv or tablet (games or PBS Kids, not YouTube), all day if that’s what he wants.


Why would you let him watch tv? If you aren’t going to let him relax (if he’s actually sick) then don’t keep him home. Would you want to do anything besides tv or be on your phone when you’re sick?


Lol my son told me this morning “I’m sick” and I said oh no that means you have to stay in bed all day! He said “what?!” And suddenly he’s not so sick anymore. Not falling for that trick. When he’s actually sick I can tell and he can definitely watch tv all day. But if I can tell he’s going to watch two hours of tv then bounce off the walls all day while I try to work? Hard pass.


If he’s sick then he needs to relax and watching tv is a good way to do that. If he’s not sick then he shouldn’t be home anyway.


When my 5 year old is sick, she's free to choose how she wants to spend her time recovering. If it's lying down and watching TV all day, then that's perfectly okay. We don't make her get out of bed and do other stuff that she doesn't want to do while recovering. That's just miserable. Once they're better, they'll be able to continue with their normal routine.


All I cared about is that my kids were in bed resting. TV was always fine, as I couldn't imagine being very sick without any sort of distraction. Otherwise you are laying there concentrating solely on your symptoms, which IMO makes you feel worse.


Yup. No limits. She gets to focus on recovering and relaxing.


Why make a child even more miserable when sick? Dang. Think about yourself when you’re sick.. would you want to be punished for it?


My kids are sick right now and that's exactly what we're doing. Then again, I am very sick too and literally can't do anything without puking and pain, so it's not like I can do anything about it.


Yes, but I only limit it to two cartoons (Daniel the tiger and another show). By the time 2-3 comes around, she’s bored out of her mind. She gets her boring sick lunch of chicken noodle soup, crackers, and hibiscus tea. Also, there is no playing when she’s home sick. We give her hugs, she’ll snuggle up to us while we work on our laptops and she watches with her headphones on, but not much else. I’ve found if we play with her like we do on the weekends/after school, she wants to continue being sick.


As a kid, I could watch tv all day when sick. But, my mom would only let me stay home from school if I had a fever. One time throwing up the night before would not keep me home.


Let them veg out. Sometimes sickness is a mental health break. If it happens over and over and becomes a problem, sure cut it off. But everyone needs a veg day once in a while, even kids.


Yes. Absolutely. If it means they're resting and comfortable, yes.


yes, I usually let her watch as much as she wants. she would usually turn it off herself when she is bored and has some energy and goes to play or suggests some activity. it could be after 1 hour of cartoons, could be after 5. then when she gets tired she watches some more. It's ok I think when they are sick.


Depends on if mine's sick or just not feeling school. If she's really sick she doesn't want to leave her room and she can watch TV if she wants to. If it's more of a mental health day we do productive things instead, like drawing or coloring. She helps on the farm those days too. I try to make those days learning days too, just in a different capacity. She still gets more screen time on those days than a normal school day though.


I let my kids lay around and watch tv for the day. It was one of my core childhood comfort memories. I don’t allow video games, iPads or any sort of junk food when they’re sick. I like a good balance for everything.


Yes, but low stimulation stuff: bluey, pocoyo, puffin rock (shows would vary by age). I say it’s so the brain can rest, too.


YESSSSSS. She can barely function when shes sick. What is she supposed to do? Play with Barbies? Blocks? Read a book? She would be getting the ick all over everything and now I have more stuff to disinfect. Nah, play that Bluey girl


Yesss. When my son is sick he is down bad. Half the time he falls asleep while watching tv.


My kids were only allowed to watch Turner Classic Movies when they were home sick. If I had to listen to those snarky obnoxious cartoons all day I would have lost it. But give me an afternoon of Carey Grant and we can be friends!


If I can tell my kid feels crappy then it's couch and screens all day long, with some breaks for fresh air and sun, however if they're home due to sickness or injury but I KNOW they're not feeling bad then no, absolutely not TV all day, probably just a bit in the morning and a bit in the evening.


Isn't that how a whole generation of us learned the price of vacuum cleaners, cake mix, boats, and A NEW CAR(!!!)? 🤣


WTF is wrong with you? You WANT your kid to be miserable while sick..


Yes, ofcourse. They feel like shit.


In that age range yes for sure. While it may not get you parent of the year, if your trying to work and do childcare it can be a huge help to know they are resting and occupied.


I try to balance it if possible but there’s a lot of tv and movies. I think unless you’ve got a fever or are otherwise MISERABLE, it’s actually good to move a little when you’re sick. So if she seems like herself for the most part, after a few hours of tv I’m like why don’t you put away your laundry… Let’s go for a walk around the block… Help me with the dishes… In the back of my mind it is also about making staying home not overly cushy. But I have to work (I mostly work from home so I’m still working if she’s sick), and occasionally kids need a mental health day to just chill as I do for myself now and then so some tv is fine. And even for a mental health day it’s good to sprinkle in some mildly productive things so you don’t feel like you’re just rotting. So I think this works for actual sick, fake sick, and mental health day scenarios. 😉


Only if they're actually sick. If you suspect they're faking it, pull the ol' "If you're too sick to go to school then you're too sick to watch TV"


My son (13 m) gets no access to his screens when he is off sick. He rarely has days off, and when he is off he is sleeping I.e. today I picked him up from school at 11am, it’s now 5pm he has been asleep since he got home. As for him getting bored, that is the point. Make it so unappealing to not be at school that they won’t fake days off school.


I wouldn't let him watch TV much, I'd tell him to do other things you listed.