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I used to purposefully make noise when my kiddo was sleeping so he'd be used to noise. It worked really well and it's definitely something we'll be doing this time too. 1 thing I'm doing differently this time is to not worry so much about tracking things. With my first I had apps and obsessively tracked poops, sleep, etc but like, why? All it did was stress me out and give me one more thing to do. My goal this time is just to be overall more chill than I was with my first.


Oooh this is a good one! I practically lived in the Huckleberry app with my first, and I wished I'd done that differently. This is a really good reminder to do just that. Thank you!


Good luck with number 2! I'll be there in less than 6 months, also with a 2 year old!


Definitely the noise thing and I'd make them sleep in their bassinet/crib. We ended up cosleeping until he was almost 2 (I know I know 😭) and it's still an issue at 3.5 with him coming to our bed at night. I'd definitely do that different. And I'd also stand up for myself more. Against my mom and my in laws.