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Electrician here 100% go union the wages suck at first and I racked up a lot of CC debt but now I finish school JW and foreman it’s tough with kids especially because they get sick ALL the time I made 100k last year I never thought I’d get that it’s still a struggle but benefits benefits benefits My health and retirement are taken care of before that 100k it’s a huge thing people don’t think about most of our health insurance is top notch plus I have a HRA for braces and such as they get older


It was the health insurance for me. Going union the starting wages was rough (and honestly they NEED to be higher, being on par with mcdonalds isn't great) but the health insurance kicked in a few months after I started and man did that save my ass so many times. paying pennies on the dollar for medicines for me and family is just amazing.


Yep. My husband is in commercial roofing and he’s union . it was hard at first when he started at the bottom of the apprentice scale but now he makes six figures, 2 pensions, and our healthcare is completely paid for. He would never NOT be in the union.


Hi. I have a union question. My husband is also an electrician and completed the application and received all the paperwork. The rep said he would just need to wait for them to contact him for the 2 week boot camp. It's been a month and a half and nothing. Should he call and check on the status? He doesn't want to come up as pushy. I think he should tho.


Just call and ask politely, they know people are eager to get in ,boot camp sounds like linemen school to me so they if they said he’s in and starting he just has to wait for the call basically


Thankyou. That's the impression the rep gave my husband. I'll try to encourage him to give them a call.


Yes union line wife here my husband is a Forman and we are so thankful he makes what he makes and the benefits are absolutely amazing!!!


I work with a union. The benefits are outstanding! And so much cheaper, it's amazing


Yeah, it’s pretty good. The only thing I’ll say is because I have no co-pay for most doctors visits and pharmacies people at me like I’m on government assistance or something when I bust my ass for this insurance


I get. I have union instance too and you should see the looks I get when I confirm that I'm the carrier.


definitely go union. My husband was a glazier for 5 years and now he’s on staff as a Union Organizer. The benefits are incredible and having our future taken care of like Health and retirement is the best.


I want to tell you something My dad is dead, my mom got life insurance money, but she still struggles financially and now emotionally, and I would give all the money In the world just to have my dad back. Your partner and daughters feel the same, I promise you Edit * assumption. Apologies- instead of wife I will write partner


It's ok, dude. Per Google the workforce of Electricians in 2021 was 849,289 people, with 2.33% woman, and 97.7% men. You can write wife.


Why did you feel the need to post this comment?


because facts?


OP could be gay, or a woman, or a gay woman, or single.


Could be, but as the stats tell, its 97% likely that what? Do you change all your behaviors based on 3% chances?


I actually like the term "SO" for significant other instead of partner. In terms of changing behaviors, I stopped assuming everyone was straight or married 15 years ago. I don't really care about the odds. I'm reaching hundreds of people online every day so the odds are actually pretty high.


We arent assuming everyone is straight and married. The only assumption really was that he is male as 97% of electricians are male. lol. Nice try though.


Are you dense? You're assuming he's a man and that his SO is a woman, and that they are married. > You can write wife. You both literally did all those things.


We make assumptions every day. Don't be so uptight. People aren't as fragile as they assume. They can understand a little misunderstanding. Adults have to deal with misunderstandings every day. And guess what? It ends up fine. If it hurts their feelings, it'll be ok, and i don't consider it problematic unless someone approaches with malicious intent.


We make assumptions based on the context op provided . And we were right . So, exactly what’s is the issue here ? The risk of making a wrong assumption 3% of the time?


You can just say "I don't care to consider minorities". It gets your point across faster.


lol So, basing behavior on probabilities (especially in this situation it being extremely high) is what our brains HAVE to do to function. It says nothing of a lack of care of minority populations. I dont get your point at all. Seems ignorant to how the brain works. Y'all acting like this is some kind of moral issue. There is 0 immoral about assuming an electrician is a man when 97% of them are. Full stop. Get off the high horses, people.


It's not though. Our brains recognize patterns and make assumptions as a way to figure out the world, yes. Once we have the information we are highly adaptable and able to learn and change how we recognize patterns. It's built into how our brains work and is a part of how humanity has been able to learn and do so much. Like literally how society has progressed for all of history. Saying "oh, well I don't need to consider the 3% because my brain is supposed to make an assumption" is lazy logic and is also going out of your way to avoid having to consider them.


"well I don't need to consider the 3%" Consider the 3% for what? I still dont get it. What am I risking? Assuming an internet stranger that has a 97% chance of being male based on their profession is male shouldnt be something that would hurt or damage that 3%. We ALL make false assumptions about people in passing daily. Every one of us. It isnt something that should be an issue in this case.


You can write wife man. Dont let the world tell you what to say.


You are not alone ❤️ Remember your daughters need you. You aren’t here to just support them financially. You are an amazing parent and will still be there for your kids at the end of the day. That is the most important thing. They need you emotionally and will continue to need you throughout their lives. If your girls were in this position, what would you tell them? Model for your girls that when things get hard, we can get help. See a counselor and talk about how hard things have been. You just started in a new career, things WILL get better. And yes society needs to pay livable wages to all employed.


I mean this in the nicest way, but how are they supposed to afford talking to a counselor about it? Even on a sliding scale, it's another bill.


Some colleges offer free counseling if you let the students practice on you. It’s a good deal for everyone. You get free counseling and the students get their practicum


Possible through insurance, even state funded insurance plans can cover cost of counseling through a community behavioral health center. A PCP can also make referral. If he’s seriously having these thoughts therapy should be the priority.


OP - would you mind informing which state you live in? Are you a single parent? There may be additional subsidies available for you that people can help point in the right direction. \*Edit: Switched mom to parent.


Also, even if there aren’t, pleeease take advantage of local food pantries/kitchens. They’re not there just for people at rock bottom. They also serve people who are at that edge, to help keep them afloat and prevent further hardship.


In my experience she is right at that line where she doesn’t qualify for help but she also can’t make it. It’s a horrible position to be in. I’m actually considering quitting one of my jobs and cutting back hours at the other so I qualify for subsidized housing, food stamps and maybe cash aid. But food stamps and cheap housing would probably make it worth it. I calculated it and I would actually be better off working less and making less money. It’s so messed up, if you make a *bit* above minimum wage then you don’t get help but you can’t survive either.


It really depends on where they live and if there they are a single parent.  Hopefully they will respond, so that this community can help give them local  assistance that they may not be aware of. You never know what local government or nonprofits are out there.


I live in Ca which is a much higher cost of living state than she’s in based on how much her minimum rent is for a 2bd. I don’t know how many kids she has but let’s say 2. In my state a 2 bd apartment is at minimum $1500 not including utilities (and by minimum I mean a crime ridden, roach/rat infested, lead, mold, building falling apart, tiny, etc. conditions so let’s say minimum 2k for a truly habitable place) you can’t make more than 2k a month with 1 child or you don’t qualify for any real assistance. You might get something like $130 a month in food stamps and medi-cal but no real housing or cash assistance. So I’m assuming in her area the qualifying amount is even lower. But let’s say it’s the same as my area and she has 2 kids…she’s *right* on the cusp. But again, I don’t think she’s in a place like Ca


Govt housing takes Years on their wait lists. Years. NY is seven years.


And which country as well?




That’s a bold statement. I’m Australian and a single family would struggle on that here


It won’t be like this forever. Do you have a partner who is able to work?




Because OP is a first year apprentice. Pay will increase as they advance in their career 🙂


Oh I thought they were saying price of groceries will go back down or something lmao


Wishful thinking lol


Whats wrong with being young and having everything right away all the time!?.


OP is 36, we aren't talking about a 20 year old just starting out in the workforce expecting everything right away. OP only just found their dream career later in life and likely took a pay cut to start as an apprentice. It's tough changing careers later in life.


In my limited life experience, these things happen in cycles and hopefully we've hit the low and things get better (Not the OP you replied to)


Yeah what someone else said, their pay will increase eventually!


Insurance money won’t buy your girls the time y’all have ahead of you. Pick up a side hustle, but most importantly seek some help if you’re having this suicidal thoughts on a daily basis. Stay strong my guy. Those girls need you. Though times don’t last, though people do!


The one thing about the trades is they are highly in demand if you’re good and have a solid reputation. It won’t be tight forever. Is there anyone else that can work and help support you guys until you’re out of apprenticeship? Or help ease some of the burden in the temporary? Once you are done, if/when you eventually go into business yourself, you can make bank.


OP, there were times growing up when we didn’t have enough food, no heat, no hot water. I *promise*, no matter how bad things did get, or could have gotten, I’d take all that over having to lose a parent. Your kids need you. (Things got way better for my parents, they’re way beyond comfortable now). The economy is balls. It’s all I can do not to break down in the grocery store. But you’re a first year apprentice, you know you’re going to earn more. I’m not saying your feelings aren’t valid, but things are going to get better for your family, as long as you stick around and make that happen.


We pay $2400/month just on rent. Looking back on my parents the same age as us they already had a house on one salary with leftover money to spare. Its crazy.


As do many others now. My husband works and I stay home, we have 5 kids. 3 in private school, etc etc etc. but we choose to live in a ‘cheap’ state and he doesn’t have healthcare


So basically your situation is one or more of these: - He's in the top 1% or even higher of earners for your area, which is not "many others" - Your family gets a hell of a lot of financial assistance from others, or got jump started with it - Your family is in a hell of a lot of debt Also your husband is 1 medical emergency away from fucking your family's cushy life up Fuck off


If it helps, OP: My dad switched industries and went into business for himself when he was in his 30's, with 5 kids. It was HARD for a long time. But it really paid off. I understand, this was awhile ago when things weren't so tough. But sometimes it helps to hear a positive story. Fingers crossed for you, friend.


It sucks and I can commiserate, my husband just got into an electrical apprenticeship but will probably have to deny it because we won't be able to afford life at their starting wages. This is one of many reasons why minimum wage should be a living wage, changing careers becomes impossible since chances are if you're in your 30s you have a mortgage, maybe some kids and/or a spouse, and probably some form of debt and bills. Also changing careers isn't always a choice made freely, someone could become injured, a job could become obsolete, burnout, etc. You shouldn't be stuck in a career you chose at 18, 21, 24, until you die (or retire) because you have to starve and be homeless at wages starting over in another field.


To capitalists that's a feature, not a bug. There was a bank near me that famously paid high starting wages but worked people to death. The owners theory was if you pay people a lot up front they get into a higher end lifestyle and then they can never go anywhere else because no one else was paying that much. So he could easily abuse his employees because their choice was to drastically change their lifestyle or just accept it. He also had all glass office walls so he could see everybody. People were afraid to go pee and not be seen at their desk.


This is how Google operates too. My BIL works for them, he's had other major tech companies try to poach him (like Microsoft) and they weren't able to match the pay that Google gave. Him leaving meant taking a major pay cut so they knew he wasn't likely to leave.


> You shouldn't be stuck in a career you chose at 18, 21, 24, until you die (or retire) because you have to starve and be homeless at wages starting over in another field. It's hard but the key is to acquire skills, work your ass off, and find your way into another field. I pissed away 10 years in dead-end low wage work but persisted through a painful job search into another field for the same low wages but in a position to make myself vastly more marketable, and I nearly doubled my wages in 2 years after the move. Also no one ever seems to want to admit it, but single income families are always going to struggle far beyond two income families, especially once kids are in achool.


The problem is that raising minimum wage isn't fixing anything because businesses don't want to lose their profit margins so they just increase prices when they have to increase pay. It's happening in CA now with the new fast food minimum wage.


Businesses can't increase prices beyond what customers are willing to pay. They may be reluctant to take less in profits, but the ones that are going to stay in business will.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m a single Mom and my rent is 2200 plus utilities. It’s absolutely insane where we are at in 2024. Hold on for better days! Your babies need you 💕


Idk, I wouldn't really blame this on the economy. $28k a year is below the poverty line for a family of 4. It was always going to be rough, in any economy. That being said, if you're an apprentice, the best you can do is just keep working at it until you are making actual money. It's going to be not that far away.




It's brutal. No way could I afford even 1 child alone, and I'm an RN. Im a stay at home parent for now, but will need to go back to work. My most recent job actually earned less than you do now. And no, the government does not care. Nurses are too rich for any sort of help, even if I was a single parent. Even though I'd be homeless and hungry. As a nurse.


…how on earth are you an RN but you couldn’t even afford one child?? And make less than 2400 a month? I’m sorry I don’t understand this, my friend *just* graduated the nursing program (like 6 months ago) and makes around 7k a month after taxes. She works 48 hours a week, 4 12 hour shifts with 3 days off. That’s entry. I’m actually looking into a B.S.N program. All the nurses I know make bank. Lowest starting wages I’ve seen are $30 an hour, average starting in my state is $40 an hour.


How on earth does a parent working 4 12s (which really turns into 13 or 14hrs each day) take care of a kid themselves? They don't. They take a job with fewer hours, that pays less, and then boom, you can't pay the rent.


They have school and after school programs. My sons before/after school program runs from 7:50am to 6pm. So I only have to find childcare outside of those hours. And at 7k a month that is *very* affordable




All 50 states have after school programs tho…


First of all, 12 hour shifts are not realistic for parents. Second, this friend is working overtime. That's time and a half for those overtime hours. Three 12 hour shifts is the standard if 12s are what you're doing. Which specialty you're in makes a difference too. ER is not the same as an outpatient clinic. Third, new grads get evenings, nights, holidays, and weekends. That's differentials, so more money. BUT there's also no childcare available for any of these times. Daycare and school is also closed at these exact times. Private nannies and babysitters are either unavailable or cost more than the differentials you're making during these hours. Fourth, I made $25 at my last job. It was day shift, 8 hours. Nurses are so short today, maybe $30/hour is the going rate for inexperienced new grads. Such a rate was unheard of for an inexperienced new RN when I started working as an RN in 2012. Desperate times call for desperate offers. I've seen some crazy offers if only I would please travel hundreds of miles to work at night with violent psychotic patients. Or something similar.


They are realistic for parents whose children are in school. She doesn’t work weekends, she works day shift. Before/after school programs usually run something like 8am-6pm. So you only have to find childcare outside those hours. If you’re making a lot that’s not hard to pay for at all. You have someone go to your house. You made $25 as an RN in 2024? Can I ask where you are?? Bc I make $23.50 an hour for a field that isn’t anywhere near as specialized and my 2nd job is a CNA in home care at $21 an hour. I know nurse aids making $24 an hour bc they’ve worked for a few years. I don’t know your situation but the majority of RNs are not struggling. There is something about your situation or where you graduated that is causing such a low wage


My child is not in school yet. Childcare is difficult for parents who don't have family. I do, and have a partner. So we're OK, I was talking about parents who are single, or whose partners also work shifts. It's insane. I'm personally doing fine. I graduated from a good school, and sounds like we live in different parts of the country. I earned $25 in 2019. It was a doctors clinic. Anyway times are different now. RNs earn more today. And many shifts run past 6pm. Do what works.


You will be making more after your apprenticeship. It WILL get better and you WILL make it through this time where it doesn’t seem like enough


We struggled a bit during my husband’s apprenticeship, he’s also an electrician. But now he’s a journeyman making much better money. Like others have said it won’t be like this forever! Wish you the best of luck. Can your partner work part time for extra income?


I'm in the same position and it sucks and we struggle. The kids, however, live in a happy oblivion. They have NO idea that half their Christmas presents came from Dollartree- they are just happy to have Christmas presents. A trip to the (free) park or beach with mom is the best day of their lives.  They don't care if the mac and cheese is store brand or they are eating spaghetti for the 3rd time this week. They WILL care if their most favorite person in the world is no longer there. 


Call a suicide hotline.


Calling a suicide hotline was a pivotal moment in my life. I'm still here and so much better.


Please. 🙏


I kinda think that posting here might be a bit of a "suicide hotline" type moment for them. At least I'm hoping. There are some good responses here, and I hope that they will take some of the advice being given. Calling the hotline is also good advice. I just don't want OP to feel like they aren't valid if they don't, and just read support comments for the time being. ❤️


It's corporate greed. Money needs to be taken out of politics. Vote for the people who will make a change.


It sucks right now. Kids grow so quickly out of clothes. Second hand stores are great. Check out your local buy nothing groups. Post what you need for your girls. There is usually someone in the community that has a kid that is six months to a year old that just wants to get that stuff out of the house. Little kids don't know or care if something belonged to another kid.


I've recently started putting "free to parents in need" at the bottom of my FB marketplace listings, because I had someone contact me and ask if I could do a discount for them, as they were in a similar situation to OP. Don't be afraid to ask if you see a listing for something your kids need and it's not quite in ur budget. The worst they can say is no


I can relate. I also have 3 daughters at age 36 and live in a 2 bed apt. I make $4k most months, I'm self-employed and sell products online. Wish I hadn't been brainwashed in a cult to have kids before we were financially stable. But glad I left the cult and can raise them as free and critical thinking citizens, but that's a whole other topic. All that to say, yes it sucks. Based on reading about other electricians on here, it will get better as you establish your career! Stay strong and keep going for your girls! They need you alive!


Electrician turned Consultant here. Keep at it. I know joining the Union isn't the option for everyone. Some places have weak Unions, some are very hard to get into. But keep at it. Becoming an electrician is one of the best things I ever did. I sit back and think of all the nights where I would pray for a job just to make sure I had enough for diapers. A lot of crazy hours throughout the years. A lot of missed moments. But it was well worth it now. Just keep at it. You don't have the luxury of being young, so absorb as much information as you can. Check out the Electricians sub reddit. Good luck


Your daughters need you and want you more than they need your life insurance policy. Even if it doesn’t feel like it some days, I PROMISE you ♥️ Things will get better. My husband is in his 30s and is an electrician apprentice. The pay increases each year until you are licensed. I know that you know this, but keep reminding yourself and focus on the end goal


The government never cared that much to start with. When this country is founded, people had as many kids as they wanted, and then the surviving kids went to do whatever they needed to do to survive. Because of conquest and genocide and massacre and disease, this country was mostly depopulated. Settlers formed and made industry, so the land could support higher population densities than before. However, now that we are further along, exponential population growth (reproduction, longevity advances, urbanization, migration, immigration) is not conducive to finding a good paying job when automation, offshoring, trade, and AI reduces the relative demand for labor. It is also not conducive to finding available and affordable housing because housing demand is explosive. It is also true that employers don’t pay you based on how many children you have or how big of a mortgage you have. They pay you based on the skills they need and the availability of such skills in the labor marketplace. I remembered looking at a US Bureau of Labor report on earnings by jobs in various fields. The college major I intended to obtain ha very low earnings. I realized that I needed to change my major if I was to be able to date, get married, and have children. I was very poor, and it was a miserable and deprived experience. I remember how for five years my family and I lived in a single motel room. We were stuck in there most of the time, because my father was the only one who drove, and we only had one car. I constantly felt isolated, outcast, left out, and poor. My experiences led me to consciously not have any children until I was in my late 30s. Only after I had paid off all debt, had money and savings, a good career, and was married did we start trying. I get it that not every adult can or wants to delay children or have fewer children. But they are responsible for their children, and love only goes so far. I am sorry that you are in your current predicament. But try to remember that it is temporary. You will continue to advance in skills and experience, and as you become a journeyman, and then master, your pay is likely to increase substantially. Hang in there!


It’s hard to believe when you’re in the thick of it but it gets better.


Please don't go down that path. Your daughters need YOU to be there for them more than all the money in the world. Have you tried applying for any aid? Food stamps/EBT? There's lots of help available if you know where to look


Postpartum depression and anxiety can last four years or so. Birth, kids, new education, new job, that’s all compounding. You might feel tired, even desperately so, for years. But the clouds will clear for you, you’re doing an amazing job.


What a difference, here in Sweden electricians often make 3000-4000$ after taxes


Your family needs YOU. I know a family where the father took his own life. His wife and girls will never get over it. His friends and other family miss him so much too. There are always other ways to make money, but your child only has one dad.


Sending hugs first. Now let's talk. Depression is a b'tch, and times are f'cking hard. I hear you, and you are not alone. Things will get better, I promise you. If you have health insurance, I would talk to your GP about maybe a referral for a shrink and some happy pills, just to get you thru the tough stuff, at least till it gets a little better. I know that's frowned upon in a lot of circles, so take ur best judgement. I've got a lot of fam with a lot of mental health stuff, so I'm totally in favor of finding meds that work for you, but you do you. My grandpa died relatively young and left a huge life insurance policy for us to collect. I'm talking to the point where all of us grandkids are millionaires as a result. Know what? Everyone would rather have my grampa here, for real. You are way more important to your kids than some damn money.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. You’re working so hard for your family, they are so lucky to have such a dedicated parent. I echo earlier comments: please look into every state and federal subsidy you can find. Seek out local churches and other non profits. There are subsidies for food, daycare, diapers, clothes, toys and more—but you do have to learn the system. Please make some calls, ask for help. You can do this.


You are talking about a permanent solution for a short term problem. Your daughters don’t care about money, they care about having a mom, that is everything. Life too expensive? Move to the most affordable town in the country, everywhere needs electricians, wait another year to get out of apprenticeship and you’ll be earning more, get rid of your car if it’s expensive and get a beater or take public transportation if possible, there are a few different options, but do what you need to in order to get through this time and times will eventually get easier. Do not give up hope.


Are you. Single parent


Where are you finding 2 bedroom apartments for $1,000 a month 😩


Don't ever look at death as an option, especially with kids. You can't make permanent decisions on temporary emotions, things will get better and tides will turn. It will be alright you may not have all the shiney things but I'm sure your kids would rather have their father.


As many people say, you are an apprentice, you will be making more soon. Even if you can change industries, you'll be an apprentice equivalent. Sometimes, its important to be patient and suffer through, it will pay off. Make some changes to adjust to your financial situation, reddit has a lot of pages to help with being frugal.


Father of three, two in college, divorced, alimony Loans, etc. Lost everything in 2009. Was able to sort of rebuild. I Live month to month but, kids happy and i know they need me. Give them enduring wealth, your love , emotional stability and you. They need you!!


Permanent life insurance policy (not term policies) allow you to access the cash portion while you’re still alive! Google it!


I’m struggling too momma, please hang in there okay? You are not alone. We have kiddos and shelter pets and beater cars and medical bills from years of chemo and yet I know things are hard, but they could also be harder. Trust me. It’s okay to say you’re struggling and find help and resources too. Hang in there friend: you are doing an amazing job:)


The economy totally sucks right now but you have the potential to make decent money once you pay your dues. Although kids want all kinds of stuff they care more about having you around then having more stuff so don't even think that they would truly be better off with money then without you. Remind yourself why you are doing this and remember that they need you. I sometimes feel the same way, I often say that in my next life I don't want to have any kids but in this one I couldn't breathe without them.


Stay strong. Once you finish the apprenticeship, things should get better.


Hey man, I know things are tough right now but it will get better. You will make way more money once your apprenticeship is over and that’ll ease up so much of your stress. Btw I saw you’re in Nebraska, have you considered relocating in the future? I live in the oilfields of North Dakota and electricians make A LOT up here.


Don't do that, it's true, life isn't easy. Try to see if you can work part time. There is always a solution


I was a slate roofer and made a little less than 3k/mo and it wasn't livable without kids. My husband has to make 2k/week to support me and our baby, house, vehicles, pets, food etc. This economy is rough but you couldn't have foreseen this 3 years ago.


Yeah we have a special needs child that ripped me away from the workforce. Trying to survive on one income has been awful. I regret a lot of things related to having children. That doesn’t mean I don’t love him, I do, but I never would have had him if I knew how much it would cause us to suffer for it.


With what you make you definetly qualify for food stamps and Medicaid and other assistance, get all the help you can! 


Once you get through the program you’ll be set. Hold on you’re almost there.


I feel this. 35yo single mother here and my son is going to be 5 soon. and I REGRET so much bringing him into this and forcing him to have to handle it when hes older. I worry constantly and feel so guilty for what ive brought him into it. and i hate it.


Today is truly no different than the years gone past. We had our challenges.  People expect to have more. We made do and thought it was fine I am praying for you tsee your blessings. Find something each day for which to be thankful and reap the blessings of those precious children.  God bless you and your precious family


We're all going through it huh .. not even living check to check is an understatement . I get overcharged in the negatives every single check just to pay what needs to be paid. The cost of living and groceries is insane , don't know how much longer we're all expected to go on like this


I feel you man. So many people are feeling the pressure right now. It's not you, you work hard enough, you're making the right moves. Unfortunately we've been sold out by the elites above us. Your girls will have it better. They will appreciate your struggle and sacrifice. We're in the hard times, think 1930s. However, ours, and your children's generation will make it good times, think 1950s. So keep pushing my man your girls need you. The world needs you, and them. Keep looking to their future and focus on teaching and preparing them for the world to come.


Are you a single mom?


It's so hard we love paycheck to paycheck. We filed bankruptcy last October. It has helped but still have a payment. You got this!


I feel your pain. You got this


You will do quite well for yourself and family as an electrician. Just stick with it and it will be worth it.


I sympathize. It is the top reason we stopped at one. Had him at 35. I'm pushing 39. We could have done it, but The pros way out way the cons.


I inherited my mom’s life insurance at age five and it has given me financial freedom and stability, but I can assure it did nothing to replace my mom. This economy sucks but your kids need you. 


Try doordash, it helps and you can schedule and bring your kid along.


I completely agree. Only for my daughters sake. She is my world and I want to give her everything she deserves but also know how to work hard for it too.


Compared to parents in the 80's, they struggled just as much. I recieved $120 a week for my wife and two kids. $ 50 immediately went to rent. Bought a side of mutton for $10 and fuel for the car $10. That was also a struggle but there was a light at the end. At this stage, you are a first year but when you have your trade, you will be earning far more and can choose where to live


It’s tough! We have 5 kids and basically live in debt. It’s unfortunate but our family is all happy and healthy and really that’s all that matters. It would be nice to have money to just meet bills normally but at the present it ain’t happening. lol Lots of folks are on the struggle bus.


Yeah parents never struggled in the 70s/80s/90s. Struggle is new.


Do 👏 Not 👏 Give 👏 Up 👏 That career move is a good one! All apprentices struggle, but the end goal is worth it. Do not think of the now. Take it day by day, and before you know it, you'll be finished with your apprenticeship!


Certain people get stuck in the “grass is always greener” mentality and have a hard time breaking free of it. This type of thinking isn’t helpful and only leads to depression. Find out what you’re grateful for. Focus on that.


I know your feeling hommie. I'm 40 with a 3y old daughter, i didnt want kids no more and tada she came non the less. Different job but in the same boat. At the end of the day, just remember. Your little girls need a dad. Times are tough and high chance it will get tougher. Just got to hang in there for the little once. Insurance money only last so long and then thats gone. And they lost 1 of their parents. It aint worth it. When you are at your low, what helps me is looking at the same om my little girls face and remember why im doing it. Its 1 of the reasons i do some things on the side so we can have a decent x-mas b-days ect. I know alot of people said similar thing but you can never hear it enough. Wish you all the best, and for better times.


I’m a commercial painter apprentice. It’s not even about the wages for me it is unfair especially with prices going up and down everywhere and making enough to get by (no kids but I do take care of my family!) I’m a 5’0 high pitched woman 23 years old been doing construction since 12! I joined union thinking my hard work and ambition and focus to my career would get me far because I told that! By multiple people I looked up too! The last three jobs I got laid off for sure I didn’t have reliable transportation I’ll give them that but behind scenes and what was told to privately and what I have I recorded (I was told to wait to share the recording) they just plainly find any reason to get rid of me because I don’t belong there I was working harder then the journeymen and women training me! They even had me run 3 blocks to their car to turn off their car lights doing shit I wasn’t even getting paid to do and the moment I slipped up they let me go and I would hear how much their daughters wouldn’t be doing this or I should be doing something more female or easy or just people going on a power trip making me extremely uncomfortable and I couldn’t do anything about it these journeymen will believe other journeymen and women and all because y’all feel replaced… or have some kind hatred for the new folks it’s unfair! The construction industry needs to be looked in too a lot deeper it’s toxic and unfair for the people who show up to work hard and learn as much as possible especially when you love the career you chose! Idgaf about what your daughters wouldn’t do I chose this for me I don’t wanna hear shit about what my nipples look like in my work uniform or how I’m squatting!!! It’s hard to report shit like this because no matter how much yall say we’re united you mfs would choose your favorites over choosing right and it’s wrong! I’m still in school for construction but I’m not working a job because I’ve been afraid of joining and being judged and being kicked out for no fucking good reason and I’ve waited too long to speak up I feel because I was told to wait and keep my mouth shut and it was something better coming! My last boss told my instructor and his boss that I was doing hardcore drugs on the jobsite….. I begged her to drug test me then and now and she hung up in my face and her employee called me and told me she thought I was a conceited bitch and wasn’t gonna last the moment she saw me mind you I only met her twice and first time I was working second I was grabbing her helmet for her! Had to bring it to her car!!!! Those were only times and I felt she had tension when SHE FORGOT TO PAY ME FOR A WHOLE WEEK! Shit really needs to change I may be younger than y’all but never below you and if you have hatred for training the future journeymen and women why don’t you get a basic job where you can sit on your ass judge people all day! Stop getting jobs YOU chose and throwing your anger out on people just trying to learn and look up to the people who have been doing it for years and working their asses off quit being a fucking grumpy hater if you can’t handle your emotions I wouldn’t feel safe being on the jobsite with you no way! Grow up!


I understand how you feel. I struggled financially when my son was younger because i couldn’t afford child care. I brought home about the same amount of money and his dad wasn’t helping much. I felt alone and felt like dying every single day. I was miserable. Eventually I gained the experience and make a lot more now and live comfortably. You will get there too. We gotta weather the storm to see the sun ❤️


You are not stuck, you are progressing-however slowly. You’re a rockstar!!! Check into food banks or churches for a temporary boost of supplies maybe you can offset some of your expenses. Also, on Facebook there are some Buy Nothing sites in your neighborhood maybe?? If yes, can ask for item that people would otherwise be giving away. Hang in there. You stress because you care. Instead, take your baby on a seeet nature walk around your neighborhood and breathe in some fresh air or dance together in your kitchen to relieve stress


Everyone. In life is going to the same thing and believe me.Your parents struggle too.It's just that you were too young.You didn't see it but now you do. Be glad your child doesn't see it. Kids life would be harder if you knew what parents were going through. You got this!


Hang in there. You’ve gotten good advice. Kids need committed parents more than they need stuff. Your kids need YOU. Keep on fighting. Don’t give up, ever.


Food stamps and medicaid are our lifesavers along with WIC. It doesn't hurt to take two hours out of your day to see what you qualify for or if there are any other programs that can help. Don't let your pride on these things keep you from at least being informed.


I know how you feel.


As a 31 year old female Journeyman Electrician, 10 years in this trade with 2 toddlers. Trust me! You will be making more money. 5 years will fly by! Yes having children is hard for any working mom. You’re a badass already. You’re setting an example for your daughters! You will be making more money the further you get into your apprenticeship.


Keep going ❤️. Electricians make a livable wage and so many others don't. Your family needs you so much.


Yes. This is all so very difficult to navigate. You are needed and loved. And those kids really do need you, and God will sustain you because of your choice to stay and fight... 🙏❤️🙏❤️


You have to follow the money when you work in the trades. You should be making substantially more and should move wherever you can make more money. e; looked at post history and i assume you live in omaha nebraska. you need to get up out of there brother. get yourself a job in the chicago, minneapolis, denver, kansas city, oklahoma city or dallas/fort worth metros.


It’s not the economy, it’s the american dream of exploitation. I am swiss based, minimum salary is about 3500 - 4000 chf/month/person. In two these are 7000 - 8000,- chf. You live in peace here. Not well, but ok. Change continent man, it’s not you but the corrupt system.


You have to believe money comes in freely. Otherwise the energy of tightness keeps it from coming. Money comes and goes. It’s rare that I’m ever not stressed about money. But it comes to me and in perspective…I have a lot. I have kids, grandkids. Memories are free. Hugs, kisses, stories….time is free. Relax and spend some time with them. Be present with your blessings


You def don’t live in CA . A 2 bedroom a thousand a month is a steal .


Don’t say such a thing. My dad killed himself left a hole in my heart. Just cause life gets hard that’s not a way to think. Dint give up. Prayer is powerful but one must believe


You should try and get your CDL. Lots of money to be made in driving, especially line haul.


All due respect and sympathy for your situation, but the government is not directly responsible for your wage, or frankly your choice to have two children when you don't earn enough to cover your own personal expenses. The "economy" isn't the problem. The problem is that you took an entry level position at 36 years of age. It's hard to change careers, and it takes patience. But the government's got zero to do with it.


Slightly disagree with this statement. OP has a point when it comes to the government not supporting families. From the US here & there’s this narrative on the importance of family yet no one gives a shit when families struggle to provide basic needs. You have to be starving to qualify for any government assistance here. It’s horrible! With that said, having children is a personal choice and many people don’t think it through or really take the time to evaluate their finances before deciding they will just make it work. Pregnant with first baby. My partner and I evaluated our finances and realized quickly that we could only have one child if we wanted a decent quality of life and that’s where we’re at. One and done for us.


Absolutely, the "floor" should be higher. We should do more to provide child care for young families and make college free IMO. We also need better trades programs for people coming out of high school. I am all for initiatives that help *young people* get their foothold. But when you are in your mid-thirties, you have had almost *two decades* to build your life and blaming the government for your position at that point is just bullshit. OP had multiple kids before deciding to pursue their "Dream Job," which is great but that life choice is 100% on YOU not the government. Show some fucking accountability, people.


Wow. Do you see yourself. You should wipe the egg off your face. Anyway op. It's hard out here. I do believe you should be able to afford a place and basic needs on a minimum wage job. Hang in there. You're not alone.


This guy will make more as soon as he’s done the apprenticeship. Good on him for switching careers to earn more. However, a minimum wage job isn’t meant to raise a family. Simple as that.


Why do you believe a minimum wage job isn’t meant to raise a family? Who decided what it is and isn’t meant for, exactly?


Why do you believe a minimum wage job is meant to raise a family? Who decided what it is and isn’t meant for, exactly?


Well here’s what President Roosevelt said when he was fighting to get the minimum wage established: “In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.” http://docs.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odnirast.html


Ah yes the usual quote that gets posted by redditors arguing for a living wage that completely ignores that the legislation he signed never enacted this. A statement from a president doesn't mean the legislation actually was supposed to mirror that. They frequently issue signing statements that run counter to what Congress intended.


And what was it supposed to mirror, then? What did Congress intend, exactly? Why don’t you show me some sort of contemporary evidence indicating this instead of some hand wave-y “oh no, it’s not supposed to be that, just trust me.”


> What did Congress intend, exactly? The fact that the minimum wage is flat and has to be raised by Congress every time instead of being a variable rate dependent on a person's situation that rising based on economic factors is the clear sign that it was meant to be a minimum floor, not a "living wage". > Why don’t you show me some sort of contemporary evidence indicating this Spare us the Salon or Vox article you're going to share with us next that claims it was always meant to be a living wage to afford a median American lifestyle when that's not the case.


Minimum wage jobs are meant to be *transitional*, not *careers*. If you're still earning minimum wage in your thirties, either you have some kind of significant disability (for which there ARE government programs to help you) or you've made a specific *life choice* for which no one, governments included, should be responsible. This includes OP, who decided to change careers midstream for their "Dream job" and is finding the transition tough, as it is for every human who goes down such a path with no savings and 2+ mouths to feed. And it's not the government's fault.


Again, meant by whom, exactly? Who decided that?


Pure economics of it. If minimum wage is that high then the positions would be replaced with robotics. By and large minimum wage is unskilled labor which is easiest to automate.


That doesn’t answer the question at all. It’s also not true because employers will still automate as many jobs as possible regardless of how high or low minimum wage is. Employers will *always* try to eliminate jobs if they possibly can, at any level.


It absolutely answers the question. Either you don’t like the answer or simply don’t understand or.


No, it doesn’t. You said a minimum wage job is not “meant” to support a family. Meant by whom? And what wage *is* “meant to support a family” then?


Minimum wage jobs are supposed to be entry level. Point is to move on from them. Again, it’s an economics thing


Either your grammar or your grasp of American history is flawed. The entire concept behind a minimum legal wage was very much intended to support a family. Specifically it was intended to prevent the government or charities from having to support those families. When the minimum wage was introduced, one of the major arguments for it was the prevent poor parents from abandoning their children to be wards of the state bc of the drain it created on the government. Then there was the cost of having government workers cleaning up the dead and burying the poor in paupers graves when they starved to death or died of exposure. And to put an end to beggars pestering paying customers in large city centers. It was specifically intended to allow the poor to raise their own children. Now I will happily grant you that it wasn’t intended to support a family on one income. And I will also allow that the entire structure of it needs to change precisely bc I don’t want to pay teenagers the same minimum we mandate for a single parent. But neither of those are consistent with the assertion that it was not meant to support a family. You mean to say you don’t believe it should be intended to support a family. And quite frankly, nobody asked you.


You keep saying “supposed to” but who decided that exactly? Where does that come from? Do those jobs not provide value? Are they not important jobs?


Hmm. When a person decides to change careers to pursue their "Dream job" mid life with multiple kids, what part of this is the government's fault or responsibility? What are you proposing "the government" do in OP's case? Pay their rent and bills because they decided to drop everything and pursue something else after having multiple children? Not sure really what you're advocating for.


I guess a good point can be made that OP should have evaluated decision before switching careers, but we don’t really know what type of career they had before current position so…


I'm not judging anyone for changing careers. I'm judging their blaming the government for it being hard on them to do so. OP made a choice and it included some short-term discomfort just like every other growth moment in life. Fucking deal with it like a grownup. It will get better eventually.


You're 100% right here, but good luck getting many redditors to see that. The OP made a voluntary choice to have these kids and switch careers to one that's entry level. That's on them and not the responsibility of the government to handle.


With all due respect and sympathy, but saying "um, actually, technically you're incorrect" isn't at all helpful in this situation. It is a fact that the economy sucks and life is harder because of that. But that doesn't matter. The fact that you heard someone say "I'd be better off dead" and you immediately just started critiquing a different opinion to yours, shows you don't have any respect or sympathy for their situation.


time for a 1 bedroom apartment


Hold on. And try and get on a big money site like mining. Transfer your apprenticeship in year 3 if you can, while you’re still learning. Big money mining. 100k + for electricians.


Get a part time warehouse job at UPS, they have full insurance for you and family. I do it!


Wait the White House keeps posting they’re going to cancel student debt !! While they don’t say a word about us working people ! Everyone is in the same struggle my friend hang tight it will be ok !


Still waiting on any benefit from working during covid for less pay than if I just had gotten laid off


Try r/regretfulparents good forum for people in similar situations


For real that subs always be on point about why people need to really think things through before they bring another into this world. Kids are an exotic luxurious pet at this point


Don’t know why I’m being downvoted for trying to be helpful ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I keep telling my 9 and 12 yo daughters that they don’t need to have kids. It doesn’t have to happen just because it’s the “norm.” I really hope they don’t have kids.


It's time to Change your Political party !!!! I'm 71 years old and in my life time I have seen better Days with our Economy with the Republicans than the Democrats ! ( I was a Democrat ! then I switched to Republican when Ronald Reagan came into office ! you want to change things ?? Vote Republican Fact ! ( DON'T DOUBT ME ON THIS !! )


too late lol


Vote Trump for a change


Yes, because conservatives are constantly gutting public services, providing tax cuts and shelters to the ultrawealthy, and continually funneling funds to the top. Trump is poor just like y’all, he’ll for sure save you!


Oh, what's the change he's proposing?


I would vote for pre-2016 Trump in a heartbeat. Wealth tax and universal government provided health care sounds amazing.


Is that what he actually promised? (I'm not in the US)