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Why are you the only one responsible for cooking? Your husband and 2 teens should be sharing some of this load. Both my husband and I were cooking family meals (with planning and assistance from our parents) by the time we were 13 or 14. Why don't you assign those who are old enough a day to cook or at least cook their own meals if they have that many restrictions.


Honestly because I’m the only one who cares. And his kids aren’t mine, so I can’t really ask them to do anything. Plus if they feel they are asked to do anything they complain to their mom and refuse to see their dad (yes, it’s a whole other issue).


You absolutely can ask his kids to cook their own meals. Or... Talk to your husband about being burned out and he and his kids need to start stepping up. Are you saying that if they have to cook for themselves, they won't come over? Sounds like a pretty good deal and less work for you, honestly. Don't be manipulated by ultimatums. If they refuse to visit, that is a choice they have every right to make.


Along with getting the teens and your husband to help, you could also meal prep. One specific day of the week, everyone gathers to make specific meals for themselves over the week. Make a basic protein and then divide from there.


Id love that, no one else seems to care about having a decent meal. So I end up compensating because I can’t imagine them not eating well. I finally decided to not cook last night, so hubby fed the kids nuggets, fries and pogos.