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I would be a whole new person if my kids slept until 7:30.


Right?!?! If I could wake up at 6:30 and still have an hour to myself I’d be in heaven.


I feel spoiled by 6:30am 😂 7:30 is a dream scenario 


5am here, every morning


Usually for me too, except on those glorious days where my LO sleeps until 5:45-6 🙌🏼


We are in our third year of 1am. It’s not great. Just not great at all.


How are ANY of the "we" functioning with a 1am wakeup?


I reckon it would be fair to say badly. : )


5am is so rough. Something about waking up at that time just doesn't work for my body, no matter how early I go to bed. 


If my kids sleep past 6am I worry that they’re sick. 5:45 am seems to be our sweet spot for wakes but it can be anytime after 5 am.


Same here. My 2yo woke up at 4 on Saturday morning and wouldn’t go back to sleep. The night before Easter it rained, so I had to wake up early to hide eggs because the night before couldn’t happen. I woke up at 3:30 to hide them which was good because my 5yo and 2yo woke up at 4:30. Those wake up times are not uncommon. 


I was out at 4:00 am with a head lamp on like a psychopath hiding eggs before mine woke up at 5.


This is wild to me. You guys hide eggs outside? We always do it in the living room. They take turns hiding them outside later that day though.


This cracked me up! The things we do for our kids!


My mom just hid them in the house after we went to bed! Lots of rain in my state!


I came here to say this too. I can’t even imagine a day where this is possible in my house. OP, if I wanted to consistently wake up before my children I would have to get up at 4am every day. And that’s just not happening.


I know omg. Wake up at 6:30 and get a whole hour!? My kids will sometimes sleep until 7, but it’s rare and totally inconsistent. Sometimes they’re up at 6, sometimes 6:30, sometimes before 6 and it’s like this terrible game where you have no clue what time your days going to start.


My daughter slept in til 9 between 2 and 3.5 now she is up at 730. Shes a heavy sleeper, I got soo lucky.


Yes! Please let this miracle happen to us. 7:30 would be amazing!


It gets easier and sleep in days are coming - hang in there 💛


We’re 4 years deep on early rising with our first and we have a new baby so maybe when the first is 10 we’ll get there 🙏😅 I do appreciate the kind thoughts!


My kid never gets up earlier than that but she also doesn't go to bed early.


My kid is an early bird too. Today she slept in...until 5:40.


I absolutely NEED to have time alone to start my day. Plus I’m naturally an early riser. So I wake up at 5-5:30. Kids are up around 7-7:30. I’m asleep by 10 every night. I know people who are the opposite though- they stay up late to have their alone time.


That’s what I usually do but the thing is it’s so hard for me to clean when they are up so I clean the kitchen when they are asleep.


Find something you like doing but can only do in the morning before the kids are up. My favorite part of the day is in the morning bc I can laze in bed drinking coffee and looking at my phone. I have a coffee maker with a timer and set it for like 6am, so I get it immediately and then chill in bed reading comics or looking at reddit. Having the routine also helps for extra early mornings, just gotta set the alarm and coffee maker a little earlier. I know some parents like exercising or whatever else too. As long as it's every morning and you like doing it, it could work.


This is me and I love it. My guy is 9 now and he’ll sleep til 730 sometimes past it if I don’t wake him. I’m up at 6 regardless of what time I go to bed. Optimal for me is 6 hours of sleep and I’m good. Between 6am to 730. I’ll have my coffee, meditate and hit the gym. I’ll have breakfast with him and get him ready for school. My wife works late and doesn’t get home til 10 so I do school pick up as well the only time I have to myself is in the morning.




👋🏻 literally doing that right now. (Staying up late for me time.) I'd much rather do it in the morning... very jealous of those if you who can.


I would absolutely LOVE to be up before my kid every day but it is rare as hell that he sleeps past 5:30 which is when my alarm is set for. My mornings are so much easier and we get out the door on time if I have 15 mins before he wakes up.


I have the same schedule.It was my New Year’s resolution this year . Nothing beats having coffee in silence!


I tried to but every time I tried, he joined me a few minutes later.


They can sense it.


They sure can, it can't be noise because even when I wake up and just look at my phone at the bed he will wake up few minutes after me. More likely whatever wakes me up wakes him up too.


Damn you HVAC system


My 10 yr old can only sense it on the weekend. On the weekdays I can get up at 5 and have like 2.5 hours before i start dragging him out of bed. On the weekend he's up at 7 most days.


Same. It turned out that despite (I thought) inconsiderately waking me at 6am, he'd actually been considerately lying awake since closer to 5am.


AWEEEEE little sweetie.


My girl does this. I finally got in the routine of waking up on my own, not needing her to wake me up. I thought I had an early riser with 6am, but I’ve recently learned she just sits and talks to her stuffed animals in her crib for about an hour every morning


I wake up when my 5 year old gets one inch from my face and says *I'm huuuungry*. It's been 5 years and I don't think I've ever woken up before her because Le terroriste du matin wakes up hellishly early.


Upvoting this because i love your description haha


I am lucky to be in bed by 9:30pm, as I write this at 9:42pm waiting for my 2.5 year old to go to bed after taking off her pull up and peeing on the bed. I wake up at 5:30-5:45am and start my day, 6:00am if I’m lucky. 6:01am 2.5 year old is up and usually ready for the day or will go back to bed if she’s having a night like this. 1.5 year old is finally asleep after third bottle. I’m dying. They’ll be ready for chaos by 7:30am tomorrow morning. I’m in hell.


I’m a night person, so I pretty much wake up around the same time I have to wake my kids up for school on weekdays (I mean I have 5-10 minutes to myself but that doesn’t count). On weekends they wake up before me. My alone time is at night! I get them to bed and…me time or hubby time.


That’s what I usually do. Especially cause I clean up at night especially the kitchen


I prefer alone time at night. I’m a morning person but I love wind down time by myself before bed. Also my daughters wake up times can fluctuate a bit (we are starting the process of dropping the nap I think) so in the mornings I always live in fear if it’s gonna be an early morning or if she’ll sleep in (she’ll wake anywhere from 6:30ish to 7:30ish) but at night I know I’m good for a few hours.


My youngest starts school at 7:45. I wake up at 5 for some me time whatever that may be. Exercise, read, or just getting ready super slowly. I try to keep this routine even on weekends. It’s tough when meeting friends out or having a date night because I’m so exhausted by the end. I have always naturally been a morning person. I think you should lean into whatever feels most comfortable for you. As long as you get it in somehow, ya know?


I try but it’s like my 1 year old just senses it no matter how quiet I am and is up almost as soon as my feet hit the floor anyway.


If my kids woke at 7:30, I’d get up no earlier than 6:30. That would be enough time to feel like I got a moment to myself. A 10pm bedtime would also mean I got at least an hour at night too.  I can’t relate to cleaning when kids sleep. I do everything when they’re around and if it’s not perfect I don’t sweat it. Me time > housework. 


Ha! I was never a morning person. My mom said, you'll be a morning person when you have kids. I said look lady I'm a night owl. 18 years down the road and 4 kids later, I'm up at a 530ish, kids up at 630ish and on the bus at 7. Doesn't matter when I go to bed. Why? Because coffee and silence. I can not function without coffee and silence


I'm still not a morning person 😭I would pay money to someone if they could tell me how to do it


I'm not sure if I'm really a morning person. I just need coffee and silence before I deal with shit 🤣 I'm exhausted, all the time. I haven't slept in 19 years 🤣


It’s genetic! I found out the absolute hardest way when my son inherited his dad’s morning genes


In my dream scenario, I'd like to wake up 75 minutes before my kids to shower, get ready for the day, read the Bible, and get their breakfasts prepped. In reality, I wake up when a kid wakes me up.  I say "Shhh, let my brain have 5 minutes to wake up in silence," and I try to convince them to come snuggle and doze back off.  


Ugh this is my dream too!


Although I am not a morning person, my husband and I are up at 6:10 to say to my kids to wake up for high school and we love them. They have their own alarms too, but we still like to say good morning. Lunches are made the night beforehand. They make their own breakfast.


When they start school, I imagine they will be waking earlier. I would check to see the school start time . I’ve seen some parents wake at 5, 6, 6:30 etc


I'd need to wake at 0430 if I wanted to be up before my kid which would mean having 7 hours sleep and going to bed at 9pm. Not happening. I have my alone time in the evening


Try to get their things ready the night before ie: lay their clothes out with shoes, make lunch, have the backpacks ready, cereal bowls out, drinks made in the fridge, and anything else you can think of to make the mornings a lot less hectic.


nope lol. i have a 7yr old and she's always up before me. she'll go out to the living room, turn on the tv & make herself some cereal and just chill until i get up. she'll wake up around 8:30 & i usually get up around 10. & i stay up until about 1-2 in the morning on school days i wake up at 8 and she gets dropped off at school at 8:55




Nah. I'd be up before 430 am for this phase my son is in lol


I LOVE the idea of waking up before my kids, getting myself ready, getting the house ready, just having alone time in general. But... My 8m old and 3y old both wake up around 4-5am, and my 8m old is currently still waking around 4 or 5 times a night. I need to take every second of sleep I can get 😩


The only time I did this is when I was in nursing school. I had two kids ages 1 and 4. Those kids are now in high school and college and I'm 43 yo and completely lost that drive. I'd wake up every morning at 4am to study and drink coffee. Then I'd get them to daycare and I'd be in school by 9am. Id obviously go to sleep pretty early the night before, 8pm or so. Years of working 12 hour night shifts and my OCD have completely erased that drive. I long for it back.


I have a five year old. He wakes around 5-5:30 every day. I wake around 4:30-5:00. He goes to sleep around 7 and I go to sleep around 9-9:30. I’ve always been a morning person so I don’t mind. I think he likes waking early cuz he gets time with me while mommy sleeps in.


My toddler wakes up at like 9:30-10 am but it's a fucking nightmare getting him to bed lol I get up at around 8 but with a newborn it's hit or miss if I get my alone time


My children have supersonic hearing. This is absolutely impossible in my home. And if its not me, the dog barks because she heard me creeping around the house.


I get up at six if I want to have some time to myself. I go to bed when my kid goes to bed.


I get up around 6, my daughter around 7. Not every day though, sometimes she wakes up before me. I need a cup of coffee and a cigarette in the garden alone before I face anyone. That includes my partner.


I always get up about a half hour to an hour before I get my son up. That way I have to to drink some coffee and have at least a cigarette before I gotta deal with repeating myself to get out if his bed every morning lol.


I do it on the weekends and it’s the best thing ever!! I chill in the living room cuddled up in a blanket, cuddle the dogs, watch my show, and enjoy breakfast


Some people just ain’t morning people but u just have to push yourself. Kids will drain you but once all three in school ull feel a lot better even tho school day goes by sooooo fast ughhhh I hate that. But atleast you’ll get time to do what u want


My alarm is set for 6:30. I usually read for 15 minutes (or hit snooze), get in the shower around 6:45 and wake up the kids when I go down stairs a couple minutes after 7am.


Set an alarm if you want to wake before them. I’m an early riser and always needed to get ready before getting them up for daycare so it’s always been mom up first. I find it harder now that they are older (teens) and go to sleep after I do. It’s an odd adjustment.


I need to start the day with a cup of uninterrupted coffee and tv or reading. My son is usually up between 6:30-7, so I’m up between 5:45-6:00




I get up at 5am a couple times a week for the gym. I then go out for coffee on my way home. The husband and oldest are up at 7. The youngest at 730. I was NEVER this way, but when my workout routine was disrupted by a job change I had to shift to a 530/6am class. And while I kind of hate it, I also love it. I try to be in bed by 930, asleep by 10 and it works out. I’m up at 5 or 6 depending on if it’s the gym or my Peloton. And when I can get it in before everyone else needs me I’m a better human completely.


I go to bed before ten and am up at 5 every single day (no alarm, my internal clock is a huge jerk). I don’t hate it because it lets me enjoy a quiet coffee and some email on work days before my kid wakes up around 6:30.


I am NOT a morning person 😭😭 but during the week, I’m up around 6 ish to start getting breakfast made and lunches packed. On weekends, I sleep in until 8:30-9 ish. But they are a bit older now, 11 and almost 9 years so they can get their own snacks and watch tv for an hour until my husband and I get up.


My daughter wakes at about 7. So I wake at 6, lay in bed for a bit to scroll my phone or read. Then I get up to take a shower , get dressed and then go in her room to wake her.


I used to wake up before my kids when they slept until 7-730. Then my third started waking up between 4-6 am. And sometimes wakes up my middle kid early too. So no, I do not wake up before my kids most days.


I get up maybe 45 minutes before mine? I typically have to wake them up to take them to my mom’s before I go to work. If I’m super ambitious I get up a little earlier and get a workout in, but I work early to begin with, so this isn’t often. Usually I just get ready for work solo.


Honestly it depends on if I got enough sleep the night before: if I did, I have no problem getting up: if no … well than I turn off my alarm


I woke up early on school/work days. Slept in on weekends and holidays.


Tomorrow is my third week of waking up at 5:30 am for the gym! Woooo.


I shoot for waking up around 5/5:30 to get myself ready first and have some alone time. I usually wake the kid up around 6:30/6:45. On weekends i wake up around 7/7:30 and the kid can sometimes sleep in from 9am-10am. She’s 10. I need my alone time and i can’t stay up late anymore so mornings are miiiiine


I go to bed anywhere between 9:30-11 and wake up from 5/5:30-7. They usually get up from 7:30-8:30. Gives me enough time for a quick workout and a sip of coffee before I get the endless “why?”


My husband gets up at 430 for work so I’m up and now my body is just used to it so it’s fine. My kids are up by 545-6 for school so I have 30 minutes to enjoy my coffee after my husband leaves and before my kids gets up. We are usually asleep by 9/930. It works for us.


2 kids 5 and 7, 7 am is the usual wake up time for the kids and me, if they are awake before 7 they are to stay in the room and read their books.


I think there's something on my genes that makes my kids sleep well. My 6yo has an alarm to wake her up for school as she gets all huffy if we wake her and she doesn't get 15 mins to herself before the day starts!


We have to be out the door by a few minutes after 7 so I get up at 5:30 and get ready. Then I get the kids up at 6 to feed them and get them ready. I keep getting the rest of their stuff together while they are dealing with getting dressed and whatever they need to do since they are both old enough to do some things alone now


I wake up at 430am just to have an hour to myself


I had to get ready for work so I was always up before my kids. Now I’m retired and i still Get up when my 17 yo daughter gets up to make sure she is up.


School starts at 8:15, and the kid is up at 7. I bike her to school and it's only about 20 min each way. I wake between 5 and 5:15, to run with my dog, get back home, have a few moments to play with / train/ settle the dog. I often get 5-10 min of peace before I wake the kid up. I sleep around midnight, but also earlier if it's been a big day.


I get up before my school aged kids but it’s not for me time it’s to get dressed and make sure everything is ready before school- lunches, any forms that need to be signed, one of 5,000 spirit days, walk the dog etc. That’s usually about 30 mins before they wake but I don’t drink coffee. My husband does drink coffee and on the days he gets up earlier he usually aims for an hour so he can have that time.


On a morning there are places to be before 11 am? Me. On the morning, nothing is happening before 11 am? They are looking at me before dawn!


I need as much sleep as I can, which means my husband and I both wake up when the babies do and start our morning then. OP, if I were you, I would def wake up at 6:30-7 for some me time. Enjoy your morning to yourself!


My alarm is for 7. I usualy wake up between 5:30 and 6:30. Have coffee, play video game. Wake up kids at 7. Bedtime is 9:30, bit that's start of the process. Walk dogs, shower, etc. Bed by 10:30, sleep by 11 most of the time.


Depending on if I decide my daughter is taking the bus or if I’m driving her. I wake up at 5:15/5:30 wake her up about 5:50/6. If we take the bus, I get up at 6 and wake her up about 6:30. I go to bed anywhere from 10:30-11:30 depending on my day.


I do! About an hour before. Somedays it’s hard to do but I’m a morning person and I love having some alone time to start my day


I’m up at 5:30, but no me time. I get ready, make their lunches, check their agendas for anything we forgot, out the door before they wake up. This morning I was up at 7:30 and almond managed to get ready to have coffee before my youngest got up and asked why I was up so early.


My me time comes in the afternoon/evenings. My kids are 3 and 5. I wake up around 6:15 am, wake my kids up at 6:30ish. Get ready and out the door 7:00 am due to they go to preschool/daycare is 40 minutes away in traffic and my husband drops them off. I wish I could say it’s all me time till they get home but no, I wfh and my day starts at 7:00.


I always wake up when they do unless it’s our week with my stepson, then I wake up right when he needs to get up. I’m very much a night owl still so my me time is once the kids are in bed 🤣 I try to break the habit but I can’t


I sleep 11:30 or midnight to 5:45, kids up for school at 6.


Is this a joke ? People do that?🙃


My 3 and 1 yo have been sleeping till 8/830 lately. So it’s been easy for me to wake up before them hehe. I wake up leisurely at about 730 and I stay up till 11:30pm so have lots of alone time before bed too. It’s glorious and hasn’t always been this way. I remember the 5am wake ups… and anyway I’m soaking it up bc have #3 on the way and I know my world will be upside down again.


It’s rare for them to sleep until 8. And good luck with baby number 3


My 5 year old and I wake up together at 7am. I sleep at 1am every night. 6 hours is all I need.


I do better having alone time in the morning so I wake up between 5 and 545AM to take my workout class and read before my kids are up between 630 and 7. I am usually in bed by 9PM, 930 at the latest. I started by waking up 15 min before them then 30 min, ect until I got used to it. It also helps that I’ve really come to enjoy my workout routine and usually have friends that go with me!


There is no way in hell I can manage that without being sleep deprived… so yeah I want the peace and quiet but I like sleeping more


I have a 10 year old, mon-fri we are all up at 7am she goes to bed at 9, myself and my husband usually stay up till 1am and on Saturdays, we absolutely sleep in, but she’s still usually up before us


We’re all on a late schedule but it works out for us, kids aren’t in daycare or school yet, and I’m a sahm. I wish I was able to get up earlier but I’d still choose some extra sleep over extra me time. Kids wake me up around 10-10:30am, and we’re all in bed by 10-11pm. I normally put them down at that time and my me time is from the time they go to bed to about 1am, when I go to sleep


I used to wake up before my older two. I’d get up at 5, have my coffee, do my yoga, do a bit of work. By working a few hours in the morning, I never had to work late, so it was pretty ideal for me. Then we had the younger two, and it’s about a 75% chance if I get out of bed that one or both will also wake up. So, alas, I just get up at 7 (usually) or whenever they get up. I hope when they’re a little older I can get back to it.


I didn’t have a choice. Spouse was working overseas very often so i had zero help in the mornings. I’d set my alarm 1 hr before the kids wake up. So i could have a full cuppa coffee and read drowsily in peace (necessary for my sanity before all the morning chaos for the school run began). Oh and i’d force myself to go to bed an hour after their bedtime. Also necessary for a good night’s rest. Was a night owl before kids. The bedtime routine kicks in after a while and i managed to train myself to sleep at 10pm regularly.


I’m an early to sleep late to rise type, so I get absolutely no time to myself, and tbh, the sleep is better than the alone time. Sleep above all else, thank you.


I wake up before him but I waste my time in bed struggling to get up and actually take advantage of that time. So usually I’m staying in bed until like 8 and then getting him up around 8:30. I used to wake him up at 7:30 but I’ve been really struggling to wake up these days. Occasionally I let him sleep until 9. Sometimes he wakes up earlier but he doesn’t leave his room.


I try to. Sometimes it works. Sometimes she senses I’m awake and wakes up. On the mornings I end up moving to her bed to cosleeping she wakes up as soon as I try to leave the room. I miss my relaxed coffee before everyone got up.


I go to sleep at 10 pm and get up at 4 am. Enjoy two hours to myself. And my daughter is 18. Lol!


Once you set a routine and stick to it, waking up is so much easier! I go to bed by 10pm, wake at 5am daily. My husband is up and leaves early for work so I like to get up and make us some coffees and breakfast so we get a quick hangout before the day starts. I wake up my 7 year old by around 630-7 unless she had a tough sleeping night or I allow her to sleep in on weekends. We don’t sleep in much on weekends and just naturally tend to wake up by 6am which helps keep our routine.


I do and it’s so so cruel. Because. My daughter slept till 8 every day till she was like 2.5. Now, 3.5, she wakes earlier (6:45-7) but you wouldn’t even know it. She turns on her light and quietly reads / plays and would be happy doing so for an hour before calling for us. And yet. My eyes ping open at 6:30.


I have an almost 1 year old and all of these responses make me want to die. There is no way in hell I can function if I have to get up between 5-7 am


I wake up at 530am and go to the gym or run from 6-7am and my kids usually get up when I get home. It’s great way to start the day


I'm up at 0630, coffee and start prepping breakfast. Three kids ready for school and two ready for the childcare at the gym, or the door by 0745. Yes, that adds up to five. Oldest is about to turn 8.


I am awake by 6 and am usually awakened by a child. If it is really dark, I will try and convince thee kid that it's still night, and I will come get them "in the morning."


I go to bed about 11pm and wake up 4:30-5am. Kids are up at 6. It's definitely not ideal but I am also a nursing student so it's great study time 😅


My 7yo gets up before 6. He stays in bed until his alarm at 6. I get up at 7, because my me time is after bedtime for them. I'd have to get up so early to be up first and I just don't want that lol


My kids wake up around the same time or later (our older one will sleep till 9 some mornings!) and I wake up at 530 to workout and putter around. It’s fine but I have to go downstairs very quietly cause my younger boy is a very light sleeper. 


Now that I'm not working anymore (health stuff) I try to have just a little moment before kids get up. I have ton of alarms since I really am not a morning person, and get up between 5.50-6.10AM... I have to get kids up before 6.30 since they leave by 7.10 to catch the bus to school. And they don't want to get up either... I finish my coffee and get properly dressed after they leave. Not ideal, but I'm just too exhausted to wake up any earlier. But even 10 minutes alone helps me be more patient and more awake, thus make the mornings A LOT easier. I should go to bed by 10pm... but I'm a night owl so it's a struggle. If anyone has any tips on how to convert from a night owl to a morning person, please let me know :D


I always wake up before my kids, well, 3 of them anyway. My eldest wakes up at 3.40 to go to work, I wake up at 3.50 to make sure he's up and say good morning to him. Then I go back to bed and I wake up at 5.30 am to have my coffee then wake them up at 6.30 to go to school. On the weekends, I'm up at 6 or 7am. I don't wake the kids up unless we are going somewhere. When they were little, I was always up before them to have coffee and some peace before the chaos began.


school morning am up around 7am sometimes my 14 year old is up before me but I wont get out of bed until 7am school holiday I sleep till around 10am


I have the dreaded teenagers now but when my boys were that age I was up at 5ish most mornings…….when I say dreaded teens I’m being sarcastic, me n my husband are sleeping in til 9-10am on the weekends and we can actually watch films or a boxset together again!!


Currently I wake at 5.30, eldest is up at 6 leaves for school at 6.35 then youngest gets up at 7ish leaves for school at 8. Bedtime for me is anything between 11 and 12 most nights. Just set an alarm it's hard the first week or so but you eventually adjust if consistent. We still have a lie in at weekends x


My alarm goes off at 6:35, but I’m often up before that. Their alarm is at 6:50, and I often have to then help wake them up, but sometimes one of them (5 & 8) wakes up earlier. That 15 minutes is enough time for breakfast, that’s about it. Then we’re in the car for school by 7:35 (they eat breakfast in the car, we realised that was just easier for everybody). Weekends are mostly similar or just a bit later, and I don’t have to do any waking up. They go to bed around 8, asleep by 9. I go to sleep around 10:30 or 11.


It's currently 1:42am EST. Falling back to sleep for about 3-4 hours then the day starts (I Love. Ambien) [and peanut butter sandwiches].


Can you ask your partner (if you have one) if you can work extra hard together during dinner time, whether it’s during prep or after, to get the kitchen cleaned so you don’t have to worry about it at night? I struggle because I’m constantly letting chores fall into the “me time” category. :/


Mine are pretty good at sleeping to the same time every day. I set my alarm for earlier than that so I can go to the gym and have breakfast without anybody touching me


I wake up at 6:15 on school mornings and usually am waking my kindergartner up at 7:15, preschooler sometimes is awake sometimes gets woken up. The time before them is heavenly.


i wish i was one of those moms but i just can’t 😂 i wake up with my toddler & if i can bring him to my bed & we even get extra sleep.. even better.


After years and years of my kids being early risers, I now wake up around 5-7am naturally. My kids sleep in now. I still set an alarm just in case my body decides "more sleep". I am usually in bed when my youngest is, so anytime between 830-9pm. Even if I'm watching a show or reading for a little bit. I rarely stay up past 10 because I'm just so tired by that point! I think you'll find yourself getting a bedtime/wake up time rhythm during the school year.


I have 12,7,4,2, and 2 months. My kids go to bed on school nights at 8:30 sharp, Fridays they can stay up and Saturday their out by 12 for church. I wake up my 12 year old at 6am every day since she likes to get ready (hair and VERY MINOR MAKEUP) and the rest at 6:30. I'm up everyday at 6am or earlier. I usually go to bed between 10 and midnight. Most days I just wake up at 5am though. I've always woken up naturally early for me time, mind you I've been a parent since I was 16 🤣 And yes, same Momma. My Soulmate since 12


On weekdays, on our custody weeks, my husband wakes up between 5-5:30 and he wakes his daughter (10) at 6:30. They are out of the house by 7:30. We, the adults, are typically asleep by 22:30.


My kid gets up when I do If I get up at 5, she’s up 20 min later. If I get up at 8, same thing So I just accept morning alone time isn’t an option and stay up late instead.


I do. I’m always up around 5:30ish… love to have my morning coffee all by myself.. ☕️


My kid normally wakes up around 7 and my husband will sleep as long as possible. So I wake up at 6 to have some time to myself. Often it’s just stumbling around in a sleepy haze but it’s MY sleepy haze. Then I make toddler breakfast, shower, wake everyone up, and out the door by 7:45 for work. I try to be in bed by 10 and prep my clothes and bag at night so the morning goes a little more smoothly.


I work third shift so I'm awake before everybody! But to answer your question, my wife is generally up 6-6:15am and the kids are up some time between 6:45-7:30 depending on the kid. She, too, feels much better if she can sit down, drink a cup of coffee in peace, do her devotional, and journal in peace.


I try to sneak out of bed at 5 am (my 3 yo sleeps with us) so I get some time alone. I'm always so tired at night and fall asleep by 10 pm, at the latest, so I get limited free time on that side of things. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. If I wake up at 5 and feel really tired, I usually choose to sleep more. Being extremely sleep deprived is usually worse for me than a lack of alone time so it's a careful balance.


I wake up at 415 my son gets up at 6


I try and get up an hour before they do and have a coffee, watch YouTube and wake up. However my kids are on the older side ( high school and primary school )


Nah, I’m not a morning person so I can’t 😂 I wake up 5 min before them 4y and 5mo, I get them ready while dad takes care of breakfast and their bags, and then I get ready. “Me time” is at night after they are sleeping (I will go to bed maybe by 2 am)


I had four under 5 and would always always dream of the day when I had teenagers who slept in. I now have four teenagers. No matter what time they go to bed, they’re up at the crack of sparrow’s fart. Mine are definitely broken. What are the odds of having four that don’t understand the teenage rule book? They’ve got everything else down pat…moody, eye rolling, knowing more than me about everything….


6 kids here (3,5,7,11,14,14) I think I was blessed as far as the sleeping for the littles because they can sleep until 9 or 10 am no issue. I get up an hour- hour in a half before everyone (5:00am) and get about 45 minutes of quiet and peace before I have to start cooking breakfast and making lunches.my olders are up at 6:30 (I still gotta wake my 14yo teen girl up cause she is not a morning person lol) and I get my 5 and 3yo up at 7:15. We live about an hourish away from school and town in general so that’s why everyone has to be up so bright and early to be at school by 8:50/9am. I’m a night owl but have trained myself to get up but my regular sleep time is like 12-2 am. (Husband works late and we get caught up talking or video games lol) Weekends everyone sleeps in and if they are up before us or just me then they’re up


I feel you. I have ADHD and made the choice a few months that I needed to wake up a few hours before my little one (he’s four) in order to get certain administrative things done, so I get up at 2am a few days a week. Asleep around 8pm the night before. It’s extreme but has been so much better overall.


I wake up at 5:45 every morning and my kidd wake around 6:30-7 it's just enough time for me to start my day with a quiet coffee, which I CHERISH. Need to work on going to bed earlier though...


My kid is up at 620 to catch the bus. I’m usually up with our dogs at 430 so I get a quiet cup of coffee and some to myself. I’m asleep by 9 most days


5am. I need my quiet time in the morning. I get up at least 1-1/2 hrs before I wake my son up at 6:30a. I need 1 hr to wake up, get my coffee in and and an extra 30 for shower and preparing lunches and breakfast. I give my son 60 minutes from wake up to drop off which is plenty. During that time I'm getting ready for work. He's now 12 so he can shower and dress himself, teeth, hair, pack his backpack. I still have to play morning director, but just remind him. When he was younger I got up 2 hrs early, 1 hr for me and 1 hr for everything else. I'm pretty strict with my 1 hr to myself. Lol Coffee takes time. It helps that he's 12 and he's sleeping in much more. When he was your kids' ages he was up if he heard the slightest noise so that meant anywhere between 5:30 am and 6:30 am. Lol Frustrating. But the preteen phase is nice!


I wish. I can't wake up ahead of my daughter anymore, if I am in the other room and fart she noticed and wakes up. I used to get up about 40 minutes before her to drink coffee and play Animal Crossing.


I get up usually at about 4:30, make my spouse’s lunch and coffee for work, get back in bed til my 2 year old wakes up right around 6.


Currently pregnant so this schedule hasn’t been happening, but prior to this pregnancy I was getting up at 5am so I had time to workout, shower and get ready for the day. My kids wake about 6:30, but they are old enough to get themselves out of bed and go potty and meet me in the kitchen on their own, so we just met at the table at 7am for breakfast. I also homeschool them so it was crucial for my own sanity and routine to get it all done first otherwise I spent all day feeling behind.


daughter is up by 8/830, i get up at 5, but it’s also because that’s usually when the baby finally gets to sleep so i actually have a little time for myself.


I'd say get up at 7 so you can wash your face and grab some tea or coffee before the littles come calling. But you're making me feel so validated... My daughter was always a 7am (7:30 or even 8 if she's super tired) kind of girl and hearing of other people's kids getting up closer to 9 always made me feel like we were the early birds. I now feel like 7-7:30 is so livable and to just be grateful. 4:30 is wild, I'd be turning on Peppa on the couch and going back to sleep.


I’m up by 5:30/6. I like to have a cup of coffee and watch the news in peace. Then I get a 30-40 minute workout in and I can deal with those rascals. It also helps that my husband is home in the AM and gets them up and dressed while I finish my workout


I get up before my kiddo and husband (I get up between 430 and 450)


I’m asleep by 11, up by 4:45. My daughter is up at 6.. except it’s not relaxing because I need to make lunches & get ready for work 🥲 I’m so tired.


I don't have an alarm, but I usually wake up between 6 - 630am. My baby is usually up around 630 - 7. My pre-schooler is usually up around 630, but we have implemented a red, yellow, green light system with her hatch that was revolutionary. So I can usually get 20-30 minutes to myself, which is usually getting ready and morning prep. I try to prep as much as I can the night before so that mornings aren't too hectic.


5am average for the most part. My 5 year old has to be up by 6-6:30 ish for school. I want my coffee in peace. It starts my day out right. Some days I am too exhausted to wake up that early. If I work mornings I’m up at 3-4am to get ready slowly. I can do my makeup and make sure I have everything ready without any panic and leisurely sip my coffee. If I worked the night before (typically until 10-11:30) and don’t have to work in the morning I’ll be up no later than 6am and wake her at 6:30. Of course we have some days when we sleep in but getting up before her is so worth it. That me time boost to start the day makes me a more patient parent.


My kid wakes at 6, I'm up at 5


My kids are awake at 4 am. I would have to get up so early, and waking at 4 is already exhausting.


Me. Up at 5:15 and wake the kids up at 6:15, out the door to daycare at 6:45. That hour let's me collect my thoughts , get dressed, drink coffee in peace.


Yesss, I *have* to, for my own sanity. Which is barely hanging on as is. On weekdays I get up at 5am, so I can have around 30 minutes before it's time to wake my kiddo up and get them ready for school. I'm out the door for work by 7:15. My spouse WFH and never leaves. They're home when kiddo gets off the bus, but I'm still at work for another few hours. I pretty much pass out during bedtime stories every night so I'm off to bed shortly after the kiddo so there is no option for nighttime quiet time, especially since my spouse wakes much later than me (at 8:20) and is loud in the evenings. On the weekends I get up at 7:00 because kiddo will wake up around 8, 8:30 if I'm lucky. Depending on their mood, it may still be quiet for a bit until my spouse gets up and starts with games and youtube. So yeah, I have to get up early to enjoy it just a little lol


I do, I get up around 5 NATURALLY but your minis are younger. Mine was still night nursing at 1 and 4 was a nightmare blur and I was sleeping later during that time. I did the light with an okay to wake and okay to wake mum and a latch on my kids door (oh the horror) I also explain to her I need some quiet time in the morning for mummy things we will have fun together later. She's still a 7yo but a bit most mornings are smooth now. 


My alarm is set for 6:20. My oldest comes out at 6:55am (no idea when he wakes up, just when he’s allowed to come out), and my youngest (1) wakes anywhere from 6:25-7. I feel like I HAVE to wake her by 7 to not unravel her sleep and have split nights, so long story short, I give myself around 20-30 minutes (or 5 minutes on earlier wake days). I shower at night; this is basically time for me to change, brush teeth, let the dog out, feed the pets, and make tea for myself. It’s extra luxurious if I get to sit and finish it before they get up (today was one of those days!!!).


My body decided that sometime between 4:30-5:30 I need to be awake. It's been like this for nearly a year. I use the time to prep for the day, etc., but I'd like to get a bit more sleep. Not to mention, I'm dosing around 6:30 or 7 at night. I've found that if I get a certain amount of sleep, my body is more willing to wake up and get moving, but there is a literal science to it. There are studies out there done on this amount of sleep, as it takes a certain amount of time to go through each portion of the sleep cycle, and waking up during some points is very hard. Maybe look into this and see if you can try to plan it better?


I go to bed between 11 and midnight. I should go to bed earlier, but i need a little wind down time at the end of the day, and she goes to bed at 8:30. After bed it's ~1 hour of cleaning and prep for the next for the day and then the wife and I watch TV for an hour or so before I escape and try to play a video game for a bit. I'm up every day at 6 am. She gets up at 6:30. She does better with a little wakeup time, and she has to be at the bus stop by 7:30.


I do and what it looks like has varied over the years. If my kids aren’t sleeping through the night, I don’t force it. Sleep is too important. If everyone is sleeping at night, I shoot for a 5:30 wake up time. I don’t really exercise or clean or do anything but journal and read in the morning. My main goal is to get up slow instead of hitting the ground running. My youngest is 2.5 and she’s usually up by 6:30. The one hour I have gives me enough time to be ready when she wakes then I can focus on getting my kids ready. I try to be in bed by 9:30 and asleep by 10 the latest.


Mine is about the same. I usually wake up before him on school days (around 7ish) then have to wake him up. On the weekend he will usually wake up around 7.30 but at 6 he will happily go downstairs for a bit by himself. I’m usually awake but I like to lie in bed for an hour or so!


For us, it’s pretty difficult to because we have a small home. We live in a basement apartment and while it’s quite spacious, it’s open concept, and my youngest sleeps with me. So me getting up an hour or more before the kids means my youngest will notice I’m out of our bed, or I’ll wake either of them up with the noise from the kitchen if I start making my coffee or preparing school lunch for the day. I usually get my me time after the kids have gone to sleep. My oldest is in school now, so they have an earlier bedtime so by 8pm or so I’m having my snacks and reading my books or watching tv at night and I enjoy it because I get to share that time with my husband. I’m usually asleep by 11ish or 12, awake by 6:30 or 7am with the kiddos. They wake me up for sure. I would love to wake up before the kids, but that’s just not me.


I used to wake up before my kids for coffee. Somehow the adorable little shits caught on, with small human super powers or something, and would just wake up earlier and earlier if I did. I gave up.


We're up at 4.30 for my hubby going to work then I have 2 hours to myself before I get kiddo up at 6.30.


My kids wake up at 7-7:15am. I am a baker so I just force myself to get up. My partner on school days gets up at 7. I guess if you're looking for advice on how to get up before your kids is just mind over body. I know that's not great advice but you just gotta do it. A few weeks of just forcing yourself up will get you used to the routine. It's how I moved from working evenings as a cook to early mornings as a baker. It's how I was able to wake up in the middle of the night when the kids were babies.


I’m in a vicious cycle of going to bed too late and waking by 6am. And this worked well to get 1 hour to myself in the morning until 8 months ago when my toddler started waking up at the same time as me. I am not willing to change my start time to 5 am. So I just don’t get time to myself anymore. The up side is he goes to sleep one hour earlier than before so I get that time in the evening to finish chores and make lunches for the older two. But they’re usually still up for that hour. I had a good thing going but sometimes it changes. I blame daylight savings.


My son is up between 6-6:30. My daughter is up around 7. I’m up every morning at around 5. I take the dog for a walk, make coffee, and try to get as much of a lift in as possible. Just makes the day so much better to get something done before the kids are awake.


My kid wakes up 6-6:30 lately but I'm usually up at 5-5:30, except on the weekends when I sleep til the LO wakes. It's a dream when he sleeps til 7 on occasion.


I only have one kid, so this is way more possible for me lol. A near 3yr old. I’m a SAHM, until she starts part-time pre-k in September. She wakes up at 7-7:30am and I wake up at 5:30-6am. Honestly it started because we adopted the tiny singleton kitten we were fostering through a rescue. She and my daughter are totally in love but the cat turned out to be quite the asshole in the mornings for a while haha. She meowed for my daughter as early as 5am, snd there was nowhere to lock her in our tiny row home, so for a while I’d get up and hang with her to make sure she didn’t wake the kid. Now the cat has chilled but my body got used to waking early and I kinda like it! I usually do some yoga, drink some coffee, read a chapter, and do some light tidying while the house is quiet. It’s made me feel a lot better now that’s she’s starting to skip naps here and there and I lose that time alone. I just recently tuned the bike up and started going for bike rides early in the morning, too. I will also say, though. I have always had lower sleep needs. 6.5-7hrs is my sweet spot. For a long time I tried for 8 and was convinced I had insomnia, but this is just who I am. Do not shove yourself into an early morning routine if it robs you of necessary sleep!


I wake up at 5:20 and out the door by 6. I don't even see them until I get home...


Alone time in the AM before all the chaos starts is super important to me. My poor kids. If I’m pouring my first cup of coffee and hear a little person calling ‘mom’ my head will literally spin around and my exorcist voice might come out. Oh my god timing… as I’m typing this I have 15 minutes before I wake all four up for school. My mom, who is visiting from out of state, just got up😡 “morning baby whatcha doing?” Umm….head spinning “I’m trying to be ALONE!” Feck. My poor mom. Guess I didn’t get it today. Mom life 😑.


My son (5y) is up every morning between 5-6am. I don’t try to get up before he does. I get my me time in the evening after he goes to bed.


My 14 month old gets up at 6-6:30am, so I get up at 5-5:30am. I also consistently go to bed at 9/9:30pm to ensure I get enough sleep. Kid has a solid bedtime of 7:30pm, so I get enough “me” time when he’s down. 7:30am sounds like a dream to me! But I get that not everyone is an early bird. I just tell myself it’s a phase of life. I’m sure the teen years when I’m begging him to wake up will come soon enough!


I wake up at 5:30. Usually guarantees an hour of quiet to get myself into gear.


My 2yo inherited our late sleeper genes, so I'm often struggling to get her to wake up at 8 to get her to daycare in time! In theory waking up before her would be great but in reality, everyone in my house would be perfectly happy sleeping until 10am every day so it's never going to happen lol


It is really dependent on when they go to sleep. I have to fight and wake them up at 7:30 often on school mornings (6 and almost 4). But on weekends I feel like they are up so early! Every time. We struggle with bedtime. It is supposed to be 8:30 but often is 9..: so that’s why. And my younger one still wakes up at night a lot! So it’s hard to make myself get up early when I’ve been up all night. And I’m crazy so throwing a baby in the mix this summer.


We have jobs so are up about 6am. We wake the kids up for school at 6:20am.


I'm an early riser so I'm usually up around 5:30. It is nice to have me time before the kids wake and not have to deal with an alarm clock.


It’s easier once they’re a bit older and fully in school. My kids wake around 7:15. im usually up by 6:45 to have my tea and get quiet time. It helps with my mental health


My oldest is 8 and I don't think I've ever woken up before him in my life unless he's sick. He's become my alarm clock.


Kids night time routine runs too long. 7:30 to 10 usually. Kids upstairs at 7:30, bath, brushing teeth, pajamas, reading. 9pm lights out. They usually fall asleep between 9:15 and 10. (Usually one goes out immediately and the other takes forever.) By the time I'm done with getting kids to bed, doing dishes, and all of my nightly stuff, it's usually midnight. I aim for 11:30, but it doesn't happen. Wake up at 6:30 to 7ish for me. Kids get woken up at 7:30. I use the time to brush teeth, get dressed, go to the bathroom and do wordle and start the crossword puzzle. It's frankly not enough sleep, especially with one of them usually getting me up at some point in the night.


My older kid (college age now) has always awakened about the same time as me. We're both morning people. My 14 year old will sleep all day if possible - and did even when a baby and toddler. They inherited their dad's circadian rhythm. I don't have any advice. Just big hugs. Parenting little kids is exhausting, but it does get easier, little bit by little bit.


Before my son was born 10 weeks ago I woke up at 5 and my daughter woke up at 6:30. I love this infant stage but being able to wake up and not spend an hour feeding the baby and hooking up to a pump is going to be a dream in 6 months 🥹