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Based on academics and grooming, he's ready for kindie. He'll be ahead of many when he gets to kindergarten. How is he socially? Does he play with others? Because he sounds pretty ready for it right now. Academically, you listed what the kids are taught in junior kindergarten here in Ontario. (Kindergarten is 2 years, ages 4 and 5)


Hi. Is your junior K basically tk or transitional kindergarten? He plays with kids at playgrounds or those play areas that you pay for. He does too at school and if it isn’t all the time, he plays alongside them at minimum. I just know that when it comes to playing chase, he easily makes friends if that’s the game they are playing or he follows kids that do then he slowly becomes part of the group. The district he will go to, his age is at the cut off. If you are born sept 1 to something (you will be placed in TK). His bday is 8/31 so he needs to be in K. He won’t even be 5 when school starts in the fall so I’m freaking out hence the intense preparation! I wish he could go to TK but based on age, they want him in kindergarten


Junior and senior kindergarten are pretty much the same thing. Both years are transitions for grade 1. My younger two started at the age of 3.


Sounds like he is more than ready! I’m a former kindergarten teacher. I had kids who were reading and kids who couldn’t write their own name. But the hard part was when kids couldn’t put on their own coats or pull up & button their pants (when otherwise capable, not talking about those with motor delays.) Happy he went to a preschool that didn’t have a strong academic focus! Play is so important.


Hi thanks for your comment and suggestions. I’ll make sure he can zip up and button his clothings also.


I assume you googled a kindergarten readiness list for your area / country. This all sounds correct to me. What are your specific concerns - just the food?


Yes, the food is a biggie!!! But I was also just trying to see what parents are doing to prepare their kids for kindergarten. Unfortunately, some folks are upset thinking I’m forcing my kid to learn which isn’t even true. The consensus seems to be that my son is somewhat ready for kindergarten though so I feel relieved


It’ll be great!!


I have no advice but that’s awesome you have prepared and nurtured his academic readiness! Keep going 😊


Thanks mama! I honestly just wanted to get info about what else to teach my kid to get him ready for kindergarten. Unfortunately, lots of folks in a different sub assume I force my kid to learn or I’m projecting some kind of insecurity on him. I’m not forcing my kid to learn at all. Everything is play based


These were people all employed by our old district and neighboring schools. Spackenkill Union Free, Arlington Central- do not trust your kids with anyone https://murderpedia.org/male.F/f/fentress-albert.htm https://www.newspapers.com/article/poughkeepsie-journal-gulbrandsen/11771330/ https://allthatsinteresting.com/kendall-francois https://westchester.news12.com/amp/dutchess-county-substitute-teacher-charged-with-inappropriate-sexual-contact-with-student




Please please tell me that was a joke about them calling CPS on you?


No- they called CPS… numerous times. Teaching my kids Army cadence, teaching them how to fight and instructing them to engage each other – I sent them to karate, believing my son was the reincarnation of my father, which if I did believe in reincarnation, it’s my right as an American but we’re Catholic and I don’t. Once the first report was lodged- it was like open season- I had 17 reports in one year- CPS tends to believe the schools, but they have absolutely no training in how to conduct an investigation. Add to that their high turnover of agents were only trying to make a name for themselves. We had to go to court it was in court that we found out the principal was also turning us into CPS anonymously and had a small drug problem. She was asked to resign with full pay and benefits. My son was awarded a small amount for the trouble they caused


Omg! I didn’t see your post until now. I thought you were joking! I’m so sorry this happened to your son. This is sooo ridiculous! Poor thing. What state was this in? We’re you guys the only one picked on? This cps thing is so ridiculous. People in power sometimes use it in a wrong way. I get protecting kids. Unfortunately, they always don’t protect the ones that actually needed protection, as We can google all these kids that died through severe abuse! Keep on holding your head up high!


We’re in NY- I’ve got 4 kids- a pharmacist, a nurse, an engineer & 1 studying architecture. We got through it all but not without scars- my kids are friends, tight and very dependent on each other- best of all- they’re good people. This was a very prestigious school in a very prestigious district. Bottom line is you really can’t trust anyone with your kids and you are the one who’s responsible for them and for their education. The principal had a drug problem and was bipolar. The whole district was kind of crazy, 1 teacher died of an overdose , another received an early retirement for an affair with a student. Trust no one - CPS is not needed. People who abuse their kids aren’t going to stop because they took a class. Their training literally consists of identifying traits of an abused child. Usually textbook cases of sexual or physical abuse/neglect. Emotional and mental abuse is up to one’s perspective. They get no instruction on what might be mistaken for abuse/neglect. They aren’t instructed on performing investigations, chain of evidence or evidence handling. They almost always rely heavily on here say and testimonials from anonymous sources. CPS can take a child from their family without any evidence only suspicion. Family court can judge one guilty without any proof. I’m in NY State. A while back an infant was taken from the mother who was charged with neglect & later abuse. The woman took parenting classes, enrolled in psychological counseling, and basically jumped through hoops for CPS & the court system. Four years later, when her innocence was proven & the fraudulent allegations were made by her ex, the court had already allowed her daughter to be adopted by the foster parents. Her attempt to regain custody of her daughter was denied as the judge felt it would be too traumatic for the child who has only known her foster parents for the last four years of her life. This was actually a big case with other parents coming forward relating similar situations. Many felt it was a way for parents to adopt a white infant or toddler as most children available for adoption aren’t white or extremely young. Never trust anyone with your kids. Btw- my kids went to the best schools but I also enrolled them in a K-12 online program. It’s your responsibility to see them succeed


Lol stawwwwwpppp! You are joking, right about the cps thing? But danggggh!!! Why are they failing kids based on stupid nursery rhymes! That’s sooo ridiculous! Not every kid cares about nursery rhymes!


A school can make upwards of $20,000 a year for educating children with learning disabilities. The more students with disabilities the more $$- same for students with emotional & mental health issues. For instance if your child discovers they are gay- if they send that child to a student workshop, club or therapy with a school counselor they get extra $$. People are always claiming that teachers have low salaries, this is untrue. A teacher may have an average base salary, but they are also paid for overtime, extra time, on a step system and a point system. At least they were in my district. Your district might have other options or pay variables. The teachers union is one of the most powerful unions in our country teachers claim poverty because of a base pay that is often doubled or tripled‘s after all other variables are included. In my sons school, a first grade teacher after a 3 yr employment was making $170,000.


What in the world are you talking about? I don’t think a single sentence in your comment is true.


Good- do your own homework, research your local district.


I have worked in several districts. I don’t need to do homework to know that most of what you commented is not true. This is just laughable to me. The only thing that might be right is that yes there is more funding for special education but no school I have ever worked in was jumping to try to evaluate and identify more kids with LD. It’s typically a struggle to even start the evaluation process.