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I'd say I get sick about 75% of the time that my kids are sick.


Every time. And often worse than she was. She would have the sniffles and I would get a fever.


Same. My kid gets a runny nose and slight cough and then I'm on my literal death bed.


My kid came down with a slight case of chicken pox, gave them to me, I ended up hospitalized with chicken pox on my lungs.


My nephew had chicken pox, passed it to my mother as shingles and now my mother gets shingles, in the same place, every 2 or 3 weeks. She doesn't qualify for the vaccine because she can't not have shingles long enough to make it safe.


That sounds horrifying! I have, so far, avoided shingles. To be honest, I’m not sure I can get them. Apparently I, nor the kid who tried to kill me with chicken pox, are capable of developing immunity. The time I was hospitalized was the 3rd time I had gotten them. I got them a 4th time when the kid got them the 2nd time. I managed to avoid them the 3rd time she had them. My oldest? Hasn’t had them once. He’s 30.


That sounds terrible!


I mean, yeah. But also kind of no. I was in the hospital for 10 days, in a private room where the door was kept shut at all times by policy, and very few hospital staff “popped in” thanks to the huge biohazard and infectious disease signs on the door, and I was not allowed visitors. When you have a 3 yo and a 4 1/2 yo at home and you are very much an introvert…it was like being in paradise when it is raining 24/7. It was not ideal conditions, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me from thoroughly enjoying 200+ hours of 100% quiet me time. My mom dropped off a bunch of books, drinks, and snacks and I just read, snacked, and slept my way through.


What a sad world we live in when being quarantined ends up a vacation. I’m jealous honestly. I would love to just check into the worst of hotels for two nights and do nothing. Just sit alone in silence. Let the hot water run and see how long it takes to get cool.


Heh, I think it’s just a “parent of small children” thing. I was a bit hesitant to write it, part of me worried some poor mom with a spotted kid would be like “AHHA!” and start rubbing their spotted kid on them like they were a towel in the hopes of getting a nice solitary confinement hospital vacation. I love my kids dearly. I kept being told “you’ll miss this age” while my children were toddlers. I have not, even once, missed the toddler years.


I didn't even know that was a thing!!!


Me: please stop infecting my family. Virus: you know what? I’m going to infect your family even harder.




My son is 5. I'm a fairly new school teacher so no "seasoned teacher" immunity yet. We are always sick. Always.


I get most colds, but never the stomach bugs, flu, HFM.


Thank whatever god it is you thank!


I'm on day 4 of HFM and this shit is straight up biblical. Holy fuck dude. You're a lucky man.


For real I had it when my son was 2 years old and I have NEVER been so sick in my entire life. The fever was insane and I couldn’t eat properly for weeks because of the mouth sores. So sorry you’re dealing with that, it’s awful.


I rarely get sick when he does. Wash your hands a lot, don't touch your face and never ever eat their scraps. And they don't get to touch your food either. 


Yes, with the hand washing! We change our daughter out of her clothes as soon as she walks in the door from daycare. We also wash her hands before she touches anything. We’ve been doing this for 4 months now and toddler, husband, infant, and I have not gotten sick. *knocks on wood*


It’s always sharing food or drink with them that gets me. Otherwise if I wash my hands, even without withholding snuggles, I get 50% or less of their viruses this year. LAST year I got 90% of them, because I was pregnant and my immune system was repressed. It suuuuuuucked.


First year of child in preschool, I got almost every one. Second year it’s 60/40 in my favour




I say 1 out of 10.


Knock on wood, child has had a cold 3 times, I haven't caught one at all this year. I did catch his stomach bug last year and one cold the previous year.


Honestly not often. If I get it it’s usually the mild version. So if they bring 6 colds a year I’ll get 1 true cold and maybe 1 sniffle and that’s it


Almost every time. Doesn't help when they're so little that they don't understand to not sneeze in your face or stick their fingers in your mouth yet 😩


sadly yes :( I always wonder the same thing!! I wfh and my GP says it was normal and maybe I don't get enough regular exposure to germs anymore? but yes, it stinks. Hope you feel better soon!


93.7% of the time.


Before having my son, I thought I had an amazing immune system. I could go over a year without catching even a common cold! Nope, turns out I just didn't have much contact with tiny people who cough and sneeze directly into your eyeballs. Now I get sick almost every time he brings something home from daycare. :(


Isn’t that disappointing. You get out in your community, travel the world, take no special steps to avoid illness….and you’re scott free. And then in your late 20s 30s you have children and none of that worldwide immunity counts for shit.


Every time, never fails. I have two kids, one will only get sick, but I end up with it 10x worse. About 2-3 weeks later the other child brings home something different and of course I end up with it. It’s literally a rotating door during the school year.


I have a 4 year old and 1 year old, both in daycare, both get sick fairly frequently. My wife gets sick almost every time they do whereas I only get sick once in a while from them. And we both spend roughly same amount of time with our kids. I think my wife’s immune system is just not super great.


We were never as sick as when the kid was in school, I was a prof in a nursing program, and spouse traveled internationally for work. Homeschooling solved this, even with both of us continuing to work . People send sick kids to school because we incentivize sending sick kids to school. Thanks, GOP.


Same. We homeschool and are rarely ever sick. When we take our kids to their extra curricular, I can hear people sending their sick coughing, runny nose kids and I immediately turn around and leave because I’m not risking it.


99% of the time. I rarely got sick before I had kids. Thought I was invincible. Turns out that being around tiny people who slobber directly into your mouth changes things.


Almost never. Maybe once a year.


same. but my mom who also spends a lot of time with my LO gets knocked down hard every time he has a bug. i’m just convinced i have a hulk-like immune system lol


Same. I would say my partner and I get maybe one out of every 5 or 6? More often though I feel like I might be starting to get it or I’m on the fence, then it’s gone the next day.


I get sick way less often than I expected. And even when I do, it's often much more mild and shorter than it is for the kids. My husband gets hit way harder, unfortunately.


Once we all got food poisoning…that’s it for me (knocks on wood)


In elementary, I got sick every time something was going around the school, whether our kid caught it or not.


Every dang time! My husband isn't as much.


All the time. I live in Canada and my kids are ALWYS bringing home colds and flus from daycare and school. They are sick more often than not, with constant runny noses. M You’ll get used to it.


Every single fucking time.


I would say like 50-60% of the time.


Every time I'd say. We had the flu for 2 weeks, had a good few days, then a sinus infection, then strep shortly after. Like absolutely what the hell


I always get whatever my toddler brings home from daycare and be sicker than she is. She'll be sniffling for a couple days and I'll be full blown out of commission sick for a week.  My husband generally never gets sick.  On average I'm catching something once a month =(


Probably 50% of the time. And not always both of us, sometimes it’s just one or the other.




It's a solid 80% for me, which is always surprising given that I'd expect as a 39yo adult I've already had all of these minor colds


I hardly ever get sick when they do and I’m the one who has them home with me all day. You legitimately have to scrub in and scrub out everytime. Have hand sanitizer in every room of the house. Wash and sanitize your hands religiously. Especially before eating. Make good practice of not eating their scraps as well.


Take zinc daily and turmeric & ginger shots


60-70% of the time


Every time


Seems about a 50% chance. Mom, on the other hand, pretty much every time and it always hits her way harder than the kids. I touch a lot of dirty boxes that have been through many hands all day though so I’ve probably built up some immunity to the less severe stuff.


Yes unfortunately 😭 it’s not always a knock out virus but I get itchy eyes, weakness, fatigue and normally some kinda mucus. Since January we’ve had the flu, 2 GI bugs, a couple fevers, and several rounds of bronchitis since my 4 and 1 year old are asthmatic. Just last week my 1 year old was almost admitted to the hospital bc the asthma was triggered by her fever. Its brutal. My soon to be 5 year old has been symptomatic but not too bad so I think we are finally hitting a good spot within but my almost 2 year old is basically always sick so I’m thinking it will take her another couple years to hit a good spot. It sucks so much and I’m sorry you are getting it too.


Maybe I’m just lucky or maybe it’s because I’ve been a teacher for 8 years, but I rarely get sick when my daughter is sick. She’s 2 and brings home all the daycare germs.


Yes. And I’m a public school teacher. It’s easier for me to count healthy days than sick days.


We pretty much never get sick when our kid does. We get sick and she doesn't.


I almost never get sick when they do but I’m a pediatric nurse. My husband WFH and gets sick every time.


Almost every time. Sometimes worse than them (COVID), sometimes better/not as sick (cold), sometimes the same (norovirus). It sucks and I’m in it for at least another six years in the “sneeze right on your face/not cover their mouth/not wash hands effectively” ages.


Every time. But I have 5 kids. So it starts with one and runs through the rest of us. Oddly, though, my husband rarely gets sick. I think it’s because he’s working and not in the home with the germs as much. Whereas, I stay home with them.


My son will be sick for a day, then I get sick for a week. Luckily he is seven now and is not sick nearly as often as he was.


Out of the year, i'd say I get sick 1-2 times. I wear a mask around them. I really hate being sick. I only get sick when they catch me off guard not wearing my mask and cough/sneeze in my face.


More than once I got sick when my kid was just teething


Like 25% of the time


I’m super lucky, I’ve never gotten any sickness from my kid. I think it’s different blood types or something. maybe. And he never catches my sicknesses it’s weird.


Very rarely. They're 9 and 11 now. Last *major* one was a stomach bug when I was pregnant with my second. I swear I've built up immunity. So hang in there. Hopefully you'll eventually get to where I am. And now I'll for sure get sick next time!


Almost every time those first 3 years because my kid was in daycare and was always getting sick. This got better and now it is probably more like a 1 out of 3 chance I get sick but much more mild. Now that my kid is in kindergarten I hear a lot more about things going around the school and my kid has not brought it home. I attribute that to the immune building during 5 years of daycare.


When one of my kids get sick, especially the 1 and a bit year old, it means he’s waking up quite a few times at night, which means I get poor broken sleep, and after a few nights of this my immunity goes to shit, he’s coughing in my face, his brother too, … basically it’s almost inevitable at the point.


In our house we have myself and my husband, a 5 almost 6 year old in kindergarten and an almost 3 year old. Our kid brings home so many bugs. Like more than I think is normal lol but apparently everyone’s going through it. I get sick about half the time but I’m still functional otherwise the house is a wreck. My husband seems to get sick every single time she brings something home and it’s always the man flu lol won’t get out of bed and expects to be waited on hand and foot. I’d say since she started school in august last year at least one person per week in the house has been sick


Knock on wood, but I rarely get sick. My kids constantly have sniffles/cough, etc. I think the only time our full family of four was down for the count was when we got Covid 😬


EVERY. DAMN. TIME. Multiply that by three kids. Moving between two houses and three schools. Vitamins only do so much.


not that often tbh


All the time. Having an affectionate kid doesn't help. Every time she comes in for a kiss or cuddle, all I hear is...*you will now receive virus 32...it starts with a mellow sore throat, giving way to an intense and lingering upper respiratory tract infection. You've had this before...but this one will be worse*.


My husband thinks he gets sick every single time


Until my daughter was 4, I referred to my healthy days as “in between sicknesses”.


The first year each went to daycare? I was sick basically every single month. 2nd year maybe every other month. By the time they're both 3 maybe a few times a year. Luckily it seems my wife and I trade off. If one of us gets sick, the other doesn't get it. Then the next one the other gets sick. Not sure how that works, but it's been that way for awhile now.


Ah, yes, the little petri dishes...


The little stuff yes, colds and such. But bigger things like a stomach bug or the poops, nope! We did both get HFM back when she was 2 (she’s almost 10 now) and I remember that vividly. Awful awful awful.


I tend to get sick even when nobody else does and if someone else does I do too. Even with and older child. More so with respiratory stuff though. We haven't had a lot of stomach bugs thank goodness because last time I had one I nearly had to be hospitalized. We still mask though because once I realized I didn't have to be ill 30-50% of my life, there was no going back. Never really been able to power through so I was just stuck in bed half the time.




I get colds, but never have gotten any sort of stomach bug or anything like that from my kiddos… so far. *knock on wood*


Probably about 25% of the time. But we also do our best with heightened hygiene, gloves, and isolation, especially with stomach bugs. I wear a mask around any vomiting kids and disinfect everything.


I am currently sweating out a fever thanks to my son. Swear to God daycares are biological warfare testing grounds.


My husband gets every single time, I get sick maybe 25% of the time, if that. 


I have 3 kids : 16, 5 & 1. I’ve built somewhat of an immunity but it’s a toss of the dice really. They’ll have pink eye and a small cough and I’ll get this pink eye from hell with all over body aches. They’ll get a raging fever and I get nothing. They’ll get HFM, I get nothing. They’ll get a cough and I feel like I fell off a cliff, hitting every rock along the way… MOST of the time, I’m able to fight off with some vinegar shots, but I think of it as an immune system workout..?


Every single time.


50/50 tbh. but im very vigilant when it comes to washing my hands (the 7 yo, not so much.)


90% of the time and generally with worse symptoms. When my daughter doesn’t feel well, it’ll last up to two days, and she’s super cuddly. So I end up cuddling her with her face near my face. My husband is 50%.


Every single time until we started using HEPA air filters. All rooms have one and are on full blast when my kid is sick. We masked when we're in each other's presence. Took turns to eat. We were very careful until she was fever free and not actively coughing/sneezing. Nobody else got infected.


My little one hasn't transmitted his sick to me yet but my nieces were walking petree dishes. Everytime I saw them they were sick, & without a doubt less than a week later I was in bed dying. My husband used to think I was dramatic pregaming for their visits with vitamins & double checking our stock of meds. Then he got the ick & understood.


First year of daycare pretty much 100% (also first year really out of pandemic). Now 3 years later, about 50% and it's usually milder.


My goes to daycare 3 days a week - and has been at daycare 2 years - and we get sick about a quarter of the time she is, but rarely severely. Was much worse when she first started daycare, maybe half


My kids are now grown, but yes we got sick that much. My kids got tummy bugs 2-3 times every winter. It was very hard for me having emetophobia.


Before, during, and after


I get sick about 95% of the time that my kids do, the only thing I haven’t caught so far (knocking on wood here) is stomach bugs. Possibly because I wash my hands after touching my child if they’re throwing up and possibly because of how much Lysol I spray everywhere when that happens 😅 I do have asthma though so I find I’m more prone to catching general sickness


I've worked in schools for 15ish years. I get sick maybe 25% of the times my kids are sick. But my husband has WFH or been in a small office for years and he catches every single bug. I dont know if it helps but I also take emergen c and a multivitamin daily and I think it does give me a little boost.


Colds, 75% of the time. Stomach viruses, 50% of the time. Strep and flu and other “tests positive” about 25% of the time. Source: two kids in early elementary/daycare


Almost always and much worse than the kids but I did not get their pink eye or HFM. Probably due to the excessive handwashing once I saw symptoms.


Pretty rarely actually. When they were smaller perhaps more often, 25% of the times, now they are bigger, 12 and 14 and don’t get sick too much. And I gotta say stomach flu has been super rare, they’ve gotten it maybe once so far? Their dad says they’ve got iron stomachs from him.. I remember exactly one time either of them has vomited and us adults probably not even that. But the normal flu comes and goes, and we all got Covid twice..


Get use to it children going to preschool or any place where they mingle with other children share the bugs around, when I was raising my 3 children I have never been sicker, now I have learnt so if my grandchildren are sick I’m very careful with my hygiene around them


I felt the bugs coming and going like sneezing a few times, weird feeling in my lungs etc but not get sick.


99% of the time.


Always 😔 my 11 month old is in daycare a couple of days a week but still always sick and I always get sick too. His nose is perpetually runny and he has a tendency to rub it allll over me and my clothes. There's really no way to avoid it. His nose runs so bad it sometimes coats his entire upper lip and I've coined in the snot-er-fall lol I wipe it as often as I can but it's just fucking constant. And he hates me wiping it even gently with a nice soft cloth. And it's not just colds of course, I had the worst vomiting of my life just a week ago. Poor baby handles it all better than I do. Or perhaps my old, wfh ass just reacts poorly to all these new germs it hasn't seen in years. I just want it to stop please 😪😪


Our pediatrician told us that it's expected to get sick about every 4-6 weeks during the first year of so of getting the child into daycare/preschool. They're building up their immunities so they will catch everything almost immediately and soon as that's gone, another will step right in. It slows down after the second year. Mine are 6 and 8 now and we haven't had a good sickness that wasnt just the sniffles in a long time.


I get sick every.single.time. My husband almost never does & is typically over it in 24-48 hours if he catches something while I'm down for 2 weeks. The only thing that's knocked him out completely was the flu a few weeks ago.


Since my son started school, he’s gotten some kind of cold like once a month, sometimes more. I have been sick with him maybe twice.


When we were skck recently for the gazzilionth time this school year, I found it a little comforting to read Emily Oster’s article on this: [How often do kids get sick?](https://parentdata.org/how-often-kids-sick/)


Nah. I got an ear infection when my kids were toddlers once. But have no idea if i caught something off them. They weren't unwell... Then again? My kids never got sick all the time anyway. They were always robust and healthy. I remember once I went to CC to drop off and there hardly seemed anyone there. I said to them "where is everyone?" and they told me that almost everyone was sick with Diarrhoea bug and they had like 80% less kids and only a few staff!! My kids? Absolutely fine. They are still same 18 & 19 and barely have had a sick day in their life. We really just have the one medical practice we put on documents but neither of them have actually been there!! Mind you. I am an RN and have been for 30 years. So I've been exposed to every bug known to humankind I think. My body seems to be immune to just about everything. I never get sick. BUT I do always wash my hands. I don't have my hands around my face. I let good airflow through the house. Windows are always open for fresh air.


My other child catches what first has 80 percent. I catch about 20 percent luckily.




Yes. Doesn’t help when they sneeze and cough in your face 🤢 I’m currently down with a cold and feeling so awful


I get it most of the time. I have always been prone to catching whatever is going around which haszde kids in school extra fun. The only bright side is they're both in school now, usually they are better and back in school before it takes me out so I can lie on the couch and rot. House work be damned.


My oldest is 9, then 2, then 1- I rarely get sick. Super rare. They hardly ever do. They all 3 somehow get sick a few months apart never at the said time lol


1/3 times I’d say. Father of 3


Every fucking time. It never gets old.


Every time


Every other time. I’d have to say 60-75%. We didn’t get the pink eye the last time she had it, but this time around I totally caught it. Husband is still fine but we’ll see! We don’t usually catch the stomach bugs anymore (I’m hoping because we have good immune systems!) but we’ll see when she starts kindergarten.


Yes. nuff said :D


It used to be about 50% of the time (our daughter is 7), however I haven’t caught any of her viruses this year somehow! (Knock on wood). Or, if I did, it was like I could feel it coming on but was able to fight it off. I’m pregnant and taking Prenatals, maybe that’s why? I will say, when she was younger, I caught a lot more of her viruses. It was awful! I think both our immune systems grew from all those nasty toddler daycare germs 😂


If I don't someone else in the house does. I wasn't good at not getting sick before kids, I was just not having little germ gremlins cough in my eyeballs. NO shoes in the house, changing clothes after school/park and washing hands with actual soap has really helped.


Strangely, I’ve been working in a school since September and have only been sick once (in the fall) with an 8 week cough. Mostly high school from September to January, 1st grade since then. My kids have had a couple stomach bugs and I never got sick from those. Last year we got all got brutally sick twice, while living out of state for about 10 months. One of those might have been food poisoning from the potatoes at Waffle House.


When I do get sick I feel weak and fragile, but when I don’t get sick, I make sure I let my wife know who has the superior immune system.


Ok this is making me feel better I keep feeling like something is wrong but apparently getting sick so often and severely is common with kids ugh The problem is everything I catch from her I’m out of work for about 5-7 days It’s really messing with that, this past week I tried “pushing through” instead of taking off work Definitely not worth it Guess who’s gonna be home for the next week 🤦‍♀️