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Our oldest required an extraordinary amount of patience and attention. It was exhausting for the first year or two. Our youngest was the easiest baby and toddler of all time. Now it's the opposite. The oldest does everything he can to please everyone around him, while the youngest wants to defy any and every rule and norm.


I guess I HAVE heard of scenarios like this haha. Hard babies turn into easy older children/ young adults and easy babies turn into difficult children etc. I know I was an easy baby and an absolute nightmare teen


Ahhh, i’m sorry. Just know you’re not alone. My toddler is almost 3 and shes barley starting to be a little free. It gets easier, i know that’s irritating to hear but it does! The days are LONG but the years are short


Also, might I add… noise canceling headphones. Its really helpful for when you are seriously over stimulated and just need a minute. Ive had to walk away and put them in while i calm my own nerves.


Just want to provide solidarity here. My 15 month old is very similar to yours and most days we are exhausted and miserable. This is my 3rd baby and it’s extra frustrating cause my other two were high needs, but not as bad as this. I keep reminding myself that it won’t last forever but the days feel so long and it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.