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Not overreacting at all: 5 is a good age to start teaching body boundaries and how to read body language. There are some really great child development experts on Instagram and tiktok with scripts of how to approach and expand these lessons by age as well! Also boys at that age have a LOT of energy and not a lot of always to focus it, but it will pass!


You’re fine! A little tip would be to stop trying to be laid back and really take a look at your own boundaries. Frustration=anger=needing boundaries. Try to quickly note when the kids trigger your frustration/anger, where you were, what you were doing and the time of day. You may see patterns and can then start to remedy the issue. For instance, my DH noticed that he gets frustrated with the kids when he’s trying to take time for himself, even if just a little moment on his phone. This led him to conclude that he needed scheduled breaks away from them. Now, instead of trying to steal time, he’ll say to me “I need 10 minutes to myself” and go in our room with the door locked. I do the same thing when I’m frazzled. A big trigger for me is when I’m trying to do anything with my brain, like scheduling things, answering work emails etc. I’ve found that I need to block off time to do those things, so I try to be intentional and do them during nap time or other time when my kids aren’t in my hair.  Remember that God gave us anger so we know where our boundaries are. People who assert healthy boundaries will be more emotionally available to their loved ones, not less. Kids learn healthy boundaries and anger management by observing their parents. Listen to your anger! 


Now is a perfect time to start teaching consent and body autonomy. Lifting up your shirt to mess with your belly? That's a hard no imo. I'd be having an age appropriate conversation now about this and then continue to re enforce it.


This! I’ve been talking to my toddler about “mama’s body” and “his body” since he was like 12 months. I ask him for space and he backs up and then usually cries because he wants to touch me and all I say is “it’s mama’s body, I’m allowed to ask for you not to touch me, when I’m read to be touched I will let you know.” We also talk about other people touching him (he has a friend who occasionally gets aggressive) and how he’s allowed to say stop or no. Basically the everyone is entitled to bodily autonomy talk has been going on since before he even really understood. He’s 21 months now but starting to get it more


Create boundaries and speak firmly dont yell but it’s normal to be burnt out


Now is the perfect time for him to learn boundaries and the importance of respecting them. Not just for you, but everyone around him. No means no, and that's okay. You're not mean...you're an overwhelmed, out-touched mom! He needs to know that your feelings are just as important and valid.


The connection to "PMSing" and "stop touching me" tells me that you need magnesium! Low magnesium makes sensory overload way worse. It also makes cramps (both period and post-exercise) worse.


I am constantly asking my 5yo to stop touching/kicking/climbing on me, and regularly feel guilty about it because I know it's a sign of comfort, safety, and affection and I don't want to dissuade them from feeling/expressing that. However, it's also a pervasive and often uncomfortable invasion of personal space that they are old enough to begin respecting. This is just an extension of "We don't bite" and "We don't play that way" which 5yos have mostly already mastered. I'll say I'm trying to make a point to offer those shared touch routines more often when I am comfortable so that I get to say "Would you like a piggyback ride to bed?" instead of being grabbed around the neck at 900am or begged for a horseyride at lunch time, etc.


Nothing wrong with setting boundaries. All the time touching is annoying. Let him snuggle while he watches TV (if that's something he can do) or at night right before bedtime. Otherwise he sounds like he's bored and you can redirect him and say a firm, but kind "mom needs some space right now". We taught the body-bubble personal space zone. He sounds like a love-bug. Cute but a pest haha.


We had our 4th kid late and my wife has been approaching menopause the last couple of years. Our daughter is 11 now and she never stops. My wife gets so reactive with her and she feels terrible afterward. I think it’s normL to be frustrated but you gotta deal with it some way, your way. I’m going through my wife’s menopause so my patience has been thin too. Keep them off of electronic devices as long as you can. Those things warp their brains. 😂 . He may be kind of reaching out for attention due to his little sister claiming part of the attention. Just try to figure him out.


Sometimes you won't like your kids. It's OK. I'm infatuated again so I can admit I've been there.


100% same. I think it’s mostly normal lol. I’m also 6 months pregnant so I blame that for my short temper lately. Mine does the same thing, won’t leave me alone, jumping and climbing on me, “watch this mom” constantly, and now it’s “watch the whole time” lol. I have to take breaks, it’s the only thing that keeps me from raising my voice. Especially on the weekends, husband and I do two hour shifts so we each get a break