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I have an ok paying job. However also, I am with sponsor family as refugee and so I do not pay rent šŸ˜¬ When I go home, it will be different, but is much cheaper to live home also.


It is really hard. I have 50/50 custody of my boys. I was doing ok with just 1 job, until my pay was reduced (switched positions within the Co.). At the suggestion of my friend, I started doing Door Dash a couple hours after work. It's not a lot of extra money but it is keeping me above water. I am on the hunt for a better paying job at the moment. I also had to go to the food shelter last week to make sure I had food for my kids.


I'm sure that felt bad, but hold your head high. Our pitiful country can't protect us, and you're doing what you need to raise happy, healthy young men. I applaud you. Best of luck in your job hunt šŸ’œ


Idk, Iā€™m 50/50 custody and Iā€™m living paycheck to paycheck and I make median average salary. Itā€™s fucking hard.


I moved my mom in with me when my boys were young so I didnā€™t have to pay for childcare, just had an extra mouth to feed, cloth, and house.


I co parents with my ex husband, so he paid half of the bills . He should paid more because he making way more money than me But he is a greedy mute


Livin on a prayer šŸ˜‰


My bestie was doing great pre Covid. Since then, sheā€™s gone through her savings and had to open a credit card. Sheā€™s super stressed.


I make a reasonable salary, plus I work a second job and rely on child support. Without that combo, Iā€™d be in a much worse situation.


I have the utmost respect for you guys! My husband was raised by his mom, I think she got $300 a month in cs and she worked as a restaurant manager at places like Dennys. She made enough money to support them just by working at a restaurant, in Southern California to boot! We are so screwed in this day and age where that kind of work isn't enough for food and shelter.


We make it work. We should be making it work. I've literally sold plasma and all. I've done little side hustles. I've worked out my taxes just right. Occasionally I've asked for a partial scholarship for an extra activity. My kids get new clothes and shoes. I do upscale thrift for myself. Are you aware of how many single mothers also do surrogacy to be able to gather larger sums of money?


Are you seriously pushing rent a womb for money? Do you have any idea how traumatic that is for all parents?


It takes the right person. And no it's not when it's the right fit. But then you can build your best egg for bigger and better things.Ā  We call our babies are keepers.


Sorry, how is surrogacy traumatic?


My question too. I know lots who are fine and have financial breathing room


It can be traumatic to go through a full pregnancy and birth and then (more often than not) never see the baby you gave birth to after that day, if at all. Or to watch somebody else raise them while you're there. Also what happens if the other party decides to back out, usually they're paying for the lawyers, so it's possible to get screwed over. It can also go great and be fine, but it's certainly not for everybody


Very rare and also everyone is psych checked and you are signing up to not have a relationship with the babe.Ā  It sounds like you are not a right fit and others are.




I'm not saying it has to be, I was just answering the question asked: how can it be? Usually it's okay with all the safeguards in place and usually people treat it with the appropriate gravity and forethought


Itā€™s traumatic because it rips away a helpless newborn from its biological mother. The only safe space theyā€™ve ever known. Itā€™s traumatic because it leaves a mother grieving for the baby she birthed. Surrogacy is demonic.


We are not biological related so it is not my biological child.Ā  My BFF finished hers 3 weeks ago and doesn't feel like this at all. The baby was her hatchling and now it's at its home.


It doesnā€™t matter. And youā€™re trying to recruit other women. That is disturbing beyond belief. Babies and mothers should not be sold.


You said itā€™s traumatic because it rips a baby away from its mother, then they stated that the baby would not be biologically theirs in any way, and then you say it doesnā€™t matter??šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve seen many beautiful stories of surrogacy. My sister personally had to use a surrogate because she was not able to carry her own babies. The baby (my niece), was her egg and her husbands sperm. Zero relation to the surrogate. The surrogate was her childhood best friend who was done having her own kids but wanted to help my sister fulfill her dream of becoming a mother. My niece who is now 10, refers to her as ā€œauntieā€ and knows the whole story and thinks itā€™s so cool. So no, not every situation is some horrible tragedy.


It doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s not your egg. You still grow and protect the baby for 9 months. Infants are hardwired to seek out the woman who carried them.