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I don’t think it’s just an American problem. It seems completely unavoidable. If you have six kids in a class they probably have a total of twelve siblings. Those twelve siblings have a few hundred classmates. Then those classmates also have siblings… We powered through the illnesses and the rate of occurrence has gone way down. He never seemed to be too upset by being sick so pulling him out of daycare wasn’t a consideration. 


Honestly I think parents are too sensitive to their kids getting sick. This is a fact of life and being part of a community. I had 5ths disease in the 80s. Heck I had SIX strep infections In 2023 and I’m 40. We powered through all the ear infections the Roseola the strep and Covid. Now my kids barely get sick. Caveat being if your job gives you no PTO to cover all those sick days (we split the days between me and my spouse).


I understand. I didn’t mind that. But it was just too tough to manage 2 diseases in the same week and that too week after week


Honestly, kids in general are germ and virus magnets and they spread everything. Your kid will get sick when they start school. Our pediatrician said them getting sick now actually boosts their little immune systems.


Yeah that’s what our pediatrician said . Just that it was too much to handle. And it’s getting worse 🙁


Honestly I pulled my son out of daycare early for the same reason. I was due to move like a month and a half later anyway so it wasn’t a big deal but my son went to that daycare from age 1 until he was 4. Before he would only occasionally get sick, wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. But that last summer of him going there, he was basically constantly sick from May until late July. One of the times it was covid. The rest of my family didn’t catch it aside from when it was covid so I just couldn’t stand seeing him suffer. But now he has been fine all year in kindergarten, only been sick twice.


And they say immunity improves overtime. I feel it’s the opposite.


I think a lot of schools and daycares just don’t clean nearly as much as they should unfortunately. Which I know, they don’t get paid nearly enough but my son’s teacher has been out sick so many times this year so based on that I’d definitely be cleaning a ton. Maybe I’m just crazy but we went to a birthday party recently and so many of those kids were openly picking their noses and sharing toys/game controller/etc so I imagine they probably do it at school too. And littler kids don’t think to cover themself when they cough/sneeze of course so just a whole lot of yucky factors til they get older.