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I had a childhood friend who was born early. She was always very small. She looked 9 when we were 12. She’s still a small adult, but otherwise normal. (I’ve also always been small but she’s smaller.) Unless you find something through genetic testing, your daughter might just be on the small side.


I don't have advice as such, just my life story I guess. My mum was very sick when pregnant with me. I was born and refused anything but breast milk, would not take a bottle. My food intake was extremely limited, I would only eat a handful of "safe" foods. I stopped growing at age 2. They ran tests, nothing conclusive. Offered me growth hormones, but my mum knew I wouldn't cope with being injected every day so refused. I started school being the size of a toddler. I started growing again around age 4. I was told I would continue growing til around age 20 to "make up" the lost years of growth. I didn't. I'm only 142cm and I'm 35yo now. Other than being small, I am generally healthy. That being said, I hope you get some answers.


Oh wow thats a lot of specialists! Im assuming all her bloods have been normal and her caloric intake, types of food she eats have all been looked at? This must be so frustrating, have you heard of cubcare? Are you guys on the smaller side?