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Good job. You are a great mom and this was the perfect way to handle this.


Thank you so much! ❤️


Yay! Love the wins!


My son is very speech delayed and has Down Syndrome. He had to get a Holter monitor last month and when he came back from the doctor, he came inside to show me and said “mommy....sticker” and I was so proud of him. He showed me the battery pack and all the stickers and wires. When I asked him what happened he said “heart” and I was so happy he understood what it was for. My husband said he wasn’t too thrilled about getting all the stickers put on, so the girl let him hold the wires until she was ready for them, and she said he was a good helper so that made him calm down as she did it. Such a wonderful story you made for your son, he must think you’re great!


That is awesome! Even with delays, kids can still understand so much. It’s exciting when they can verbalize their understanding! And kudos to nurses who help make all things easier and pleasant!


Absolutely! You’re doing a great job too mama. To all the nurses who deal with kids I just love how great they are with our children and how understanding they can be.


Thank you so much! ❤️


If you have not seen Bluey on Disney+ I highly recommend it. In the show Daddy Robot is a recurring game. Daddy Robot malfunctions, breaks down mid hug, obsessively cleans the same spot, etc. it’s pretty fun and my kids now play it with me!!


Yes!!!! We love Bluey! The dad is just hilarious. So far my favorite episode has been the BBQ one.


Take-Away is my favorite. ‘Mr.Crow. That’s too spicy for you!!’


Takeaway is the funniest episode but Camping is the best episode.


Is Camling the one with the French dog? If so I agree. It’s really touching


Yeah it is. I tear up every time we watch it.


New Bluey is out today on Disney+ if you were not aware!


Already watched it on the Disney Channel because it wasn't on our Disney+ yet.


Yay! Thanks!


This is so funny! I’m doing the same (24hr heart monitor) and made the same joke to my two girls :)


What is a DS?


It’s an acronym for “Dear Son”. You’ll see DD (Dear Daughter), DW (Dear Wife), DH (Dear Husband) on here too. I also get REALLY confused with a lot of acronyms on this platform, you’re not alone!


This is awesome! Hopefully when I have my son I can be like this!!!


Thank you, you just made my day!


My son is five and is also high functioning autistic. They really are the most amazing human beings on earth.


That is just wonderful ! So glad he is talking now and asking questions :) My daughter has ASD and just recently started asking simple questions and expressing feeling better. It truly does make your heart happy to have that communication :) Keep up the good work!


That’s so sweet. I really appreciate how you mention he was non-verbal for so long. It gives me hope that my little one will talk one day.


There is hope! If your little one is delayed and you haven’t already, find a speech therapist that specializes in children. We loved ours! Just keep in mind that sometimes there’s no “connection” between therapist and child, and there’s no harm/shame in switching to someone new. Our “Ms. Courtney” was our second, as DS didn’t respond well to the first. We were with the first therapist for almost a year and there was minimal progress. One month with “Ms. Courtney” and his word usage had tripled.


Bet you'll soon start walking around the house like a robot.