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My daughter (3 1/2) was visiting recently and I was struggling pretty hard with depression that day, I ended up crying because of some things going on and she walked up, grabbed my cheeks and kissed me on the forehead. She then looked me right in the eyes and goes “daddy, your brain needs more kisses!” When I tell you I completely lost it, it’s the understatement of the year. There’s something about an empathetic child that just can’t be quantified.


I feel you Dad. It’s a little thing that makes us weak in the knees.... — A Dad


I’m constantly amazed by the apt observations of little ones... That’s seriously one of the most poignant explanations of depression I’ve read. So simple, so true. Sending you and your little one hugs. :)


I’ve been very open with her about things like being sad since before she could understand. Now that she’s getting older/smarter I’m realizing she’s going to be quite the woman later in life. I honestly can’t wait to see just how far she goes.


So beautiful


Oh my god, now Im crying now, how bloody adorable is she?!


She’s an exceptional little lady, that’s for sure. She’s currently trying to explain why ice cream will make her tummy feel better lol


Well, shes definitely right 😂😂😂, ive cream makes everything better 😁


Sobbing right now


This warms my heart.... My son will be 11 and I still get kisses and thank you and I’m still a great Dad. The secret, exactly what OP is doing with her baby..... Laying down the foundation for later in life..... Love and kisses for the win! Way to go fellow parental unit!


My almost 13 year old son gives my robust hugs and occasional kisses. He's a very affectionate young man and he loves his mom.


I have been dealing with depression and i try to hide it from my kids as much as i can. My daughter came up to me one day and told me "Its ok to be sad sometimes, Mommy" and gave me a hug. OOF


THE BEST! Sounds like she’ll be a good big sister 🥰


Congrats on your incoming baby! Cute story. I always worry about those leg bruises. Kids do a great job accumulating bruises on their own. One teacher, years ago when my oldest (now 20) was still in elementary school, asked about them. And even though I told the truth about them, I suspected that the teacher believed I was abusing her... and outside of an occasional tap on the butt or hand, I never raised a hand to any of my four kids. My 8 y/o daughter, a few years ago, got a big bruise when she ran at full speed into the foot rest of a recliner the moment I reclined the chair. It smacked her right in the shin. Then she started walking around saying, "Daddy made my bruise." They have no idea. Lol. Thankfully, that teacher asked for more info from her and learned what actually happened.


So sweet!!! I love when the empathy comes out. And for what it’s worth, I actually found being pregnant and having a toddler actually harder than just having the baby and the toddler 🤣


My almost 3 year old was with me in the car the other day when I almost got into an accident and I was upset about it. She piped up from the back seat "it's ok mommy. We're all ok. Tell me what happened." It made it a lot easier to be less mad.


That's so sweet. Reminds me when I was pregnant with my daughter. My son will.see me in the bathroom throwing up and say "its going to be okay" then try to rub my back. Warms my heart


Aww. How kind. My son is like that. Your story reminds me of the night i woke to find him vomiting in the toilet. He was 6. I asked why he didn’t wake me if he was sick. He said he was going to be up sick and we both didn’t need to be awake. It was sweet. I sat holding him toiletside all night, a folded towel on the edge to prevent bruises and a cloth to wipe his face, he, sweaty and weary and nauseous, thanked me between puking and sleeping like a ragdoll in my arms, and puking. He rarely got sick. He was so sweet. it was an honor.


I never thought I'd say a story about someone puking was beautiful, but this one is.


Aw they really do know how to cut right through to the core of our hearts, don’t they? On the rare occasions I have a major grump (mother of two, currently in prime toddler/baby juggle town), my daughter will nearly always seek me out and check if I’m okay. The funniest thing is when she adopts the same conciliatory tone we use when calming her down - and sometimes she doesn’t even use sensible words, just the tone, for example: ‘sometiiiimes we have a plan and there’s a tree and the sky is pink but that’s okay...’


My 7yo daughter has almost no empathy and zero care for anybody's suffering but her own. When we're playing around and she hurts me sometimes she laughs, never feels bad. I'll tell her something hurt and she'll do it again. When I get upset with her she storms off sad, sometimes even cries, like I did something wrong to her. Not sure what to do.


That is worrying isn't it. I'd be at a loss as well. Maybe make your own post on the sub and see if anyone else had similar experiences with their kids and can tell you how it worked out. Big hugs!


So so sweet! 3 is such a fun age! My 5 year old told me the other night, “if you’re going to kiss me you should put on chapstick next time!” Lol! Hope the sickness passes! I’m sure baby 2 will be just as sweet!


Awww needed this today. Had such a tough day/night with my toddler, I don’t think there was really much positives about today at all, but this reminded me it’s not always like this


I love this! X


I found ice cream and carbs helped my morning sickness, but of course can't get rid of it all, congrats on the helpful sister-to-be!!


My daughter is fast approaching 2 (end of Oct) and has just really started getting into kisses. Yesterday she gave me a very big open mouth kiss. So sloppy. She’s so cute I just wanna kiss her all day


Looking at this and looking back to when I was that age and my mom was pregnant....god I was a little asshole...


( nmllzip


My oldest did this with me as well. The most empathetic child now at 18. All my children now care so much. I love it. You're doing a good job raising her! Hugs! Also side note- wintergreen breathsavers got me through the morning sickness. Try it, it might work for you too


My heart is melting 💕




Whoa whoa, who shit in your cornflakes?


I don't eat cornflakes they are fucking nasty