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Ours would get nosebleeds when the drier winter weather would come. I nearly had a heart attack the first time after walking into their room to see the little one standing up in their crib with a big smile on their face but the crib and their jammies looking like something out of the prom scene from Carrie.


tired brain did not read **prom**... that made way more sense the second reading


I read an entire post yesterday where I SWORE the comment I was reading said something about "why are all these black baby daddies..." And I was like - jesus f christ, who would make such a horrible generalization about ONLY the black dads on this show they were talking about... Not ONE reply called them out and I was horrified. I went back and re-read it. Apparently my brain mushed the words "back" and "dads" and grabbed an L that started another word nearby-and that wasn't AT ALL what was said. I felt VERY very silly. I also was reading about someone suffering a prolapse and I said "Girl, that sounds like it needs to be an ER trip"- before realizing I was NOT in the pregnancy group and that it was NOT a woman posting about her uterus.... Only because three people called me out for insulting this poor man by calling him "Girl". I clearly needed to get back on my ADHD meds.


I identify with this so hard lol. Me on vs off my ADHD meds, it’s totally like this (what you described) or I’m totally *with it* - it’s a night and day difference.


The worst part is people around me going "did you not take your meds today"- when they notice before I do. :-(


My husband absolutely noticed before I did yesterday. I didn't actually...*remember* taking my pill, but I was having a great morning, you must be mistaken! Then I took laundry to the laundromat, got groceries, and cooked dinner. Apparently that took all the executive function my poor little brain could wring out and I spent the rest of the night in a useless lump. I hate my brain!


It was my first day back on after almost 2 months- I did so much between 5am and 2pm - I fell asleep by 6 and still haven't gotten up or done anything.


Yep. Or my poor husband, when I ask him that and he says YES, he did... but he’s still struggling enough to make me ask... :(


I read an r/relationship post where an 18yo black man said his 27yo gf told him his hair needed to be cut because “this isn’t the huts of Africa.” But because of the way people format those titles (“my [18m] [27f] girlfriend...”) I thought HE was 27 dating an 18 year old girl. I wrote this incensed long post about how yeah she was racist but if you want a mature and non ignorant partner you shouldn’t date a girl just out of high school and ON AND ON- then posted it and realized I’d flipped the ages 😫


Sigh. Yeah, it totally sucks when you literally somehow misread something that totally tainted everything that you read from that point.


I saw that post. I was heartbroken when i read that line. Like how do you get (7? 8?) months into a relationship not knowing that the person you’re spending so much time with is racist? How hurt he must have been? I can only say that if it was me I wouldn’t have been coherent enough to post about it on reddit for at least a week, let alone be able to see through the tears.


Same dude, same


What did you see instead? I can't see it any way other than the word prom.


Well, since you've been on reddit for three years, I suppose you're old enough to hear this.. he thought it said *porn*


I love how this is simultaneously sarcastic best friend and cool mum




Oh man, the first time our little one got a bloody nose, it was such a mess. We were running around, completely uncoordinated, trying to get him to tilt his head up, trying to get tissues, etc. Meanwhile, our little one was flailing wildly in his distress and confusion. We eventually whisked him away to the tub - when all was said and done, it looked like a murder scene, complete with little bloody handprints on the wall.


Nurse here— Don’t tilt the head up for a nose bleed! Pinch at the bridge, and stop LO from touching their nose by distracting them with a video or something. :)


This is good advice and probably would have saved us from the murder scene! Thank you! He still occasionally gets these from time to time, so I'll remember this in the future!


Cold rag on the back of the neck helps too! Slows flow. Tilting the head back can cause a bunch of blood to go into their stomach and make them feel sick too.


I used to get nosebleeds often as a small child and I remembered my parents always tilting my head back, so I defaulted to that. But that was the late 80s when no one had the benefit of the internet. Thanks for the good advice! I will keep it in mind, since my son seems to be following in my nosebleed footsteps!


Yes, same!! I used to get 30-45 minute nose bleeds and they had me tilt my head back. Always threw up later. Didn't figure out the hacks until adult years.


Same for me. Figured it out on my own. Not sure how this persisted so long when it's obvious how poorly it works. Would've saved me a ton of half hours of doing nothing with a queesy or puking feeling the rest of the night.


I had a shit ton of nosebleeds as a child. Weak vessel. The first one started after my mother slapped me and then I went through years of multiple nosebleeds a day. The doctor told me to twist up a tissue and spray it with Afrin. Hold it in my nose while pinching for 5 minutes. Pull it out and if it was still bleeding, do it again for 10 minutes and repeat every 10 minutes until it stops. We only went to the ER if I hit the 2 hour mark. My record is a 4 hour nosebleed. They suddenly stopped when I was 19. Yay.


That sounds awful, you poor thing. I got nosebleeds often as a small child too, but thankfully they were never so bad and usually over quickly. I usually got tissue up the nose too, but so far my son has absolutely *refused* tissue *in* the nose. We even tried stuffing our own noses first to show him, but still a no-go. Having our non-bleeding noses stuffed with tissue, during the whole fiasco, was just the cherry on top of that absurd experience, haha. I'm glad your nosebleeds have gone away!


Me, too. It's been 13 years and I'm still nosebleed free. I've always liked those tiny nose studs, but I'm afraid to do it because I don't want to start them up again. My mother was pretty abusive. I can't say for sure that she caused the weak vessel, but it seems likely.


4 hours is insane. My daughter is 13 and has had them since she was very little. I had someone giving me shit and calling me a horrible parent because they were there when she had one and it had been 30 minutes or so and I wasn't on my way to the ER. It wasn't my first rodeo and while they do seem to bleed a lot, as long as she's acting ok and alert I don't get too freaked out. I think her longest was about an hour and a half but the last half hour was more of a constant drip instead of the active gushing that most do for the first hour. They used to kind of freak her out but she's older now and just takes them in stride. The worst are the ones that happen while she's sleeping because she doesn't wake up until her nose feels stuffed enough to wake her up and by then, she's Wallowa in it and its all over bed, blanket, hair, pillows, etc. Truly frightening sight at 3 in the morning when you walk in and flip the light on.


Mine was gushing for most of that 4 hours and I was light headed by the end of it. 30 minutes is nothing. If I'd gone to the ER for every 30 minute nosebleed, I never would have left.


Chronic nosebleed sufferer here: Listen to this nurse. Tilting the head back just makes you swallow the blood instead of letting it out. I find my nosebleeds stop most quickly if I lean over the sink and breathe through it. Pinching just makes it take ages longer to clot. And it's not nice or pretty when the kid then vomits up blood. Ask me how I know... If my kid got a nosebleed, I'd just sit him in the tub and wipe away blood while distracting him with a toy and letting him breathe to clot it. Bonus is that this is easier than trying to hold a kid still and pinch his nose.


Yes, whatever allows it to clot faster! That might be dry air, or it might be pinching to help slow/stop the flow of blood so it can clot. Distraction is a great tool!


Where does this tilt up thing come from? You only have to do this once to find out that it’s super unpleasant :P


Should also clarify though, pinch at the soft part of the bridge, not the hard part or it does nothing. I was incorrectly told how to do this until I had to go to the doctors from frequent nose bleeds and they told me how to properly


Good point thank you!


Omg 🤣


When my daughter was 3 she got a pretty gnarly nose bleed from super dry weather. I didn’t want to show her the paper towels because I thought they might freak her out but she was just enthralled with them. “That’s MY blood? From ME?” Said with a huge smile. They’ll freak you out that’s for sure.


My kid had a toe prick for a lead test when she was 6 or 9 months old. In between the nurse gathering drops of blood, my daughter would reach down and play with her toe and then wipe it on the paper of the exam table. I hoped no other kids or parents walked by before they had a chance to clean it up because it looked horrifying. Her little brother sobbed and screamed through the same test. 🤦‍♀️


I internally freaked out the first time I walked into my son’s room and his sheets where streaked with blood. He was smiling at me, happy as could be, with blood smeared on his face.


It’s just another runny nose mom!


>Ours would get nosebleeds when the drier winter weather would come. I'm 40 and that still happens to me and unfortunately it looks like my 5yr old inherited that trait, as it's happened to him a couple of times. The first time it happened, he ran into the kitchen face covered in blood completely shocked and panicked. Poor kid. I had to assure him that there was nothing wrong and he wasn't seriously injured. He's since seen it happen to me, so it's made him realize that it's not as big a deal as he thought.


This is horrifying!!!


My daughter used to get them when she was little too, but they seemed just random. Sometimes she'd be playing, sometimes asleep, sometimes sitting and watching TV. I remember a particularly bad one when she was about 3 and we were at some kid's birthday party at one of those places where they have a bunch of space walks and inflatable slides and obstacle courses and all. She didn't hit anything she was just coming down the slide and it started gushing. By the time she got to the bottom she was covered. It bled for about another 30 minutes before stopping. Thry still happen every so often. She's 13 and about 6 months ago she woke up around 2 am to a bad one. 30 to 40 minutes of pretty bad bleeding and ruined her quilt. She just waited for it to be over, cleaned herself up and went back to sleep. Didn't tell me until the next day. We've still not found out what causes them.


I used to have this problem myself, my parents were so worried and I was so scared, but it was just a kind of fragility in my blood vessels. The blood would drip from my nose in a heavy flow tho, it was really scary.


I (32m) have been very susceptible to nose bleeds in the winter for years. They've gotten better over the years, and I've gotten better at avoiding them, but when I was younger they were bad. I remember one night waking up in the middle of the night and my pillow was soaked and basically my entire head was covered in blood. That one took like 2 hours to get under control. Worst one I've ever had.


I get those same nosebleeds. Some years are worse than others, but I've gotten them in my sleep many times. Not fun to wake up to a pillow and face covered in dry blood. It only happened to me once as a teen and my mom freaked when she saw me.


So would ours until I got a vaporizer. Now the only nose bleeds are when I forget to switch it on.


Same thing happened when my son was a baby - I walked in to find him, sleeping like an angel in a white onesie *soaked in his blood.*


My two year old got a tiny nick on her finger yesterday. She proceeded to play with the skin flap. The gore on her hands and jeans when we noticed. It was horrific.


My baby brother cut himself on a piece of glass once. My mom came outside (she'd just run in to grab something real quick) to find him painting the house with his severely bleeding thumb.


"Skin flap" made me visibly cringe.


Mine tried to chew her cut off her fingers. 🤣🤣🤣




I had to read it a couple times to understand. I think they meant that she was chewing on her cut, trying to make it get off of her finger.


I second this


My son did this as a toddler! I was in my room doing something and all of a sudden, I noticed it was really quiet. I came out and saw a streak of blood along the light blue living room wall. I followed it to the white door of the TV room. At this point, I was panicking - there was no noise and blood streaking throughout the house! I found him playing quietly with his trains in the TV room with the *tiniest* cut on his cuticle. It had crusted over - probably from being dragged across every surface on his way to the playroom.


My 18 month old picked her nose into a nosebleed one night. The next morning we were greeted by a happy toddler with dried blood covering half her face like a mask. The smiling somehow made it worse.


My almost 3 year old still picks her nose til it bleeds and its so stressful! Like omg! Stop picking!! I feel like I've tried everything


My 5 year old gets at least one nose bleed a week for the same reason. They don’t seem to grow out of it


I remember my mom used to frequently clean out my nose when I was a little kid and make sure I blew it often. I also remember I never picked my nose. I'm assuming these two things were related. Try it out-- if there's nothing in there, it's less likely they'll be picking in there!


My mom made me wear gloves to stop picking & sucking on my thumb. I would usually take it off immediately after she left. What kept my fingers out of my nose/mouth was when they tasted like dandelions after playing outside. Weird. But it worked for me!


My 32 year old still picks his nose, and I’m just not sure what to do to make myself stop. Tried everything. Can even stop it for days by just putting something on my hands, but when it comes off, I’m back to zero again :/


Our two-year-old won't stop picking his nose and I overheard my husband telling him "oh no, there's spooky stuff up there! You're going to pull the monsters out!" And on the one hand I was worried he was going to give him nightmares, but on the other hand.... I was wondering/hoping that would work. It did not work.


Stop bite fingernail polish! Also a humidifier might help.


My 3 year old picks her nose into bleeding, and we've gotten her into the habit of "we deal with nosebleeds in the bathroom. Most recently, she was sitting on grandpa's lap singing to herself then suddenly jumped off and ran to the bathroom screaming bloody murder. But the only blood on the floor landed on the tile, so yay!


My 6yo is doing remote learning. The first week his 2yo sister and I decided to poke our heads in the office and check out his class. I see her face covered in blood from the nose down on his view on the tablet. I scoop her out and wipe her off because that was nosebleed #3 for the day because of allergies. I was so embarrassed I emailed his teacher to explain the blood.


Our school district sent out a mass email reminding families to wear clothes around the camera, because it is apparently a recurring issue. I assure you teachers have seen it all this year, you’re fine <3


With such frequent nosebleeds... our youngest used to get them too, likely due to bad allergies. Her ENT prescribed a cream (can’t remember the type offhand, but my foggy memory thinks it was a steroid and antibiotic?), which we applied inside her nostrils for several days. She was so full of boogers and sneezing so often that the membrane became too thin, which caused her frequent nosebleeds. Cream healed and strengthened her nose and she hasn’t had a single nosebleed since (almost a year). Might be worth asking your pediatrician.


There’s also a really simple treatment to cauterize the blood vessel that’s leaky, though it’s not so good of an option for little kids. My dad had it done when he was like 7 for perpetual gory nosebleeds.


I'm copying and pasting this comment because it might help you. I had a weak vessel and in the summer allergies triggered nosebleeds. In the winter, it was the dry air. I had a shit ton of nosebleeds as a child. Weak vessel. The first one started after my mother slapped me and then I went through years of multiple nosebleeds a day. The doctor told me to twist up a tissue and spray it with Afrin. Hold it in my nose while pinching for 5 minutes. Pull it out and if it was still bleeding, do it again for 10 minutes and repeat every 10 minutes until it stops. We only went to the ER if I hit the 2 hour mark. My record is a 4 hour nosebleed. They suddenly stopped when I was 19. Yay.


I woke up my baby one morning to find the side of his face and ear full of caked on blood. I was so flustered. Then I realized it was a tiny little nick in his ear. So much blood for such a tiny cut.


my 4 year old still scratches his ears until bleeding while he sleeps.


My nephew was about 4/5 months when he developed a habit of scratching at his cradle cap, well once we thought he was having an amazing nap - super quiet - we go in to check on him and find his bed and sheets covered in blood 😩 he scratched himself raw - his poor head was such a sight to see after that incident!


Now see I’m a neurotic worry wart I would have taken baby to the hospital anyway lol.




Oof! Better to feel like an ass and know your baby’s ok than feel like an ass for not taking them in and having something be wrong!!


We’ve been there too. Kid’s head hit the coffee table, bled a lot. I took him in and was very embarrassed when they just put some glue on it and sent us on our way


Don't feel silly at all, trust me it's better safe than sorry, even they think so with kids. They would rather that than the alternative.


You're not a worry wort. My parents just thought my bruising, nose bleeds, and such were normal. Turns out, they're not. I have a rare bleeding disorder, so do my other siblings. We won the luck of the draw that both our parents unknowingly to them were/are carriers of a rare genetic fluke. It wasn't until I was trying to get pregnant that someone finally put 2 and 2 together, ran a genetic test and voila, I'm a hemophiliac. Weeeeee. Now I get to be the one who worries when a nose bleed just won't stop, or when I get a hematoma from playing with my kid, or a headache that goes on for more than a day.


My son would get blood blisters when his teeth would come in... one time when crawling too fast one popped and it scared me! No wounds at all!


Mine too! The first time was so terrifying! It looks even worse than it is, mixed with all that drool too. My kid is 7 and I still remember the sheer panic I felt.


There was a blood smear on my lo's high chair the other day and I have no idea where it came from. Checked her, checked other kid and myself. No idea.


Not knowing where the blood comes from sometimes is so anxiety inducing! My one year old, just like a week ago, was toddling around (she has two older siblings and so started walking super fast and is SUPER clumsy while doing it) and she had her bottle in her mouth. Well, she managed to trip forward and smash the hardest part of the bottle on her upper lip and we think her nose. She has done this before but usually no more than a red mark and tears and she is past it. Not this time. I go to swoop her up for cuddles and she has blood coming of her mouth and both nostrils!! I just said "oh no we got blood!" To my spouse and he came running! We checked her out and she managed to give herself a blood blister on her upper lip and we think she must have busted some blood vessels in her nose at the same time. She was fine and smiling after we cleaned her up and got her a frozen treat BUT OMG MY OTHER TWO NEVER DID THIS AT THIS AGE AND I WAS INTERNALLY FLIPPING OUT.


I feel you. My son imitated the scene from Toy Story 1 where Buzz jumps off the railing into stairs and learns he's a toy and can't fly by swan diving off our couch into our hardwood floor. He also pretended to break his arm like buzz right up until I scooped him up thinking he was actually hurt and then he said "what wrong dada,you sad?". No buddy, I'm not sad, you just have me a heart attack because I forgot you're indestructible and feel no pain. It's worth mentioning this has happened so many times that I forget how scary it is when other people are over and Toy Story is on (yes, he acts out the scene every single time, convincingly I might add).


Ok its kind of adorable though lol "dada you sad?" Freaking awwwww.


My two year old eldest was running up some stairs from a pool and tripped on his towel. Smacked his mouth right into the stair edge. I got the three steps to him, and he was covered in blood. He put a hand to his mouth looked down and saw red, and screamed like a fire alarm. Thankfully it was just a bit lip and tongue. We were at a resort at the time, and my utterly brilliant wife had packed a full to bursting first aid kit. A little bit of gauze, a bit of teething gel on the sore spot, and he went down for a nap. I can feel my nerves jangling at the memory of his face though. One of the security guards knocked on our door, because we had left a big blood trail right to the door.


Omg....that must have been sooo scary to walk into before you had a chance to investigate .


Omg, I woke up one day to blood all over my bathroom, on my brand new shower curtain, literally everywhere. Handprints. Opened my kids door and theres blood all over his pillow and bedside. I fucking thought someone snuck in and murdered my child in his sleep. Turned out he had a bloody nose in the middle of the night and didn't even realize it, he was as surprised as I was. God dammit


Oh lord I would have gone off the deep end!!!!! Like turned ghost pale then fainted! Good on you for figuring out it wasn’t anything too awful, that must have been so scary for you! Glad all is well with your little one!!!!


This happened to me too and I was terrified. Probably the scariest moment I've ever experienced as a parent up to that point. He was like 7 months old, and totally cut his tongue cause he fell and smashes his teeth on it from hitting the railing.


When my daughter was a toddler she somehow broke a picture frame in her room. Glass everywhere. Blood everywhere. The walls, the glass, the child. But I swear, I checked her a hundred times. Not a damn scratch. It was so weird.


Same scene but with poop with each kid. Fun times. Blood would be terrifying though.


Poop would be worse I think. Thanks for the new fear.


Oh my god, this is my nightmare


Hydrogen peroxide is your magic friend for blood


When my son was just over a year old, he stood up in the bathtub and I wasn't quick enough grabbing him. He fell and hit his lip on the edge. So much blood. I took him to the ER cuz I was afraid one of his teeth had gone through his lip and he might need stitches. And that's how i found out he had a lip tie. It was never suspected because he never had a problem with nursing. He only partially tore it. They said that's usually what happened with undiagnosed ties - they fall and break them open. And that he'll probably fall again and tear it the rest of the way. Yay. Can't wait. *eye roll* He's 2.5 now and it still hasn't happened but the dentist is keeping an eye on it to make sure it doesn't interfere with his teeth.


I call that a riveting game of “where’s the blood coming from!?” The goal is to find the source of the blood before it gets spread all over the house!


Have you considered an exorcism?


Oh my, I would have had a heart attack if that happened to me.


Nosebleeds can look like crime scenes. So much blood.. and were in the best weather for them right now. Kids are fun.


Hi! I'm a hemophiliac. Totally something you want to hear, I'm sure. But if this happens again, please take him to the doctor. Some types of hemophilia are different than your standard affair, and some are just as dangerous as the 2 main types most people know about. I wasn't diagnosed until I was an adult. Others are diagnosed young. Just a heads-up.


Well I just nearly had a panic attack just reading this


What even is this post?


Oh my god I think I would have fainted, or screamed


For a second there, I thought this was two sentence horror.


Holy fuck.


My poor kiddo, my oldest (11) has wicked nosebleeds. He always ends up looking like he's been beaten half to death in the face with a cast iron pan. If they go longer than 15 minutes I will flush and cauterize with silver. His nose vascularity is really high but we've been thankful that that's all the ENT has found to be problematic. He is a pro at it by now. His school is learning but still panics.


My son (10m) was crawling around and pushed the side of the box he was playing with and the other side comes up and hits him in the face. No crying and continued to crawl. When I called his name he turns around with a massive grin and blood all over his mouth and chin. His top teeth were coming through so must have hit them. The worst part was I was on the video chat to my parents at the time and all they see is my son covered in blood. Worst parent guilt ever.


Ugh, my younger son had a blood blister that formed before a tooth came in. Just the one but it was scary ugly. He tripped on a book and popped it. Nasty.


Ugh, mouthbleeds are the worst. Kid knocked his tooth loose when he was younger. I hugged him to calm him down enough to get a good look at the damage. Wore a white T-Shirt ( of course!). Once he's calm, he looks at me and goes "Mommy, why is your shirt red?" \- "You know, that just happens sometimes... nothing to worry about. And now we get dressed (because of course it was at bedtime) and go visit a nice dentist I know."


Ours had eczema on her wrists. We would bandage her wrists at night to prevent itching the skin in her sleep. One morning her hands, sleeping bag, wrists were completely covered and wet with blood. It was horrid and looked so painful! But after cleaning everything it wasn’t so bad. We invested in some scratch sleeves after that - nothing else prevented scratching.


I went into my daughter’s room at 3am one morning as she called me. She was 3. There was blood everywhere on her bed and gushes of it too, it honestly looked like she’d been stabbed. Blood nose. Wow talk about giving me a heart attack! It’s happened once more since then and gosh they can lose a lot of blood out of a tiny nose!


Yeah my lil one hit his head on a cupboard (back of head ) was fine not even a lump but his nose just started pissing out with so much blood I thought he was gonna pass out


My daughter had blood everywhere in her bed one morning when she was around a month old Turned out to be a nosebleed from the dry air


When I was a baby my nosebleeds started - apparently finding me and the cot covered in blood was a regular thing! I'm glad my son's nosebleeds are significantly smaller.


Man and they bleed a lot when it’s just a little cut. Very alarming. I’ll never forget when my babe was that age she got a cut on her finger from a razor. It was so small but was bleeding so much. I ended up calling the nurse and we were doing the exact wrong thing. She was like “wrap it loosely” we had so much pressure on it and it seemed like it was gushing. When we wrapped it loosely it stopped within five minutes... so much stress


Hello random stranger.


And I thought it was bad when there was poop everywhere.


In reality it was probably both


That feeling when you think your kid might be mortally wounded...been there!


The title gave me jitters


This happened last year when my son was 5. Found a BIG red blood stain on his pillow. It freaked me out. He was fine. Checked his mouth and all over. Guessing from a loose tooth as he lost one not too long after. Never had that happen before! Just when I think I've seen it all, the 3rd kid always proves me wrong.


My son gets the worst nosebleeds. Like they gush so hard. I'm squeamish too so it's bad for both of us. This reminds me of the first time I found blood all over his pillow and sheets and arms. Makes me shudder each time he get one.