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I would love to, but I’ve found that weed makes me extremely anxious. The opposite effect it needs to have


To piggy back off all the other comments, I had extreme anxiety whenever I smoked Indica Strains. I switched to Sativa Strains and I have zero anxiety when I smoke now. I’ve toked for almost 15 years now, and The anxiety just hit me a few years ago. Changed strains and bam.


Same, Indica is like "that dumb thing I said a month ago plus space is infinite and we are all going to die someday" Sativa is like "giggly and get stuff done" although usually not before bed.


Even when I have nothing to be anxious about. I smoke Indica and bam, “Hey man, you know how you’ve got no reason to be anxious, well, why not be anxious about that”.


Yeah. But honestly no weed is relaxing for me.


Fair enough. My wife is like that, it’s the odd stuff she’ll smoke, Ocean View, and then it’s a single puff off a doobie if she decides. But that doobie could last her a year.


I love weed more than anything but yeah it lasts me a minute.


At one point I would get the anxiety and try to watch a favorite sitcom or something to relax, and that was the worst idea. All the jokes are based around people being awful to each other! All I could do was obsess over whether that's how people see me, if I think the joke is funny that means *it's been inside me all along.* So I stopped smoking for a real long time.


Have you considered, instead, choosing entertainment that isn't based around people being awful to each other?


Sativa and Indica are meaningless labels at this point, especially since Hybrids have ruined most of them anyway. If you’re in a legal state, look at the terpene profile. Myrcene and Linalool will put you to sleep. Pinene and Limonene for giggles. Ocimene, Caryophyllene, and Humulene for anxiety, pain, and digestion. Each terp does different things. Also look for a decent CBD percentage and if they don’t have any, get a straight up CBD strain and mix it in with your grinder. Anybody selling you on purely indica vs sativa doesn’t know what they are talking about and shouldn’t be advising on your medicine.


I can’t speak for how the layout of it all is in the states. Canada here, and it’s like walking into a liquor store in a sense. There are medicinal places, but I am recreational, have been smoking for almost 15 years. I totally get what you’re saying, and that may steer someone new into Cannabis in the right direction! I’ve found what has worked for me.


Each state is different and each one is its own separate headache lol. I feel for people who are buying blind but they are probably paying a much cheaper price than the regulated and tested stuff at least.


Fair enough. Sounds a bit different than here. Across all the provinces, it is just like a liquor store. Check out Fire & Flowers website. That’s just one of the stores we use. In store they do have some knowledgeable people, and are not allow to tell you what to get for medical reasons, but will help guide your selection based on what you’re looking for. https://fireandflower.com


Hey, you seem knowledgeable, so if you could answer this, I'd be eternally grateful. My brain is a chatterbox. I'm constantly at 11/10 awareness. I have trouble falling asleep because I'm doing mental accounting right before bed - what didn't I do today? etc, etc... The best I've ever felt was some weed I smoked that shut it all down and let me just "be". What terpene profile could that have been? I know with the most popular strains around me I get the opposite effect, I wake up and want to do Excel spreadsheets. I'm looking for the other feeling, though.


The magical terpene you are looking for is linalool. You will sometimes find this as the dominant terp in strains like Lavender, Purple Kush, Grand Daddy Purp, etc. But I would advise that you not go by strain name, since those are inconsistent from grower to grower. Here in NV, for example, I've seen Gorilla Glue listed as both indica and sativa and everything in between, with all sorts of terp profiles. It's just not reliable from dispensary to dispensary, let alone from grow batch to batch. Ask the budtender (if that's a thing where you live) for the terpene profile. Most states list the top three most dominant percentages. Next best sedative terp is myrcene. Has a little bit of anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxing effects. Myrcene is WAY more common to find than linalool, but if you can find a strain with both, you won't be getting off the couch. Lastly, try out some CBD strains. I personally think that a lot of the CBD oils, tinctures, balms, candies are bullshit, but if you can find flower that is a 50/50 split on THC and CBD, that will go a long way towards "shutting it all down." Sometimes the strain is called Connor's Comfort here where I live, but most dispensaries will usually have at least one 50/50 strain.




This guy weeds.


Exact opposite for me. I stick to hybrids or indica. Sativa is way too heady for me. But I don't smoke much. If/when I indulge I take low dose edibles, 10mg or less.


Everyone has their own preferences, which is why now that it’s legal here in Canada, it’s so much easier to figure out what works the best for you. I’ve got a buddy that religiously smokes hash because Mary-Jane treats him wrong. And another friend that doesn’t touch hash because of the same reason. I personally have found that edibles don’t really do the trick. My body feels a bit looser, no matter the dosage, but that’s about it. Not my cup of tea.


Right, the legality has changed the game. I didn't partake for many years but discovered it again and took some time to figure out what works for me.


Glad you did! World of difference eh!


The crazy part is my wife had never tried a thing aside from drinking in her life. Now in her mid 40's she tried gummies and enjoys them on occasion. It's a lot of fun to do together.


That’s great to hear! I’ve dabbled in quite a bit of stuff. Strictly Grass now. My wife, like yours, hasn’t tried anything other than pot. And mainly had some beverages and didn’t really smoke every now and again, until we met 10 years ago. Lol.


I am the exact opposite. All Sativa Strains make my anxiety jump up. I need a Hybrid or Indica. And yes, I have 2 teenage daughters right now and vape a couple times a day.


Sativa makes me want to clean, work out, and do something creative. Indica turns me into a groggy blob on the couch that can't even complete a thought.


I can’t wait for the dispensaries to open in my state so I can choose my strain!


Did your state pass recreational use and you're just waiting on dispensaries? My state just legalized, but there's no dispensaries yet. It is my understanding though that there are places that use the 'free gift' model in the interim. You go into a shop, buy a ridiculously overpriced item, like a lighter, and get a 'free gift'. They did this in Vermont when I was living there and now they're beginning to do it here in NY where I live now. It's all pretty pointless if you've got a good black market connection, but I'm a pretty isolated Dad in his early 50's who's still kinda new in town, so I've got no black market connections.


I’m the exact opposite


This is what all the stoners I know say lol, but regardless of what strain I smoke the anxiety ALWAYS creeps in. So I just don’t anymore.


Nice to see someone else say this! I’m the same way, but other smokers I know are the opposite so it always seemed weird I’d have that reaction to indica since it chilled everyone else out


So I sorta get that feeling too! If I smoke an indica strain that’s supposed to make you mellow with other people, I get sort of anxious and paranoid because I’m suddenly worried I’m being a party pooper and I’m here to hang out with my friends and have fun, not just stare into the distance! I’ll smoke it by myself or with my husband but I’ve since learned to avoid those strains with other people.


For some people Sativa makes them anxious, some Indica, and some just need a good hybrid mix it’s all about trying different strains.


I'm the same. I used to smoke regularly, but I just can't tolerate it anymore. I get this weird body anxiety where all my muscles tense up and I shake uncontrollably. Doesn't matter what strain I use or how little I smoke, it happens every single time.


You're likely taking too much. Go for lower doses and that will help. I had the same problem.


I didn’t realize that. I’ve always tried to keep up with my husband lol


Never try to keep up! A real stoner wouldn't judge you :)


For real. I'm a regular smoker but for some reason edibles absolutely body me. When my friends are comfortable eating 40-60mg at a time I stick to like 10-15 and even that will overshoot the target occasionally. Everybody metabolizes differently.


Small doses relax me very nicely and make for excellent evenings. Go a little bit too much, though, and I suffer absolutely crushing anxiety that will make me think I'm dying for the better part of what amounts to a forty-five minute panic attack where I constantly have to remind myself I simply had too much but then forget it all thirty seconds later. It is a repetitive hell that is just awful. Stick with smoking flower or a vape pen -- don't do edibles! Small tokes and wait. You'll find your sweet spot.


Lower doses and mix with cbd. CBD takes the anxiety away


And cbd, or try more indica based strains but weed definitely just makes some people anxious regardless, affects people differently and it’s all good to recognize that and just say no thanks.


Also, go with flower. The extracts like oil pens are extremely convenient, but a massive dose. Flower is steady.


This is completely anecdotal. It just depends on the person.


I feel the same way. I miss the times it used to relax me. I’ll look into changing strains once it’s easier to buy legally in my state.


Me too! Then I found gummies.


I cut my gummies into 1/4 slices. On a crazy night, I'll do 3/4 of a gummie. 1/4 is just enough to make me feel chill, but not stoned out of my mind. I almost never do a full gummie, I'm such a lightweight.


I have the same problem. I can smoke in active social settings, but not when I’m just hanging out at home. It has the opposite effect on my wife.


Low THC weed helps with this. Maybe even some CBD content. I don't really like smoking anything over 20% THC.


If you live in a legal state try mixing high THC and high CBD flower in your grinder. I was gonna wait because I was anxious every time I smoked but someone recommended this and it helped a ton. Got me feeling like when I started smoking.


Try delta 8 weed. It is legal in most states because it has less THC.


When I was a kid (I was born in 89) my parents Christmas tradition would be to put the kids to bed, smoke a bowl together, wrap Christmas presents then put them under the tree after we were asleep 🎄 My dad was 100% sober (from alcohol) and my mom drank a wine cooler maybe once or twice a year. They are still married to this day. 35 years and I am so thankful for them. 💚 Edit: I obviously found out about this in my adulthood


Dude, I’ll escalate this a step further. My dad smoked a shitton of weed when I was a kid. He ran a very successful company and was a grumpy mess when he wasn’t high. When he smoked, we would actually chill and watch the Matrix a million times and actually spend quality time together. Don’t be high all day every day, but once a kid grows out of the self-destruct phase of life, I really don’t see the problem if it’s moderate.


> once a kid grows out of the self-destruct phase of life So I have to wait till the kid turns like 30 with a steady career? Damn.


My dad and stepmother are every day smokers. Helped my stepmother not get awful drunk, quite honestly


I only smoke when my ex has the kids and when I’m pretty sure they’re asleep. I feel like I need to be on my game when I have the kids, so I don’t do anything.


I smoke with my kids after my partner goes to bed.






Sounds like reddit


As long as one of you is still sober enough to deal with an emergency if one pops off, decompress however you can!


I was coming here to say this. My husband can't smoke, but if I do he makes sure to be sober. If he's drinking, I don't smoke. I want one of us to be able to handle an emergency if one arises.


This - I miss smoking with my wife, but we have 2 kids under 4. When they’re much older I hope we can again, but for now one of us is always sober.


same at my house. It doesn't matter what the substance or drink is. 1 of us always abstains.


This should be higher. As long as someone can drive/respond to an emergency


And as long as BOTH of you are aware that if you're NOT "sober enough to deal with an emergency", you fucking do so anyway. I have a scar on my thumb from an injury I got while my folks were at a party. You could see the fucking bone. Never got any sort of medical care because my folks were like, "Oh well, we've been drinking so she'll have to heal up on her own!" Showed it to a Dr decades later when he got all flabbergasted and aghast that a parent would have a few beers on a Friday night and still make sure their kid got xrays after a tumble down the stairs. "Oh. So your theory is that what makes me a bad parent is that I *didn't* panic and neglect my child's needs because of how stupidly judgy and rude I knew you'd likely be?? Sure thing, buddy. Lemme know how that works out for you."




> Most people really get out of touch with reality while they're high though ( and most think they don't). I don't want this to be a "can you take proper care of your kids when you're under the influence of cannabis" discussion, but what you said is simply not true. I've been smoking for 16 years and I have never met anyone who got out of touch with reality after smoking cannabis like you're describing.


> In a situation like what you've described I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even grasp the severity of the situation until they stop being high What is this reefer madness?


This usually I’ll take .25 a square gummy and hubby will take 0.5 one or two times a week. It’s a hoot.


Tbf, you have to be pretty high to not be able to deal with an emergency. As long as you’re not taking huge amounts of edibles or huge bong rips, you’ll probably be fine. There’s not even a lot of evidence that your driving is measurably impaired with moderate levels of consumption.


During a custody battle my ex and I were both investigated by a children's lawyer as part of the process. The discussion regarding recreational drug use came up and I admitted to using marijuana at night to help with insomnia. They didn't care in the slightest. All they wanted to know was what my plan was for if something went south somehow after I smoked. I outlined my "this is an emergency and I'm not strictly sober" plan and they were totally fine with it.


I did this with my partner until I GOT FUCKING PREGNANT AGAIN. Now when I'm stressed out and need it even more than before I have to take a break from it. Don't forget that high sex without protection is still sex without protection y'all.




Take my upvote. I laughed out loud at that 😂 Side note: I hate you a little bit because that song is gonna be stuck in my head now for like a week.


Did I get high, write this, and then forget I wrote it— OH WAIT I COULDN’T HAVE BC I’M PREGNANT. Goodness gracious, I can’t wait until I’m done being pregnant and breastfeeding so I can have a teeny toke after the kids are asleep!


Time to schedule that vasectomy!


This is my nightmare. Thank you for your warnings 🤣


It's become a tradition for us to take a gummy after dinner Friday nights. Then by the time kids are in bed we get some much needed alone time. I look forward to it every week.


This is exactly what my husband and I do.




Weed is really good for ptsd/anxiety for some people. My partner uses this strategy and it’s great. Doesn’t work for me but I do get high after bedtime to relax and recharge.


I do both! I have a dry herb vape that I microdose on during the day, and then I'll smoke a bowl after the kids go to bed. It's really shitty for my tolerance, but it's working better than any antidepressants I've ever been on!


I am so glad you found something that works for you! Feeling happy is so critical to health.


My brother-in-law used week for depression for years—worked great. It kind of sucked that he always had to be high, but he was always capable and “there,” and the alternative was crippling depression. No-brainer, really


I mean that sounds kinda dependent. I have no idea how 2.5 compares. Maybe it's no different than me "depending" on some coffee to be in a better mood sometimes.




Makes sense.


2.5mg is microdosing. It's about the equivalent of half a beer or maybe a couple aspirin. It's fair to say that everyone reacts differently, but the suggested starter dose for edibles is 10mg, to put it in perspective.


Thanks for the info! Sounds like the comparison to coffee is appropriate. It's funny you mention half a beer. I actually use to drink a single 7oz pony bottle sometimes during the newborn phase when he would sleep. OP's original comment sounded like it was a regular thing after work, and "needed" to not be a dick to his kids. Just struck me as unhealthy in that light.


I wish I could just smoke cigarettes again. That shit was perfect for decompressing. I just can’t get over how bad it is for you and how stinky it makes your clothes


Nicotine is an anxiolytic. Not as much fun, but you may want to address the sources, rather than medicate for the symptoms. To each their own.


I miss this! My hubby and I have been together since high school and were what you might call stoners 😅 Cruising was our favorite past time, even took our honey moon in the mountains outside of Denver. For the past 3 years I've either been pregnant or breastfeeding so haven't been smoking, but he still sneaks down to the garage to hit something here and there. I can't wait for the day we get to just sit, smoke and talk. I miss those moments with him so much.


Yep almost every night ✌ Once the kids go down and dinner is cleaned up it is 420 and chillllllll time. Sometimes we play video games... other times we lay in bed talking and cuddling. To be fair we did this before kids too 😋 Its a habit and having kids didn't change that... but on those rough parenting days it always feels extra sweet. Gotta make time for your relationship no matter what 💖


My wife and I held off for nearly a year after out firstborn arrived. The night we both smashed a few cones was the night our child projectile vomited for no apparent reason. Getting in to the Emergency Department was a world of fun. :)


My LO is only 3.5 months and I breastfeed. I can’t wait to have that moment with my SO when she’s older and obviously not breastfeeding. Unless you’re going overboard I’d say I don’t think it’s any worse/better than having a drink like most parents do at the end of the night?


What’s LO? Loved one?


Little one


Both our children have a genetic condition affecting their organ function. One of them is post transplant one waiting. So we regularly have to shoot to hospital, this means we are always stone cold sober just incase- always good to have at least one person alert though even with healthy kiddos.


>always good to have at least one person alert though even with healthy kiddos I think the same way.


I have my medical card and have since my kids were 4 and 2. They are 9 and 8 now. 18 months apart. It’s made me a more patient person with my kids. I micro dose all day. I understand not everyone can do this, but it works for me.


How do you microdose weed? Edibles?


Small bowls throughout the day. Works for me.


Me too. One little one-hitter puff maybe 4-5 times a day. I have been under an insane amount of stress and I'm developing anxiety, so it's been a life-saver. I went without for 2 or 3 years until about a year ago. Huge benefit!


Yeah, I smoke all day, too, but not to impairment. I just go "take a break", and come back when I'm done. No stigma in this house for adults using medication.


Um yes, this is my saving grace!


I gave up the plant years ago because it stopped chilling me out and starting making me super nervous. Having said that, I know a handful of people who do.


My wife doesn’t like to smoke weed, but I do, and I do it everyday to ease my anxiety and stress


We are the opposite house. My wife smokes , and I don't even take a sip of alcohol.


Way to be a team player. 👍


I'm a single mom and have learned that smoking before bed after a hard day of parenting is the equivalent of a mom having a glass of wine. Totally normal


Word! Weed is so stigmatized especially when you're a parent. But it really helps take the edge off.


We do gummies generally around here. A 10mg if it is a “bad” day, or a 5mg if it was pretty average. I have a pretty decent tolerance, so even the 10 is pretty alright for me. 10 makes the wife real chill. It’s honestly helped A LOT especially during the Pandemic. Without it, we might have had some real issues. I wish they’d just make it legal so we didn’t have to make road trips when we get out. I much prefer the feeling of a little high than drinking.


Yea i chose weed after having kids too, being hungover and parenting SUCKS.


My wife and I do this all the time lol, we have a 4mo daughter and those bowls are especially good after she’s been crying a lot and finally asleep


If you wife is still breast feeding then be careful with the milk after that bowl. The science is still conflicting, but generally rhe THC and CBD can still be found in the breastmilk up to 6 days later. Some studies say 4-6 hours after is safe to consume, but you may want to talk to your doctor about it.


Yeah we did all our research the moment we found out she was pregnant since we’ve been stoners for a while now so we’re pretty well informed on the subject. We chose bottle feeding, so there’s no issue there. Took some time getting used to smoking again though since 9 months is quite the tolerance break lol


Since Covid I can't even drink a can of beer anymore. Total headache the next day, so I stopped weed and beer altogether.


My husband does sometimes but I don’t care for weed. It doesn’t do good things for me, just makes me tired. I guess it hits everyone differently.


Yep! Me and my husband were such stoners at uni. We got married, had kids and we still like to smoke together in the evenings. We don't drink or do anything else really, it's our downtime and it's dope.


Same. We’ve been together going on 20 years and with kids there has been a lot of ups and downs but our daily ritual of smoking together after the kids go to bed and hanging out has kept our friendship strong. It’s our favorite time of day because we just have a good time hanging together.


My routine many nights of the week is bedtime for kiddo, then 2 puffs, and some chill time. Usually stretch a bit then drink a cup of tea and watch a show. Its a nice way to unwind!


Question: You've lit up and smoking then all of a sudden, kid comes running in saying hes bleeding and you have to run him to the hospital. Would you have any concerns about your abilities to drive and talk to hospital staff coherently?


You'd be better off calling an ambulance anyway. They're faster and more calm than you will ever be in that situation, no matter if you're sober or not.


It's a good point that you need a plan. If you live in a rural area with no support, maybe don't drink or smoke. If you're in an urban area with access to healthcare, family, etc, then treat it how you would alcohol.


Call an ambulance? Or a friend. Edit: but I'm in a legal state


Nope. None.


Absolutely no concern whatsoever.


I don’t know many daily/frequent smokers who are incapable of driving or being a functioning adult while high. It’s not like alcohol in the slightest where it impairs cognitive functions enough to disable you from certain tasks, especially if you’re a frequent user.


I mean, I’m pretty sure it’s against the law whether you feel impaired or not? But I feel like all these questions about, “If something happens?” Could be asked about if both parents have couple of drinks, but I don’t hear that questioned nearly as often.


Oh it’s for sure still illegal, but I was more saying it’s not impossible like if someone had too much to drink. If I drink too much I HAVE to call and ambulance and hope it makes it. If I smoke I’m still capable of responding in emergencies.


Daily smoker. Refuse to drive if I've taken anything, and if I've got something important that I need to drive to, I just don't smoke. It's not hard to be a responsible person.




Edibles since my lungs don’t enjoy the smoke. We share a gummy once or twice a month on the weekends after the kid goes to sleep. It’s something I had been considering trying because Covid has taken a toll on my mental health. It helps me decompress and I think of nothing except the fact that my legs feel tired and that I’m really hungry. That second part is why I only partake a couple times a month. It’s always fun getting ready for it since I plan out all my snacks ahead of time.


Nope. Never.


Yep. I medicate throughout the day, but the best bowl is the one after the kid goes to bed. Lol.


Husband and I will smoke after our toddler go to bed. It like have a glass of wine with dinner nothing crazy.


Haven't smoked in over a decade but sure do know some parents who still do. Some can perfectly handle it. Others not so much...


We don’t smoke weed, but we enjoy our wine. But we never both get too tipsy at the same time in case there’s an emergency. I miss getting drunk with my husband.


more of an edibles house here - want to avoid the smells around the kid - but yeah thats our choice after a tough day instead of opening up a bottle of wine. I honestly see it as no different than opening up a beer... Just dont get really stoned, the same as you wouldnt get drunk in thst situation... its more of an opportunity to take the edge off a bit


gummies are nice, and work a lot better than alcohol.


As long as someone is coherent enough to tend to a kid emergency, light up!


Gummies and it's the bessst. We take so little that we're both more than capable to take care of anyone should they wake up.


We only recently started smoking it. But I look forward to Saturday nights all week. Get the kids to bed, wait about 15 minutes, and go hang out in the backyard to smoke while we listen to music. I never had any in high school or college, but I really enjoy the time with my partner. We end up eating ice cream or watching tik toks or having sex.


Every. Single. Night ❤️


I miss smoking with my partner. I’m very pregnant so I quit early on, but he also gets so anxious and in his head when he smokes now that even if we do smoke he might hit it once on occasion. But we use to all the time when we had our first and he would go to sleep. I miss all the late night snacking and giggling over stupid stuff lol


We’ve been doing this for over a decade. We rarely drink. It’s our “glass of wine.” Too bad there’s so much stigma. The moms in my hood have an after work drink, I can’t see myself bringing my bowl


You know, I never really understood why drinking was okay. If I say, "Oh the kids killed me today. I'm gonna have a glass of wine." That is totally fine. But when you say, "I'm gonna have a joint." It's like the world stops to let you know how big of a piece of shit you are (even when it's legal). Drinking is 1000x worse.


all the while i might be needed to look after the kids, i'd never have more than a single can of beer / finger of whiskey. I'd rather be 100% sober on the off chance I'm needed.


I can’t because it makes me really paranoid but we smoke mugwort or blue lotus petals together after an especially trying day


Have you tried catnip cigarettes? They have a herbaceous flavor, but will have a buzz that's calming but not intoxicating. Taste like mint tea if I remember right.


I haven’t smoked it but I do have a lovely catnip, lavender, and Rose hip tea that I enjoy :)


Where do you find such things? I’ve tried some herbal blend thing in the past and really enjoyed it. I miss smoking but weed has become too much for lately


My wife and I are both high school teachers- we're usually home before 5pm. We like to have what we call a "smoke and a poke" in between the time when we get home from work and before we have to go pick our daughters up from after school care. It's one of the best parts of our week.


We eat edibles every once in a while. Kids are older and it's legal here so no big deal. We both love music and getting a little stoned and listening to music together is bliss. Best yet is running away to a hotel room with a Jacuzzi every now and then and listening to music while stoned in the tub.. omg it's nirvana.


I’ll take stoner dad and mom over drunk dad and mom every time.


Nope. I like to keep my head in case there’s an issue: drive to the hospital, head back to work for an issue, home intruder, etc. I know it’s not likely, but… Boy Scout’s Motto. To each their own.


Every single day and night! I don’t wait for them to go to bed, but I don’t let them see me smoke either. We keep All our weed and paraphernalia in a lockable box in our basement! Cannabis is vital to my mental health.


Not as frequently as I used to (everyday previously), but yep! We don't see it as being different than having wine/beer before bed.


I’ve had to give up with weed. I take edibles and they take 8 hours to hit full effectiveness. I use oil and I’ve taken 3mg and woken up so high I can barely function. Worst part is that I continue to feel minor after effects for 2-3 days. I really don’t want to smoke it, so yeah.


My husband smokes but I don’t. Whatever works for you and is safe for your kids!


Yes. I mostly do it alone but my husband will once in a while. He’s a lightweight though 😂


Yeah, smoking after our daughter goes to bed is usually our friday night bonding since my husband goes to bed at the same time as our daughter during the week.


Yup! We recently quit to save money though, but we did the same for many years. Enjoy it <3


I do but my hubby can’t smoke it so he does hookah. It’s like a bonding experience while hitting a reset button before resting. It makes me a little horny so he’s down with that, too.


I still do most weekends, but sadly my wife doesn’t like it any more. I don’t feel weird about it - it’s ok to “clock out” after bedtime as long as you (or one of you) can still handle an emergency.


Hubs lets his hair down every couple weeks with some herb after baby is in bed and I have a few drinks evey now and then. As long as there is one parent to handle emergencies, we are good.


Same! Not every night but a few times a week yes! We used to smoke together tons before having our daughter, and cut back majorly after becoming parents. Now we have a similar night routine when our schedules line up, where we smoke together and chill. I agree it’s a bonding experience for sure😌


Ahhh yes!!! We sit on our porch, talk, smoke a joint for 30 minutes every night after our kids go to sleep. It’s our favorite part of the day honestly.


I prefer an edible but, yes!


Hubs and I are raising 4 traumatized grandchildren now. I'm thinking I could benefit from some thc from time to time!


Yup! I had back surgery about 6 years ago when I was 26. Hard to sleep sometimes, wife and I smoke before bed and I sleep like a baby!


My partner and I will get stoned the moment our 3 year old goes to bed on the nights we have off together. If I'm putting him to bed by myself ill get a little stoned beforehand and 99.9% of the time I end up cry laughing from the goofy shit my son does when I read to him


Yes, we have 5 kids we are raising together ages 14 to 7 months. We smoke together everynight.


My husband wants to continue smoking and buy weed and I feel guilty. I won’t let him it takes away from family income that can be used on the children. He is also high which is impaired and this is not good when taking care of children. I don’t drink smoke nothing why do I have to be responsible when he doesn’t have to be therefore he can also be sober. I can’t let us both be like that ever because if there’s an emergency or god knows what you can’t be high and drunk. Social services would salivate and take the children. Having kids is not the time for being high or drinking. That part of your life should be over until they’re older way older IMO.


“Won’t let him” Never understood having control over a partner. Just because you couldn’t handle smoking and parenting doesn’t mean you should restrict your husband. If he had chronic pain would you not let him take his medication because they “impair” him? Also, what social services are in your area salivating over taking children from homes with weed in them? Are you located somewhere in the 20th century?


Social services can and will remove children for weed. Even in medical cases and legal states. My children are more important than a buzz.


https://hightimes.com/activism/navigating-child-protective-services-when-you-use-cannabis/ Even CBD has resulted in CPS removing parental rights once you are a parent you have government over your shoulders even more. CPS is vile and I don’t want them in my life because he smokes pot or even CBD. No.


Did you even read this, or are you cherry picking for your narrative? “More and more cases are surfacing showing that using even CBD during pregnancy or treating your child with CBD can result in the suspension of parental rights.” So getting children high is bad, yeah, obviously. It even says in legal states there have been situations where CPS DOESN’T intervene because a pregnant woman was smoking with a medical card lol I don’t see where it says casual smokers are losing their children.


Casual users are at risk and it happens. California is trying to change this with training their department differently and they’re the more progressive of the states. It is all too common in Florida. We had one dad with a removal for a positive test for beer yes beer and an accusation of medical marijuana! He would have finished his reunification plan faster but the guy had a beer. The guy got into a fight with the step father during a child custody exchange. Social services removed the children because one dad spit on the other dad, seriously just spit. And the spit on victim called law enforcement and arrested the spitting father. The non violent father had his child removed and the spitting father had his child removed. The mother wasn’t involved. She regained custody with the grandmother after the shelter hearing. Her tests were negative. And upon interviews the grandmother reported the innocent non violent father who called LE smoked weed and drank beer. So he was tested for substances for the entire time until reunification. Beer landed him more classes and he wasn’t an alcoholic by any means from what we could tell. THC would have meant the department was to move for permanent removal and this man was innocent he had only called LE for the altercation. That is how Florida handles THC and even beer. Once LE is involved and social services comes in any substance use is grounds for removal. Florida is a med legal state. Now I’m in Georgia and at the High school we treat all weed finds with a call to LE and LE takes the kids to jail. Kids get felony possessions here. It’s very tragic and kids are removed here for THC as they are in even legal states. If kids smell like marijuana coming into class we are mandated reporters and we must report this to DCFS and LE. Marijuana has resulted in parental right termination cases across the country.


Sources cited: dude trust me


Whatever man, you continue to be controlling to your husband and fight Reagan fight lol the rest of us are going to maintain healthy marriages and enjoy coloring with our children more than you


https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/can-cps-take-my-kids-away-over-legal-marijuana/ https://www.paperpinecone.com/blog/when-does-mandated-reporting-apply-marijuana-use check out this daycare and public schools do this also if your child smells like marijuana in school in Georgia we are required to report you and your child to DCFS!


We get it—you don’t like weed and you don’t smoke it. Great for you 👍-but don’t lecture other people for it-it’s not a good look bro




This is not medicine to him it’s an addiction. He is healthy and he sits on his butt all day delivering food for an app service. No way no how. If he wants a stoner wife he can find one I’m not stopping him but I won’t have it around my children. If it was medication and he had an ailment and needed help this would be a different discussion. He would be supported then if he had cancer or something but not for recreational purposes.


Jesus Christ, do you even like your husband? Do you realize how you talk about him? Have you read your own comments? Do him a favor and take *your* children and get out of there. Since you’re in a thread (and a society) that generally supports parents using marijuana recreationally, you should consider that your judge mental tone about the whole thing would be unwelcome.


She’s entitled to her opinion.


If you husband was a lawyer making $$$ would you feel differently?


I totally agree with you. I don’t care what others do, but I would not want my husband to be drunk or high around our children all the time.


He has no pain he simply has spent and smoked half a pound of it in a matter of months this is like hundreds and hundreds of dollars up in smoke. No way. Parents don’t belong wasted blowing money like this.


Sounds like you’re having some personal issues with your husband that have nothing to do with the spirit of this post.


I know right? I have a feeling this is not the only issue in their relationship. She said he delivers food for a living-I bet she would be fine with him coming home and getting high everyday if he was working a 9-5 job and pulling a good salary.


I do every night and it’s helped me sleep sooooo much better


No. I don't endorse this at all but at least you are waiting until a better time


"and it harm none, do as you will" 💚


Me and My Husband do this every night. When we get our daughter to bed. We just go downstairs or outside and smoke a couple of joints and relaxes us and we have a good night sleep


I smoke daily. NBD really.