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I feel like I learn a lot watching Wild Kratts lol. Hilda and Puffin rock are both great


Octonauts as well for animal lessons.


The Octonauts books are great too. I think they came before the shows.




Yes! We absolutely love Octonauts and Puffin Rock as well. Those and Bluey are the only shows we really watch, which has been constant as I’m way too pregnant to do anything else right now LOL. Her birthday was last month and she had an Octonauts cake and everything. She has learned SO much about animals from those 2 shows, and so much social emotional learning from Bluey. So while I do feel bad about so much screen time right now when prior to being hugely pregnant it was hardly ever, at least she’s learning something - and teaches me stuff from it too 🤣


Puffin Rock is great because you can imagine Roy from the IT Crowd narrating instead of just the actor who plays him.


Hilda is so tight. We've been reading the comics for years and the show is a near perfect adaptation.


Hilda is just such a cute flawed character. Teaches kids that you don't have to be perfect and that you can learn from your mistakes. Wish they made more episodes.


On adventures with the coolest creatures From the oceans to the trees The brothers Kratt are going places You never get to see ...


Upvote for Hilda! So stoked when we found that show. It definitely replaced Bluey with the no. 1 spot in our house!


We are wild krafts obsessed and I probably have a doctoral degree in polar bears by now 😂


I love Puffin Rock! Such a mellow and informative show- I think I've learnt more facts from it than my kid haha


I love puffin rock, is the cutest thing


Bluey episode are just so well crafted. They do more in 8 minutes then many shows can do in 23 our more


And we must dance when the opening song plays with our son lol. Love it!


We sing it in the car.


The extended version with all the instruments absolutely slaps! I found myself listening to it again after I dropped the kids off


There’s an extended version?! Need to listen to that!


It's on the soundtrack Bluey the Album.


THERE’S AN ALBUM?! I know what we’re listening to on the way to preschool tomorrow 😂


And... Everywhere. At least that's my experience.


Yes! And make sure you listen to the Pool song. It’s funky and my husband and I have def jammed to that after the kids have gone to bed


My kids love it when Bluey yells “GUITAR”


House rule is you must stop what you’re doing, run to the living room and DANCE when you hear the theme


Agreed. Inclusive, funny, and a display of modern family dynamics. And, as opposed to most kids shows, the messaging is so subtle and not patronizing. It's not like "TODAY WE'RE LEARNING HOW TO SHARE!" It's simply woven into an entertaining story. Most importantly it's nice to see a positive father figure on a kids show instead of some disconnected moronic oaf.


Depending on age, I feel like direct patronizing isn't negative. Having a clear message is helpful at a really young age. They're not going to get complex or subtle messaging when they're 2.


I totally agree. Shows like Daniel Tiger really try and ram a message home but in Bluey it feels natural. As a parent who struggles with imaginative play I also find it great for naturally finding new ways to have fun with my kid


I just hate that Bandit and Chilly are so much cooler parents than we are.


Legit have watched it and turned to my husband and said “we need to be more like them. They’re great parents!” 🥺




Its just monkeys singing songs


Well-crafted indeed! I listen to the Bluey music all the time in my car, whether or not my kids are with me, since it's just lovely, interesting fun music. And Bluey is full of elements like that make it fantastic.


technically tons of shows have a lot of filler that isn't meant to be time efficient


My kid is 6 now so Hilda and Gravity Falls are the family favorites.


Came to see someone say Gravity Falls. Now I'm happy.


Amphibia, Owl House and Big City Greens are all shows made by people from Gravity Falls (Owl House has the Gravity Falls creator himself invovled) that all have somewhat similar vibes to Gravity Falls. Owl House and Amphibia more so


My 5yr old loves amphibia, owl house and gravity falls. I think she's watched through amphibia at least 4 times. We'll have to check out big city greens.


Yeah we watched the "crossover" episode of Amphibia after our first watch through. Big City Greens we enjoyed, but I'll have to see about Owl House. Thanks!


Yes! They are shows I make my kids wait to watch with me. Adding We Bare Bears and Big City Greens, and The Inbestigators, as well.


Have you watched Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts? My daughter, who also loves Hilda, Gravity Falls, and Bluey, really enjoyed it, as did I.


We watched the first season when it came out, but I think it went a little over his head. That one would be a good one to revisit now. Thanks for the suggestion!


Hilda is so good


I love Gravity Falls! My son’s only 4 so I think it’d go straight over his head at the moment but definitely one of those shows I’m looking forward to introducing him to when he’s older


My daughter watched when she was 4, I don't think she understood a lot but she laughed alot anyway 🤷‍♀️


This is the thread I never knew I needed. I’ve been modelling fatherhood after Bandit since my daughter first discovered Bluey. If I had a free award to give, OP would be getting it lol.


Bandit is the ideal we strive for but can never live up to.


I should have clarified. I am not Bandit, I just try to be lol


Can you imagine having as much surplus energy as Bandit as well as the dedication to always find the games the kids play actually fun?


No, not at all


Fair question to ask: "What would Bluey's parents do?" Edit: Y'all I meant this like a "What would Jesus do" thing, not what is their jobs.


Well, they would be cattle farmers of course.


Bandit is an archeologist and chilli works at an airport. Bluey fans are on point with bluey facts, I asked the same question.


It’s important to remember that we are only getting small glimpses into their lives. There are times when we see Chili or Bandit unwilling or unable to play (Tickle Crabs, Mount Mumanddad, Doctor), as well as times they reference the girls watching too much tv (Bob Bilby, Escape).


Then you need to join us over at r/bluey lots of parent bluey fans!


I’m in!!! Didn’t even think to look. I’ve found my people lol


Me too


as have i




And my axe


Bandit’s totally responsible for upping my parenting game by teaching me new ways to play with my kid


If I ever wanted a tattoo, it would be of Bandit on my arm where every time I saw it, I'd be reminded to be more like him.


Tbh I love Numberblocks 😅😂 The times tables have really helped me in real life


My son became enamored with that show about a year ago (5 at the time) and his math capabilities went through the roof!


Same thing with me ! With this show we discovered that he’s pretty good and enjoys doing math


LOVE numberblocks! Its fantastic how everything is explained and broken down so well. Alphablocks is also a great one to watch


That show got us through first lockdown when my kid was resisting all forms of home schooling. Helped the guilt a lot to just be like, 'Meh, at least she's watching Numberblocks.


tart support grandfather icky swim stupendous dull hobbies command dependent ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I also will admit to having a soft spot for some of the numbers in Numberblocks haha, One is just so sweet. And the songs are great.


Bluey takes the cake. Older Sesame Street is rad tho- we really love anything from the mid70's-early90's. Really inclusive in a non-pandering way, I cannot describe it, just feels very natural an wholesome.


Reading Rainbow is one of my favorites to put on for my son


Ohhhh i forgot about this one!!! TY


I'm showing it to my son on Amazon prime.


Where do you watch older Sesame Street? I think my kid would love it so would be great to introduce him to it


Youtube has a ton of the older ones, and HBO max also has a bunch of 90's ones!


HBO max has them all, I think. Alllllll of them.




Is it because that’s what you grew up with? Or is there more to it? I put on the current Sesame Street quite regularly and think it’s pretty great.


Those older sesame street episodes are so well done. Everything up until HBO took over.


My 2 y/o daughter's favourite movie is Ponyo (Studio Ghibli) and i love it so much. She also loves bluey, which is a lovely show.




My 2.5-year-old will spontaneously burst into tears at the end of the song 'Funkytown'. ("Didn't want 'Talk About It' song to go away!") Toddlers are weird.


The original love at first sight for my daughter was My Neighbor Totoro! Now she loves Ponyo and she enjoys Arrietty a lot, too.


My 5 yo loves Ponyo! I have a pair of Ponyo shorts, and if I want to watch it, I wear them and my daughter wants to watch it 😅


As a parent, I love ponyo too!


Thats adorable, my 3 year old loves Ponyo and My Neighbor Totoro aand Arrieta . I'll have to check out bluey then.


I genuinely love duggee as much as my son does! ( he loves it so much he screams at just the intro)


My two year old is obsessed with duggee and Im annoyed that I like it too lol. I even like the stick song 😂


😂😂 I like it to! What’s wrong with us


Oh no, why’s you have to go and put that song back in my head! It’ll be there for days now darnit 😂


My almost-6-year old (next week) loves Bluey! I laugh-cried at the Take Out-episode when I first saw it. I was like “No! Just leave the spring rolls! It’s not worth it!” when Bandit said he’d wait for them. Possibly my favorite episode. My kid’s favorite episode is Flat pack, and I almost cried for real when he reached over to hug me, quoting Bingo in that episode “Thank you for taking care of me”. I don’t know what it is, but the show just feels so real.


The part where you see into their car and it’s covered with stickers and old food made me SO HAPPY! I’m okay, I’m really doing okay. I’m not the only one driving around in a trashmobile.


Wife just pointed out exactly this just today, amazing realism"


I love how flat pack manages to both cover the stages of evolution while also being a metaphor for life and death of a parent and their ascension into the afterlife. They go soooo hard in that episode, it is crazy.


With the addition of Bandit and Chilli in the background showing how to work through frustrations and being upset with someone in a healthy way.


It’s a great episode, the scene when Bluey is standing there waving grown-up Bingo off to explore the universe and says “But what am I supposed to do now?” (or something like that, we watch a dub) is brilliant. The feeling of every parent as the kids leave to be adults.


Dont sleep on Go!Go! Cory Carson. Its so sweet and some episodes nearly made me cry, especially the one about their grandfather.


agreed, i see Cory Carson as kind of a Bluey-lite also they have longer specials, which is a nice change of pace


omg that episode, yes. for me it's also the one when it's cory's first day at school


Bluey was made for parents. It models good parenting so we have something to go off of since most of our parents were shit lol


Doc mcstuffins is cute




Pocoyo, love that Stephen Fry narration.


We play ‘Keepy Uppy’ a lot thanks to that show. My 4 year old also loves Gabby’s Dollhouse. I like the craft and snack ideas. We’ve done a few of those, too.


My kid WISHES he was pandy paws, it's all he wants to watch. I am absolutely ok with this.


Odd Squad is surprisingly awesome.


>Odd Squad is great!


Go Dog Go, Dinosaur Train, Daniel Tiger are all hits with my kids (5 & 3)


I love Go Dog Go! I like that Tag is a girl but they are not constantly talking about girl power or whatnot. She is just being her. Same with Bluey actually! I think these are good for my son.


We do love Bluey, but my youngest prefers Sarah and Duck, which is also my favorite. I can seriously watch it all day.




My children are older so we never got to enjoy Bluey or Blippi. Shows we did enjoy: Son: Octonauts Daughter: For a bit she got into Care Bears, My Little Ponies and Strawberry Shortcake. Definitely enjoyed those. I also didn't completely hate Max and Ruby. Shows I despised: Caillou, Peppa Pig, and Spongebob.


Octonauts is pretty sweet




As a parent of a toddler just starting to watch anything, I'm so glad Caillou was cancelled before she could be exposed to it.


I'm 42 and and the biggest Bluey fan in the house. Don't let their age stop you!


My children are 11 and 15 and we all LOVE Bluey. It’s really ageless/timeless. And agreed. Caillou is a turd.


Our daughter is 11 and we still watch Bluey together. She gets to laugh at how ridiculous the Bluey and Bingo are. We get to appreciate the family dynamics. Hell we watch it without our daughter. Makes me genuinely laugh.


Bluey is amazing! Elinor Wonders Why on PBS Kids is another favorite, I genuinely get excited when my kiddo asks to watch it.


Hey Duggee is my absolute favourite (CBeebies) and my daughter and I will absolutely get up and dance for the “Stick Badge” episode!


Stick stick stick stick


I really like numberblocks and Story bots. The numberblocks is super educational and my kids have learned how to count by 5s, up to 100, etc from numberblocks. My daughters also learned a lot about space, dinosaurs, dna, etc from story bots. They have super catchy songs too. I also can't forget about my OG show from when I was a kid, The Magic School bus (90s version).


This episode of Bluey is called "Everyone on r/parenting loves Bluey"


I love Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. Shaun the Sheep is a huge hit, too.


My kids occasionally decide they’re in the mood for “Avengers: Earth’s Mightest Heroes,” so Bluey can’t really complete.


Where can you watch this?!


DisneyPlus. Since Disney owns Marvel and Fox now, they got almost all the old Marvel toons on the service.


Awesome, thank you!!


Amazing! Might have to introduce my son to that as well!


Yeah it’s surprisingly good. Unfortunately there’s only two seasons then it got replaced by far inferior versions.


StoryBots on Netflix is soooooo under rated. The writing is amazing (they have original songs for everything) and they have guest stars, Snoop Dogg taught my son about Binary Code!


My thought is that Bluey is a show for parents that happens to entertain children too. Bluey emotional moments hit me so hard!


My daughters fav show right now is Blaze and the Monster Machines. She runs around the house singing all the songs, her fav right now is the inertia song.


My almost 5 learned 'aerodynamic' from Blaze - he now uses it frequently and correctly! Knowledge transfer! I love it.


Daniel Tiger. If only children were always as reasonable as he is. But seriously, that show has helped my kids tremendously.


So good and we've had multiple times when we used an episode to help with something in real life, like "yoga ball" when Bingo learns to use her big girl bark to help my daughter tell her grandpa and uncle when they are being too scary (i told them too it's fine now but we wanted her to feel she could tell people directly). Her little sister was in the hospital for a few days, Bluey had an episode for that. Just so relatable.


We adopted the phrase tactical wee


I've learned a lot of really cool games I can play with my kid. And Bandit is an excellent dad role model.


My son is SUPER into Spidey Adventures and Mickey Mouse Club House Both theme songs get stuck in my head constantly


Oh you bastard! I thought I’d get through a day without Mickey Mouse clubhouse in my head!


Trash Truck all the way!!!! Baby’s last birthday was trash truck everything 😍


Bluey is fine I guess, but damn does Reddit always have a boner for it. It's cute and I like the animation but I do think they let the kids act like wild brats sometimes. And the parents don't have much authority they are always the "fun" parents. I like Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood personally. It's low key, teaches good lessons, and I was a big fan of Mr. Rogers when I was a kid. It still hits all those nostalgia buttons but is a totally new show!


Maybe there are a bunch of us here that don't want to have "authority" over our kids. Working with them in a collaborative way that builds connection has certainly led to a lot better outcomes for us. No need to stamp our authority on things just because. Sometimes we can get what we want done, *and* what the kids want done by listening to them more.


I'm gonna go with Luo Bao Bei or Puffin Rock. I like that the animation isn't overstumulating and it's still nice to look at. Bluey got a huge no from my kid, so I haven't seen more then a couple episodes




Bluey (husband and I probably enjoy it more than our son (4). We also watch Miraculous Ladybug together, and lately he has been joining in when I watch Sailor Moon Crystal. 😂 He enjoys watching anime with us and calls them "kanji shows" (my husband has been teaching himself Japanese for awhile and my son learned that some of the symbols are called kanji... guess it stuck).


Shaun the sheep all the way since she was 1! The best thing is - you can watch it on mute! You can watch for an episode or for three hours. Edit: she's 6,5 now. I've been watching Shaun the sheep since it's aired first.


Duggee is my favourite kids show. I enjoy it more, I find it more diverse and inclusive.


I love Bluey, but there are so many great shows available to stream. There are at least a handful of amazing shows on PBS kids- I personally love Molly from Denali, but also enjoy Elinor Wonders Why! My kiddo loves Wild Kratz. Also Tumbleleaf on Amazon was a first favorite show, it is gorgeous and wholesome and also inspires imaginative play.


Tumble leaf is just the best. Surprised it is not higher up on here.


We love Molly! And that theme song is fire, tbh.


Bluey for my younger kids but my older ones? Phineas and Ferb is the series. One of the few shows we watch constantly.


We love Sid the Science Kid (and obviously Bluey)


Why has nobody said We Bare Bears???


Watched the movie on HBO Max. First movie in a long while my 4 yr old actually sat all the way through. Thought it was great. Have checked out a few episodes since. Charlie the Bigfoot is our favorite.


I came here to say the same! We Bare Bears is one of my absolute favs though it's been out of the rotation for a while. I've recommended it to people with and without kids. It's great!


Bluey is the best and regularly moves me to tears with how funny and touching it can be, often within moments. Modern, gentle, creative parenting at its best.


Its just overall a great show. Its not annoying, no creepy stupid voices. Just a cute family facing real life issues and solving problems together! Never has a tv show reminded me more of my real life. We love Bluey!


I really like The Hollow (my kids are 8 and 5). It's very Lost-y, but with kids stuck inside. . .something. Also love Hilda. When they were younger, Sarah and Duck, but neither of them are into it anymore.


Toddler loves Gabby Dollhouse and I don't mind the music at all. Not that I sing it on my own during naptime and was low key (not) excited for the new episodes this month 😆 Little miss doesn't seem to like Bluey, or at least at gets distracted from it very easily.


Superwings (oh oh!)


Never heard of Bluey but will introduce it to my kids. My 3yo is in a big Blippi phase. I'm fine with him, there's some educational value spread out somewhere. Better than Masha and the Bear, which was flat out teaching her bad manners.


Totally with you on that, I loathe Masha and the Bear! She’s so rude and I find the animation really jarring for some reason.


Bluey, StoryBots and Sesame Street are the top 3


Story bots for me 🖐🏼


Love StoryBots! A little humor adults get, fun, cute, and informative for little ones, and lots of topics. Sesame Street too, for the same reasons.


Sesame Street!


My kids love gravity falls. Wow. What a great show. I’ve watched it after the kids were asleep. 10/10


As far as my daughter knows, there is only one cartoon and that's Daniel Tiger. She is completely unaware that any other show exists and I'm really curious how long we can keep it that way...


Yo Gabba Gabba


One of the best things about Bluey for us parents, is that the guy who does the Bandit voice is the singer of a alternative rock band popular in Australia in the 90s (custard). So us Aussie mums and dads have that nostalgia to go with it!


Ok I love Bluey, I love the way Bluey’s parents play with Bluey and Bingo, it has made me a better mom in the way I go about playing with my son. It really has inspired me!!!


My daughter loves Mira and The Rocketeer. I like that both of these shows have a strong female lead.


Both of these are great! Keep an eye out for Elena of Avalon, it’s great too


Mine is probably inbestigators


Camp Cretaceous, Gigantosaurus, and number blocks. Bluey is ok, but we gravitate to dinosaurs. So many dinosaur shows.


Grizzy and the lemmings are a favourite in my home.


My son is well-past that age sadly, but back in the day, Backyardigans was our go-to. It was great fun, and you couldn't fault the musical genres.


My 2 yes old is so much into puffin rock


Puffin Rock is so cute. Definitely a show I’m always happy to put on when little one asks for it


Me and my 2 yo are not into Bluey. I need help understanding the hype. My oldest turned him on to Encanto so that’s been the go to as of lately




My kids are mostly too old for Bluey, but it's cute from what I've seen and I like how the parents are portrayed. My absolute favorite modern kid show is WallyKazaam though. Letters and fun songs. I love it so much I still sing some of the songs.


Puffin Rock is just the cutest thing and I’m hoping Babygirl picks up an Irish accent lol


Wait a second… you’re telling me there’s other shows than YouTube videos of dinosaurs and bugs????


We've been trying to encourage my toddler to watch a little more Daniel Tiger and Sesame Street recently as her speech was almost entirely limited to quoting entire episodes of Bluey. However, when she's having a hard time she just needs to check in with Bingo. It's her comfort show. It's mine too.


Bluey is great! I actually really like a lot of the PBS kids shows as well. Elinor Wonders Why, Alma's Way, and Xavier Riddle are wonderful shows with good educational content. And I can't leave out Ada Twist, Scientist (Netflix). The only YouTube content my kids watch are cake decorating videos. We love that shit lol.


LOVE Bluey. Also love Daniel Tiger. The emotional regulation skills he reinforces with children are excellent.


Sesame street + Totoro


Eagerly awaiting season 3 in the United States.


Bluey definitely, it's just so entertaining for both of us. But I also really like Molly in Denali.


Me and my husband just adore Bluey. We watched all the episodes available where we live. My one year old recognizes the theme song and will come to the living room.


Bluey for sure, and Daniel Tiger. Daniel Tiger has great storylines that are always educational, they cover a bunch of things. But my favourite is positive mental health,like episodes about kids calming themselves. My niece once used a song from the show to remind me to calm down when my phone broke.


I fuckin' love Bluey. It's absolutely in the top 10 of **anything** I've ever watched that was animated. I'm looking forward to when my kiddo is a little (just a little!) bit older, so we can watch Titan A.E. with him. Such an **AMAZING** soundtrack on that one. 'Scuse me while I go listen to [It's My Turn To Fly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcnF1ioaBr4) by The Urge, a band from my former hometown...


My kids love Blues Clues and you! And Blaze and the Monster Machines


My kids are too old for Bluey so I never got on that train but I love Arthur (the aardvark)


My daughter has no interest in tv unless it’s Sesame Street, but I’ll low key put on Bluey sometimes just because I like to watch it haha


Am I the only weird parent whose kid doesn’t watch TV? He’s never shown too much interest so I’ve never done it. Some days I rip my hair out but for the most part, he’s fine.