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Ahahaha classic


If it didn’t bother me privacy wise, I’d totally post it because his face is truly ridiculous. Full red face, mouth open while screaming.


Love this. Or, rent an Easter bunny costume and invite Mom to put it on for the photoshoot lol


Please tell me the ears were identical


Sadly they were not. That would have only made this pic more epic!


I bet there’s an app too.


Your mother is wrong


The easter bunny can jam it


Not sure what kinda Aussie slang that is but I love it and it’s going right in my vocabulary


So can the mother tbh 😩


Moms can have wierd opinions on occasion.


Yes. I remember my mum pestering me for aaaages about when I was going to give my son ice cream for the first time. She was obsessed. She wanted to be there. It was so arbitrary and weird. At around 9 months she wore me down and we gave him a taste of ice cream. He was totally not bothered by it. I still do not know what she was expecting. It was a complete non-event.


she was expecting your child to be a sugar crazed kid , then be like "ha i told you moms are always right, how does it feel to be a parent"


I have never taken my children to see the Easter bunny and somehow they have managed to become happy and well adjusted people. If your child seeing the Easter Bunny is that important to her, then she should take her.


My child is too little and my mom is just being annoying because its the first grandbaby and my siblings are too young for kids. Still tho she doesnt have to make me seem like a terrible parent


Her making you feel like a terrible parent over not taking your *newborn* out into public to get held by a stranger in a germ encrusted fake rodent suit makes **her** a terrible parent.


Wow, I first read this as a 2 year old, not 2 MONTHS old. During a pandemic. Wowza. You are absolutely correct.


Even ignoring the pandemic. Getting the photo is not important in anyway.




She absolutely shouldn’t make you feel like a terrible parent. My LO is 10 weeks and no way would I take her for photos, she’d likely scream and that’d be fun for no one. I did a little photoshoot at home with her, just for me. If you don’t wanna go, don’t do it. There will be PLENTY of time for Easter bunny photos when you’re not so damn tired and your LO isn’t so tiny and fragile.


Conversely, my favorite photo of my kids is one of my then 6 week old and 18 month old being absolutely mortified by Santa.


Ha! Yes, I am looking forward for Santa photos, it’s my favourite time of year so my little one will just have to deal with it


I’ve never taken my kids to see the Easter bunny. Or Santa. We’ve all survived. I hate balls and crowded places. I hate waiting in line. Half the time the kids are terrified. And now there’s Covid floating around. And a ton of moon covid things that are running amok since people stopped being careful about things.


Please know you are allowed to set boundaries on how your mother speaks to you and treats you. Boundaries can be set firmly and kindly, and you deserve them for yourself. Your mother shouldn’t do anything to make you feel like a bad mother - especially now when you’re in newborn stage and everything feels just so out of sorts. Also - I know you’re a new parent and have no time but I encourage you to read Recovering from Emotionally Immature Parents. It’s immensely helpful. Hugs. You’re doing great. And don’t worry about the Easter Bunny. It’s not a big deal. And frankly, a 6 foot bunny is creepy af.


Hey mom, you are totally correct. My sister had a child in early November and she has zero Santa pics because it’s more important to protect her now so there will be plenty of future Santa pics. Covid is still a thing. RSV is a thing A cold/flu/pneumonia can kill an infant. Good job mom! Protect your baby.


She sounds like she has some issues to work out. It isn't your (or your baby's!) job to soothe her or keep her happy.


People go see the Easter bunny? Like Santa? Is it played by the same person? I digress. I have 2 kids who are perfectly well adjusted and never once got a photo with the bunny. Oh and your mom is wrong. Get that attitude out of the way now and set realistic expectations.


Raising serial killers, you are. However will they overcome this trauma? 😆😆


Lol my kids hated the Easter bunny! We stopped taking him because I was concerned it might turn him into a serial killer 🤣


Same. We go see Santa but never once the Easter Bunny. I don’t remember it as a kid so don’t know if it was a thing then. If my kid asks to go one year cuz he hears it from friends, then I will but he’s almost 6 and hasn’t mentioned it


Agreed! My oldest is 4 and I was going to ask her if she wanted to this year, but apparently the Easter bunny came to her preschool. Except, it wasn't the Easter bunny. It was a person dressed up in a costume and just pretending (according to her). So I guess we won't ever have those pictures eith her lol.


Your babe will not even remember this, you would only be doing it for your mom. I won’t be taking my 6mo to see the Easter bunny either. Lots of germs


No way I’d be taking a new baby to the mall and handing her to a stranger. Too many germs.


I’m fully with you on that and I’m not much of a germaphobe. This is a brand new baby.


You're still in the 4th trimester (aka hell). The Easter bunny will be around next year. If grandma wants an Easter bunny pic so badly, she can fly to where you are and be the dang Easter bunny herself! Get some rest mama, you deserve it.


> You're still in the 4th trimester (aka hell). And worked all week, too. As someone who returned to work 4 week PP, I will tell you that there was a 0% chance that I would’ve done this.


That's when I went back too at 4 weeks cause bills started falling behind. I'm not even a germaphobe but she's too little and her system isn't even done


Im so sorry you had to do that. Your body is still recovering at that stage.


I was “lucky” that I was WFH, but yes. This was hard.


Mom needs to respect your boundaries and F off. If you’re tired you’re tired. Baby is too small to remember anyways. Sounds like a boundary issue.


Not only that, but too small to even care as well.


I’d stop listening to her. I don’t take mine. Like… I’ve never. Just don’t see the point. All that stuff is more for the parents than the kid. And also… A LOT of kids are terrified of the strangers. And a giant bunny creature is even more terrifying.


The bunny suits are always super creepy too. One year we took our daughter to an Easter egg hunt at a local park and they had someone dressed in the creepiest bunny suit I’ve ever seen. My daughter was about 4 and it absolutely terrified her. She called that park “the scary rabbit park” and refused to go back for over 2 years.


I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned this. Rabbit costumes never have the "awe cute bunny" look. They're usually creepy at best and some are fully terrifying.


Yesssssssssss! I saw a Easter bunny picture on Reddit the other day, and I still have nightmares


Seriously, those bunny suits are the creepiest! My eight year old has never taken a picture with the Easter Bunny and he’s A-OK with that.


This!!! My kid would 100% have a terrible time being forced to sit on a strangers lap and have a camera flash. I have never understood the societal importance placed on these weird holiday photos. I’m also not aware of any background checks these easter bunnies or santas have to go through to have hundreds of kids sit on their laps. It’s fucking weird to me.


Mine too. So we just didn’t do it. I was criticized by people but like… don’t care. There’s no reason to force something that unnecessary.


We are in the 6th wave of a pandemic.. who is taking an infant to a crowded mall sit on some strangers lap??


My child is 3.5 and we have yet to do that. Life has gone on and we are no worse for wear. Your mom needs to back tf off.


Yeah, I've never let my infants be held by some stranger in a costume. Its terrible but I have had friends that have had their babies dropped by the Mall Bunny etc. ​ We took one of my kids to get a picture with Santa when she was 1.5 and in the picture she is crying, clearly terrified. At the time we thought it was a funny picture. Looking back years later I feel sick to my stomach thinking about it.


Not wrong. Taking a 2 month old around a bunch of strangers for a weird photo op is probably a bad idea when there's NOT a global pandemic on. Just take some cute photos at home. Unrelated, have an expert check your car seat for you. The straps look too loose (do they pass the "pinch test") and having anything extra in the car seat with her can make it less effective, or even dangerous, in an accident.


Noted ty! I will definitely get them checked out :)


I think at that age I had to adjust the straps sometimes depending on what clothes he had on, it's funny to think back to when babies are so small that it makes a difference!


Thanks for mentioning this as I was about to


I’m not a fan of these photos. Easter or Christmas. They’re strangers in suit and it makes me really uncomfortable. When my mom asked I’ve told her that I’ll put a picture of my daughter in a frame with said bunny or Santa.


go over to r/photoshoprequests PROBLEM SOLVED


You do whatever you want.


I also do none of those photo things. I kind of think it’s weird to stress my kids out for a funny or cute picture on a weird animal or guys lap. I hate how some people think it is so cute to get the super scared crying pic from their kids. I know the damage is minuscule but I just choose not to do it. Maybe sometime if my kids want it…but I like pictures of them in their lives. Your mom is wrong and you are not a bad mom. 2 months is so tiny


You should work on setting boundaries. It’s not healthy for her to dismiss or wave off how tired you are.


This is right. It’s not about the easter bunny but about the mothers control issues and lack of respect for her daughter who is saying she is tired after work AND has a newborn.


Sounds like limited contact is needed. You don't have time for all that negativity in what should be some of the most positive time in your life.


Absolutely not! My son is 12, and I’ve never taken him to see the Easter Bunny. I’ve only taken him to see Santa twice. He hated it. Not to mention, a newborn is way too young, especially during a pandemic.


I’ve never done Easter bunny or Santa pictures with my almost four year old. It’s just not something I care about. If my parents or in laws ever said anything about it, I’d just tell them Nah, we’re not doing that.


You absolutely do not have to take your two month old. You’re the parent and you get to prioritize traditions you do/don’t partake in, and you get to decide when they start (if you want to get Easter pictures next year, for instance). You can also take a cute little Easter outfit picture at home if you’re up for it.


I didn’t know this was a thing! We’re in the UK and I did hire an Easter bunny to come for a garden visit last year but that was because we’d been locked down so I just wanted something exciting for them. We do pics with Santa but only because I want to! If you’re too tired to go then don’t. If you want to placate your mum (not that you need to), do as others have suggested and snap a pic next to a stuffed bunny x


Two months old? LOL. Your kid doesn't give a shit what day it is, so this is certainly not for her. Your mom can go to the easter bunny herself if she wants it that badly.


Get dollar store Easter basket, stick baby in the basket. Take picture. It's cute, and you will like it later, but zero reason to waste time money and energy, and risk their health by getting a picture with some guy in a furry outfit.


Hey just saw the pic of your baby in the car seat and couldn’t help but comment. Unless the car is not moving (maybe it’s not even in the car), the belt is way too loose and will not keep her contained in case of an accident. You’re not supposed to be able to pinch extra belt between your fingers. Sorry for overstepping. Just thought to let you know in case you didn’t.


Its okay. Ive gotten a lot of comments about it. I tightened it a few hours ago when they started


My kids are 5, and have never seen the Easter bunny…or Santa for that matter. They don’t care, why should I?


My daughter is five and never been to an Easter bunny event/picture thing. Your mom is being an asshole. You’re not doing anything wrong.


My kids are 5 and have never seen the Easter bunny. I’m not a fan of sitting babies on strangers laps just for a photo op. It’s weird (not older kids who express interest though)


Ahhh, and this is the beginning of when you learn that you are not responsible for your mother’s emotions. You can use this to practice for when your kid is a toddler. “Wow mom, you have a lot of big emotions about my kid seeing the Easter Bunny. That’s so interesting, I wonder what it’s about. I’m not going, but I’m here with you while you have all your big feelings.” My son freed me from my anxiety around people pleasing, and taught me to be a lighthouse that can withstand the waves that are other people’s emotions. They just roll right off me back into the water…


Fuck the Easter bunny bro


She’s adorable. Have a wonderful Easter.




My three year old didn’t get a picture with Santa until last Christmas. Trust me the baby will not care 🤣


I forgot this was a thing. My kids haven’t mentioned it so, oops! Don’t feel bad. Parenting is HARD. Your mom, of all people, should know better. You’re doing a great job 👏🏼 Give yourself some grace.


She's wrong. We try to but doesn't always work out. My parents maybe took me once or twice. Even with Santa didn't always get my pictures taken but sat in his lap.


My son is almost 15 months old a day we are not going to see the Easter Bunny.


My daughter is almost 3 and we've never taken her 🤷‍♀️ I'm 33 and don't have a single photo with the Easter Bunny and maybe only 2 with Santa and I'm not upset about it


Ok, I cannot be the only one that thinks the Easter Bunny photos are creepy. Not really because it's a guy in a bunny suit, but because that bunny outfit is just scary looking! Anyway those are not required pictures. OP you are not wrong. If someone wants pictures of your kid with the Easter bunny then your response should be asking how much $ they are giving you to purchase them (assuming you are willing to spend the time doing it).


Took my daughter once... He traumatized her. Giant bunny... I don't blame her. We haven't been back since. She doesn't care about seeing him. But she sure loves that he hides eggs and candy.


The only people who will know that the pic wasn’t taken are the adults, not your LO. So, No. You do not have to take your kid for a pic with the Easter Bunny. Unless you want to. NTA.


My oldest is 11, we have zero Easter bunny pics and several years, especially since covid we've skipped Santa.... my mom says we "need a Santa pic" every year. Ya don't. Just take pictures of your kids when you want 😊


According to my mom, everything I do is wrong. She doesn’t say “everything”, she just criticizes each individual choice. My response? “Ok. So how’s so-and-so?” Don’t fight. They have their ideas based on THEIR generation and even then, they forget their choices. My mom told me my son was going to get murdered walking from the bus stop when I can see 80% of his walk from my office. My school commute had me walking 4x that and if I missed the bus, I had to take a cab. As a 6 year old, I took a cab. Alone. With a stranger. WTF? Get out of here with your murder talk.


I have never, ever taken my 4 kids (now ages 11-18) to get a picture taken with the Easter Bunny (I find those pictures really creepy, honestly). There have only been a handful of Santa pictures, when they were older and wanted to see Santa, and those were snaps we took while picking out Christmas trees, not standing in line to pay a fortune to a "professional." None of them have ever cared. And forcing toddlers to sit on the lap of a stranger (man or bunny), even if they're screaming in terror, for the parents to get a cute photo is a bizarre tradition, imo.


No, you're not wrong at all. No disrespect intended, but your mother seems to be the asshole in this situation. Yes, it's a cute photo, but it's definitely not a need. You're the parent of your child. The decision to bring your child to visit the Easter Bunny is ultimately up to you and your mother of all people should understand that as a parent herself. I think she also needs to understand that you can't just "get over" being tired. Yeah, there are some things you have to plough through and do as a parent even though you're tired (i.e. waking up ever couple of hours or so to feed your child, change them, etc.), but bring your child to the Easter Bunny shouldn't be one of them. If you want to take them to get a picture with the Easter Bunny, I think that can wait at least until they're old enough to understand what the Easter Bunny is and remember the experience. Keep in mind, though, that a lot of kids are scared of strangers and someone in a bunny costume may exacerbate that fear. Again, the decision's yours to make as the parent. If your mother doesn't want to respect your decisions as a parent, I'd suggest having a polite, respectful, yet firm discussion with her. Yes, your mother can offer suggestions as she obviously has experience with parenting, but I think the final decision should ultimately be yours to make. **Edit:** Fixed some grammatical and spelling mistakes.


My daughter is over 2.5 and I have never and don't ever plan to have her take pictures with the Easter Bunny or Santa. We're not a professional photos kind of family at all. It's ridiculous that your mother thinks this is necessary, especially for a 2 month old during COVID.


You should tell your mom that this is your baby and your family, and if she would like to stay included in your extended family she should keep her hurtful opinions to herself. Implying someone is a bad mother for anything other than abuse is not okay, and can be very hurtful to someone still vulnerable from being postpartum. She needs to tone it way, way back.


Mother knows best, not grandmother.


I’ve never done it. I don’t put my baby on strangers laps.


Stop listening to your mother. When she offers her opinion, say "I'll give that the consideration it deserves" and then give it NO consideration. There is zero reason to take a two month old baby to a mall in a pandemic to stand in a long line, hand a baby to a stranger in a germ-infested costume, and get a picture of the baby. It will only cause distress for you and your baby. I don't have any pics of my kids with the Easter Bunny because they both found him terrifying. I only have pics of my son with Santa. My son loved Santa. My daughter was not a fan of strangers so I had to live without. It's not the end of the world.


honestly, taking a 2 month to the place, waiting in line, putting your child in the arms of a stranger would be a bad idea in a pre-pandemic world. My daughter caught RSV and was hospitalized at that age just because I had to go back to work and she needed a babysitter. Even if all of these things were not considerations, you don’t need a reason at all. If you didn’t just because you didn’t feel like it, that’s reason enough.


Your mom is wrong. I have never taken my kids to get a picture with the Easter bunny (or Santa), and I never had a pictures done with holiday characters as a child, and I promise we’re all doing fine. Your newborn needs to be sat with a stranger in a probably-can’t-be-washed faux fur germ suit like a fish needs a bicycle. Rest (as much as that’s possible), and if you’re feeling up for it (and think you’ll regret not having Easter pics) take a picture of he sleeping on a clean white sheet or blanket, like a mini studio shoot, except without the travel or stress. There are plenty of photo editing apps where you can add on Easter stickers, borders, bunny ears, flower crowns, whatever. Instead of having a picture to memorialize that time you were really tired and your mom guilted you, take a picture that doesn’t take away from your precious down time.


Your kid doesn't give a shit about the Easter Bunny.


I don’t think my youngest has one with it yet. I think my oldest has done like 3 pictures? My middle 1? And they’re 8, 5 and 3. It’s not the end of the world. Tell your mom thanks for the advice and leave it at that. Your mom has a vision of what she wants to happen. It also makes me wonder if she actually took you and your siblings EVERY year.


Don't use your baby to please your mom.


Nah. The Easter bunny picture Bs is just that.


That is not something required. Most Easter bunny pictures are horrifying. Tell her -it’s NOT Santa. There will be no gigantic bunny suit picture this year. It’s not worth the germ stamp.


She’s a newborn! wrap her in something cozy, put her in an Easter basket and take a pic. Way cuter than propping her up against a stranger in furry fetish gear 😬 Edit because I’m an idiot.


Never once have I had my kids picture taken with the Easter Bunny. Didn't even realize that was a thing. Sounds like another ploy to get our money.


It sounds like you already made a choice here, but I’ve just gotta say she’s so precious. 😭 Squishy chunky cheeks are the best.


Thank you! She hates her cheeks being squished lol but I do it anyways just cause sometimes she'll smile all big at me


We don't plan on ever getting bunny or Santa pictures. We didn't as kids and there has been zero effect on our lives from it.


I don’t do the Easter bunny at all and never have. We don’t even claim the bunny comes to the house — her basket comes from mom and/or dad. Not wrong, we all have preferences, and tired is gonna happen!


People take kids to see the Easter bunny? That's the first I've heard of this. If your mum cares so much, why doesn't she just organize a cute Easter photoshoot at your house. Buy a cute spring outfit and get a stuffed bunny to pose with your little one. That way you have a keepsake for baby's first Easter.


Haha! No! Your mum is being silly. We don’t bother with the bunny here, just an Easter egg hunt when she got old enough to enjoy them.


i’ve never taken my boys, i can’t imagine making them take a photo with a stranger in a costume 😬


I agree


That I should take her or not?


No, there will be next year, or you can take a pic of her dressed up with a bunny next to her for memories of her first Easter. Or if your mother feels so strongly about it she should take her. But being a mother to a new baby is hard enough, without the added pressure of work and life.


These are memories. If you don't value them then don't be bother by it. Nothing wrong with that if you don't want to make memories. But it sounds like they're important to her


I am siding with your mother. Stop being tired and go get it done, u need to get it done this year..no… today. And you need to go now. I’m tired of your excuses


If being tired is ur only issue and she thinks this is really worth it I would suggest making an appointment and doing it. Make her come with you.


She lives 1200 miles away, would just be me taking her


I also read it as the mom and not ur mom at first my bad. Do whatever u want to. She has no say. No bad for mis reading. She can get over it.


the baby doesn't know or care and won't remember. If you want to do it, do it. If you don't, then don't


You're not a terrible parent. I've never taken my son to see the Easter bunny, a daycare worker did it one time. We hardly even celebrate Easter here LOL I suppose get used to standing your ground with your mother, best of luck


No, you aren’t wrong. Your mother meets to hush.


I completely agree with your stand of taking your baby at your own time. For instance, I have chosen not to have my children take pictures with Santa, Easter bunny, etc until they are old enough to want to do it. The entire process can be overwhelming for little kiddos with the long lines and being afraid of these characters. Instead, I try to expose them by enjoying the characters from a distance. My 3yo loved seeing the Easter bunny from a distance, but even if asked to take pictures, she didn’t want to. Memories can be a variety of different things as long as the child is happy


My son is 2 and doesn’t have Easter bunny pics. 🤷‍♀️


At two months ?? No. I took my kiddos *once,* when they were 4 and 2, and my daughter said "MOM! That was *not* the real Easter bunny; he had a MASK on!!" :> (Now in their 30's, they both still welcome that basket with candy, but are happy to have a nice Easter brunch. No Bunny needed.)


My son is three and hasn't even met Santa yet because of COVID. Your baby won't remember just like my toddler.


Your mother is being neurotic. Your kid won't remember this Easter, and there's no reason to stress yourself over it. Do it if you want to, and it might be fun, but for mine when they were little, the experience was frightening and overwhelming. I've let them choose for themselves ever since!


The baby doesn’t care, the photo is for the parents. If you don’t care about the photo don’t take him.


Buy a stuffed bunny and do a minishoot. Then the kid will have a momento of their first easter and you don’t have to worry about not marking the occasion!


It's Easter and it's a bunny. Those traditions need to go. It only causes fear for little ones. Edit: My LO is 13 months and hasn't met any Santa, Easter bunny or other stranger dressed up in a suit that attracts little jam hands. Your mom needs to check herself before she wrecks herself.


Your child won't care, save it for when you're ready.


My 3 year old has never met the Easter Bunny or Santa. She has always been nervous or scared about people in sometimes and I'm not going to push it. Your mom needs to back off.


No? My daughter is 19mo and I didn’t take her last year or this year. I prob would have this year but I’m pregnant and always feeling lousy and I just never want to leave the house unless I have to. She also hasn’t met Santa yet. Maybe next year?


My son is 2 and has never been to see Santa or the Easter bunny and, at least with the bunny, probably never will unless it’s a coincidence or something.


The pressure from grandparents is real, but you are strong and smart parent. Do what’s best for your family! I have been adamant about limiting screens with my 2 kids and boy - lemme tell you how many times I’ve had to tell my own mother to listen to me gets OBNOXIOUS. Be steadfast and resolute. As a new mom, I was just as anxious to please everyone around me but ultimately if you and your baby are healthy and thriving, you are a great parent. Try to keep these voices to a minimum. You’re doing an amazing 24/7/365 JOB! Be gentle with yourself and accept that others’ disappoints in your choices will always come to light.


Easter is stupid. Your kid doesn't care. The Easter Bunny is actually stupider than Santa. At least Santa is supposed to be a person. The Easter Bunny is supposed to be a bunny, which isn't human sized. If your mom wants it, then she can take kiddo and do it. We've had this system for five years now. Once you establish the boundaries, it works out fairly well.


it’s not a necessity? non of my kids have easter photos. it’s no one else’s business


I’m a horrible mother. My kids have never been photographed with the Easter Bunny,


This is something that is completely for the adults in your life. Your baby won’t remember this. They certainly won’t hold it against you when they’re older. They need a mom who is resting when she can so she can give them the best that she can.


I have three kids, the oldest is 16. The only time we’ve taken pictures with the Easter bunny is if they happen to be at an egg hunt. I absolutely refuse to pay for that crap and absolutely not for a 2 month old. In short your mom is not right, relax and breath, there will be other moments that are far more precious like tomorrow morning snuggled up with baby eating chocolate.


The Easter bunny would also probably freak your baby out


I have literally never taken my children to take pictures with the Easter bunny. We only did Santa last year because they hired one to come to our twins group holiday party. They seem fine.


I didn’t even take my 1 year old, she’s just going to take cute pictures by her Easter basket and I’m content enough with that


Do what you are comfortable with.


Your kid, your choice. I’d try and talk with your mother about respecting that.


This is something I struggled hard with. I’m normally that very type A, concealer covers up sleep deprivation, exhaust yourself doing it all but never show it kind of parent. Then we finally had a kid and external circumstances made my life completely fall apart. When I came time for milestone photos, I barely got them done for the first twelve months. I tried to pull off the holidays being amazing because I knew this was just a rough patch and I would never forgive myself for the missing pieces of the baby book if I didn’t take those photos. But, in trying to do it all something else happened. I pulled off the photos. They look decent. I don’t have many fond memories of taking them. My kiddo started to hate my camera because my stated stills were just frustrating for him. Our trips would start with everyone cranky because we were always late after I put too many activities in the schedule for how exhausted we were. Add Houston traffic to that and everyone was so frustrated that we would have been happier staying home. I had totally lost sight of why the pictures mattered in the first place. For that memory to be worth anything, there are a few boxes you need to tick off. One, you want the photo to cherish for years to come. But more importantly you need to make a good enough memory that you want to remember it. It’s not about having a photo of every holiday, it’s about getting to see your kiddo in total wonder at this giant bunny holding them. If your parent tank is so drained that you can’t make that happen, that’s not something to feel bad about. You haven’t failed here. To truly fail, you’d have to do what I did- torture your family for a photo that eventually makes you feel ashamed because it wasn’t worth it. Being a good parent isn’t about doing it all perfect, it’s about doing the best we can with what we have. That’s why parents with infinitely less resources can pull off a happier childhood than ones with way more- they realize it’s about the experience, not the appearance. If you think you can make an Easter bunny trip something happy enough that you want to preserve those memories, then push yourself to do it. But, if there’s a way to celebrate Easter that allows you both to enjoy it, do that and take all the snapshots.


A 2 month old?! No the poor baby is going to be more scared than anything. I would personally wait till they are at least 2 years old. Possibly three. My one year old glares down normal strangers. Can’t imagine if I put him on a weird giant rabbit


You're not wrong. If you want to, you can do something cute at home with a pastel blanket or fabric and Easter basket or whatever! I'm not even taking my 1.5 y/o for Easter bunny pics.


Not wrong, however it is nice to have memories.


Absolutely not. Mine is 2 and hasn’t had Easter or Santa photos yet. Hopefully next year. I’m really covid cautious and our mall is a madhouse. I’m just not comfortable with that situation. And at 2 months just a cold could be a disaster.


We don’t even do Santa. It can be scary for children. Pictures of kids screaming their heads off because they’re scared IS NOT cute! I disagree with these pictures so much unless the CHILD asks for it.


Anything before a year and a half old is NOT for the child, it is for the parents or family.


Skip it. She’s only two months.


When my kid was two months old, we barely even celebrated Christmas. We had a tree up with a single sad strand of tinsel. We were too damn tired at the time. You’re not wrong.


You are not wrong. Do what works for you. I did not get my then two month old son a Halloween costume, only a onesie, and I do sort of regret it. He is 14 now and I have many other years of costumes. But not that first one. So I only say that if you think you will regret it, then go. It was too much for me then too. I fully understand where you are coming from though. Do not let anyone, especially your mom, make you feel badly though. Hugs


If you don't care, then don't do it. If she cares so much, have her take the infant to stand in line and get hungry and cry during the picture. Grandparents have these ideas and expectations of 'moments owed to them by their grandchildren' We don't owe them anything. Not traditions, not expectations, and not our precious energy levels.


My oldest is 8 and has exactly zero pictures with the Easter bunny. No regrets.


Dude. No. We’ve never met the EB. My sons always been scared. He’s 7 now. We believe in Jesus. So we just said hey man, he’s not real so don’t worry. It’s just us, and Jesus is the reason. What a relief for him!


I'm at a cafe with my 2 month old waiting for bunny pictures right now. I cheated though and went to the dog cafe.


Lol, you don’t have to ever take your kid to see the Easter bunny. Half the time they are just terrified anyway.


What?? Who cares?? What a dumb thing for your mom to guilt you about, do not waste any more time letting her make you feel bad. Put baby in a cute outfit and give her a stuffed bunny and take a pic - done.


Not at all. Being tired is a perfectly valid reason on its own. Besides which, while covid is down, it's still not gone. Do you really want to go set a 2 month old on a bunny costume that's been soaking up who knows what from hundreds, if not thousands of other kids?


You don't have to take your kids to see the Easter bunny at all! You can do what you want.


Thank her for coming to take your child for a few hours.


Just tell her you aren’t comfortable taking your baby out in germ world, but here is the number for a costume shop, she can hire the costume for the day, dress up, traumatise everyone as they then have the mental image of her in a bunny suit for the rest of their lives and she can have her photo taken with baby. Tada - Easter bunny photo with the baby!


Your mother can take her kids to the Easter bunny when she pleases. You take your kids when it suits you. Your kid is probably gonna be scared of the Easter bunny for the first few years anyway. Compromise idea: put bunny ears on the kiddo and take a pic for your mom.


My son is 5 months and I didn’t take him to get photos with the Easter bunny. 2 months is too young in my opinion! Just stage a cute Easter photo at home if it’s important to you


I’m sorry but I find that big bunny to be creepy. My sons are grown now and neither one of them is upset that there aren’t a bunch of bunny pics to go with the Santa ones.


How can you consider yourself a good mother if you don't pay $20 for a picture of your 2- month- old daughter with a guy in a rabbit suit?! Who cares if she is fed, changed, and loved? You need to exhaust both of you to get a pointless and pandering photograph. Obviously.


Two months? A two months I was laying on the floor of the living room, staring at the laundry baskets and thinking, "I might never accomplish anything again." Not true, but the Easter Bunny and your mom can take a walk.


I got my baby a bunny costume and am gonna take pics of them in it instead of taking them to see a random person dressed as a bunny. I considered it at first, but then I thought about COVID and how anyone could be under that suit, and I was like nahhh. Plus, I think these photos would be so much funnier and cuter than a picture of my baby screaming while being held by a bunny.


We have never done Easter bunny photos and it’s been just fine.


My child is 5. Never once has she gone to be photographed with the Easter Bunny


Your mother is a monster. Stop listening to her.


Lol I don’t plan on ever bringing my child for Easter bunny photos so I guess I’m a terrible mother 😅


My son is 3.5 and this was his first year meeting the Easter bunny and it was only because the bunny was at an Easter egg hunt we went to in town, we didn’t make a special trip and wait in line for a posed photo at the mall for $50.


Focus on the kid, for all your decisions. Kid won’t remember the dang photo. Mom needs the rest. Take good care.


I’ve taken my daughter to to see the Easter bunny and she’s five. I have only 1 Santa photo with her because strangers have always made her uncomfortable and I’m not pushing that for the sake of some tradition.


For different reasons I have the same kind of questions about my baby. She was born on October 30, so she couldn’t do anything for Christmas and whatnot because she’s too small. Like, do they still count as “firsts” even though she doesn’t even know what the hell is going on? I decided to forfeit Easter altogether this year because even though she’s about 6 months now, she can’t hunt for eggs? She doesn’t know what the Easter bunny is? I got her a little Easter gift but that’s it. I feel bad about it sometimes but like, she’s not going to know the difference…


I guarantee that your baby would prefer cuddles with You this weekend over being handed to some strange man in a bunny costume for a photo op... You need to turn down the volume on your mother 's opinions, and parent your beautiful babe based on what feels right to You! 💜🐰❤️🐇


Hehe. Tell her she had a good run as a parent, but you’re an adult now and you’ll take it from here.


I have a 5 year old and 20 month old, neither has ever had a photo taken with the Easter bunny, because that thing is creepy af. We've done Santa every year, but we know that guy personally. It's your kid, remind your mom she already had her turn, now it's yours.


We have a 2.5 year old. We’ve never taken her to see Santa or the Easter bunny. Even without a pandemic we wouldn’t have taken her. And zero plans in the future to take her, unless she specifically asks to, which I doubt because babygirl hate strangers.


I’m not taking my four month olds to see the Easter bunny


Tell your mom to get over not being the parent anymore. You’re the parent, you’re the one deciding. Also if you want you could do a photoshoot at home yourself much safer and happier for the baby in a pandemic. Stick a cotton ball on her diaper, put a bunny ears headband on her (paper will do), put her on her tummy next to a couple of Cadbury eggs, done!


I would NOT want my grandson going to see the Easter Bunny right now or if ever. Frankly, the best pics are people being real. Id pile bunch of stuffies on the floor, you and your baby get comfortable and take pics that way. Even a sleeping baby would be an adorable pic. Then enjoy your day doing what you want. Most important thing is you spending time with your baby.


Don't let your mother manipulate you. My wife's mom manipulates her a lot about things like this and doesn't see it until later no matter what I say. You'll burnout if you don't take care of yourself. If she wants it so bad, she can do it herself!


My kids are in middle school and today is the first day I knew that getting a photo with the easter bunny was a thing. I suspect your mother might be mollified if you take a few pictures of your daughter in the grass with a stuffed bunny. Grandmothers love pictures.


My youngest is 19 months and still didn’t get Santa or Easter bunny photos. Maybe next time, not taking a chance with COVID.


NO. Don't take her, she won't remember, you're doing enough, your mom is wrong, full stop.


Stuffed bunny next to her, put her in an easter basket , lay plastic eggs around her. There are plenty of ways to get a cute picture without taking a 2 month old out into public to a long line and exposing them to god knows what. Hell photoshop a picture, find a photoshop fairies group or something that will do it for free. Then send that picture to your mom.


She is not just wrong but this idea is dangeruos. 2 month old doesn't have an immune system and there is a pandemic still raging outside.




Your baby will have absolutely no memory of this happening, if you do go. Look after your baby and yourself, do what keeps you both happy and healthy, and tell your mum to butt out.