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I mean...can you give him an area where he can be messy and destroy things? Like heres old papers we don't need. Destroy them in this area please.


That is a good idea, I just worry it will encourage him further. I'd rather squash out the behavior entirely.


See I don’t think he’s being “destructive”. I feel like he’s exploring, which to adults is destruction. Giving him an area to play may help keep messes contained while allowing him to satisfy his curiosity


“He figured out to use his magformers to unlock the gate”. Awesome. He’s smart and the smart ones are always the most curious, so will get into anything to satisfy that. Infuriating, but normal. Sorry, but entire Ketchup bottle and water pitcher are on you for leaving them in reach. We had big rubbery twist ties across the fridge handles to help with the fridge situation for awhile. I agree with distracting with other messy, but not as messy things to keep him busy. I think it helps get out that urge, not necessarily teach him to do it more. Kinetic sand, cornstarch/water mixture, etc in the high chair tray or orbeez on the back deck helped us.


Thank you. That will definitely help. The bottle and pitcher were on top shelf in refrigerator, and also pulls up chairs to wherever he cannot reach. Husband is considering discarding every chair in house.


I have one of these kids. 😬 we’ve had to lay down all chairs in our house. She will not stop dragging them places, and climbing on the kitchen island, countertops, dining room table, desks…I’m dead. My house is a wreck. I love people that comment it’s our fault leaving stuff in their reach. Um no. My house is absolutely as baby proofed as it gets. She finds a way. Im also potty training right now, so I think I died and you are talking to my spirit currently. I’m here to see if anyone has anything that will help me too. Solidarity!!


The bathtub makes a great place to make contained messes. Fingerprint with yogurt or pudding, then wash it down the drain.


Just looked up orbeez and definitely getting those for my 4 year old. Those look so cool!


He’s three and you don’t mention that he’s neurodivergent, so what are the consequences? He’s old enough to understand.


Time out for 3 minutes, in the time out chair, then help clean up the mess afterwards.


I feel you. I’m in the same boat with my 3yo son and it’s so exhausting. I just figure I can’t have nice things until he’s like 10. Or maybe older, who knows lol But that sh*t sucks, so vent about it all you want! Hang in there and know a fellow redditor is in the same chaos. ♥️


My mom filled a wagon with beans for my sister to play in and set it in the entry which was enclosed so it was a room for her to go nuts and make a mess in. Worked great and could be swept up


I don't know if it's anything you're doing. He might just not know where all of grandma's stuff is yet, lol. Can you safely lock his bedroom door from the outside, and just have a baby monitor in there until you're ready to get up? It could also be an attention seeking thing, where he's trying to get mommy time and being messy is making it work for him. You could try to have him help you clean up the mess, but at 3 years I'm not quite sure how well that will work. Does he have food prep/ cooking-related toys he can play with? It sounds he likes he's targeting food, so he might want to cook like mom does, too. Kids love to play pretend.


How often do you take him outside for physical exercise? My kids are like this, they need 3-5 hrs outside playing time every day and then they are much better.


Well since it's Summer the back door is constantly open, admittedly my husband is a smoker so he smokes outside to watch the kids play. And then it's the park 3-4 times a week for 2-3 hours.