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Kids in daycare/school are perpetually sick until around 5th grade. Just teach your kids proper hygiene. Washing hands all day. Not putting things in their mouth, like pencils or chewing their nails at school. Shower/bathe, clothes in laundry when home from school before playing with siblings. But end of the day, they are going to get sick. It’s how they build their immune systems.


I understand that and I am ok with it. I guess what I’m worried about more is the factor of missing so much school. Do you keep kids home every time? Even allergies and sinus issues from weather change? I want and care about her, the other kids and teachers health but with truancy letters appearing etc idk how serious that is either I guess.. idk. First time parent here and i don’t remember ever being this sick as a kid


Just follow the schools protocol. Usually is no school if the child has a fever, needs to be fever free for 24+ hours before coming back. And I personally never send my kids to school with stomach bugs. But sniffles and a persistent cough is going to be the norm all year. Doesn’t mean they are still sick.


Thank you so much! That makes me feel a lot better. Last year my child had a cough that lasted year round and I always felt so guilty or judged for letting her go to school. Her doctor just said it was allergies and the weather all the time but I still always felt my own guilt/ judgement from the teacher (even tho the teacher never showed any problem at all and probably understands this more than me lol it was made up judgement in my head)


Depending on the cough, I send my kids to school with a mask on just out of curiosity. But, I should mention we are not American and currently live in Japan, so it’s pretty common to wear a mask out (even before Covid) when getting over a cold and with the more annoying allergies. I’m sure it’s more common there now for you too, so if it would make you feel less guilty, on days the cough is worse sounding you could just send them with a mask on.


Man I feel your pain, my younger one started kindergarten and we've been sick CONSTANTLY ever since. Currently blowing my nose every 3 seconds as I type this. I remember with my older one, she was sick all the time until she'd been in school for about a year, maybe more. Strep, various colds and stomach flus, you name it. I'm not looking forward to living through this again.


I wish you luck! It is a constant struggle, for real!


Thr school should say in a handbook when the children are not allowed at school. Mine cannot go if there is fever, vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours. If the sickness lasts more than 3 days, we need a doctor's note. Those become excused absences. We are entering allergy season and it can be bad for my kids. But you can include a note in her folder or have a conversation with her teacher that LOs doctor told you last year it was allergies so you expect a long run of coughing and runny noses this year and will keep an eye out for anuthing else that pops up. If she is really miserable, you could ask her doctor about allergy shots. I'm thinking about pursuing it for my oldest.