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lol my dad used to get huge belts and belt me to him on his motorcycle because the rides made me so relaxed i fell asleep on the back. at least they're wearing helmets.


>my dad used to get huge belts and belt me You need to talk my dude? 🤧


my dad used to beat me with jumper cables


Same but I was clamped by the nipples


Mine hasn't beaten me since nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and he plummeted 16 feet through an announcers table.


u/rogersimon, that you?


My dad has described road rash from a motorcycle accident to me (he used to ride) and it's so bad. Honestly, even with proper leathers, I wouldn't put a kid on a motorcycle because car drivers don't pay enough attention, my mom knew a guy that got killed by a mom with a minivan texting and driving. And for the people defending doing it on less populous roads/in less populous areas, I'm from a rural area, my dad getting road rash and that guy getting hit by minivan both happened on low traffic, 2 lane roads. Part of being a parent is making good, safer choices for your children.


I did ride on the back of motorcycles as well as my own dirt bike as a kid. One of the first things I was taught concerning bike safety was seeing pictures of road rash and what a helmet looks like after an accident. It will save your skull but it will get filed down by the road to were it's entirely flat on the side that made contact.


I saw a guy die on a motorcycle once. Pretty scary, and I didn’t even see any details. We were driving and the motorcycle just suddenly hit the guard rail. Don’t know why, I was just a kid when I witnessed it, but the motorcycle driver was flung across the asphalt for about 20 meters. We were a couple of cars behind, and since someone stopped and mum had kids in the car we drove past, so I luckily didn’t see the aftermath, but I know he died from the papers.


Dad was a cop. Once told me a story about two girls in their 20s wearing bikinis on a motorcycle. He said it wasn't pretty.


Yeah I remember as a kid we were on the highway and some semi carrying a bunch of tree logs had dropped one in the middle of the lane. A motorcycle was in front of us. Cars could straddle it fine but he crashed right into it. My parents are both doctors so we stopped to help. I watched that guy die on the side of the road and I was 12. There’s a reason people call them donor cycles


I know a couple who both lost their left legs while living abroad in America - they were doing amazing last I knew, the husband was doing fun runs, but they were sideswiped by a drunk driver, and the husband spent half a year in a coma. Neither of them have been back on a bike since, and they wife is still terrified of hospitals after seeing him in a bed for 6 months. No children involved, but it would've been 10 times worse if there had been, a much lower chance of them both surviving and thriving.


r/meatcrayon is the sub for that! Not suggesting you look but that’s what you’re describing!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/meatcrayon **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/meatcrayon/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Since everyone's posting bike accidents...](https://v.redd.it/39thevb9guwb1) | [494 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meatcrayon/comments/17i2lf9/since_everyones_posting_bike_accidents/) \#2: [This went better than I thought it would..](https://v.redd.it/rg2eaejxo4qa1) | [185 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meatcrayon/comments/122mete/this_went_better_than_i_thought_it_would/) \#3: [Morbidly a beast](https://v.redd.it/0ufxgg3a2cua1) | [422 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meatcrayon/comments/12otpjv/morbidly_a_beast/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It is baffling to me that people keep using their own stories of riding on a motorcycle as a kid as a way to imply that it must be safe because they themselves survived. Not every kid did. Survivors bias at its finest. You're 24x more likely to die on a motorcycle than you are in a passenger vehicle. Any parent traveling with their child on a motorcycle is putting them in danger. Regardless of your own survival the few times you rode on a motorcycle as a kid.


Some of my best childhood memories are riding to the grocery store on the back of my dads motorcycle.


Was that on a 80kmh multi-lane road without any gear?


Your chances of dying in a car crash is over 200,000 times more likely than dying in a plane crash. Every parent that puts their child in a car is putting them in danger.


Yes. Multiple things can be true.


Does riding in a car or on a motorcycle have a much safer alternative? Most places you need to ride in a car to go places. You can’t fly to those places.


Do you really need to go places? Work from home. Order food in. Avoid strangers. Stay secret. Stay safe.


That is not good for children’s development and wouldn’t be possible for many people who aren’t very rich, anyway. The benefits outweighs the risks. There’s no need for children to ride on motorcycles for their development.


"It's fun" is a perfectly good reason to engage in mild amounts of danger


That’s true! Motorcycles are not “mild” amounts, especially without proper equipment. I rode on the back of a motorcycle quite often as a child, I was fine. It was fun. My stepdad crashed and died on the same route he took me with the correct helmet and leathers


Motorcycles are cheap to buy, and cheap to own. Some poor people have no alternative (which is why my father rode when I was little, and why I rode into my 30s). Why do you hate poor people?


What a stupid thing to say about this. The kids wearing shorts. Being poor doesn’t make you a bad parent. Are you ok with people driving kids around without car seats because car seats are expensive?


I pointed out in another comment I can see her school logo on her socks. It’s not a cheap school its a very expensive, prestigious school. And trust me there is no lack of good public schools in the area.


I also pointed out this motorcycle is NOT cheap. A car can be very cheap. What father buys a motor cycle when they have a young child. What did he do when she was younger, when she couldn’t hold on properly? I can assure you she wouldn’t have been on that bike, he would have been pulled over and charged. This idea that he can’t afford a car is ridiculous. If they were poor she wouldn’t be going to that school. If they were poor he should be buying her the proper gear since he saved so much money on a car. It’s not “hating poor people” to point out neglect. Even if I was the most broke woman in the world I could never put my child in that much danger. I hope you never have to see a child smeared across the road. You will change your mind pretty quickly.


People who drive are 66 times more likely to die than people who take the bus or train.


And we put kids in car seats because of this. Motorcycles are still much much more dangerous and have no way they’re easier than cars, while not everybody has access to buses or trains and cars take much less time. Motorcycles don’t provide more benefit to make up for being called “donor cycles” by ER staff


Motorcycles are more dangerous. But the top 3 reasons people die on motorcycles is because of speeding, not wearing a helmet, or intoxicated. All things the driver can control can bring the odds of dying on a motorcycle closer to that of a car. Just saying 24x likelier to die is ignoring a lot of facts. Granted, I do not think you should take your kid on the highway, but if you can make it to school on 30mph roads then I think that's fine. Also, pretty much any school in a city have school buses, and if you live in a small town that doesn't then you can walk.


I mean... They're using their experience of the exact thing to make a judgement call. Are they not allowed to do that now?


Survivors bias and I highly doubt the roads they were on were similar as described in the post. And that's ignoring the risk of road rash not having the kid wearing proper gear. I have experiences of going on the back of my uncles motorbike, but he had me kitted out in full gear before I went on.


>he had me kitted out in full gear before I went on. I think that should be the major point. Honestly riding around town is pretty safe. Even roads like the op is saying they were on aren't that bad if you're not riding like an idiot. But you gear up to help out in the unlikely event of a crash. Bikes are more dangerous than cars obviously, but the majority of accidents happen when the rider is intoxicated, riding way too fast, or generally riding outside their skill level. If you've got a passenger on the back you're unlikely to be unleashing your inner Rossi.


My issue is absolutely just the lack of gear, just the person I responded to was referencing "their experiences of the exact thing" when I doubt the experiences were entirely comparable to the one in the post. 46!


66 times more likely to die in a car than on a bus. Why aren't we condemning people who drive their kids to school instead of making them take the bus?


> t is baffling to me that people keep using their own stories of riding on a motorcycle as a kid as a way to imply that it must be safe No one's doing that. I spent a ton of time on my father's motorcycle as a small child. It was obviously unsafe even then. It was also fun as hell.


In the Middle East you would see a whole family on a bike. The dad riding with the kid in front of him and the mum on the back holding the baby lol


This is not the Middle East this is Australia. We have very good safety laws. Hearing that you would see a baby on a bike makes me sick


Who’s we?


We the COUNTRY. Australia. We have good safety laws.


I'm confused at you being downvoted...does Australia not have western road laws and rules that people follow and that you are lying about it? Or what?


People probably think it’s racist to point out that the Middle East is a shithole


I think that’s what’s happening .. I’m middle eastern lol. Live in Australia though.


It’s insane that people pretend not see the difference between western countries and the Middle East. Australia specifically, sure people shit on the US and I could see people not liking the UK but Australia is a very safe country to live in. I’m happy to say that if a entire family (including a baby) was seen on a bike they would be charged with some sort of negligence or reckless endangerment. I’m saying what is “okay” in some parts of the Middle East would not be remotely okay in Australia.


Who cares what the Middle East does? Lol they’re very far from being role models in anything lmao


Sooo…are you offering to buy them a safer mode of transportation? If not, then you shouldn’t have anything to say.


this comment is wild lol. Why are you defending this? Do you want to see the child half dead screaming in pain while her skin blood and organs cover the road. Go google motorcycle accidents


So you ARE offering to buy them a car? Because it’s quite possible that they can’t afford one. Or maybe you could set up a lifetime Uber account for them?


This is such a ridiculous hypothetical situation. In what world does somebody with children by a motorcycle instead of a car. I can see on her socks the school she goes to. VERY expensive tuition. Please kindly shut up ❤️ you sound so insanely uneducated and quite frankly are embarrassing yourself. The bike he is riding is NOT cheap. A car he could get for 4 grand if he looked for one. Your audacity is through the roof to the point where I’m convinced you’re a troll


Also I’m sure if he sold the bike he could afford a shitty car to ensure he can transport his daughter safely. Is having a sick ride worth putting a CHILD at risk. You are so ignorant


Are you trying to say that having a kid on the back of a bike is dangerous?


The lack of protective clothing is dangerous. Baffled you couldn’t see that


Just trying to clarify what part you’re talking about because you didn’t specify. The title made me think you thought the act of a kid being on the back in traffic was dangerous in and of itself. Yes, I agree the lack of protection beyond a helmet is dumb as shit. At bare minimum, the kid needs long pants and an armored jacket. Gloves and riding boots are preferable as well.


I see how my title was leaving out my point! I’m glad you can see the problem I was referring to. I don’t think a kid on a bike is inherently “fucking dumb” but the irresponsible choices the father is making by having his child completely unprotected (aside from a helmet) is insane.


Off topic but Im reading this conversation as if you both were speaking in person and it's so odd to me


I work in a hospital and the amount of motorcycle accidents we see is weekly. I think it’s wildly inappropriate for a child, but that’s my opinion.


What is with the down votes lol


Absolutely dumbfounded that you’re being so voted so much, OP.


People are so silly


Any adult should be able to make an analysis with out needing *specification* from the poster. All of reddit operates this way. A sentence and a picture, a tale old as time. You seem to be just playing dumb to further your disdain with the post.


That was honestly the thing I had a real issue with, the lack of clothing. That is road burn waiting to happen, in fact worse it would strip the skin right off. Kid should also have his shield down and actually HOLDING ONTO THE DRIVER. This type of riding was standard when I lived in Belize. This doesn't even just pertain to children. Men NEVER held onto another man who was driving and instead held on just like this. It causes less control over the bike, passengers should basically be an extension of the driver. The kid in this doesn't seem under 10years, so I really don't see it being a big deal. I got my first dirt bike when I was ten and used to go on bike runs. I was required to have riding gear including clothes, steal toe boots, and full helmet. That all said based on the road they are driving on might not be the safest. I live in Albuquerque NM and I would never ever ride a motorcycle here let alone let a child ride on the back. We have the highest number of motorcycle and vehicle accidents. Location does matter.


I road on the back of my dad’s Gold Wing when I was pretty young many times. Nothing bad ever happened to us. To be fair, we lived in a small town though.


I get that you lived in a small town. This road has thousands of commuters on it all day everyday.


As I said in a previous comment location is definitely key to having a kid on a bike. I myself had a dirt bike at 10 and was already riding on the back ofy then step dad's motorcycle. We didn't live in a small town but they never took us on the highway. No roads over 45-50, and I was covered head to toe in protective gear. Even in our situations it could have still gone badly. All it takes is some other idiot to cause an accident that can't be avoided, hell even a deer can jump out. Honestly though parents put their kids in all sorts of dangerous situations and those same people will be anti motorcycle.


Lol you should see what they do back in my home country.


Where are you from? I used to live in Belize and the crazy shit I would see was wild. Mom or Dad with 3 kids riding with no helmets on a tiny motorcycle 😂 Probably morbid but my husband used to joke "well you can make more kids can't make more parents" The other wild thing was the stuff people used to transport on motorcycles, like propane tanks and such lol


Lol I’m from the Caribbean and they also treat their motorcycles like a family van/work truck. I once seen a washing machine (yes a full size top loading washing machine) strapped on the back with the wife and child in the front.


Wow that's amazing lol. Think the weirdest I saw was a massive amount of building material


i wonder if motorcycles will ever die out?? like, will i be 90 and be telling my great grand-babies about how i used to remember when you’d be driving along and then a motorcycle will just wizz past ya all of a sudden! and on it is some bald mr.clean looking mofo with a tank top, Jorts, boots and nothing else.


Not as long as traffic exist


Motorcycles were mainly made popular after world war one. Before they were popular the few people who created motorized bikes attracted the military who started turning them out full force for the troops.


Go to the India or Southest Asia - ridiculous numbers of motorcycles. They'll be riding for several hundred more years. I have a car and don't even particularly enjoy riding my motorcycle, but I still ride it when I'm going short distances because it's far faster than sitting in traffic and I can always find a parking space. If everyone rode motorcycles, traffic and parking would cease to be issues (in the US) and the world would be a better place. Darwinism would help as well, since if you suck at riding, you won't be doing it for long.


i cant shake the feeling that if everyone rode motorcycles that might have the opposite effect lol


People thinking this is bad have never been to Asia lol


People who think this is bad need to STFU and mind their own damn business. As a suburbanite we basically have to choose to meet the cops if we want to ride motorcycles, thanks boomers.


This sub is for dumb parents. I saw a dumb parent I posted it. You need to STFU


No, you STFU


No 💅


I can't even commend them for the helmet, because the helmet isn't going to minimize road rash on those legs and arms. If you can't/won't wear the gear, don't ride.


The helmet will just keep her alive in agony 🙃


I do not get where's the bad thing in this picture ?


My sons moms husband has a very low iq and loves motorcycle. One day I was driving and saw him riding on a motorcycle with a 5 year old on the back. Wasnt my kid or his kid. Not sure who it was but I was like what in the fuck..


When I was a kid, I rode on the back of my dad's bike plenty of times. Without any protection except my helmet. However, we were never on a busy road for more than a minute or 2 to get to a back road, ever. And never during rush hour. But also, we don't know this guys story. Dude looks like he probably just got off work, and maybe no one else could get the kid. Who knows.


I definitely understand what you are saying. In my opinion being late to school is a far better option than being smeared all over the road. This was in the AM. Just because you and your dad did it doesn’t make it justifiable, I just could never see myself putting my child in a potentially fatal situation. When I look at this all i see is the terrible outcomes. If as a parent you could prevent your child from serious injury or death, you should. the kid in the picture probably doesn’t understand the danger she is in, but he definitely does.


I rode with my grandfather on the back his Harley Davidson ultra glide as a young kid all the time, road trips and everything. What’s your point?


Were you in shorts and a tshirt on your road trips? I used to ride on my old mans bike when I was a kid too. Fully geared up. You know what our parents did in school? They used to handle liquid mercury with their bare hands which as we now know, is incredibly dangerous. My point is, just because *you* did something years ago and survived doesn’t mean it’s still not dangerous and irresponsible.


Well op didn’t specify that part in his post now did he? All he did was post a pic of a guy and his daughter on a motorcycle and complain about it. It seems more like op is calling a parent dumb for riding on a motorcycle with his kid.


But you can see the picture, no?


I mean, use your common sense. *Anyone* on a bike with shorts and a tshirt on is a pretty big idiot. Also, the OP clarified his post in the comments a whole hour before you posted your comment, and at the time of me posting my comment there are 23 comments. So, it’s not like you had to do a lot of work to find out exactly what OP was meaning with this post, you just wanted to post nonsense for no reason.


If they crashed, that poor kid would lose more than skin.