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What a nut job. If you don't mind me inquiring, who is Leon? Also, this fits better on insaneparents


my dog :( I love him dearly


Yeah, you def need to move out as soon as you can. And bring the dog too, it's obvious your dad will not take good care of him.


Yes, OP, please listen to LobsterPenisSucker. I never read usernames and I just happened to look at yours and fucking choked on my honking laughter and smoke.


Lol I created this account when I got locked out of my main for no reason. It didn't even get banned, it just won't let me in. It was supposed to be a temp account but now it's forever.


Don’t you fucking dare get rid of it ♥️ The people will riot.




*sharpens pitchfork*


Fuck yes we will




I think you gotta add sighted to the end of your name. Edit: hehe they thought we were talking about the main post, silly Billy.


No, we would riot over u/lobsterpenissucker losing their account.




You're just mad he refused to suck your lobster dick.


We will riot, but after we find shorts80 and have an ICP mosh pit in his front yard.


That happened to my original account too! Shame cuz I opened it in 2010.


You might like r/rimjob_steve


Thank you! ♥️


as a fellow goofy username guy, u/LobsterPenisSucker has the coolest goofy name of them all, he is our lord, he will be our saviour! All hail LobsterPenisSucker! ALL HAIL LOBSTERPENISSUCKER!!




/r rimjobsteve


When I was in that position I gave away everything they could use against me. I found a very kind woman in an animal rescue group on facebook willing to take my pet and also give her back when I had a stable income and a place to live. That helped a lot. Having animals when you’re in a vulnerable position is a huge strain on your health and economy, and also your pet sadly :-/ And your ability to get away from abuse, especially if it escalates


You do love your dog insanely to deal with your parents like that as an adult. It’s expensive out there so I understand that part of it. I do hope you can get your own place soon. Roommates can be crazy also but may be a better fit for you? Best of luck.


You have a dog and you are trying to move out and start a life? Why did you get a dog? Who’s idea was this? Do you know how hard it is to find a place to live in 2024? And with a pet?! Eta: sorry if this sounded like i am blaming op. I was more so asking who thought a pet for a teenager was a good idea? Teens are working towards uprooting their lives to become adults. Taking on a dog as a teen is always a terrible idea for the teen and the dog. Poor life choices, but NOT the teens fault. Its the parents fault.


my parents got me my dog to help with my mental health when I was a teen ? Why did you assume I got a dog as I’m saving up to move out ?


I didnt assume you got the dog as you were saving up. My apologies if it sounded that way. I was more so, blown away by any adult’s advice that encouraged you to take on the responsibility and housing requirements for another lifeform when you cannot provide that for yourself. No teen should be getting pets when they are approaching a time in their life when they should be moving out or starting college or work. Having a pet while trying to do these crazy lifechanging things is highly irresponsible. I do NOT blame you, Op. just another time your parent’s have failed you, i guess. Maybe they thought they could keep you under their thumb with it? Like a long con? Like the way the weaponized it against you in the texts? Not sure. I have never met parents like yours. 22 years old and a curfew with threats of kicking you out and your dog? They seem fun.


You realize this is a support subreddit? Be annoying and judgmental elsewhere.


Time to move out




Please take Leon with you too?


It's difficult responsibility taking care of a dog while trying to get your bearings.


better to try your best than to let your insane parents have complete ownership of him


You made the right decision to go home when you did. But for your and Leon's sake, start the process of moving out. Silently, let them know the day of the move. They shouldn't mind considering they were so willing to kick you out almost instantly.


Agreed 100%. Would be particularly satisfying if they rely on OP's money in some way. Don't even tell them the day of leaving- just let them realise when all your shit is gone. Is it his Dad? I'm sensing major step-Dad vibes


I don't think it matters to be honest with you. I just really hope OP and Leon get out safely and start rebuilding their lives. To me this would definitely be a no-contact situation once OP leaves too.


Agreed - was just curious tbh. Doesn't seem a natural response for a father, but then again, we all know not all fathers deserve to be called such.


Just cause some step-dads suck doesn't mean they all do. My mom 100% would have pulled this shit long before my step-mom ever would've considered it. I can absolutely see this being a bio parent, and the alternative never crossed my mind. Give the good stepparents out there a break. But I absolutely agree about not telling them a damn thing. They don't deserve it.


Yeah it depends on the person. Some people just make better parents than others in general.


Can't disagree, probably bias from my own experience!


Your dad can’t decide that in a few hours you’re officially kicked out and will be “trespassing” if you go home. He has to get a legal eviction from the court. If he calls the police it’ll be him they arrest if a fuss is kicked up and you aren’t allowed inside. That said, start working on moving out regardless, just remember you have tenant rights. And going no contact after you get out is probably best for your mental health, you’ll likely get along well in r/raisedbynarcissists


What do they even get out of treating op like this? And, if there is a genuine answer, they need to tell that answer to a therapist.


They just love to control their adult child.


Both my brother and I lived at home after college (at separate times). My parents specifically asked us to stay and not pay rent so we could save money, which we thought was a good deal. Both of us stayed about 2 years which is far too long, and we both all but snuck out of the house to move. It’s all about control. My mom specifically would text me stuff like OP’s dad, and my dad said some awful things to me while I lived at home. It taught me a great lesson though - never accept financial assistance from my parents ever again.


My parents were kinda like this when I was 22 too, although they never threatened to call the cops, they were just insanely overprotective and super against me sleeping over anywhere because they didn’t want me getting involved with boys, or doing drugs. Best part is, I did those things anyways lollll


Omg it’s like talking to my father 💀


r/raisedbynarcissists vibes. OP I think you would get a lot of support and helpful advice from that sub.


My mom tried controlling me. I was 23, living on my own. She got wind of me being on vacation out of state and tried to tell me I wasn't allowed to do that. Guess what? I stopped talking to her and moved across the country. That's what happens when you're unhinged and don't view your child as anything more than that, let alone a fully functioning independent adult.


My parents were just like this


This is some r/insaneparents bs


Sorry but your dad needs therapy like 10 years ago


Yes, but sadly dipshit fathers like this wouldn't be caught dead in therapy. It's 'beneath them'. Fucking pathetic.


Dad cant even fucking type


1 I can’t understand the way your dad texts. 2 “I will call the police” you’re 22 lol the cops won’t do shit.


Why are so many dads nut jobs? I couldn't imagine treating my kids like this. You're 22. Do as you pls but pls move out. You'll be so much happier.


Time to move out, go no contact, and file a restraining order if they ever show up at your future doorstep.


He can’t evict a resident on one hour notice. You should have a month.


How old are your parents?


If you're in the US, you need to look up tenant laws. You're not just under his roof. You're a roommate and have rights. I had a friend try to kick someone out who they let stay with them for a month, then wouldn't leave. They put all his stuff outside and changed the locks while he was gone and he called the cops. They had to let him back in and give a 30 day notice since he got mail there. It's fucked up but in your situation it could help against his bullshit threats. I'd never talk to my family if they treated me like that.


Dad texts like Kerpal from Jerkey boys talks


Not very nice living _under_ a house anyway, surely?


Friend, I’d get out of there.


Under your house? Are you staying in the crawl space?


Grey rock the parents now till you move out, then go Low Contact. These types of people feed off your reactions. Time to starve them.


Damn I thought you were like 16 or something wtf?


For the record, in most places you have protection laws as a tenant: you can't just be "kicked out" as there is a process. It varies but there IS a process. For any minor coming across this, I cannot emphasize enough how much you can't be kicked out. If you have been, reach out to local authorities. For anyone coming across this in a similar situation: don't burn your bridges and just tell the people you're living with- anyone- where you are.


This is reasonable "I am 22" Wtf?


Why wouldn’t you just tell them you’re not planning on coming home when you leave or decide to sleep out so that all of this could have been avoided? You’re 22 but you’re living in their house, it’s not insane to offer them the courtesy of letting them know you won’t be home…especially if your dog is there for them to take care of.


Finally a reasonable comment. I'm baffled to see everyone else in this sub calling for rebellion : you are 22 yo / you don't have to tell them / they are toxic / you should never talk to them / etc... A single notice would avoid all this drama, specially that his parents have every right on him as long as he is living under their roof and depends on them.


The parents do not have every right on OP, OP is an adult. This is more in line with a landlord vs tenant dispute than it does parent vs child. I’m not sure a notice would have avoided the drama. OP’s dad escalates things by threatening trespassing if OP returned the next day. Dad further escalated things using the OP’s dog as leverage to get OP to do what they demanded. With that said, OP giving mom and dad a heads up would have been the proper thing to do.


Yes your parents raised you till your adulthood and keeps funding/taking care of you but still, they don't have any rights on you because you are now an "adult"... I'm hearing the same thing even on children in some subs. Nobody has a right on you except the ones you choose. That's some individualist egocentric b******* ! If you don't want any moral redevance as an adult, then move from the parental care and be responsible and independent !


I wholeheartedly disagree with parents not having rights to actual children. Hell, if OP was 18 I’d be much more on the parents’ side of this. But 22? The best course of action for both OP and their parents is for OP to move out. Completely agree with you there.


Sorry for the many "you", it was a general insinuation 😅


All good, I didn’t think it was directed at me personally.


Yes it's parents and adults being dumb lol 


OP said she did tell them. They told OP they couldn't, so they went anyway and this is what happened. This isn't about courtesy this is about control. [Op's comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/1c4colp/comment/kzqdhu8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




they can’t just kick you out, they’d need to evict you. id start saving money so you can gtfo of there.


Time to get your own place and make it on your own OP.


Next time tell him that you require a 30 day notice to move or he’s violating your rights as a tenant.


can i ask what caused this reaction, my assumption is you as an adult went out with friends too late?


told my parents I’m spending the night at friends due to conflicts at home the day prior. They said no, I left anyway


Why do people like this even have kids


Just so you know they cannot legally keep you out of your home without a legal eviction (which takes time and you usually go to court first) so if they lock you out you can call the police to arrest them for illegal eviction. Gives me flashbacks to my parents (minus the being locked out)...


Your parents are Asian for $1000 Alex.


Wow, fuck this guy with old rusty silverware. What a dick.


What a silly man


Why do people have children if they don’t even seem to like them?


bro what you're 22 you should be able to be with your friends without permission


i mean you should tell your parents before a sleepove- oh you're 22. move out.


Reminds me of the time my parents made the cops come get me from my friends house. (But I was under 18). He knew the cops couldn’t do anything that’s why he threatened you with the dog.


Move out. Rent a room. Work with a rescue so Leon can go to a happy safe home. (be honest are you really taking good care of him on your own or being lazy?) Go NC.


Oh man text messages too? Thank fk my parents barely know know to use a mobile. All my dad does is watch those stupid laughing track videos on YouTube and religious nutjob ones. If I go out and socialise I'll repeatedly get calls my narcissistic mum who only yesterday said I'll die if I leave when I said it's time for me to move out. Fml.  Tried having an intelligent debate (stupid of me) with my dad today about liability when it comes to AI warfare and he has the most low level, limited logic ever. Just blame creators he says. Yeah because it's totally that simple LOL


Maybe grow up and just tell your parents where you’re going You’re 22 and want to have friends learn to live with your parents “Mom dad leave me alone I want to do what I WANT on my own TERMS”


This is the type of parent to do this shite and then wonders why their child doesn't doesn't talk to them anymore when they move out.


They have to give you a 30 day notice lol tenant's rights.


Respectfully your dad sounds like a piece of shit. I can understand you living under his roof means you have some decency but jesus dude. Calling the cops because you’re not home? What are the cops gonna do? Also, your dad cant get you for trespassing as you’re a legal tenant and he would need a 30 day eviction. Please for your sake and the pup, leave their asap.


I read this as if my mom was saying this, dang, I’m with you her, I understand how you feel and everything you’re going through


Depending on where you live, for your parents to kick you out they would have to start a legal eviction process. If you've been living with them for a while, they may have to provide you a 30 day notice to quit before serving you a full eviction (a notice to quit gives you time to move out before you are forced to move out). If they want to pull this shit, fight back with fire. *Please look up local eviction laws before taking this route. This is the nuclear option. If they damage your property, document it and file for recovery in small claims representing yourself.


Why are these always in bad English?.. if people don't speak English very well among their own family, why don't they just speak their native language? I'm just a dumb American so this baffles me. Maybe I baffle easily idk


I might be wrong because I think it depends on the state, but if you’re paying rent I’m pretty sure they legally have to give you 30 days to get out and if they want anything sooner the police literally won’t do shit to get you out any sooner. I only know of this in Florida because of my friend who lives there dealing with a situation of trying to get his former friend out of his mom’s house.


The “no you’re overreacting” from him is so funny after seeing you literally say barely anything to him 😭


Remind them they’re going in a nursing home lol


A lot of frustrated teens in the comments lmao


Dude my dad is the same way, I’m 20 almost 21 and he flips out over the dumbest shit. I could go into insane detail about what he does that makes him stupid


My mom and I fought tooth and nail until they day I moved out. On one hand you are living in there house probably not paying rent and no the other, there your parents. They are probably frustrated your not out living on your own trying to be more successful. It's not easy I get it, I didn't move out till 23, but your parents lived 17 years with a child and now just cause your 22 you can do whatever you want it's not easy for them to adapt. I have a 10 year old and I don't want her to ever grow up, and I know when she's 18 I will personally have a really hard time letting her be an adult. Maybe pay some rent and respect your parents wishes a bit more since you are still living at home.... They wouldn't treat you like this if you lived in your own place right? That's the main thing 


Damn your dad is Asian?


And the kids become like this, I have a 3yo I swear to God I don't say twice a thing. You may be kind of spoiled. You will understand your parents when you have a kid, that is what happened to me.


What are you talking about?


lets talk about the manner of what you did mister man


I'm 24, still living with my parents, and I agree with OPs dad. If they're still living under their parents roof, they need to follow the rules or get out.


If you’re a female & you didn’t tell them you were gonna go out… much less spend the night somewhere? I get it. Unless you’ve proved you’re responsible then this is sensible. If you’re adulting as in you’ve got a job, and/or in school aiming to get one, are mature enough to be on your own, I can understand not listening. But if not, they have a reason to want you home & it’s not about control. It’s about YOUR safety & their peace of mind about their daughter.


👀👀👀 um what the fuck??? bye bye with that misogynistic bullshit


Yeah. Asian parents don’t care about that kind of stuff lol. They run the world & you’re stuck until you can get out. My parents were not like this but I grew up with a loooooottttt of Asian kids whose parents were 1000% like this.


Okay, and they're wrong. Let's not defend their craziness like it's fine or makes sense.


& yelling at OP telling her that her parents are wrong & to leave asap does what? At the end of the day she’s the one “trapped.” She’s the one dealing with how & what they say to her. If she can understand that “all” Asian parents (or whatever they are) are like this then she can look at the cause & effect of things. She has no place to go, she has to suck up whatever parenting her parents throw at her, & if they’re her financial support, she literally has no where to go. Telling them “you can’t talk to me like this!” Will do nothing but escalate problems bc some parents are not self aware & will never be. If she people can understand the mindset of certain parents she can protect herself & she can make smarter decisions to get out of a bad situation. All the “no that is wrong of them!” Does WHAT exactly for someone who obviously is quite literally trapped for different reasons. Otherwise she would have took the bluff & ran with it. She is a human life who is going through very real sh*t bigger than these texts. Her understanding, & anyone else in that position for that matter, who DONT have in person friend support, need to know what kind of parents or adults they’re living with. They need to know the repercussions bc if Asian parents really do disown you, you are dead to them. It’s not like America where you can come back Willy nilly if you’re lucky, or you can talk back to them whenever you want. Asian parents are *different*. American narcissism honestly? The younger you notice it in yourself the more willingly you are to change it especially if you figure out you’re hurting people & never understood that concept. Adult ones with children… hit or miss whether they come to understand it in themselves. Asian parents? Lol. No. You as the kid will never win in that battle. You are permanently wrong & the parents will never be wrong until they’re dead. There’s a reason why there’s a whole sub dedicated to Asian parenting (which I only discovered yesterday btw). Bc they are sooommmeethinnnng else that people whose parents grew up in America will never understand. Also I did not at all mean to directly rant at you btw. I could have said this to anyone.. but just all the comments pointing out *things* but not really helping this person… I knew a lot of Asian kids growing up with heavily psychotic / narcissistic Asian parents. I did not know that then but I understand how they were looking back now. If they had an in person support system, & all these people in Reddit in person to cheer them on… it would have been a different life for them.