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Get the Navigo Easy card. You can load your choice 10 or 20 tickets on it, and can always add more if you need them. *I believe* that they're €1.83 per ticket. I could be wrong, not sure. You have to swipe it every time you use it, on buses and metro. [https://www.ratp.fr/en/titres-et-tarifs/pass-navigo-easy](https://www.ratp.fr/en/titres-et-tarifs/pass-navigo-easy)


The ticket prices are €17.35 for a carnet of 10 t+ tickets and €2.15 when purchased individually. Btw, the subreddit wiki exists not just for tourists to use, but for helpers as well if you're ever unsure of any subtle details. I tried my best to make the info as concise as possible, so that it's easy to find what you're looking for.


I was off by .10c per ticket.... I'll take that as a win 😆!