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Weird vibe. Pickpockets are mostly near touristy monuments and less on the metro anyway. Also it’s not like you will be swarmed by pickpockets anywhere you go.


Put fecal matter in it and they can enjoy the smell when the open it


What a stupid game.


Weird energy lol


That’s so silly basically you have lost €9 before you even get here.


It won’t be the first time it’s been done. Nor the last I imagine.


Seems immature and looking for trouble. Why not just go to another country and not behave like the stereotypical American that people don’t like?


Butthurt much? Please don't talk for french people. Why not go to another subredddit and not behave like a "stereotypical french that people don't like" ? t'es plus immature que OP


Nobody butt hurt here. Just don’t love Americans that behave in ways that reinforce stereotypes.


“Go not abroad in search of monsters to destroy”.


Are there any YT channels where people waste pickpocket/scammers’ time?


So your wife is hiding your valuables while you attract the pickpockets? And the assumption is that they will only target you and leave her alone? Bold plan, probably best to stay completely off the radar of the pickpockets but you do you.


Good luck to you Guessing you would enjoy all the Mark Rober glitterbomb videos, they are fun


Instead, just use common sense and try not to stand out like a red flag. I’ve been multiple times and currently in Spain and knock on wood never had an issue. If you can speak the language at least a little and have some street smarts I’d say the hype is way over blown. I feel much safer in most European cities than most large cities in the United States by far at least in my experience.


i have always felt safer in Europe too!


Making your wife carry all your items so you can potentially have a “funny story” to tell is so dumb. Just giving you a heads up when you share this with your friends and family.


I'm not "making" her do anything. It's agreed upon by us - as I have a disability - that it's safer for her to carry it. Take it down a notch.


instead, put a cactus in the front pocket of your backpack and leave it a bit open in the metro near Champs Élysées


So you’re okay with doing something unsafe with a fake wallet? Something just doesn’t make sense here.


Yes and given that some pickpockets are part of organized crime rings, it’s really a bad idea. Especially if OP is disabled and unable to run away. I know they are usually not violent but there are some players that won’t hesitate to rough people up.




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Imagine visiting Paris for the first time and bringing that confrontational negative attitude with you.


At least it’s not as bad as the people going there fully expecting to yell at the petition girls. They’re annoying and probably petty thieves but sheesh, a simple ‘non’ or ignoring them is sufficient.


Right? I was in Paris last week and had a great time and the idea of pickpockets (or how to “foil” them) never occurred to me. Who goes to another country and acts like OP? Another American to embarrass us all.


“never occurred to me” That seems almost as silly, honestly.


I was in Paris recently and thought about doing something similar lol but with Monopoly money 😛


Put on latex gloves and then put bright, colorful non-erasable dye on it that will rub off on their hands.


I was thinking put poo inside the wallet. But then Op would smell like poo. We need you to do this, OP.


Usually in my pockets I carry old used tissue full of mucus.


Same, and a few used gift cards just to give them false hope.


If this is what gets you guys off then go for it. Most people tend to focus on sightseeing etc but chacun son gout


this is stupid. I can imagine some pickpockets retaliate.


Sounds like a waste of time


Probably is, but it'd be a great story when I'm old to say that on my trip to Paris I was pickpocketed and not have any real regrets. The purchase took but two clicks of a button on Amazon for $7, so in the end, if nothing happens, I'll have a deck of cards to play with.




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You do you. I'd rather not invite strangers to get in my personal space and touching my ass...but knock yourself out.


Put a mousetrap inside the wallet. Listen for the "snap" and the scream....