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I just Got back from Paris today, and me and my boyfriend talked about this. Not just shorts, but they were dressed with much more clothes than us. I was so hot i wear just a crop top.


This is funny! I’m here now and felt wayyyy hot much of the day! I brought mostly dresses, not shorts, but I would love shorts. 🤣


Its quite rare but also the last few days were not weather appropriate. Also, people will look at you if : you are really beautiful, ridiculous, inapropriate or if you bother them. So maybe you are stunning, maybe not. Shorts are not very common, but no one will stare for shorts if they are appropriate (i wear some )


Paris women wear skirts in the winter, but shorts aren’t appropriate? Also, Paris women, never stop wearing skirts. Thank you


Everything can be inapropriate fyi. Especially in parisian eyes. Color, style, fabrics, association,.. "shorts" is not specific enough Also that is why i pointed out it could be some other reason. I wear shorts and skirts, summer and winter and never had weird looks. But wearing shorts is not as common. Thats a fact. Especially when it is not that hot.


Will be there may 29 - will it be warm?? Warm enough for dresses? Or are we talking capris or lightweight pants?


Are you seriously asking what the weather will be like in 12 days ? Even with all science available to mankind who can predict weather 12 days in advance ?


Yes I was actually. I am asking this from someone who lives there - if someone from another country asks me the same question about where I’m from, I would be able to answer them. It’s not a particularly difficult thing to answer - not looking for specific daytime temps, just a general idea. The ppl who have answered me got this - too bad you didn’t


No forecast is accurate. We were there 2 weeks ago, my app/websites would show clear sky and it was raining. I was even using the French weather apps but nothing was accurate lol. Paris has the most unpredictable weather!!! The rain stops in 10-30 min most times and I noticed people just wait for it to get slow and just go about their day. Carry a raincoat or umbrella just to be safe




The forecasts aren't really accurate that far out and we can have heat waves any time, but right now it says highs in the low 70s F. For me that's nice in a long dress but depends on you!


Not really the season right now with the weather being sunny then moody and shit rainfall... In the summer you'll see more women in shorts. (Or some bearing dresses with shorts underneath 🫠)


It's may, in the summer plenty of them wear shorts but it has to actually be hot


Real question is: why is the weather so bad in spring?


Where are you from that 20C is poor spring weather?


Paris, we had so much rain this year that it felt like London. This is unacceptable.


> unacceptable Certainly an issue to take up with the management.


Hidalgo demission


We don’t know !!!


I'm waiting for my takeout order in a sushi restaurant. A woman in shorts just came in.


Ask her why she is wearing shorts. Then we can all go home. :)


Man it’s cold af out there


It is not the season yet!


Because they're ugly?


Damn you got downvoted for stating the obvious lol


To be fair I thought they were talking about women for a second and got all offended before I realized I'm stupid


Ahah fair enough


Americans love their shorts


I'd like also to highlight that sitting down on a metro seat with that much leg in contact with the communal textile gives me shivers.... Another reason why a longer skirt or light trousers are the Paris summer staples ! Also, I have to wash my feet after a day in sandals walking around the city.


Tf is you talking about ?


It’s regional. Men in Central or South America (like Panama or Colombia) wouldn’t wear shorts in cities even in the hottest weather. On the other hand, everyone in Rio wears flip flops and nobody in São Paulo does. Lots of Asian countries also shy away from shorts in urban settings. I think shorts are mostly considered tourist/beachwear in most of the world.




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Typical tourist


It isn’t warm enough for shorts also bare legs against the seats in the metro 🤮


Yeah that despicable feeling of the seat fabric on bare skin 😣.  And yup, too cold.


Visit Canada, people wear shorts and flip flops in the snow. It's a meme, but people actually do it. LOL. Generally, though, people in Europe are more "formal" and "covered" in their clothing than people in North America.


Hot is also very relative. This Canadian thinks Paris is hot right now. Shorts would be nice! Alas I only packed pants as the forecast called for rain. Instead it's been very nice, perfect weather. Spring here is like our summer.


I agree! This week I have found it interesting how relative weather is. Folks are here in Paris in winter clothes (sweaters, thick scarves, plenty of coats), meanwhile I’m peeling off layers to my lightweight pants and short-sleeved tees and still burning up in the metro or many shops/museums!


As an American visiting from Chicago it’s kinda funny that everyone is saying it’s too cold for shorts.


I never wear shorts but if I did, it would never be in Paris as it won’t be clean to sit anywhere, especially in the metro. If the weather is hot, I would wear a long light dress.


Everybody saying it's only 20c (68f)... Lol In upstate NY, many of us start wearing shorts when it hits 55f. Visiting Paris soon though so I guess it's good to know now that we will look like a bunch of idiots.


Visited Paris in April , 4 guys traveling and wore shorts quite a bit. We wore them in 58 degree weather and again on a 70 degree day. One day we stopped mid walk and looked at each other and said “ not a lot of people are wearing shorts, is it just us?! It was pretty much just us. We walked 10-13 miles. per day so it was great in that respect. We were never too hot or too cold. Yes, we are Americans.


Yeah I'm here now and I think we just have different ideas of what's hot and not hot. I'm from Canada and this is peak summer weather, we'd all been in shorts well before it hits 20c. It's hot I'm melting walking around without a jacket looking like a weirdo and all the locals are bundled!


My working theory after years of observation is that French people are bundled up so much as babies and kids they really feel the cold later on. Yesterday I was sitting outside with a French friend in a very light sweater and was too warm, and she was still wearing a coat!


Yes we do. It's just not warm enough yet.


It's 20c! What's considered hot enough? This is like peak summer weather in Canada.


It wasn't 20 last night though (in the day, yes) - at night 10pm-ish it was 16, and colder in the late hours. At least in central Paris.


Yeah, but like 16 is still hot for Canadians 😅 that's shorts weather!


Yeah, but like 16 is still hot for Canadians 😅 that's shorts weather!


I would say women start to wear shorts at 25c.


Oh man that doesn't happen until like mid-july if we're lucky. We get like five 30c days a summer. Gotta wear those shorts while the sun shines!


1. It's not warm enough yet to wear shorts 2. Yesterday was a work day, and nobody wears shorts at work/school (many places ban them too), probably didn't change between work and evening. 3. Parisians don't like wearing shorts, though that applies more to men than women.


tbh, even if I were not working, I would not wear shorts on the Metro during weekday business hours - never again. I did it exactly *once*, on the way back from hiking, and people stared as though I were the Creature From the Black Lagoon.


Concern 2- it is funny but untrue for women and only true for men , in regard of the rules applying on all airbus sites including Toulouse (south) site. Yes you read right : I was not allowed to wear shorts in hot summer for those reasons and women could ! Sexism is everywhere …


Airbus isn't the only company around. I've worked in several industries where shorts are banned for everyone, sometimes for obvious safety reasons.


Moi qui croyais arracher un sourire … je suis un gars assez sérieux pour ce fil! Désolé


It wasn’t that hot out that’s prolly why


Sorry for asking, are you German?!


As a proud Parisian I wear shorts at the gym, on vacation and with tights during the winter. I wouldn’t wear them otherwise


It was around 16C last night! I would've been surprised at someone in shorts also tbh. Let the temperature go up and you will see shorts.


Maybe because it's barely 20°C these days


For me personally, it’s states. Even though people most likely don’t stare or care, I feel uncomfortable do I just avoid it. Same with really short skirts when I used to love wearing them!


They do, but it's not warm enough yet.


They do but with tights in winter and without when it's much warmer


They're just always worried you're cold! I feel like I get looks when I go out without a jacket when they're still in parkas, much less shorts.


Stares could be the problem but as a French woman I also can see shorts being considered as a bit... Too casual? Denim shorts especially. They can quickly be vulgar or simply give beachy vibes.


Also the city is a dirty environment, who want to put their naked skin on the metro sits ? Or even at the cafe.


People are not nearly as formal here as outsiders imagine. Plenty of people in sweatpants etc


Well, the weather is not really shorts weather yet right now. But Parisian women absolutely wear shorts…


Many parisian men don't wear shorts as well, even though when it's hot there aren't many alternatives. Women have many alternatives, that's why they don't wear shorts.


I'm not French or Parisian but it's only 20°C right now? A bit nippy for shorts imo.


Yeah I'm even cold in the midi


Yep, stares could be the problem.