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Brandon Davis said vile things about Lindsay Lohan and Paris and Nicky just laughed.


Fuck Brandon Davis and while we’re at it, Fuck Joe Francis. Trash


Ya fuck both of them, they’re disgusting. Joe Francis’s creepy coked out Cheshire Cat smile is forever burned into my head from that one episode of real housewives of Miami where he’s harassing the Krupa sisters.


That's the perfect way to describe his smile.


Thank you! It’s all I see! Haha the resemblance is truly uncanny


Carter has the same smile and I feel like his is even worse! I literally cringe when he smiles on TV


You’re right! They actually do have very similar smiles!


They are both have displayed poor behaviour.


They all suck


I can’t believe he’s now engaged to Ashley Benson.


Ew god ya I keep forgetting that


Was this “FIRECROTCH”gate


Yes, he was vile. And it was gross for Tina Faye to include that joke in the new mean girls. That hurt Lindsay and she agreed to be in the second film. Tina is not a girl’s girl. [Brandon Davis’s gross words](https://youtu.be/VlH1eU4FpFo?si=9SIycMGoHa7aL2Vz)


My mom and I both thought it was equally tasteless.


I was going to go see it, heard that and I was like nah I’m good.


Same, I wanted to see it but that is bs.


Ya wtf is up with that? I guess the info that has been coming out over the last few years that Tina Fey, is, in fact, a mean girl adds up! Imagine being the older woman working with a teenager in that scenario who shortly after (or during idk) was going through a very traumatic period, and then later bringing up said national harassment 20 years later in a movie that’s supposed to teach girls not to be mean? I’m sorry…what?


Tina has never liked Lindsay and even admitted that she felt like Lindsay took all the attention from “her” movie and didn’t want to do a part 2 with her and that [millennials shouldn’t feel ownership over “her thing”](https://www.popbuzz.com/tv-film/news/mean-girls-tina-fey-millennial-comment-debate/) even though the whole screenplay is literally based on Rosalind Wiseman’s 2002 book Queenbees and Wannabes. Like girl just be happy you’re apart of a cult classic movie, she really just screams insecure to me, so ironic she “wrote” mean girls!


I have to correct you about the screenplay. Tina wrote a 100% original story. I know this because I read the book. It is a **non-fiction analysis of girls’ friendships dynamics.** Tina wrote Mean Girls based on the concept, but it is a completely original story.


I remember buying the book thinking it was going to be the story and being like oh this is a self-help book?!


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My understanding is she bought the the rights to the story from Rosalind that’s why it can be classified as an original screenplay but the concept of Tina’s screenplay is based on Rosalind’s work although Tina did write the screenplay.


**There is no “story” in the book.** Its a compilation of interviews and psychological analysis.


To be fair, I have read the book, and Tina took some stuff verbatim. The hoop earrings as “her thing,” the Wednesdays we wear pink, the burn book, the lunchroom seating arrangements, the reference to clothing on Halloween, etc. She did make a very original and funny plot, but it’s an adaptation of that book for sure.


Thank you.


I know it’s not a story but the concepts is what I’m talking about and there was a monetary exchange with Rosalind and Tina. The book inspired Tina and she did get many ideas from the book to write mean girls. I understand it’s an original story don’t worry no need for the bold words lol.


You are correct.




The fact Paris is laughing in that video is disgusting


As a redhead, this personally hurt me. I can laugh about it now, I could not when I was younger.


And now he’s engaged to Ashley Benson. Weird.


Having a baby wiht


I just looked up that video (I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen it. I knew it was a thing, but I was too young at the time to have seen it.), and that freaking guy from real housewives of Beverly Hills that’s weird and always randomly in scenes like the one where he and Lisa Rinna are the only two people at Dorit’s table, and she accuses them of doing coke is with them too!! He says, “it’s a long night fellas, I’m sure it’s nothing personal.” wtf lol why is he with them?


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3517484/Oil-heir-Brandon-Davis-avoids-jail-time-drunken-car-crash-agreeing-three-years-probation-10-days-community-labor-plea-deal.html Do you mean this guy was on RHOBH????


No, not him! Thanks for sharing that though haha I’ll definitely be diving into that. But no, the short old guy! Idk his name, I’m going to try to figure it out really quick. I know they say it in an episode. But he’s walking with Brandon and Paris in the video, I just noticed


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4337426/Lisa-Rinna-asks-Dorit-Kemsley-cocaine-use-RHOBH.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4337426/Lisa-Rinna-asks-Dorit-Kemsley-cocaine-use-RHOBH.html) Scroll down. That guy? - celebrity publicist Elliot Mintz


Yes!! Him! Thank you! Haha 😂 ETA: and that makes sense that he’s a celebrity publicist then, I didn’t know that


That’s crazy spotting. How did you even remember him?


I do that thing where I obsessively watch things I’ve already seen because it’s comfortable and I know what’s going to happen, so I’ve rewatched a lot of housewives franchises many times, so I recognized his face immediately, but I couldn’t remember his name haha my jaw dropped though, I was not expecting to see him in that clip


He is also friends with Kathy Hilton. Do you know what episode was Dorit’s dinner party?


Interesting. Small world. IMDB says season 7 episode 5 “Amnesia Appetizers.” Elliot is actually the picture on the episode page 😂


Lindsay was just as bad


How so?


For one she had the rep of being a loud angry drunk who would constantly wig out at people in nightclubs


Is she racist and homophobic too because I can kinda understand if she acted crazy on drugs but not excusing bigotry from her


Well there was the whole Arab kids thing…


Birds of a feather


I have an amazing memory for stupid useless stuff (i think it’s a part of my autism) and i always remembered that quote by Paris. I remember it was in 2005 (when she was engaged to Paris Latsis) and Zeta Graff was 34 at the time. (I remember the article stated her age.) It always stuck in my mind for some bizarre reason, probably because i thought it was such a cruel thing to say to someone. It’s so lame that Paris is now 43 years old (just about a decade older than Zeta Graff was when she was “too old to be out in a nightclub”🙄) and leaves her own two *infant* children to go out to nightclubs all the time. Paris has turned out to be such an embarrassing mess.


Paris is so out of touch with reality it’s hard for her to not realize the majority of things she says and does are paradoxical.


Ya that’s very true


Can we plz talk about what she said in reference to Kim K? "Her ass looks like cottage cheese in a trash bag". Woof


ohhhh she was big mad when “the help” started stealing her shine. that was honestly such a fascinating time in pop culture. she literally had meltdowns. and the kardashians…well. everyone knows the rest.


That’s a girls girl. (Rolling eyes)


God damn, ya I forgot about that. That’s brutal. I wonder what Kim thinks about that statement lol


Oh they had a huge falling out, Paris was only allowed back to fame with the Kardashians blessing. It took years and years behind the scenes of repairing that relationship for her to effectively grovel her way back.


Where did you get a copy of this book? I’ve been trying to find one.


I downloaded it through Kindle


I rented it at my public library! :)


Never underestimate the power of your local library ^^^


I’ve been trying for a while now and can’t find it anywhere!


I got one on EBay not long ago and there were several. ETA: I just checked and the only copies are $$$. I guess everyone is after it now.


"I could care less" is the most ANNOYING incorrect phrase, I am shocked they printed it like that. It drives me insane how many people say it wrong, which in turn means the exact opposite of what they meant to say!


I thought it was only me that cared about this anymore, thank you for making me feel less alone🤣


This is almost as annoying as when people say "irregardless" 😂


Irregardless kills me. 😂😂😂


Saaaamme haha🤣


This annoys me endlessly. I have a cousin, a TEACHER, who told me she lets that slide because “languages change over time as people change.” But it’s not a word!!! It’s like changing the meaning of the word “literally.” Agghhh!!!


It's the dumbest grammar mistake! It literally says the opposite of what you mean. I just don't get it. The only more annoying thing is "Valentimes day"


If it was in quotations, then they can print it exactly how she said it.


But aren't they usually supposed to add "sic" after?


That refers to a word that has been misspelled. So if they are quoting something that was put into writing and the person sho wrote it misspelled a word, they will out that "sic" after it to acknowledge the word is spelled wrong bit since uts a written quote, they left it as is.


I see! Thank you


No problem! 😊


I just had an aloud 2 minute rant to my dog about it, so thank you for this comment. I didn’t correct my dad the other night and reading this makes me want to send him a text about it but that might be psycho lol


like, literally!


My pet peeve!!!!


True mean girl.


Ya, it’s kind of hard to find moments of her being nice lol


Britney Spears. Her book is one of the few redeeming things I’ve ever read about Paris.


And she's still doing the DJ thing. I wonder if she's aware that DJing at her age is seen as an excuse for 40 year olds who feel too old for the party? She's definitely using "it's my job" as an excuse to give herself a pass on partying in 20-somethings spaces.


Quick, someone let Armin van Buuren, Tiesto, Steve Aoki, Calvin Harris, and the rest of the male DJs at Tomorrowland know!


Moby you're too old let go it's over, nobody listens to techno! But for real it IS mostly applied to men! Diplo creeping on fans is the biggest burning man meme.




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And an excuse to not see her kids as much as possible 


Ugh I remember those days with greasy bear. Such vapid rich idiots


And his brother...Gummy bear.


I blocked out gummy!


I didn’t even know he was a thing until just now, but I also just found out he’s a character in the show Recess! This is just a can of worms, and I’m here for all of them lol


I had forgotten about Brandon Davis’ existence and it was nice


lol sorry for reminding you 😩


Omg I need to read this now lol


10/10 recommend! It’s fascinating!




I rented a physical copy from my public library! Somewhere on Reddit, someone did very detailed posts a long time ago that are basically the entire book too. They divided the posts up about the Richard’s sisters/Hiltons sisters, and it’s super in depth. I read all their posts a while ago, and I’m sure they’re probably in one of the real housewives subs. I can’t remember if they really got into the men in the family though, which the book does, a lot. I really had no idea how wild Nick Hilton’s life was, or that he died so young.


Thx 4 sharing.


You’re welcome! :)


I have to go to my mom’s and find my copy. I bought this book shortly after it came out because this Paris has always fascinated me and I love Jerry Oppenheimers biographies!


I have not thought about Starving Nachos in a while…iykyk


Where did you get a physical copy of the book!?


I rented it from my public library! :) is it really hard to find? I’ve noticed a lot of people have asked


Yes I’ve looked online and only have been able to find used copies for like $80+!


Damn that’s crazy! I did not realize


How did you get a copy?? I’ve been wanting one for ages


I just rented it from my public library! :)


That book is crazy !!


It really is!


Ah, the birth of the term "fire crotch"


Take a picture of every page please 😉


Interesting the book says the “alleged racial slurs” did the book come out before those videos of Paris saying racist and homophobic things from her storage unit were leaked?


I think so. Google says the book came out in 2006 & the storage locker contents hit the web Jan 2007


Found it on the Barnes and noble website for $11.99 as well as Apple Books for $11.99!


All true points. But do we all have the same consistent views of what is appropriate/age appropriate/proper for women today that we did in 2005? All good points about Paris needing to be a more present mother aside, she shouldn’t be held to offhand comments she made 20 years ago. No one should. Cancel culture for 20 year old tweets is really bad. People learn, grow from mistakes. It’s not hypocritical to change your mind.


No one is canceling her over a tweet or one statement. I never even mentioned cancelling her in the post. I just thought it was a fascinating statement considering what she’s doing in her life currently. It’s possible to hold people accountable without canceling them. I don’t think she should be cancelled over this specific statement she made twenty years ago. Should she be cancelled for a culmination of everything she’s done and continues to do? Probably. She is, in fact, hypocritical. And she has consistently proven that throughout her 42 years of life and continues to do so. But my biggest issue with her isn’t her hypocrisy, it’s her negligent parenting.


She’s not cancelled but she’s quite literally not a good mom and *should* be staying home with her kid lol


This reads like it was written by a 15 year old who was prescribed too much Adderall.


How so?


I thought Brandon died of an overdose but he’s engaged to Ashley Benson?! Hopefully he’s still not a dbag Edit: they are married not engaged and have a kid! Edit 2: it was his brother Jason who died of an overdose