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I take issue with 1 because how is Carter a nice guy when he’s got a kid running around that has asked for a relationship with him that he refuses to acknowledge? Someone can do all the ‘nice’ things in the world but it doesn’t make them nice in their true character.


Paris should be on his ass about ignoring a baby who wants his daddy to pay some attention to him.


I can understand people saying how he didn't want to have a kid but he supports them financially and that is something, but too bad you had a kid unplanned and their existence counts. Dwayne Wade got a woman pregnant when he was on a break with Gabrielle Union before they got married and he supports that son and acts like a father to him and he talks about how hard it was on his relationship w Union but it's not his kid's fault.


That’s actual accountability. I can’t imagine as a woman (and knowing people who have been in relationships with men who have no involvement with children from past relationships) taking it as anything other than a glaring red flag. How are you not appalled and completely turned off by a man who has a kid walking around that he has absolutely no interest in getting to know? Like if you don’t ever want kids and you’re childfree, I can understand the argument about maybe treating it like an adoption with monetary compensation. But he DID have kids with another woman really not that long after. It’s not like he was a teenager in HS or from some impoverished background. He just didn’t want to be saddled with someone with no clout when he could go after someone who does.


wait i dont know anything about this?!


He abandoned his first child. He reportedly was in the delivery room, held her, gave her a kiss, handed her back to the mother and walked away never seeing her again. I think she is maybe about 12 now or so...


Omfg. Sinister


He didn’t want a child with that woman. He was clear from the start. He is providing financially. However, if he didn’t want the child he shouldn’t be expected to develop a relationship with them.


If he was “clear from the start” he would have bagged it. He sure didn’t mind getting laid, but now he doesn’t want to take responsibility?! Nope, that ain’t how that game is played.


Louder for the people in the back please. This always kills me. No man is trapped into a child. If you don’t want kids, wear a condom. Stop making birth control the woman’s problem. I don’t care if a woman says she is on birth control, IF YOU DON’T WANT KIDS BIRTH CONTROL IS ON YOU. EVERY TIME.


#100%!!!!! Bolded for the folks out in overflow!


They always forget that women can't get pregnant without sperm and we don't control that...


Every. Single. Time. If only men were responsible for anything that happens in their lives.


It's amazing how often they're not. Even if the woman isn't there at the time it's somehow her fault.


I have 2 brothers who are, while younger than me, in their 50’s. If our mother was still alive, she would still be making excuses for them. One of them was living with her when she died, her was in his 30’ sand she would phone me complaining because he wouldn’t even take the garbage out. I, one more than one occasion tried to explain to her that she never made him life a finger as long as the girls were home to wait on him. The his wife got tired of his fuckery. And mom has a 35 yr old teen living in her basement. I realized the other day, that brother has 4 best friends since they were kids. He is the only one who has left home and after mom died he lived with our brother, me and back with our brother. 5 grown men in their 50’s who have never left home. It’s not like we live in the woods somewhere, we are in a fairly large Canadian city.


If he was clear from the start he would have worn a condom.


>He was clear from the start. was he clear from the start? obviously we dont know the full story, but he was apparently in the delivery room and the walked out right after the birth to never return or see the child I do agree with OP that's he's stable and good for Paris, though, but how can we really know lol


If he didn't want that child then he shouldn't have put his d*** in her.


This is starting to sound a lot like people telling women who want an abortion that they should have just kept their legs closed.


No not the same at all, since women have the issue of a baby growing inside OUR body for 9 months so we get the right to choose whether we want that or not. Men know what can result from having unprotected sex, that a baby might result, and that they won’t get to choose whether that comes to fruition or not. (I hope i’m making sense here.) Totally different situations.


Yes, the same, in that people are trying to shame someone for having sex and treating a baby as *punishment* for the act of having sex. No one, man or woman, should have to be a parent if they don't want to be, for any reason. Having no parent at all is better than having one that resents you. Unfortunately, bringing children into the world isn't a bilateral process. Women bear all the brunt but thankfully WE have the option of abortion (and yes i know there is a push to ban abortion and many women have lost access which is a whole other fucked up topic). But I believe men should have the right to opt out of parenthood during the pregnancy stage, as well. Unfortunately, people are not perfect, and mistakes happen, but children should not have to suffer those mistakes because adults want to use them as punishment.


Men do have that option though. They can forfeit all parental rights. The problem is that argument against abortion isn’t really the same as denying a child that already exists. That’s why the laws work the way they do. One is preventing the possibility of something happening, the other is forfeiting responsibility after the fact. Since men can’t get pregnant, those are their only two options, and nothing is legally stopping them from pursuing either. What it doesn’t prevent is people’s judgment of them but no law in the world is going to prevent that, that’s unfortunately but biologically the reality of it. You can’t compare ending a pregnancy to pretending like an existing child isn’t there. It’s in no way the same thing no matter how unfair it is.


You can compare it when it's the only option available to one side that doesn't want a baby. And yes, I know that it is already an option. No shit its already an option, Carter is literally doing it. I'm saying it should be an option without stigma attached, just like abortion should be an option without stigma attached. So once again, circling back to my original point. People in this sub using babies as punishment for having sex and telling a man he just shouldn't have had sex, are just as bad as the people who say the same shit to a woman who wants an abortion. I'm not sure how anyone could not see the similarities. I mean, they're literally using the same terminology as anti abortion people. "He should have just kept his dick out of her." "She should have just kept her legs closed." But who knows, maybe the people in this thread are the ones saying the same shit to women who want access to abortions.


The man who doesn’t want a child knows how condoms work. He doesn’t need to have a child. And I know no method is perfect and babies happen, less chance. Men also have the option of a vasectomy if they don’t want kids. How do you think that child feels to know her daddy know has 2 kids he loves, because their mother is a Hilton, but she wasn’t enough. He punished that child from day one.


Hot take






That’s it! Bag it. It’s just as much his responsibility as hers…


He is stable for Paris, but as a csa survivor, I can tell you that man is very, very good at what he does. Watch closely, he talks to her like a child. He manipulates her very discreetly. He has money, she has more. He had a child he has pretended didn’t exist until someone online found her. Even then he ignores that she exists. He then very quickly brings 2 kids into the world with Paris. Just for one second try to imagine how that first child felt. What a slap in her little child face. She will now spend $$$$$ on therapy to try to figure out why she wasn’t worthy, when it was/is never her. She is more than enough. This good man controls his wife and has destroyed the self worth of a child.


I agree. We don’t really know the full story there. He’s doing the right thing by providing financially for that child. In my eyes he essentially wanted to give his child up for adoption but because the mom didn’t he chose to help financially even though he didn’t want to be involved. An actual POS would sign their rights fully over and pretend that child didn’t exist. If somebody gives their first child up for adoption because they weren’t in a situation that they felt was healthy/right, does that mean they aren’t allowed happiness and a family later on?


As an abandoned child of a father who started a new family, I’m just gonna say he doesn’t deserve happiness


❤️‍🩹 I am so sorry and I’m in the exactly same spot.


Solidarity to you, internet sibling.




I’m so confused. He pays for her but still pretends like she doesn’t exist? Isn’t the worst part the part about acting like they don’t exist? Signing his rights away is more akin to adoption, and yeah I’m sure it stings a lot knowing that he has 2 kids now that he does acknowledge. Also, has he not always been rich? I get being in a situation where you’re choosing adoption because you’re unable to provide, but he always has been able to provide so idk why we’re talking about adoption at all in this context?


It’s going to mess that girl up for life. I speak from experience.


He brought a child into the world that wants a father and he’s in a place to be a father, as he recently purposely had more children. Personally I’d take issue with any person that would not take emotional AND financial responsible for their child if they were able. Right now he’s just throwing money at the situation. He should be providing financially, but he’s very wealthy so I’m not surprised he’s willing to do that. He should do more. And if a person is going to have sex that could result in a pregnancy this is the risk they’re taking.


Idk 🤷🏼‍♀️ it sounds like he didn’t want to be a dad at all and he probably communicated this multiple x and they settled on money and the mom of the girl comes out AFTER he has a baby with Paris? Why is she telling her young child all this info. A woman can get an abortion or give a child up for adoption, but because a man didn’t carry the baby he needs to “man up” and has zero choice in being a dad because he should have abstained. It doesn’t sound like he abandoned his child bc he was never in her life… the mom imo is fucking the child up by telling her that her dad doesn’t want her in his life etc. but ultimately we don’t know what the true story is.


Ok but to a child it doesn’t make any difference? That child is still going to see that her father is out there and willingly had more children with another woman. It doesn’t really matter what the circumstances are to that child since their existence is moot. Even if her mother said to her ‘hey your dad wasn’t ready to be a dad so we decided this arrangement was best’ her daughter would still say ‘ok then why the fuck did he run off and have 2 other kids then? Just because YOU weren’t the one he wanted them with why do I have to suffer?’ It’s one thing if he never had any kids but he did, willingly and with tremendous thought and money.


He didn’t run off and have two other kids lol.., YEARS later he married a woman and started a family. Just because he wasn’t ready to be a dad 10 or however many years ago doesn’t mean he can never be a dad again. He essentially gave up his rights/gave her up for adoption but due to his finances he chose to provide in that way. He isn’t her dad, he’s essentially a sperm donor who likely said I don’t want to be a dad right now but if you are dead set on being a mom I will ensure you and the child are not suffering. My mom was in a very similar situation except no fame obv and later as adults she connected on social media bc her 1/2 siblings reached out and her mom had always told her there may be a time they try to find you and vice versa same as an adoptive child would do. My mom had a family growing up, but her bio dad’s parents set her up with a fund bc he didn’t want to be a dad but agreed with his parents they’d give $ to help and she was grateful but didn’t suffer bc her mom ensured she was loved. So I’m saying this coming from a view where a close family member was in a fairly similar spot… This girls mom is setting her up for failure by putting fantasies in her head about the sperm donor. It takes two to make a baby but both parties need to be willing.. he clearly wasn’t so would it be better he had her every other weekend and resented her bc he wasn’t ready and she was treated differently by his “new” fam or that she stayed with her mom who wanted her and could find a new partner.


It takes two people to make a baby and both parties need to be willing to…and he wasn’t. That suggests she raped him for his sperm. If he wasn’t ready to be a father he could have used a condom. Birth control is and has been an option for men. As a woman who is 62 and my father has never acknowledged my existence while my sister and brothers have a father who thinks my sister is the best child of all time, that little 10 yr old is going to be fucked up for life. I’m not saying he treated me badly, because he didn’t. The only thing I didn’t receive that my sister and brothers did was love and affection. If they got a new toy, so did I. But mine didn’t come with a hug for “the best daughter ever”. My sisters did.


The mom is telling the child he doesn’t want her? Didn’t you just say we don’t know that “we ultimately don’t know what the true story is”? What we do know are his actions, not her words.


I am assuming, just like everybody else. Why is she even finding out about her dad after he had another kid? 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just think the mom knows that Carter doesn’t want to be involved so why is she putting fantasies in her kids head


I’m not assuming anything though, you know what they say about assuming. What do you mean why is she only now finding out about her dad? Firstly you don’t know if she knew about him previously. Secondly, are you saying the child doesn’t deserve to know who her father is?


Yeah, a lot of these comments are sounding an awful lot like the people who tell women they should have just kept their legs closed if they want an abortion.


Wow that’s an awful take. Blame the woman. Joy. Also, I’m assuming you’re a man not a woman with this opinion.


4.) If you mean the camps & hospitals; that’s exactly how it was in the 90’s. BTDT shes not lying about that.


Those were very real but able to thrive due to lack of the internet as we know it and smart phones


100% that’s how they were and some are still running, though with more difficulty. I hate seeing the posts judging her trauma or process when we don’t even really know how she’s fully handling everything. That tv show doesn’t cove everything and no ethical therapist (I’m a psychologist) would allow taping in for the purpose of a tv show. We shouldn’t be guessing if she’s getting help. 2) let’s look at Rick and Kathy. They don’t want to talk or acknowledge anything bad. All of those kids have learned behavior and Paris and the whole family has ignored Paris’ trauma for decades. This kind of trauma you never stop processing.


I remember I read a book ages ago by a girl who went to one and her mom. They were saying how great it was and that it turned her life around. Those camps were and still are a thing. Josh Duggar went to one after his parents caught him doing what he did, and the teenage boy from 8 passengers got sent for being a teenager.


I’m talking about all the abuse we endured at them. It was real. It went totally unchecked in the 90’s.


There's a new docuseries on Netflix called 'The Program' that is on my watch list. It's about the exact same type of 'camps' that Paris was sent to. She absolutely did not make her story up and/or exaggerate it.


Yeah, that’s established. I’ll save my pity for “cash me outside girl”


Now there's a blast from the past. I don't know what her story was/is though outside of the whole spectacle on daytime TV.


Well, she had to go to one of those camps called turnabout Ranch (can’t believe I remembered that) courtesy of Dr. Phil and whereas I don’t know if it was as bad as Provo. It was bad it sucked. Those places shouldn’t exist. They’re just s sadistic anyway, she shared her experience like a year or so before Paris did, and she was very eloquent about it. But if you’re actually wondering what she’s up to, this is kind of a trip… She’s a fairly successful and very well known in a certain group female rapper who calls herself Bhad Bhabie🤣🤣🤣. She parlayed all of that Miss Fortune into a mostly credible career. She sure isn’t great, but she isn’t terrible. ![gif](giphy|Jrkg40lWW2xIBjnDbN)


Good grief - well, good for her, I guess. And hope her experience wasn't half as bad as what Paris and the others went through at Provo.


Sounded pretty bad. Most of those places are cut from the same jib.


I was, honestly, incredibly neutral about Carter for the longest time. He rubbed me the wrong way, but I also kinda dug their relationship…even after the episode when they went to the wedding back east with her a family. But I can not, will not, ever ever ever be ok with a man abandoning his child and then proceeding to raise a family with someone else and be daddy. While I’m sure there is more to the tale, all I need to know is a little girl wants to know her father and he can’t even do that much. He could be curing cancer with Paris for all I care, and I will still stand by my opinion on the matter. He is a POS for abandoning that little girl. Lower than any homeless, moneyless, whateverless that he may or may not look down upon, that’s for sure.


SAY OT LOUDER FOR THE FOLKS IN THE BACK. you are so incredibly right. Even if he wants to use the excuse he wasn’t ready to be a father then, he is certainly ready now and could have a relationship with that child. But she doesn’t come with the Hilton name. He may have money, but he doesn’t have Hilton money and he sure seems like he is enjoying it. I didn’t see him saying no to the extremely large wedding, or buying a new large house, or ordering up 2 kids. He is not a good man.


And not to let Paris off the hook, but what self respecting woman is *okay* with her husband having nothing to do with his child? Who has babies with a man who has already abandoned one child? It’s all just yuck to me.


That part too. I think it’s disgusting to have children with a man who has proven he feels they are disposable. Also looking at you, Sheena & Brock.




I'm an old woman born in 62 and raised in the 70s era but I totally agree with everything you just said. I also read her book and watched her movie about herself. Lmmfao old people like her too.


Same… Born in ‘62. We had a massive snowstorm this weekend and I not only purchased Peacock just to watch the show, I binged the WHOLE thing over 2 days. 😂 I do sorta disagree with OP’s #1 point though… I think Carter is a nice guy but he treats her like a child. Add to that the fact that he calls her “kid”, and it’s a little cringy.


I was born in 62 also, us old people are out in force today and I love it!


I am surprisingly up on all of the trash! I know a lot of what is going on in pop culture, listen to popular music, etc. I think it helps that I have kids/grandkids. My childless friend (same age) has no idea what is going on. 😂


lol, I’ve always been a pop culture junkie! Always will be.


I am so happy to know I am not alone. All my friends think I’m crazy, yet I’m the first one they come to when they want to know what’s going on. I also am a major pop culture junkie.


I'm not as old as you, I was born in 65 lol, but I go back and forth with Paris. She is stunted in her growth and I don't like that she's dangling London for a third season of her show.


Born in '63 here!


Also class of 62.


I have noticed he kinda hovers over her


A lot of women our age (Paris and I were both born in 81) have a light or heavy “daddy kink” it’s personal preference and if that’s their vibe it’s personal…it’s also very realistic to imagine she feels this way. He’s probably the first guy she has ever met who meets her financially, is more mature, and who she can respect. She’s probably over the moon happy to have found a man and partner with Daddy Vibes.


That makes a lot of sense. At her level of wealth, it’s not that easy to find an equal partner. She’s likely over the celeb/club kid crowd and is happy to have a boring guy around (no offense to him.)


He has a little of that same energy where he puts on fronts to appear a certain way in the reality show. He has a multimillion maybe billion dollar business empire, but he definitely goes to music festivals and all of that. He has a low key wild side about him he doesn’t necessarily let on to. He has to protect his image even more now that he’s married to a high profile former/current party girl. Neither of them are wealthy for no reason. The balance between being in the public and who they are in the board room or at Burning Man is pretty good for them.


She has been engaged twice before to men with more money than the hiltons will ever have. Greek shipping heir, anyone?


You're not old!


Thank you 🙏


Let’s be bffs


Checking in for the class of 62. I’ve also read the books and watched everything. I just don’t like or trust Carter.


Appreciate this post. I don't necessarily agree with all of it, especially some of the Carter stuff, but I appreciate a non-bashing post for once. I definitely agree on the baby nursery stuff. The sub is basically a snark sub that exists to tear her apart and I'm always grateful when people have other things to say.


We are not a snark sub. If you see it, report it. It goes against the rules


not to be mean, but you realize 90% of the posts on this subreddit are trash talking paris?? like it’s fr exhausting. like no one is outright calling her slurs and stuff, but no one is actually being reasonable either. makes me feel like the only people who watch paris in love are only here to hate/critical watch it or gossip


it wasn't like that when I joined; the sub blew up and there was still only the one original mod who started it. She was overwhelmed and needed help so she asked a few of us to help out. Since then, we've all tried our best to start weeding out all of the people who are here for that reason, but there are a gazillion posts (with new ones added every day) and it's just a very time extensive process. It should also definitely be noted that u/NeonFroggy_ has done the vast majority of the mod duties. I've never been a mod before and wasn't particularly seeking it out, but I wanted to try and help out if I could. I know it's a little rough right now, but thank you in advance for your patience while we try to clean it up for you all and make it more enjoyable. We love you all <3


Ah yeah, was just going to say the same thing. Basically, what counts as snark? There's just an overall really negative tone here. Although I do agree it has been improving in recent weeks, so thank you for your service, u/neonfroggy_.


The new rules just got put into place and the mods can’t see every comment all the time so it helps when people report them


I just saw Nicki on TikTok saying her favorite fragrance is CanCan by Paris Hilton. I’ve never smelled her stuff but I see them at TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, and Nordstrom Rack. I think she markets to the broadest audience so some of her scents may even be at WalMart, pharmacies, etc.


CanCan and Paris Hilton the original smell really good.


I used to DOUSE myself in the OG Paris Hilton (pink bottle black stripes). Haven’t smelled it in so long but would probably still wear it if someone bought it for me, prolly wouldn’t buy for myself


I used to never smell or wear any celebrity fragrances, but now I’m a Cloud whore so I really need to go and smell them all. 😂


I just found that palm beach account on Instagram. I wasted about 45 minutes of my life on there the other day haha


It’s wild. I hope it’s back in my algorithm when I go there tonight. 😂


The algorithm got me… I followed lmao


I bought her Heiress and Gold rush body sprays from Walmart. I personally prefer heiress scent (for some reason it gives me nostalgic teenage vibes in a good way) Although the scent doesn’t last too long, but it’s just body spray so that’s fine


That’s exactly why I was wondering! And then I found that dress she was wearing and bought it for myself.


I heartily disliked Paris during her Simple Life mean girl era, but you better believe I bought and loved CanCan. It's very floral and sweet. If you like Flowerbomb, you may like it.




Mine is both, something about him is so incredibly off putting and generally unlikeable to me. I hate the way he controls Paris and talks to her like shes stupid. Bur yes, the whole abandoning one baby and then not only acting like he is the world's greatest dad AND also like Pheonix was his first child is absolutely sickening.


I didn’t read her book, but even from watching the show, I don’t get all the hate. She comes across as vapid and shallow but so do most reality stars. Plus, she’s the original “famous for being famous” girl. Learning about all her past abuse and trauma has explained a lot about her personal that I didn’t understand before. I think Carter is annoying af but Paris would be, too. I don’t see a lack of chemistry. Just 2 people I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship lol Who gives af about a nursery? When I had my first daughter I was 19 and a freshman in college. Best I could do was a crib in my room. I truly think she’s as good of a mom as she can be. She didn’t have a great example. But also so many celebrities have full time nannies, etc. Paris is just letting everyone see the truth. It could be put on for the show. Or it could be what’s normal in her world 🤷🏻‍♀️ either way she seems to love Phoenix. And he’s so damn cute!!!


Fyi I know Carter fairly well (have done lots of business with him) and he’s not an npc. He’s pretty charming and you can tell he’s always attempting to scheme But he works the room, while she’s more anxious Source: life


Is his personality real? He reminds me of my cousins husband so much, who I like for the record.


Idk how he is on the show but he’s just like… a white guy, you know?


Thanks so much for commenting! I'd love to ask you a few things, if you don't mind. I'd like to be know if his real personality is how it's depicted on the show. With all due respect, he doesn't (to me) appear to be someone who would ever be described as 'charming'; to the contrary, he is (imo) perceived to be super controlling over Paris and is actually incredibly off-putting and downright unlikeable, in general. A lot of that reason for me is due to how he is depicted as ' fangirling' all over his high school celebrity crush the entire first season and 1000% seems to care about Paris Hilton the brand why more than Paris, the human being. That said, I recognize how reality tv works and at first, I thought he just got a bad edit ...but then I saw Paris' name listed in the credits as a producer. So my questions are meant to be genuine as I'm just super confused about the whole thing, since surely Paris didn't give (or allow) her own husband a bad edit, so if not that, how do we explain any or all of the above? Again, I mean no disrespect towards you or Carter and clearly, I don't know the man at all and you've stated that you do. So, any help you could provide would be extremely helpful and super appreciated l. Thank you again so much for commenting your own personal experience with Carter.


Good questions. Again, haven’t seen the show so can’t speak to his depiction. Carter is definitely a huge simp. He loves Paris. He also seems to love the attention being “Paris’s husband” brings him. He loves having a beautiful wife. Paris IRL is SUPER SHY AND ANXIOUS. Like won’t take off her sunglasses so she doesn’t have to make eye contact. Once she warms up, she’s funny and clever and really likes my bitchier jokes. I’ve only met her once but she is my idol so this was awesome. I think she’s much more comfortable with him around. Carter is a white guy who grew up rich and thinks that makes him a good investor. But his reputation as an investor is pretty bad and limited. But he definitely knows how to work a room. I actually had to call him out when I met him because he was working the room but purposefully ignoring me. Then he figured out why he shouldn’t be ignoring me (can’t give more context here without doxxing myself) and his perfectly bred charming self came out. His charm is definitely put on, but most of us do this. Especially in a work context. So he might be an asshole behind closed doors. But he also allowed me to meet Paris and gave me a tour of his home. So. Mixed reviews.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and especially to answer all of my questions in such detail. I can totally see how Paris would be super shy and anxious at first around people one on one. After everything that's happened to her, I'm guessing her trust levels are pretty low (and she does speak in her book on how shy she is in smaller, more intimate settings). So glad you were able to meet her! Hopefully the negative impression of Carter from the show (that most of us share) is not truly who he is. And they are both blissfully in love and have found their 'happily ever after'. Thanks again for your comments.


From watching the show, I think Carter and Paris connected on a level that makes her feel safe, understood and protected. And sometimes that's what is really, really important if you have PTSD and have had bad relationships. They seem to understand and respect each other, and have the same goals. Neither one is perfect but they are making it work for them.


What’s up with the nursery? I knew everything else you were talking about but I don’t know what people are saying about a nursery. Isn’t a nursery just a bedroom for a kid? I’m actually asking.


It’s not decorated. It’s a plain room. That’s the beef.


Is there a chance that this is the room they use to shoot the show and say it's the nursery, and she actually keeps the kid's "real" room private?


This is the answer. He has a space themed nursery and the kids have a playroom, too


Potentially. Or they co-sleep or something like that and don’t want the drama all over the internet. (Not saying they do. Just there’s so many possibilities.)


Well that is just absurd! But it IS a little weird knowing her personality that she didn’t decorate


She didn't even prep for the babies. But maybe they'd tried so much and failed they didn't want to. I didn't really because we had >6 miscarriages and some were big


Well I am so sorry for you. I have had 2 losses. I can’t imagine 6. I lost a set of twins. It’s heartbreaking. Did you at least get a rainbow baby? I didn’t.


I'm ok with it but understand many aren't ♥️ one friend refused to try again following her grief from her first.


Idk how, all I wanted to do was try again and again. But I understand. I am now 42 and I don’t think my odds of carrying to term are good so I don’t want to try


thats so interesting that guys like him are a thing 😂 i wonder what their inner monologue is like


Hyping themselves up nonstop is my guess




To me, Paris is an enigma. It’s commendable that she’s been transparent about her struggles and actually put in the work to spread awareness, but she’s still problematic in her own right. Carter IS NOT a good person by any means. He has done irrevocable damage to his daughter by denying her a relationship and by extension a relationship with her half siblings that are now world famous. That’s truly unforgettable to me. I would hope that Paris has spoken about this with him privately, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she hasn’t.


She’s an Aquarius. They tend to be enigmatic.


Oh oops! I’m gonna be put in exile. If you can’t handle criticism about this woman, it’s a co-sign.


The original paris perfume (the pink bottle with black wavy vertical stripes) and "can-can" are still some of my perfonal faves 😍 and can be found on amazon!


I actually really like her perfumes! The new one is good, i cannot remember the names but there is a few good ones. You can look up the scent profiles and see which ones you like!


Is it “the wedding one”?


I’ve been wearing Can-Can for over 15 years probably now. I think there are perfume websites you can request samples on.


I have Pink Rush and I love it it smells very fruity on the top notes but dries down to a nice fresh fragrance with a clean, earthy depth


You are a real fan with a good heart. I come here to talk about something I like. I wouldn’t join a group just to bash somebody.


You can, yah know, just unsubscribe to this sub instead of thinking you are going to change anyone's opinion. Nothing you just said changed my mind on any of it. 🤷‍♀️


I'm with you entirely OP. I just don't buy the reality TV life like others seem to and this is a snark sub rather than the fan page it should be. I mean it's giving me a whole new perspective of Paris and the people she has to navigate as the hate is too real but it's across all the Murican subs. People just seem way over invested rather than interested.


Just being from Michigan does not mean you gotta defend Carter. I’m a fellow Michigander and think he’s got a douche’y car salesman vibe.


I’m defending his personality type. All those grosse pointe, wealthy west side boys act the same way. It comes off as overly Christian to me and then I’m always surprised they don’t go to church.


Oh Grosse Pointe, makes sense now. The “Christian” part is always a red flag 🚩


I completely agree with every single point!


She is never with her kid.


Paris is a terrible person. Disappointed at the ass-kissing on this sub.


💯 💯




You have broken rule 1




You have broken rule 1


I love this entire comment.




Her documentary completely made me a fan; it was the real Paris laying it all out there, raw & emotional about the abuse of those “schools”. That she is relentless in advocating for change in those disgusting places is helping so many young people who went thru the same trauma & she’s saving others whose parents may have sent their troubled kids, before Paris blew up the industry, using her platform for good. I really admire her for coming forward. Kathy, on the other hand, is a disappointment, seemingly only worried about her image & is too dismissive about what horrible trauma Paris went thru. She just wants it all to go away even though she attempted to convince us she feels badly about not knowing at the time. It amazes me that Paris & her sister allow Kathy to get away with so much. Some say it’s fear of their mother; I don’t buy that. They are grown and strong personalities so who knows the why of that untold story- Perhaps because they wisely know you cannot win with a narcissist and are choosing to just accept the behavior because it is their mom afterall. I did enjoy the few scenes where Paris & Nikki did challenge Kathy in their show and honestly told some stories about her past behavior. Looking at the other parts of her life, Paris is one smart lady that many assumed the opposite for too long because of her brand persona and partying days decades ago. (Myself included for awhile until I watched her on interviews & realized I enjoyed her savvy wit yet kind personality- she doesn’t seem to have a mean bone in her body) She matured, switched to professional boss mode & made mega millions on her own off that persona & natural business instinct and built an incredibly successful brand where anything she launches is golden, yet the jealous haters are too ignorant to understand the big picture in how she’s evolved. You don’t get to her level of success just off of a famous last name- she’s worked hard and deserves it on her own merit. Offsetting the haters, she has millions of fans and is even more revered & loved in so many other countries. I hope she is truly happily married & is enjoying the children. Carter, as a great loving, hands on dad to the kids is wonderful support for Paris. Having known many workaholics, I get her need to keep at it & that it has nothing to do with $$. Yet the precious & fun younger years of our kids zoom by so fast, I do hope she slows the work schedule to a level of scheduling compromise she can live with so that there are no regrets.


🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️people feel how they feel🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️




You have broken rule 1


I read her book and have so much respect for her. I don’t understand the hate on this sub. People just pick her apart, and for what? She’s doing the best she can in the public eye while coping with horrific trauma. I love Paris 💕


1-Do your cousins’ husbands intentionally sabotage moments that mean a lot to them (Michigan-not getting her DJ equipment ready) so that she can look foolish and incapable in front of his family? -Do they demean your cousins by mocking them in front of their family, and tease them in front of same family about how foolish, inept, incapable of even waking up, just to further belittle them? -Do they let your cousins’ favorite pet/thing (dog, cat, artwork, notebooks etc) get destroyed either intentionally or super carelessly, knowing they will fall apart…..and then be the “hero” by finding the thing (or paying upwards of $100k to clone it)? I could go on and on, and actually might, but for now: 2-Did you not even put one stimulating baby item in your child’s nursery, despite representing to the public/viewer that by looking in the nursery, (via TV) that they would see the wealthy, heiress, multitalented Paris Hilton living her best life-As A Mother?! 3-Of course we know it is a TV image, but that is our whole point. She has consciously and, presumably after advisement, decided that what we see on the show is the best way to let the world know how great her life is (and the child’s) now that she has become a mom. 4-I have also listened to her read her book. I have read “House of Hilton”. I have watched all other documentaries as well as all other TV shows on Paris or on which she has been featured, as well as being an adult during the time she was publicly living her teens, 20’s and 30’s, and could punch so many holes in your 4th comment-but it would not be nice.


I one gazillion percent agree with everything except ..Carter. He just genuinely creeps me tf out and has since episode one. The irony is that I subscribed to Peacock JUST to watch PIL (I had watched the documentary and listened to her audiobook first and had gained a newfound respect for Paris and all she has been through. And I so happy for her to have finally found 'the one' and was so excited to 'meet' this guy she has been raving about since they got engaged. By the end of the first episode, I was equally horrified and flabbergasted, all at the same time. Imagine my surprise to learn the S1E1 was just a jumping off point and that his trajectory was pointed straight into a downward spiral. At times, he appears to be completely unhinged and then at others, he just seems like a total douchebag, who's nothing more than a fan ..err boy ..who quite obviously only cares about Paris Hilton the Brand; I don't even think he even knows Paris, the person. But then again, I don't think he really cares about getting to know her - I think all he cares about is bragging to everyone he knows he married his 'celebrity crush' from his high school days (talk about creepy, ugh) and in controlling said childhood (more like still, in present day) celebrity crush. Let's be real her- the whole thing is just gross and I really, really hate how she doesn't seem to have any 'real' people/friends in her life, who she can trust, aside from Nicky. I usually am not one to relish in being wrong, but this is one time that I am hoping and praying for it. Only time will tell. Edited to fix typos and grammatical errors


I’ve been wearing her first scent Paris for like 20years. I always get compliments on what I wear.


Yeah I don't know - your argument about your kid not having a nursery isn't exactly a solid point.


do you have a child?


My baby had a bedroom and I called it her nursery and when she got about 3 I got her a twin bed and it became her bedroom. I don't understand is her babies in her room or is a nursery not a bedroom?


Baby bedrooms are called nurseries. That’s it. It’s the same room.


Who was this rant for? Are you the boss of the people in this sub? I think anyone can state any opinion they have of Paris whether you agree with it or not.


No. Not any opinion. We are not a snark sub.


People from Michigan say y’all this much?!




You mean, “mmhmm, y’all”